Welcome to Socialist Capitalism and Palin Parts the Red Sea

[picapp src=”f/3/f/6/Kenneth_R_Feinberg_1c88.jpg?adImageId=6469843&imageId=6403592″ width=”234″ height=”330″ /] This week, the Obama “pay czar”, Kenneth Feinberg announced that he would be cutting the cash salaries of TARP company executives by 90% and total compensation by 50%. My first reaction to this was utter elation. The part of me that is fed up with arrogant corporate CEO’s who are oblivious to the economic suffering of this country, and their contribution to it, raised his fist in a defiant “screw the fat cats!” It’s about damn time!

Then I paused a moment and thought, wow, I’m no expert on socialism but isn’t this the government controlling the detailed operations of what used to be free enterprise? Well, yes it is. So should we all be wringing our hands saying that Limbaugh, Beck and Malkin were all correct? Is it socialism today and communism tomorrow?

No, I don’t think so. What we’ve got here is an odd mix of socialism and capitalism tossed together and only for the time being. The government doesn’t own a huge stake in these TARP companies, we do! We, the taxpayers own a large chunk of these companies and we should be very pleased that the government, our proxy, is making these companies accountable for their behavior. Once these companies (AIG, Bank of America, Citigroup, GM, Chrysler and the two car company financing divisions) pay us back our money, then we will get out of their business. Until then, they should at least partially answer to us.

I call this socialist capitalism. It’s a free market system which when it breaks down based on abuses, stops being totally free and gets a good government slap on the wrist. It’s the answer to capitalism on steroids, which is what I believe got us into our current mess. As long as the government knows when to back off, I see no problem with this approach.

Let’s see what you think:

Republican Schism and the Palin Factor (or How Sarah Parted the Red Sea)

In a recent post, I warned of the imminent demise of the Republican party but I was wrong about how Sarah Palin could be instrumental in it. I’ve always seen Palin as pulling the party so far to the right that they fall off the edge of the Earth. What I didn’t count on was that our darling maverick would go completely rogue on the GOP and back a candidate opposing the Republican Party. But yes friends, that is indeed what has happened. In the 23rd congressional district House race in New York, Sarah Palin has endorsed Conservative Party candidate, Doug Hoffman over Republican Party candidate Deirde “Dede” Scozzafava. By helping to dilute the conservative vote, Sarah may hand the traditionally Republican district over to Democrat Bill Owens on a silver platter.

Wonder how much the GOP loves Sarah now?


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211 thoughts on “Welcome to Socialist Capitalism and Palin Parts the Red Sea

  1. I definitely agree these salaries should be cute. They get paid a ridiculous amount of money. When the tax payer has to bail them out, why should most that money go to buy fancy cars and helicopters?
    It just doesn’t make sense at this time and in the situation we’re in for them to even think about having huge salaries. Obviously they aren’t the ones able to keep the company running, they should be rewarded for it.

    CEOs can complain about socialism but we really wouldn’t be at this point if it weren’t for their irresponsible tactics. Well, that mixed with poor regulation.

    I know, polls aren’t “liked” around here but, 71% in an ABC survey agreed the salaries should be cut http://blogs.abcnews.com/thenumbers/2009/10/executive-pay-cut-away.html

  2. Rutherford, since you are so concerned with the salaries of TARP executives, what are your thoughts on the fact that GE (which just happens to own MSNBC) recieved TARP money for its financing wing, but its executive salaries are not being limitted because of a legislative loophole?

    And I wouldn’t read too much into NY-23. Scozzafava is not a strong candidate, and shows little to no political savvy. Certainly not enough to compete with a democratic party opponent. This has been talked about by conservatives since well before Palin endorsed Hoffman. Pawlenty is expected to follow suit. If anything, I’d say these 2 are latching on to a movement already in progress, rather than influencing one in any kind of notable measure.

  3. Here’s a few questions on limiting pay I’d like to see Rutherford and Sensico address.

    How is a TARP company expected to attract competent executives when executive pay is being cut 90%? How can they possibly hope to compete for those talents with companies that are not limited in executive pay?

    Have you 2 considered that our government does not what that question to be answered?

    Competent executives will be able to eventually get a TARP company on track and out of government control.

    Has the current administration given any indication to either of you that it is interested in giving up power over something it now has power over?

  4. This is Rodent Bastard sending a message from Dead Rabbit.

    He told me to tell Rutherford that at least this is a fair blog topic.

    For one, it contains an actual topic in which one could either agree or disagree with by means of reason and fact.

    Even the Palin part is fair game, as Rutherford some how managed to skip his normal crux of how much he hates her, how stupid she is or how white trash her family is.

    Dead Rabbit said he is far too tired of coming on here and having to constantly defend himself as a legitimate voice in this country. How does one even respond to a charge of not mattering?

    When the running theme at a blog isn’t a particular view on the political questions of the day but, instead, a serial variety show that constantly refutes the very right to be taken seriously or, for that matter, to even exist, it’s time to go home.

    We’re racist and should be ignored.

    We’re ignorant and should be ignored.

    We’re potentially violent and should be ignored.

    We’re not well read in Hegelian Philosophy and should be ignored.

    We’re simply out for a good time and should be ignored.

    We’re astro-turf mercs and should be ignored.

    We’re a voice of yesterday, irrelevant as the Whig party, and should be ignored.

    We’re fringe lunatics and should be ignored.

    We’re stupid Christians and should be ignored.

    Browse the blog, folks. This was Rutherford’s theme for 2009.

    Rarely do we have a defense of this administration’s policy.

    Rarely do we even get a refutation of the last administration, however lame that would have been.

    Rabbit admitted that there have been some decent moments, but when 50% of all blog topics revolve around squashing out a major American voice, it’s time to boycott.

    Never mind our concerns. Never mind our numbers. Never mind our passion. Never mind our arguments. Never mind the reality of the last 12 months. Never mind the corruption. Never mind the unemployment rate. Never mind geo-politics. Never mind Iran. Never mind reality.

    If Rutherford keeps this up, this blog should be abandoned.

  5. UK: Open death threats against Wilders

    Gee why should I be “obsessed” with something like this?

    More important things to worry about like Sarah Palin coming out with a book.

    Let’s see. Dutch politician being openly threatened or Palin’s book?

    Honor killing in Arizona or Palin endorsing a conservative candidate?

    A great increase of jihadist plots being broken or Palin going on Oprah

  6. Acceptance of this is crazy. More oversight and spotlighting would have been good but this will not help a bit.
    Banks/institutions that can pay off will do so if they can but since they have been hit with higher liquidity standards it’s unlikely. Those banks that are dogging it will pay the cash and be forced to screw the consumer in some way. Thanks Barry.
    Red Pill is correct when he says this will cause competency issues in the structures to be. Of note this week the bank failure rate reached a new high.
    All in all this is the kind of stuff that will keep Americans divided and vocal.

  7. “These are the very taxpayers who stood by America’s banks in a crisis, and now it’s time for our banks to stand by creditworthy small businesses and make the loans they need to open their doors, grow their operations and create new jobs,” Obama said.
    “It’s time for those banks to fulfill their responsibility to help ensure a wider recovery, a more secure system and more broadly shared prosperity,” said Obama.
    The president said the administration will “take every appropriate step to encourage them to meet those responsibilities.” He did not specify what those steps might be.

    R that’s from O’s weekly I offer it up since you used to post on those things rather regularly.
    Is Obama on the same planet as the 106 bank failures that have kicked FDIC in the balls ? Is he on the same planet where banks can’t rely on deposits? Somebody better call NASA so we can retrieve Pesident Obama wherever he is.

  8. How is a TARP company expected to attract competent executives when executive pay is being cut 90%? How can they possibly hope to compete for those talents with companies that are not limited in executive pay?

    Honestly I agree, but then I think, that would suggest that there were competent executives before the pay cut. If that was the case then the tax payers wouldn’t have had to bail them out. Also, they would still be getting paid a lot of money. I think the better idea might be to keep this pay cut temporary until it’s certain that tax payers and federal dollars aren’t going to these companies anymore.

    And, competent executives aren’t going to work just because they get paid a little less that $900,000 including the bonuses. If it’s what they want to do, then they’ll do it. I think it would be good to weed out the ones that only car about making money for themselves then rather for the company and helping the consumer.

    Have you 2 considered that our government does not what that question to be answered?

    No, I haven’t did you try asking them before considering they might not want the question asked?

    Has the current administration given any indication to either of you that it is interested in giving up power over something it now has power over?

    we’re still paying for these companies to rebound. After all this, I’d hope they wouldn’t consider giving up “power” now. Though, speaking down the road from now, I would certainly hope so. But right now, does it even make sense for the tax payers to give these companies money and then let them run wild doing the same crap as before?

  9. Obama offers multi-million-dollar technology fund for Muslim nations

    Surely this will end the jihad, eh? Unfortunately, Obama (like everyone else in Washington) never seems to consider the possibility that the jihad rages against the West for reasons that arise from Islamic theology, not because of anything we can correct by showering goodies upon Muslim nations — goodies that may well end up being used against the United States. “Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund,” from AFP, October 23 (thanks to Pamela):


    Thuggy sure loves giving our money away in such a hard economic time.

  10. Who the heck is “Rodent’s Bastard” in #4?! lol, looks like DR has gotten Hollywood on us and got himself an assistant to send out statements for him. Wonder what was the hiring process to be DR’s assistant…number #1 question on application was “Are you conservative in thinking and can behave in overly melodramatic way?”. I’m sure Rodent’s Bastard said yes but this is MI and people will lie to get a job. I hardly believe that Rodent believes DR’s crapola…it wasn’t convincing enough. DR needs to fire him/her/it

  11. Hey, I just work here. Don’t kill the messenger.

    But yeah, the boss can get a little overly dramatic.

    If Dead Rabbit releases any more messages, I will let you know.

    He did give me a strange task last night. He ordered me to destroy a VHS tape called The Senisco Chronicles: Skank Punishing A Liberal College Dunce Part 1 through 3.

    Part 1: The Unfortunate Result of Wayne State Beer Pong
    Part 2: Writing in Cursive on a Massive Jellow Canvas
    Part 3: No Mam, You May Not Have Another


    Oh well, I just do what I’m told.

  12. Sensico: “Honestly I agree, but then I think, that would suggest that there were competent executives before the pay cut. If that was the case then the tax payers wouldn’t have had to bail them out. ”

    Exactly. That is why they need to attract competent ones. Which is why I phrased the question the way I did. You don’t need to attract what you already have.

    “And, competent executives aren’t going to work just because they get paid a little less that $900,000 including the bonuses. If it’s what they want to do, then they’ll do it. I think it would be good to weed out the ones that only car about making money for themselves then rather for the company and helping the consumer.”

    You think business executives aren’t out to make money? Are you serious?

    They don’t go to work for the social good. They go to work to make lots and lots of money. And if a TARP bank won’t/can’t give it to them, then they will go someplace that will.

    Big business isn’t social work.

    “No, I haven’t did you try asking them before considering they might not want the question asked?”

    WTF does that even mean?

    “we’re still paying for these companies to rebound. After all this, I’d hope they wouldn’t consider giving up “power” now. Though, speaking down the road from now, I would certainly hope so. But right now, does it even make sense for the tax payers to give these companies money and then let them run wild doing the same crap as before?”

    So when would be a good time for our government to give up power over those companies? Can you give anything better than “down the road from now”?

    And if “down the road from now” means “when they pay their loan back” that puts us right back to the point I am making.

    The government wants to limit the executive talent going into companies it controls so that it can maintain control of those companies as long as possible.

    Show me some facts and/or logic that refutes that.

  13. Obama: Dodd Is One of My Favorite Senators (Video)
    Saturday, October 24, 2009, 9:23 AM
    Jim Hoft

    Hundreds of tea party protesters greeted Barack Obama yesterday at his Connecticut fund-raiser with sweetheart Chris Dodd.
    Obama helped Dodd raise around $1 million at the event.

    The astroturfed protesters supporting Barack Obama also rallied outside the event.

    The Campaign Spot reported that President Obama has now attended seven fundraisers since Gen. Stanley McChrystal submitted his request for additional troops in Afghanistan. Boy, it’s a shame Gen. McChrystal isn’t an unpopular incumbent Democrat; if he were, Obama might be more eager to help him out.

    Barack Obama’s $787 billion stimulus bill “created or saved” 20 jobs in Connecticut this year.

    I wonder how many morons will vote for this POS crook.

  14. oh looks like the Bastard is a comedian. Also looks like DR has his own ditto head. I wonder if Rodent’s Bastard knows about DR’s stash of Snus, why don’t you go find them and smoke on that, though I’m personally inclined to think RB is DR. .

  15. Waste, fraud, and abuse get bigger funding at HUD
    posted at 1:00 pm on October 24, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
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    Often during the health-care overhaul debate, we hear often hear that having the government in charge will allow bureaucrats and Congress to wring the “waste, fraud, and abuse” out of the American health-care system. Their management of Medicare makes that claim laughable, of course, but it doesn’t help their cause when Congress pours more money into already-failing efforts elsewhere. For instance, HUD has had its housing-counseling budget tripled and will raise it an additional 54% next year, while the program has a success rate of 23%, is already ridden with waste and abuse, and doesn’t address the real problem anyway (h/t William Amos):


    Only a moron would trust these fools with their health care.

  16. “Show me some facts and/or logic that refutes that.” – Pill

    you’re the one making accusations, you show me facts to back up your statements.

    I haven’t looked into GE getting TARP, I think I could care less and still put them in the same category of the other companies. And I haven’t read why they aren’t getting limiting pay so I can’t comment but taking your word for it, it’s wrong. Now would you like to provide a link to the news article stating this that isn’t on some rightwing fringe website.

  17. It may surprise some, but this is the second time in nine months that I have agreed with Obama’s approach. You take the government money, you play by the government rules. I have absolutely no problem with Obama invoking a pay cut. And I don’t buy the argument about talented people then leaving. They weren’t talented to begin with as their performance attests – one thing I know for sure about corporate America. Everybody is replaceable.

    Having said that, Red makes a great point about the continuing hypocrisy, cronyism and game playing of this administration. These rules should hold for GE too. And Jeffrey Immelt should immediately be fired just like the GM Exec for lack of performance. Immelt is completely incompetent and the only thing keeping hm in position is Obama and his cohorts.

  18. Tex,

    Its a slippery slope. They have already said they will start regulating pay and bonuses to people/companies that didnt take TARP money. You know once they get their foot in the door, they will invade your home.

  19. Tex,

    Also. Will these same politicians that are demanding a 90 percent pay cut take one themselves? They are as much or more to blame for this mess. Kinda hypocritical dont you think?

    How about demanding a 90 percent pay cut to all those POS politicians that said in 2006 that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were fine when McCain said something needed to be done. A 100 percent pay cut if they got donations from them. Sound fair?

  20. WSJ: Denying The ‘Green’ Revolution – ‘The State Department cuts off funding to support Iran’s democrats’

    The Boston Globe reported this month that the Connecticut-based Iran Human Rights Documentation Center recently lost its State Department funding. The Center—a nonpartisan group that documents Iran’s human-rights abuses—had received $3 million over the past five years. It will shut down in May, said Executive Director Renee Redman, unless private donors save it.

    Less widely known is that Freedom House, the nonpartisan watchdog group founded in 1941, also lost State Department funding. It applied in April for significant funds to support initiatives including Gozaar, its Farsi-English online journal of democracy and human rights, and was turned down in July. Since 2006, Freedom House had received over $2 million from the U.S. and European governments for Iran-related efforts. “We might have to close Gozaar if we run out of money,” deputy executive director Thomas O. Melia told us this week.

    Then there’s the International Republican Institute (IRI), which for several years received State Department support to train Iranian reformers and connect them to like-minded activists in Europe and elsewhere. IRI’s recent application for funds was denied, an IRI official told us last week.

    The Bush administration requested $65 million for the State Department’s Iran Democracy Fund in fiscal year 2009. But Congress and the Obama administration replaced it with a Near East Regional Democracy Fund. Though this new, $40 million fund purportedly supports Iranian democrats through “soft power” programs, its mission is not specified in law. The administration, therefore, can use the money however—and in whatever Near Eastern country—it pleases.

    In a recent letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about Iran policy, seven congressmen including Chris Smith (R., N.J.), Bob Inglis (R., S.C.), and James Moran (D., Va.), wrote: “We are particularly concerned by reports that the State Department and USAID are being ‘extremely cautious’ in their funding decisions, have stopped funding projects, and have approved no new strategy for promoting civil society and the rule of law.” Mrs. Clinton has not responded.

    Several knowledgable sources have told us that White House officials recently refused to meet with Mohsen Makhmalbaf, the representative of Iran’s lead opposition figure Mir Hossein Mousavi.

    “There has been a view within the Obama administration at a senior policy level that this Iran democracy program is a chit, and a chit that can be traded away to the Iranian regime,” says J. Scott Carpenter, a State Department official under George W. Bush. As Iran expert and human-rights advocate Mariam Memarsadeghi told us, the Obama team sees the democratic movement “as a wrench in the works of nuclear negotiations.”

    Some—including Mr. Obama—claim that the U.S. would taint and implicate Iranian democrats by supporting them openly. To this argument, says Iranian democracy activist Roya Boroumand, “Ask yourself why Iranians who protest in the street write things in English. They’re not just practicing language skills.”


    Any dumbass still want to say that Thuggy stands with freedom and against tyranny?

  21. New Zo video: “Victicrat”
    posted at 3:15 pm on October 24, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

    Long, but worth it, especially for those who get ripped for wandering off the political reservation based on their ethnicity. Zo, who undoubtedly gets plenty of that, produces and plays a supporting role in the video “Victicrat,” which will only be on YouTube for this weekend. After that, it’s exclusively at PJTV (via Six Meat Buffet):

  22. Thanks for the great discussion. Rather than address each comment individually, let me tackle what I see as the prevailing themes.

    First and foremost, I must comment on my buddy Tex. I can’t speak for anyone else in this forum but when it comes to the fat cats of big business, Tex and I know the ropes and know what a friggin’ heartless, soulless scam the whole thing is. That is exactly why Tex finds himself agreeing with Obama for the second time in nine months (what was the first time?) Quite frankly, no punishment or inconvenience is good enough for these arrogant assholes who couldn’t say “I’m sorry and I’ll do better” if you put a loaded gun to their temples. Any of you who have gotten to know me in this forum know that I was laid off. I was doing my job. I was not a slacker. I had seniority up the ying-yang and quite frankly, almost lost my fuc*in’ life doing company business. A bit over a year after being hospitalized, I was part of a “resource action” that great euphemism for “f*ck you, I’d rather ruin your life and make more money for myself than keep you employed”. Tex left corporate America voluntarily and still has a bad taste in his mouth. I have the added perspective of living with someone who works for the company that let me go … and seeing on a day to day basis total buttheads who aren’t fit to wipe my ass, still making money while I am trying to make a buck on my own.

    OK … angry rant over, but sorry Red Pill, I don’t buy the “attract the best and the brightest” argument. Since these companies all went in the crapper, maybe the incentives weren’t high enough? Maybe they deserve raises beyond the bonuses they greedily give themselves, so they’ll work a little harder to pull their companies out of the hole? Bullsh*t.

    Now, the next question which is VERY valid is can we be sure that this government intervention is temporary? BTW, Sensico, it has already been stated by the Admin that these pay cuts are not permanent … they are for 2010 only. This will be the true measure of this White House’s intent. This will be the true measure of whether America is what we think it is.

    Obama has stated repeatedly that he does not wish to be in the banking or auto industry. I take him at his word. Our commitment to capitalism will be tested by whether we allow this intrusion into private industry to go on without valid reasons. If it becomes clear to me that this administration truly is interested in going full-bang socialist, I will be at the head of the line crying foul. I don’t see that yet.

    Like Sensico, I will take Red’s word for it that GE’s financing arm was exempted from the pay cuts. Unless there is a good reason (like there was responsible behavior there, no crazy bonuses, diligent pay back of funds, etc.) then it does smack of inconsistency if not outright hypocrisy and it deserves investigation.

    Rodent Bastard needs to tell his “friend” and “boss” DR that he takes things much too personally. Hell, RB’s boss has attacked me personally on more than one occasion and I’ve made every effort not to take that personally. I have said more than once on this forum that any number of my conservative guests, DR included, could better represent the Republican party than the nimrods we see on the news every day. To infer from my articles that I think any of my frequent commenters are on a par with teabaggers is to get it very wrong. And while I am going to get myself in trouble with this comment, if YOU identify with teabaggers then you are really playing yourself very cheap,

    Aside to Alfie …. I commented on your cartoons over at your blog. 🙂

    Regarding Jim DeMint asking for term limits … only sane thing I’ve seen the man do yet. I am for term limits.

    Finally, on Red Pill’s comments regarding NY-23, regardless of how much Dede may be a RINO, she has obviously got the support of the mainstream GOP. Palin’s better move would be to influence a better choice within the GOP than to back an outsider who may split the vote and hand the election to a Dem.

  23. Yo yo yo brother Elric, I enjoyed Victicrat so much I watched it twice. 🙂

    The only problem with the vid is that the “Uncle Tom Fool” hasn’t told us a thing about his background, his advantages or disadvantages. The fact that he was born in South Central same as the street dudes doesn’t mean his circumstances were identical.

    As I’ve said many times, I think the shortest route to success for the black community is very hard work, ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and education. Problem is all that has to be done within the context of a racially charged environment and devastating poverty.

    Victicrat over simplifies the issue. It also promotes the idea that being poor = being lazy. Not a good theme at all my brotha!

    P.S. “I’m a self made man with no help from Uncle Sam”. Sorry, no one is self made. Everyone got a hand up from someone who supported them … gave them their first job, or their first volunteer opportunity. I’m not a big fan of Hillary but to some extent, it does take a village.

  24. Seems strange to be siding with Rutherford against my typical pals, but I think Rutherford is right. For the moment, I’ll pass on the blatant cronyism of Obama and Co. about GE if Red is correct. And I was glad to see Rutherford agree about GE. This may be the first thread I can think of here were everyone has a fair point.

    Being both Rutherford and I were in corporate America for a number of years working for large companies, we know how the game is played, we know about inside information, and we know how rotten and greedy many of these executives are. This one has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with low character, insatiable greed, a lack of empathy, and pathetic performance while still being rewarded.

    I can understand the worry about the slippery slope and normally I would agree, but in this circumstance I don’t think so. Of course, I never felt any of these companies should receive a dime either and should have been forced into bankruptcy – all of them.

    Until there are some changes made concerning the way shareholder voting is conducted about who can reside on a board, and shenanigans like CEOs also acting as Chairman of the Board, the temptation for thieving and greed will continue.

    P.S. – Rutherford. My only other agreement with Obama was allowing our excellent military permission to put three bullets in the head of “pirates” without negotiation.

  25. “Of course, I never felt any of these companies should receive a dime either and should have been forced into bankruptcy – all of them.”

    That would have been the logical course but then Thuggy couldnt have taken over the banks and car companies like a good little fascist.

    Just remember this when Thuggy starts dictating everyone’s salary. Barney Franks already brought it up months ago and something is already in the fine print that they can set up salaries if they deem necessary on companies that didnt take the money.

  26. The Most Monumental Power Grab You Never Heard About

    The pre-weekend information dump included an announcement by the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department that the federal government proposes to extend its control over pay packages beyond financial institutions which received bailout funds.

    According to the press release, the government proposes to monitor and, if need be, veto pay packages at any banking institution subject to federal regulation:

    Flaws in incentive compensation practices were one of many factors contributing to the financial crisis. Inappropriate bonus or other compensation practices can incent senior executives or lower level employees, such as traders or mortgage officers, to take imprudent risks that significantly and adversely affect the firm. With that in mind, the Federal Reserve’s guidance and supervisory reviews cover all employees who have the ability to materially affect the risk profile of an organization, either individually, or as part of a group.

    This is an earth-shattering development in the annals of government control, yet because the information was released on a Friday, it has received little press attention relative to its importance.

    One can understand the bargain made where a company receives federal funds to stay in business. By accepting the funds, which must be repaid, a measure of corporate and shareholder freedom was sacrificed.

    But to base government control of salaries on mere regulatory jurisdiction would give the government control over much of the economy, essentially any business involved in interstate commerce. This is the harm which many of us feared from the Trojan horse of the bailouts.


    Told you Tex. This Politburo’s hunger can not be sated. Drones need not comment, you will just make excuses for these fascists anyway.

  27. Of course, I never felt any of these companies should receive a dime either and should have been forced into bankruptcy – all of them.

    Well I’m going to enjoy this rare camaraderie with Tex while it lasts. Again I agree with him with one exception.

    I don’t feel confident enough in my knowledge of global finance to say that I would’ve let AIG fail. There were just too many warnings of the devastating ripple effects that would have been felt globally. Maybe it was a scare tactic, I don’t know.

    As for GM and Chyrsler, I said this back in January … both should have faced the fate that every poorly run company faces. They should’ve died a swift death. That was a bailout I did not support.

  28. Mark Steyn: Obama a tough guy, at least with Fox News
    White House tries to intimidate U.S. media while being a pushover with our foreign adversaries.

    Benjamin Disraeli’s most famous advice to aspiring politicians was: “Never complain and never explain.” For the greatest orator of our time, a man who makes Churchill, Lincoln and Henry V at Agincourt look like first-round rejects on “Orating With The Stars,” Barack Obama seems to have pretty much given up on the explaining side. He tried it with health care with speech after speech after exclusive interview for months on end, and the more he explained the more unpopular the whole racket got. So he declared that the time for explaining is over, and it’s time to sign on or else.

    Meanwhile, to take the other half of the Disraeli equation, Obama and his officials and their beleaguered band of surrogates never stop complaining. If you express concerns about government health care, they complain about all these “racists” and “domestic terrorists” obstructing his agenda. If you wonder why the president can’t seem to find time in his hectic schedule of international awards acceptance speeches to make a decision about Afghanistan, they complain that it’s not his fault he “inherited” all these problems. And, if you wonder why his “green jobs” czar is a communist 9/11 truther, and his National Endowment for the Arts guy is leaning on grant recipients to produce Soviet-style propaganda extolling Obama policies, they complain about Fox News.


  29. UN Launches Investigation Into Human Rights Abuses in the United States Over Claims Their Isn’t Enough Affordable Housing in Urban Areas….

    Welcome our new overlords

  30. I don’t feel confident enough in my knowledge of global finance to say that I would’ve let AIG fail. There were just too many warnings of the devastating ripple effects that would have been felt globally. Maybe it was a scare tactic, I don’t know.“– R

    Question, do you find it rather coincidental that AIG contributes mostly to Dems, and heavily to Washington in general? So, that begs to question- who said it was too big to fail, and what were they getting out of the deal?


    Senator Barack Obama received a $101,332 bonus from American International Group in the form of political contributions according to Opensecrets.org. The two biggest Congressional recipients of bonuses from the A.I.G. are – Senators Chris Dodd and Senator Barack Obama. http://www.examiner.com/x-268-Right-Side-Politics-Examiner~y2009m3d17-Obama-Received-a-101332-Bonus-from-AIG

  31. Elric,

    I have no doubt MaO might attempt a hostile takeover of salary structure. Believe me, once he goes beyond those who have taken government loans, then the sword comes out.

    But these companies who allowed themselves to be beholden to government have nobody but themselves to blame on this one.

    Back to Red’s original point about GE – if he is right, and I think I heard the same thing, then I have a problem with the administration. GE should be forced to play by the same set of rules as AIG.

    I don’t believe Jeff Immelt’s salary should be cut. I think he should be removed immediately. 😉

  32. Gorilla, the more I hear about corporate influence in Washington (on both Dems and Repubs) the more I think campaign finance reform and lobbying reform are needed and are needed now.

    Whatever contributions AIG has made to Obama/Dodd might or might not be a factor. The very fact that the issue is clouded means that reform is needed.

    If I want to take a paranoid view, which on my bad days I come very close to, the entire system is owned and operated by big finance and big business from top to bottom and our notion of a democratic government is a joke. Like I said, I’m close to believing that on my bad days. On my good days, I still believe our government, for the most part, is looking out for our best interests.

    So where are you Gorilla? Are you with me on my good days or my bad ones?

  33. Rutherford: “Finally, on Red Pill’s comments regarding NY-23, regardless of how much Dede may be a RINO, she has obviously got the support of the mainstream GOP.”

    Did I say 1 word about her political ideology?

    “Scozzafava is not a strong candidate, and shows little to no political savvy. Certainly not enough to compete with a democratic party opponent.”

    Sensico: “Now would you like to provide a link to the news article stating this that isn’t on some rightwing fringe website.”

    Does CBS News suffice? They lied about Bush, so they are anything but a “rightwing fringe website.”

    “you’re the one making accusations, you show me facts to back up your statements.”

    Well, since I am obviously not privy to the Team Obama Offical Playbook, and I did ask you to provide facts or logic, I am not going to let you hold me to a higher standard than I was willing to hold you at. Here’s the logic I am using in my claim.

    We see the names of the “guilty” in Rutherford’s post. “AIG, Bank of America, Citigroup, GM, Chrysler and the two car company financing divisions.” They are all forced to compete for executive talent with their executive pay being cut below a competetive level. We can argue how much of an impact that has, but we cannot argue that it is the reality.

    Other companies pay their executives more than these companies are able to. And it is going to stay that way until they pay back their loans.

    But what if they are unable to repay those loans?

    For example:

    AIG, which has received about $180 billion in TARP funds, is slowly returning to financial stability, according to the report. The company posted a profit for the second quarter of this year for the first time since 2007.

    But AIG has missed three TARP dividend payments to Treasury as of Sept. 30. If the company misses a fourth payment Nov. 1, Treasury will have the right to elect directors to the AIG board.

    AIG is slowly getting better. And some quality executive leadership might help them further. But they can’t compete for quality executive leadership, and will likely be having their board picked by TurboTax Timmy soon.

    Same with the car companies:

    While both automakers have emerged from bankruptcy, the report casts significant doubt the companies will be able to repay their TARP loans in full.

    Both car companies are out of bankruptcy, and quality executive leadership could do the trick (like it did in the 80s). But again, they can’t compete for quality executive leadership. And, as we have already seen, can have Barack Obama fire their CEO any time he wants. (Do I need a link for that, too?)

    The administration is not allowing these companies to better themselves, and as a result, gets to maintain pretty much unlimited control over them.

    I’m not saying TARP salaries shouldn’t be monitored. But they have to be kept at a somewhat competetive level for these companies to ever get on top of their TARP hole. And since it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, I think it is safe to assume that the admin. knows that too. And they are not doing it for a reason that goes beyond Obama’s class warfare campaign.

    And if that isn’t enough, consider that some banks actually had to ask to repay their loan, and were turned down.

    The bank regulators will announce on a monthly basis whether banks have been permitted to return capital, however the Treasury will have the final say, the central bank spokeswoman said.
    Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has said on a number of occasions that he will consider the health of the economy as a whole before deciding whether to permit banks to return capital they received in the bailout program.

    The Treasury Dept. has the final say on if a bank can repay its loan. And it is going to decide at will the conditions it will base that decision on. And if the bank can’t repay its loan it gets run by who?…the Treasury Dept.

    Surely even you can see the conflict of interest going on there.

    So now do you have any facts or logic? How about you, Rutherford?

  34. Tex: “And I don’t buy the argument about talented people then leaving. They weren’t talented to begin with as their performance attests – one thing I know for sure about corporate America. Everybody is replaceable.”

    I wasn’t really talking about the people leaving. They are obviously not talented enough. And as you said, everyone is replaceable.

    But who are you going to get to replace them when the pay is being so severely cut? That is the real issue here. The quality of incoming executives. The people who are meant to replace the bozos leaving.

    And as I said above, I am not against monitoring the pay. It just needs to be kept at a competetive level so these companies can get out of this socialist environment they have gotten themselves into.

  35. “I have no doubt MaO might attempt a hostile takeover of salary structure. Believe me, once he goes beyond those who have taken government loans, then the sword comes out.”

    Might? Its happening as we speak.

  36. Poll: What was the Obamateurism of the Week?
    posted at 9:00 am on October 25, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
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    As OOTD readers know, we just had our most productive Obamateurism week in decades — but at least I managed to get two more items off of my agenda than Obama has this summer and fall. Rather than just go with two hundred — er, two thousand — uh, two choices, I’m adding a third choice to include what happened Friday morning between the White House and the major broadcast nets. That’s just about the point where Obama’s weird war on Fox nuked the fridge. Say, isn’t it about time that Robert Gibbs insulted liberal bloggers again?


    Dont forget to vote!

  37. I have a hard time swallowing the notion that CEOs do anything because they like it. The CEO stories that are easily researched is that the only thing they really like is making money. Thats how you see transitions from completely unrelated industries. It isn’t about leading that industry its about making money. How do you make money. Well the current MBA philosophy is pretty much the same and is frightening more morose in the states due to our lax educational standards. Essentially USA MBA types are drones that hum all the same buzz words.

    On the failure to accept the paybacks of TARP funds. How crazy is that ? Its our money and the government won’t take it ? There’s a first!

    Its still a house of cards folks and there is still one hell of a wind brewing. Hang on!

  38. Red,

    But who are you going to get to replace them when the pay is being so severely cut? That is the real issue here. The quality of incoming executives. The people who are meant to replace the bozos leaving.

    Somewhere along the lines, I think the American people have lost perspective about the value of moeny. We aren’t talking chump change being offered here. I haven’t followed this closely, but I can assure you that there are many far more qualified people than these clowns who would be happy to manage a large company for half a million dollars a year or less.

    It would be interesting to see these jobs offered on the open market and see who would be interested in turning them around.

  39. I completely agree with Tex and Rutherford.

    These people essentially became government workers the minute they took the money.

    Yeah, it sucks our government got involved in this type of stuff.

    I want the whole experience to leave such a bad taste in these bastard’s mouth that they never make a deal with the government to screw the American people over again.

    Rutherford thinks I do not represent the Tea Party movement.

    He’s right. If it was up to me, I would be leading a mob into Battery Park with a massive vat of hot tar and 30 turkeys worth of feathers.

  40. I think campaigns should be publicly financed- period.

    The committees can continue to receive contributions, but any attack ads that they run, count against the their party candidate, that way, they can’t use soft money to do all the dirty work.

    The nice thing about this, is that maybe we’ll get back to basic debates on the issues, with the committee money being used for campaign townhalls to discuss issues instead of attack ads.

    Oh, by the way, media out lets that do not provide equal coverage, the cost of their beyond-threshhold coverage becomes automatically a campaign contribution, which means if they exceed their contribution allotments, they are fined. MSNBC would be bankrupt inside a week for all of its biased coverage.

  41. Figures… Congressional Raises Topped Insurance Company Profits Last Year
    Sunday, October 25, 2009, 11:05 AM
    Jim Hoft

    Democrats are quick to accuse the evil health insurance industry of massive profits. …But insurance companies ranked only 35th on the list of most profitable American industries in 2009.
    In fact, the members of Congress enjoyed a better raise than the insurance companies this year.


  42. Biofuel Production Increases Greenhouse Gases In Atmosphere
    By Noel Sheppard | October 24, 2009 – 17:09

    For several years, Nobel Laureate Al Gore and his media sycophants have been telling the nation that a movement away from fossil fuels to biofuels is necessary to save the planet from the Left’s bogeyman known as global warming.

    A new study by the Marine Biological Laboratory raises series questions about this premise.

    According to MBL’s Thursday press release, “Carbon emissions caused by the displacement of food crops and pastures may be twice as much as those from lands devoted to biofuels production.”

    Beyond this, “increased fertilizer use for biofuels production will cause nitrous oxide emissions (N2O) to become more important than carbon losses, in terms of warming potential, by the end of the century”



  43. AP finally reports on insurance industry’s thin margins
    posted at 3:45 pm on October 25, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
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    While Democrats in Congress have spent months demonizing insurers as greedy villainous monsters, from Barack Obama to Nancy Pelosi to Alan Grayson, the American media stood mute rather than report on the extent of this supposed greed. Why? It’s not as if these companies don’t have annual reports, or that business media haven’t tracked their performance. The publicly-traded companies have their bottom lines exposed for all to see, and yet the media has steadfastly whistled and looked askance rather than inform people about the extent of their demonic, villainous, greedy, filthy lucre.

    The average profit margin for health insurers last year clocked in at an anemic 2.2%. What does that mean from the investor position? They would have done better to put their money into FDIC-insured savings accounts at their local bank, let alone a CD or other guaranteed investment device. A 2.2% profit margin would normally trigger a stockholder revolt.

    In comparison, trial lawyers showed a profit margin of almost 14%, six times that of the health insurers. Do Democrats scream about villainous trial lawyers and windfall profits taxes on those that exploit the legal system and drive prices up across all American industries? No, because the trial lawyers share a good portion of their filthy lucre with Democrats.

    I’m glad the AP finally decided to check facts on Democratic lies about the health-insurance industry. My question to them would be, what took you so long? And to the rest of the media, why haven’t you done any real reporting on this outrageous lie?


  44. Actually Elric, even though reducing the cost of insurance is important to me, I’m much more interested in other reforms such as eliminating the pre-existing conditions rules.

  45. Somewhere along the lines, I think the American people have lost perspective about the value of moeny. We aren’t talking chump change being offered here. I haven’t followed this closely, but I can assure you that there are many far more qualified people than these clowns who would be happy to manage a large company for half a million dollars a year or less.

    Damn! Tex hits it out of the park again. I can state unequivocally, I’d take a job at 10% of the salary of the current boneheads.

    Alfie, I don’t mean to be a Pollyana here. I know that money is a big factor but isn’t it a sad statement on our workforce that CEO’s don’t give a damn about their companies? They just want to rake in the Benjamins? If that isn’t a recipe for corporate failure, I don’t know what is.

  46. So now do you have any facts or logic? How about you, Rutherford?

    Sure, Red Pill, I’ll take a stab at it.

    I won’t get back into the executive pay issue because I think Tex and I have already hammered that bad boy home pretty well.

    As for payback of loans, if I’m not mistaken, some ordinary citizens are subject to penalty fees if they pay back a loan too quickly. The bank, when it lends money, is counting on that interest income. So for the sake of getting the taxpayer maximum payback for their contribution to these institutions, I could understand how the Fed would discourage overly aggressive payback.

    Also, on the GE finance arm …. two things I heard today that might explain their “exemption”. Feinberg stated that the firms that he hit with the pay cut were the only ones he was authorized to hit. I also heard that the seven firms hit were the seven firms that received the most moola, which would put GE’s finance arm somewhere lower on the list. I haven’t verified that last assertion but there it is.

  47. Could See This Coming!
    posted at 5:00 pm on October 25, 2009 by Dafydd ab Hugh
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    In the companion piece to this post, Couldn’t See That Coming!, we noted that the United States Department of the Treasury, run by tax evader Timothy Geithner, has decided to institute wage controls at those companies that accepted large amounts of TARP money; TARP is the Troubled Asset Relief Program… that is, the Wall Street (and Motown) bailout.

    We ended that post with the by now familiar bleat (which I shamelessly stole from Patterico, though I added the adverb, which Patterico began copying — God, how incestuous the two of us are!) the pathetic bleat of “What could possibly go wrong?” Now, with a tip of the hat to Rich “Mullings” Galen, we learn exactly what can possibly go wrong:

    At Treasury, President Obama’s pay czar, Kenneth Feinberg, announced sharp cuts in pay for 175 top executives at seven big banks and automakers that received hundreds of billions of dollars in federal bailout money during the financial crisis. The new structures reduced the cash salary paid to some executives by 90 percent and tied more compensation to long-term stock awards….

    At the Federal Reserve, Chairman Ben S. Bernanke proposed a broader but less proscribed plan to restrict pay at banks. The aim is to prevent them from rewarding employees for actions that could endanger the firms’ long-term financial health. Unlike Feinberg’s more limited plan, the Fed’s guidance would cover all banks it regulates — even those that never received a bailout — as well as U.S. subsidiaries of foreign companies.

    But hey, it’s not like the federal government is, like, you know, taking over the private sector; they’re not actually setting wages for all banks — they merely get the final say on what those wages will be:

    However, the Fed’s proposed rules have wiggle room: The guidelines would let banks set their own compensation but give the Fed veto power over pay practices that it determines could threaten the safety and soundness of a bank. They would extend the regulators’ reach into pay practices affecting tens of thousands of bank employees, from senior executives to traders of complex securities.

    Thank goodness the government of Barack H. Obama dodged the temptation to allow the Party — sorry, I mean the State — to own all industries; that would be Marxism (which would presumably thrill Anita Dunce). Instead, the banks and industries will all be privately owned — but the owners will take orders directly from the Party.

    State, whatever.

    Such an arrangement is not Marxism; it’s fascism, as classically defined. But with the Obamacle, it’s liberal fascism, fascism with a smiley face.

    Galen takes us by the hand and leads us to the threatened land:

    Putting aside defense firms — which exist on government funds — there are thousands and thousands of companies which get local, county, state or federal contracts. Does every executive of each of those companies fall under the same rule?

    Should the Governor of Missouri decide how much the owner of the company which provides the janitorial services in the State House in Jefferson City can earn because he takes State money? Or, the executives of airlines on which government employees fly?

    We have marched down this road before, with the wage and price controls imposed by Richard Nixon in 1971, ostensibly for only 90 days but in reality for nearly three years. The dreadful policy was finally abandoned as a colossal failure in April, 1974, just before Nixon’s impeachment hearings began. This brief squib from the Econ Review is a succinct summary of the catastrophic Nixonian policy that Barack Obama seems determined to replay:

    August 15, 1971. In a move widely applauded by the public and a fair number of (but by no means all) economists, President Nixon imposed wage and price controls. The 90 day freeze was unprecedented in peacetime, but such drastic measures were thought necessary. Inflation had been raging, exceeding 6% briefly in 1970 and persisting above 4% in 1971. By the prevailing historical standards, such inflation rates were thought to be completely intolerable.

    The 90 day freeze turned into nearly 1,000 days of measures known as Phases One, Two, Three, and Four. The initial attempt to dampen inflation by calming inflationary expectations was a monumental failure….

    While there were skeptics in August, 1971, there were a great many who thought “temporary” wage and price controls could cure inflation. By 1974, this notion was thoroughly discredited, and attention gradually turned toward a monetary approach to inflation.

    Funnily enough, ObamaCare is also a reenactment of Nixon’s own attempt to take over health care. For these two policies and many others (such as his “enemies list” and frequent attempts to control the press), I insist that Richard Nixon — like Lyndon Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson — was also a liberal fascist. Barack Obama clings to the coattails of a well-established (albeit perverse and unAmerican) tradition.

    Obama has a different, meaner purpose for wage controls than trying to beat down inflation; at least Nixon thought (wrongly) that his plan would benefit the country. By contrast, Obama wants to dictate the compensation packages of bank officers far above his pay grade for two equally discreditable reasons:

    * He simply believes in his own omniscience and generally wants to command every aspect of the American economy and culture;
    * He is a vindictive SOB and wants to punish those who made so much more money than he, even though he is the one with “the Vision of the anointed.” How dare they!

    Nixon’s motive for liberal fascism was public; Obama’s is deeply and disturbingly personal.

    But the effect will be the same: the collapse of those companies “blessed” by the invisible foot of government, swiftly followed by the collapse of confidence in the ability of the federal government to do anything right.

    To quote that infamous right winger, Pete Seeger*, who turned 90 this year:

    When will they ever learn?

    When will they ever learn?

    * For the irony impaired, Seeger is a Communist folk singer, pardon the redundancy. The quoted line is the chorus from what is likely Seeger’s best-known pacifist song, “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?”


  48. wait, that was racist, I kind of meant that in the same sense when I referred to how conservatives would put a puppy on a poster and call it socialism….and that still holds true to this day *sigh*

  49. Rutherford, off subject but important.

    Every once in a while, I’ll lower my guard and watch something like 60 Minutes. They occasionally still do some good work.

    Tonight, they had an episode on location in Miami. They were exposing the vast amount of Medicare fraud in that city alone. One guy they just busted made this statement:

    Ninety-five (95%!) percent of the medicare “reimbursements” in the Miami area, at least those listed in the phone book are estimated to be fraudulent. This is completely unacceptable and I know an educated guy like you knows it.

    How in the world can you come to the conclusion you want government involved in any large capacity with health care?

    This is absolute madness and it ought to piss you off. 😈

  50. As would Fox … make that two days.“– R

    Actually, again, you are wrong. Per Pew Research, Fox’s audience 39% GOP- 33% DEM- 22% Ind is more balanced than the Nighly Networks (ABC/NBC/CBS) 22% GOP- 45% DEM- 26% Ind; CNN 18% GOP- 51% DEM- 23% Ind; or MSNBC 18% GOP- 45% DEM- 27% Ind.

    When you compare these 2008 numbers with ’06, you see Fox remain fairly consistent with the rest skewing towards the Dems.

    I’ve seen Fox go after Republicans, I’ve never seen MSNBC go after a Dem…

  51. Intellectual Conservative Ever notice how environmental groups are obsesses with anything that can reduce the growth of the human population – disease, poverty, famine, and lack of energy are all pursued as part of the Green agenda.

    As the greatest hoax of the modern era, “global warming”, bites the dust around the world, it behooves us all to contemplate why environmentalists — Greens — would attempt to hoodwink the world’s population into believing they could do anything to “control” the planet’s climate.

    One singular fact stands out in all Green propaganda and permeates all the legislation and other programs they sponsor. It is a contempt and disdain for the Earth’s human population. The leaders of the movement hate humanity. Obsessed with population growth, anything that can reduce it — disease, poverty, famine, or lack of energy is pursued as part of the Green agenda.


  52. Ninety-five (95%!) percent of the medicare “reimbursements” in the Miami area, at least those listed in the phone book are estimated to be fraudulent.

    Yeah, I watched that segment tonight also. First, I think you got it right but didn’t quite state it correctly. The punk said that 95% of the health care providers in the yellow pages are scamming the gov’t. Absolutely incredible!

    As I watched it, I turned to my wife and asked, “Honey, when are we moving to Miami?” 😉

    Well, I’ll say this much … it sure does shed light on why Medicare is going broke. They simply don’t have enough staff to properly audit these claims. I find it interesting that Miami is a hub for this, I guess because of the high elderly population. If there is any silver lining to the story, Medicare fraud has supplanted cocaine trade in Miami as the number one crime.

    Tex, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The day a Republican comes up with a plan that lowers premiums (or contains them), covers more people, eliminates pre-existing conditions exclusions and other abuses AND keeps the government out of it, I’ll be the first to sign on the dotted line. Until then, the Dem plan is the only game in town.

  53. Gorilla, your numbers are irrelevant and meaningless. Who cares what the audience make up is of the three networks? That has nothing to do with their coverage. A balanced audience does not mean balanced coverage.

    Conservatives like to diss stuff they don’t even watch … they don’t watch MSNBC. Libs like to sample everything and diss the nonsense that’s why they’re watching Fox as well as MSNBC.

    Your Pew numbers prove absolutely nothing.

  54. I’ve seen Fox go after Republicans, I’ve never seen MSNBC go after a Dem…

    It would help for you to actually watch MSNBC every now and then Gorilla before spouting off.

    Keith Olbermann, one of Obama’s biggest fanboys has been openly critical of Obama on not rejecting Bush FISA practices.


    and slow going on gay rights:

    You may be a late sleeper Gorilla, but turn on MSNBC from 6am – 9am EDT any Monday through Friday and you’ll see Joe Scarborough give Obama the business with both barrels.

    You’re having an off day today on your arguments G. Maybe you need Sundays off? 😉

  55. ‘Dishonest’ Blair and Straw accused over secret plan for multicultural UK

    By Simon Walters, Mail on Sunday Political Editor
    Last updated at 2:26 AM on 25th October 2009

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    Jack Straw and Tony Blair ‘dishonestly’ concealed a plan to allow in more immigrants and make Britain more multi-cultural because they feared a public backlash if it was made public, it has been claimed.

    The allegation was made after a former Labour adviser said the Government opened up UK borders partly to humiliate Right-wing opponents of immigration.

    Andrew Neather, who worked for Mr Straw when he was Home Secretary, and as a speech writer for Mr Blair, claimed a secret Government report in 2000 called for mass immigration to change Britain’s cultural make-up forever.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1222769/Dishonest-Blair-Straw-accused-secret-plan-multicultural-UK.html#ixzz0V2IP0iLE


    More like an open secrret. It was obvious this cultural suicide was intentional and calculated.

  56. Rutherford,

    Tex, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The day a Republican comes up with a plan that lowers premiums (or contains them), covers more people, eliminates pre-existing conditions exclusions and other abuses AND keeps the government out of it, I’ll be the first to sign on the dotted line. Until then, the Dem plan is the only game in town.

    They have. Now it is you that is either having the off day, or simply being disingenuous. I’ve heard everything from health savings accounts, to means testing medicare from Republicans. Here’s one. Glenn Beck has stated that he was willing to give his employees $5,000.00. Just give each family money for health care, and provide some measure of catastrophic life insurance for family – but government wouldn’t allow it and defined the “gift” as taxable income. See Rutherford, your Dimocratic gov’t must have its hand in every aspect of our lives.

    No ideas is one of the biggest lies being perpetrated by maggots like Olbermann – that the Democrats are the party of big ideas and the Republicans have proposed none. What a bunch of hooey.

    Every time I hear a Dimocratic idea, it always goes like this: Tax, let government administrate the wealth, don’t worry if we can pay for, and no need to audit the process. What kind of an idiot administration would shell out monies before having proper administrative procedures in place Rutherford?

    You’ll note, not once have I heard Keith Overbite complain about a lack of tort reform, or a lack of auditing practices. This is why Dimocrats are not capable of running government and will ruin the economy if not voted out. All Obama & Co. are doing is following the FDR playback of subsidizing votes. Deceitful as hell and not much different than Chavez does, minus shutting down the media who complains. And Obama is attempting to do just that. Incredibly weak and thin skinned.

    Anyone with a brain knows that a socialist going by the name of Soros is now calling the shots for the Dimocratic party.

  57. Obamateurism of the Day
    posted at 8:05 am on October 26, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

    When we used to write essays for school, we’d often try to fool our English professors by leaving wide margins. It didn’t work in college for most of us, but perhaps Barack Obama just got used to wide margins. When talking to an MIT audience about global warming, the President said that skeptics had been pushed further and further into the margins:


  58. ‘Dishonest’ Blair and Straw accused over secret plan for multicultural UK

    So what’s next, Blair is a secret Muslim?

    What I don’t get about accusations like these is what is the motive of the supposed perp? It says Blair wanted to screw over his political opponents … but at what price? Just doesn’t make complete sense.

  59. Cracks me up that the drones think PMSNBC attacking Thuggy for not being leftist enough somehow shows its a bit balanced. LOL

    Elric, with all due disrespect, that’s a dumb comment. Gorilla claimed MSNBC was never critical of Obama. He was wrong.

    Who ever said MSNBC didn’t lean left? So of course their criticism of Obama is likely to be that he isn’t left enough.

    That’s one reason why his poll numbers have dropped … not just because he isn’t following your marching orders but also because he is disappointing the far left.

  60. Playing golf at 4 times the rate that Bush did during a war? Where is the MSM?

    Wow are you a dope. Politico and CBS are the MSM, jackass.

    As usual, WZ has nothing original to report. They regurgitate stuff from other sources and then add their dumb zinger. Kinda like Elric.

    Hey Elric, are you sure you don’t write for WZ? They must be giving you some kind of comp for linking back to their site on all your comments.

  61. I told you he knows the weasel zippers person. But, he’s also too dumb enough to link the correct link to that site, to his name. Nothing more annoying then a blog whore not whoring right.

  62. Video: Scozzafava accepts Margaret Sanger Award
    posted at 11:38 am on October 26, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
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    How much of a “Reagan Republican” is Dede Scozzafava, running as the endorsed Republican candidate in the NY23 special Congressional election? Maybe Newt Gingrich should have done a little more research before jumping into this race with both feet — or better yet, that’s what the county GOP officials who put their heads together to come up with Scozzafava in the first place should have done. It’s one thing to be pro-choice out of a sense of libertarianism, but another entirely to be a Margaret Sanger acolyte … and March 2008 award winner:

    Nice. Award in honor of a racist baby killer.

  63. No Defense appropriation until December?
    posted at 12:55 pm on October 26, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
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    Democrats have a majority in the House with more than 70 seats over the Republicans. Appropriations can’t be filibustered in the Senate, but even if they could, Democrats have a filibuster-proof majority in the upper chamber. Passing a budget is the basic responsibility of Congressional leadership, and it was due on September 30th. In wartime, the annual defense appropriation should have the highest priority over all of the other appropriation bills that comprise the federal budget plan. The Democrats have one of their own in the Oval Office, Barack Obama, who has shown no inclination at all to interfere with Congressional leadership on legislation, not even on his highest domestic agenda priorities.

    So when will this Congress get around to a conference vote on the Pentagon’s appropriation? December:

    Well, don’t feel like you have to rush anything, you know. It’s not like there’s a war on, or that it’s your job or anything. Oh, wait ….

    This goes directly to leadership and competence. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi missed last year’s budget deadline on purpose, to cut George Bush out of the loop. This year, they have no such excuse. They have had all year to work on the FY2010 budget. We have been at war since 9/11, and the Defense appropriation should have been passed well before the October start to the fiscal year.

    If Reid and Pelosi can’t get Job 1 accomplished in 2009, voters should do their best to ensure that Democrats don’t have the opportunity to screw up any more budgets in the future.


    You really want these morons running your health care?

  64. LOL …. Elric, Sensico is right … your Weasel address that you link your name to, doesn’t work. LOL

    If you’re gonna link back there, at least correct the damn thing.

    Then again, Sensico …. he still hasn’t removed the gay reference on his Myspace page …. maybe the real Elric died years ago and this is indeed a bot we’re dealing with?

  65. It’s because he’s still gay! or Bi-sexual, I researched Elric and another of his accounts does have he’s “married”, unless they allow gay marriage in his state, IDK.

    The fact that he won’t correct the link and continues to ignore our advice only proves he’s a bot. Either that or some old guy that with nothing else to do and don’t remember how to correct the link

  66. Barone: Why Obama can’t go to Berlin Wall commemoration
    posted at 2:20 pm on October 26, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
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    Michael Barone finds it odd that Barack Obama can go to Oslo and Copenhagen for mainly personal reasons, but somehow can’t find the time to travel to Berlin to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall — the climax of the Cold War and the West’s triumph. Given the key role played by the US in the collapse of Soviet Communism, people have good cause to wonder why the leader of the free world can find time to pick up an award for himself and pitch his hometown to the International Olympic Committee, but not to say a few words in honor of the free world’s vindication in Berlin. Barone theorizes that an earlier Berlin speech may be haunting Obama:


    Thuggy hates freedom, its that simple.

  67. Nazis in the Ivory Tower – by Steven Plaut

    Over the past two decades we have witnessed the emergence of a mass movement of political extremism and support for totalitarianism on Western college campuses. Large numbers of university professors and administrators today advocate politically extremist positions that combine support for totalitarian Islamofascism and its terrorism with deep hatred of Israel and anti-Americanism. The dimensions of the phenomenon vary by campus and also by academic discipline. Middle East Studies is arguably the worst. The pro-totalitarian ideology and the hostility towards Israel and the United States have been documented for years by campus monitoring watchdogs like Campus-Watch in the United States and by Isracampus in Israel, as well as by web magazines, notably Frontpage.

    Reading the exposes about campus political extremism today is numbingly shocking. No doubt many a reader responds bewilderingly by asking how such behavior and fanaticism could have been invented in the early twenty-first century. Actually, it was not. It was around many decades ago.

    Campus radicalism, support for totalitarianism, and general political extremism are not new on Western campuses. Indeed some of the worst political extremism in academic history took the form of enthusiastic support on American campuses for Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. This is a disgraceful chapter in American academic history and one largely unknown. Its story is the topic of a new book, “The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower,” by Stephen H. Norwood (Cambridge University Press, 2009). The author is a professor of history at the University of Oklahoma and holds a PhD from Columbia University (of all places; Columbia University is one of the schools whose ties with Nazism he documents carefully). Norwood is an accomplished writer and researcher, but I believe that this volume will turn him into an American household name. It is based on five years of his intensive research efforts. And it is already flaming controversies and debate.


    History repeating itself

  68. CNSNews – Ron Marr: There are really only two goals behind federally mandated health care programs. The first is control. The current crop of clowns feel that they should control your every move, monitor your every whim. They believe they should not only tell you how to handle your health concerns, but also be allowed to pry into the most intimate details of your life. What’s more, if you refuse to participate, you will either be fined or tossed in the pokey.

    The second goal is the outright destruction of the companies that offer health insurance. There is no way a private insurance company can compete against government insurance. If they even try, they will be fined and regulated up the wazoo.

    Seriously, how can a private insurance company make a profit if they have to cover those with pre-existing conditions for a minimal sum? This is a little like saying car insurance companies have to provide you with low-cost insurance after you’ve smashed your Camaro into a bridge.

    Thanks to the liberals in Congress, there is a very good chance that government-run health care will be a reality. Over fifty percent of Americans don’t want it, but that matters not a whit to the folks in Washington. They view themselves as an aristocracy, and besides, they won’t have to use the crappy programs that you’ll be forced to endure.


  69. EPA putting the brakes on coal
    posted at 10:55 am on October 26, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
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    Almost two years ago, Barack Obama told the editors of the San Francisco Chronicle that anyone who wanted to open a new coal-burning electrical plant would get “bankrupted” by his policies. They may not even get the coal to burn, thanks to the EPA. The Washington Times’ Amanda Carpenter reports that the agency has held up scores of surface mining permits in an action that will get the attention of coal-producing states — and their Senators:


    I wonder how many elderly will freeze in their homes over this. Sounds like a death panel through the back door.

  70. “I log on and read something like this…is Detroit in that bad a shape to the point they can’t even practically give homes away?”-Tex

    Yeah, that is true, Tex. My pitcher on our softball team’s house appraised for 1,000 bucks.

    However, many of these houses are stripped of everything and have a turkey in the heating duct.

    The crack head eying the last bit of aluminum doesn’t help either. There is also an issue of back taxes that must be paid…I think.

    A year ago, you could buy a house in the suburbs for 12 grand. Although I’m pretty sure that was the bottom.

    My first house I ever owned is now abandoned.

    It’s a shame too. It was only about 900 square feet, but it had an awesome garage, a swimming pool, and a ton of privacy in a neighborhood where everyone looks out for one another.

    Mean while, I keep paying on a 225,000 dollar money pit worth 140.

    There is a very good chance I’m getting laid off next year. If
    I was smart, I would just stop paying this mortgage, pocket the payments and pay cash for a house when I get the axe. This may seem weird, but my In-laws are the reason I don’t. I just wouldn’t be able to face them.

    So….I’m throwing tens of thousands of dollars at a disastrous proposition I will inevitably lose anyways when I get laid off.

    I do the right thing while millions of dollars have gone to even bigger shit bags in the form of tax payer subsidized bonuses.

    I can not, for the life of me, understand how any conservative can be cool with this.

  71. But to continue the point…

    As for Dunn’s complaint about Fox News’ coverage of the Obama campaign, a study by the Pew Research Center showed that 40 percent of Fox News stories on Obama in the last six weeks of the campaign were negative. Similarly, 40 percent of Fox News’ stories on Obama’s Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, were negative.

    On CNN, by contrast, there was a 22-point disparity in the percentage of negative stories on Obama (39 percent) and McCain (61 percent). The disparity was even greater at MSNBC, according to Pew, where just 14 percent of Obama stories were negative, compared to a whopping 73 percent of McCain stories—a spread of 59 points.http://www.usnews.com/blogs/mary-kate-cary/2009/10/14/fox-news-less-biased-than-cnn-msnbc-in-white-house-coverage-.html

  72. Elric,

    Do you agree with the NYT article on the reason for the Pope reaching out to the Angelic Church? I actually hope they are right and given his past behavior I am inclined to agree.

    Possibly, though I believe radical Islam and corresponding invitation from the Pope would more likely indicate Benedict sees sharia a symptom of the real problem which the Pope feels he must quickly address. I am guessing that Pope Benedict recognizes there are many lost sheep in the Anglican Church (the entire Christian faith for that matter).

    I think Pope believes like I do, like Billy Graham does, like almost all the great living theologians alive believe (which by the way I’m ashamed to be mentioned in that list as I certainly am no great theologian). That is that the history of mankind is quickly drawing to a climax. No doubt though that the idiot “Most Reverend” Rowan Williams, if memory serves the Archbishop who recommended Christianity kowtow to creeping sharia, also played a large part in the Pope’s decision to make the invite first to the Anglicans.

  73. Rabbit,

    Mean while, I keep paying on a 225,000 dollar money pit worth 140.

    There is a very good chance I’m getting laid off next year. If
    I was smart, I would just stop paying this mortgage, pocket the payments and pay cash for a house when I get the axe. This may seem weird, but my In-laws are the reason I don’t. I just wouldn’t be able to face them.

    Perhaps the in-laws are some factor. But I more suspect it is for all the bluster on the blog, deep down you’re a good and honest person that knows right from wrong. I had that figured out pretty quickly. I believe when he lets down the leftist facade, Rutherford is about the same too. The world could use a few more like you.


    Last Friday, Tex made a life-changing decision. I returned to medical school and was doing “okay”, though they weren’t going to hand me any trophies for my grades either. I quickly realized I was too old to specialize. However, after much thought and a whole lot of observation about what is going on in health care, I decided I would move to join my wife and give this chase up, my main fear that as a general practitioner, I could find myself competing against physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners in the coming years and the money simply wasn’t going to be there to take on a bunch of debt. It has lasted for five years now and it is time for me to return to reality.

    I suppose I’ll take some clerical job in a company for the health insurance if I can find one after I move and give up my chase. Medical School and the entire medical profession are not what I believed they would be. I will be the first to admit to Rutherford that the medical profession is part of the problem. It would be an understatement to say I was sorely disappointed – for the most part, brilliant students. But not what I would consider high caliber folks. And the lack of maturity sitting as a 50 year old in a room of overachieving, high strung, arrogant, honor grads finally wore on me enough to believe “enough is enough”. Then the thought of doing my residency reporting to 30 something arrogant doctors was also a revolting thought.

    I’m at peace with my decision although it cost me a fortune to make it and probably ended my professional career. Now Rutherford and I have something else in common besides a real cynicism of corporate America.

  74. Tex,

    The Angelic Church could have made progress if they would have booted out Williams and replaced him with Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali.

    I think the Pope thinks like you do that history is coming to an end. Perhaps not a final end but an end as we know it. I look at it as a spiritual call to arms and the COE is indeed lost spiritually. Wrapped itself up in multiculturalism like the UK did.

    Be interesting how the Pope’s call plays out.

  75. Nielsen: Fox News ratings up almost 10% since WH declared war
    posted at 9:53 pm on October 26, 2009 by Allahpundit
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    It’s a nine-percent bump in the two weeks since Anita Dunn’s whine heard ’round the world — in terms of overall audience. Among the coveted 25-54 demographic? A 14-percent bump. Good work, Barry. People keep telling me that this PR offensive by the White House benefits both sides but I don’t see how that’s true. If the goal is to contain Fox by framing the stories it breaks — Van Jones, ACORN, etc — as somehow illegitimate, then every tenth of a point that Fox’s ratings go up undermines that goal. There will come a point where other news nets will follow Fox’s lead simply for business reasons, ideology or no ideology; follow the link, eyeball the list of top 20 news shows, and ask yourself how far we are from that point, really. To put it in perspective: “Red Eye,” at 3 a.m., is beating Campbell Brown at 8 p.m. on CNN in the demo. (Worse, perhaps: Anderson Cooper is getting beat by … re-runs of Nancy Grace.) CNN’s made a noble attempt at semi-objective coverage in primetime while FNC and MSNBC resort to bombthrowers, but this experiment must be near its end. I wonder what they’ll end up putting in the 8 p.m. slot. Some sort of updated version of “Crossfire,” perhaps, with a new, younger, edgier cast? Andrea Tantaros versus Meghan McCain on a nightly basis? I’d watch.

    Here’s a quote to ponder. Remember, when they say “last,” they mean out of four networks — CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and Headline News. Quote: “The only CNN show from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. that did not finish last was Larry King, which was third, ahead of the new Joy Behar show on HLN.” Exit question one: How long before CNN’s getting beat by Joy Behar? Exit question two: Glenn Beck is number two in cable news — at 5 p.m. How long before Ailes moves him to primetime?


    Ha! Take that Thuggy

  76. After witnessing a gay pride march, committed Christian Pauline Howe wrote to the council to complain that the event had been allowed to go ahead.

    But instead of a simple acknowledgement, she received a letter warning her she might be guilty of a hate crime and that the matter had been passed to police.

    Two officers later turned up at the frightened grandmother’s home and lectured her about her choice of words before telling her she would not be prosecuted.

    Mrs Howe, 67, whose husband Peter is understood to be a Baptist minister, yesterday spoke of her shock at the visit and accused police of ‘ wasting resources’ on her case rather than fighting crime.

    ‘I’ve never been in any kind of trouble before so I was stunned to have two police officers knocking at my door,’ she said.

    ‘Their presence in my home made me feel threatened. It was a very unpleasant experience.

    ‘The officers told me that my letter was thought to be an intention of hate but I was expressing views as a Christian.’


    This is what happens once you accept hate crimes. And something tells me if she was a member of the religion which must not be named, the police wouldnt have pursued it.

  77. Climate Chief Says People Will Eventually Give up Meat to Stop Cows From Farting to Save the Planet From Global Warming…..


    Could someone explain to me how not eating meat would stop cows from farting? In fact, the whole thing is counter-intuitive. If we eat meat, we kill the cows and they fart no more.

  78. Rabbit … I know you don’t want to hear this but I feel your pain, big time. If you really see a layoff coming, start planning your plan B now. I was taken completely by surprise, had no Plan B, and now live with constant anxiety. I know it’s easier said than done but try to prepare for the worst dude.

  79. Rabbit … I know you don’t want to hear this but save your money instead of spending it on snus. Sell your house quick, have people bid on it and get a cheaper house (foreclosure) that looks cute in Macomb county. Theres tons of them. Theres also grants for home buyers. btw, what are you? Some wanna be teacher? Work at a community college, or is that too liberal of an atmosphere for you. You also need a plan C. What else can you do? You seem like you might be capable of something other then getting overly emotion online, how about you use your skills to start a small business. And don’t tell me it isn’t possible right now in Michigan, cause it is.

  80. Now Rutherford and I have something else in common besides a real cynicism of corporate America.

    You won’t believe this but I got a vibe in the past few days that you would be making this decision. Not a big surprise but I know a part of you mourns. It is hard to let a dream go.

    Believe it or not, I entered college with two leg braces, a cane and a determination to be a doctor. When I saw I didn’t have the stamina to survive two hour chemistry labs on my feet all the time, the “dream” died real fast. I then toyed with law and then wound up a programmer at a big company. The rest, as they say is history.

    Now’s your chance dude to be the new Drudge. Dedicate yourself to burying Arianna Huffington and maybe make a buck or two while you’re at it. 🙂 (You’ll have two immediate staff bloggers … Rabbit and Elric … well that is if Elric can type more than two sentences in a row.)

  81. After witnessing a gay pride march, committed Christian Pauline Howe wrote …

    The problem here is throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Any law can be abused. Hate crime laws are not invalid simply because they were incorrectly applied in this case.

  82. Ohhhhh lawdy!

    Let me intervene here before Rabbit explodes. Rabbit, I do believe Sensico was trying to be helpful.

    Sensico … Rabbit actually IS a teacher … I don’t remember at what level (i.e. high school, or jr high … I don’t think lower than that).

    I’ve considered teaching at college level myself but the requirements are pretty tough. Most colleges want their teachers to have at least a masters degree. I don’t remember if Rabbit got his masters. I know he has his bachelors and I think a teaching certificate.

    Anyway … Rabbit … try to get beyond Sensico’s choice of words and just pull some advice out of it.

    Aside to Tex …. you are right about me and Rabbit. I could not bear to “walk away” from this house. I’d rather go through the humiliation of foreclosure. Still 14 months or so away from that possibility assuming my wife keeps her job. Let’s hope fate intervenes.

  83. Apparently Newt is thinking very seriously of running for Prez in 2012. If he wins, he’ll have the oddest first name of any President since …..

    Rutherford B. Hayes. 🙂

  84. Little ol’ me is always trying to help. DR criticizing my advice will only show his denial.

    President Newt? Ha! I laugh on your lapel and also Chuck Todd’s for even pointing that out to begin with lol

  85. DR best wishes man
    Tex,it may seem like a waste but any thought on becoming a PA ? No matter what the political winds blow in the reality is PA’s an NPs play a crucial role and will only see opportunities grow.

  86. Turkey: An Ally No More – by Daniel Pipes

    Posted by Daniel Pipes on Oct 27th, 2009

    “There is no doubt he is our friend,” Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, says of Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, even as he accuses Israel’s foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman of threatening to use nuclear weapons against Gaza. These outrageous assertions point to the profound change of orientation by Turkey’s government, for six decades the West’s closest Muslim ally, since Erdoğan’s AK party came to power in 2002.

    Three events this past month reveal the extent of that change. The first came on October 11 with the news that the Turkish military – a long-time bastion of secularism and advocate of cooperation with Israel – abruptly asked Israeli forces not to participate in the annual “Anatolian Eagle” air force exercise.


    Sounds like more and more an ally to Thuggy

  87. American Support for Israel Remains Solid
    Filed Under (Israel, Polls) by m
    October 26, 2009 at 10:59 am

    ADL Poll: American Support for Israel Remains Solid; Increase in Support for Action to Prevent Iran From Going Nuclear

    The American people’s strong support for Israel remains constant and their
    support for action to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power has
    substantially increased, according to a new nationwide survey released by the
    Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today.

    The survey’s findings demonstrate that Americans recognize Israel as a strong
    and loyal U.S. ally, are skeptical about “peace dividends” that would be
    realized by Israel stopping all settlement construction and believe that a
    Palestinian state must not be established until the Palestinians demonstrate a
    commitment to end violence and accept Israel’s legitimacy.

    French FM warns: Israel will attack Iran

    Kouchner hinted that Israel had been generous in the time it had provided the international community to solve the crisis diplomatically, but warned that eventually the threat will cross a red line and Israel will be compelled to act.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki responded to Kouchner’s warning on Monday by saying that Tehran views the “Zionist regime” as weak and incapable of launching any kind of substantial attack on it’s nuclear facilities.

    Reminding the world that “Palestinians” weren’t the only ones that lost homes when the world finally recognized the state of Israel:

    Project Documents Stories of Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries


    Sadly Thuggy wants Israel to be nuked

  88. Alfie,

    Tex,it may seem like a waste but any thought on becoming a PA

    Nah, because one of the reasons I left corporate America was to be more in control of the decision making – and after having sat in a room of docs believing themselves to walk on water, the thought of reporting to one of them makes me purge. 😆

  89. Elric, 😆

    Like Dennis Miller, I’m convinced Joe Biden was chosen for the simple reason that no matter how badly Obama failed, Obama would always look good when standing next to Joe Biden.

    I never realized how incredibly stupid Joe Biden was until he started his presidential run. Makes you wonder about the state of Delaware.

  90. Western leaders shocked, shocked as Iran plays games on enrichment
    posted at 12:46 pm on October 27, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

    Iranian mullahs not serious about ending nuclear proliferation? The deuce you say! Western leaders find themselves shocked, shocked that the Iranians now want an agreement already reached in principle reworked, in a move that would only surprise those who have been in a coma for the last ten years:


    Thats ok, Israel’s patience is up anyway.

  91. Video: Rubio on principles and winning
    posted at 10:55 am on October 27, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

    Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio appeared on Joe Scarborough’s show this morning to talk about his campaign against Governor Charlie Crist for the open Senate seat in the 2010 Republican primary. Rubio got treated well by the Morning Joe panel, which let him speak at length about the necessity of sticking to principles rather than worry about diluting one’s party to win votes. Rubio reminded the MS-NBC audience that self-identified conservatives are growing in number — and besides, if voters really want to support statist intervention, the Democratic Party already offers that choice:

    Yes, the tide is turning against the RINO’s. Plus I would never vote for an orange dude.

  92. First, Lieberman is the very definition of a butthead. I don’t recall whether the Dem Senators count him in the 60 votes they want but they should thoroughly disown him. He is a traitor to the party but too chickensh*t to just go ahead and switch. Arlen Specter has more balls comparatively speaking, and Arlen is a complete opportunist.

    As for Rubio, time will tell whether he is right. He believes the country is overwhelmingly conservative and that moderate Republicans will not do. Let’s see what happens as folks like him try to shift the GOP further right. I think he’s in for a rude awakening. The further right the GOP goes, the more they will marginalize themselves.

  93. I am a high-school teacher. I have a Masters Degree, although it’s probably the biggest joke of one you could ever imagine.

    Today I found out I’m doomed. After a buy out, I hired in with 19 people. To break the tie in seniority, they use SSN numbers.

    I’m last, despite having many more years experience working in prisons and non-union temporary positions.

    Cuts are a certainty. How deep the cuts will be doesn’t really matter because I’m last. The Union will end up voting on either taking a pay cut with less cuts or hanging the younger people out to dry. Either way the Rabbit is dead.

    I got word that some people (female teachers) were snickering over my doom because of a stupid student voted award I win every year.Apparently it took 36 years for me to become popular in high-school. It’s weird being hated over nothing. Humans can be pretty nasty.

    This time I will let sensico’s words stand for themselves. You guys be the judge of her world.

    My knees are so torn up I can barely roof, my only other skill. I really don’t want to move my family out of state. I’m 36….will the military take me back? With bad knees?

    I’m toast. An utter failure.

    This may sound ridiculous, but I have been asked to join a small team of bounty hunters. Bounty hunting is totally unregulated in Michigan. I just have worries over something happening to my wife and kid due to this “side job”.

    I’m trapped. I’m hand cuffed to a pension…I suppose I could wait until somebody retires as the Union has to give my job back. Collect unemployment. Move my family into a trailer.

    I refuse to move in with the in-laws or my parents.

    Other things that run through my mind: Get a huge insurance plan out on myself and step in front of a train.

    Could never do that to my mom and wife…not an option. Yet, I can see how a self centered person would entertain such thoughts.

    Tex, that sucks about medical school. Although coming to terms with it probably feels a little liberating.

    Life can be hard. What makes it really tough is getting a taste of the good life. Just enough to become soft.

    When it comes down to it, I’m not a very productive citizen.
    Today my job entailed breaking down the War of the Three Henries.

    3 Henries. How can one tackle life without knowing about this war.

  94. As for Rubio, time will tell whether he is right. He believes the country is overwhelmingly conservative and that moderate Republicans will not do. Let’s see what happens as folks like him try to shift the GOP further right. I think he’s in for a rude awakening. The further right the GOP goes, the more they will marginalize themselves.

    And of course, I know you are wrong. You said it was Conservatism that was dead not nine months ago. Still. think that holds true Brother Rutherford?

    It is progressive politic that has quickly become marginalized.

  95. LOL Rabbit, of all the insults you’ve thrown at me, the one that would cut most to the quick is one you’ve never used:

    Hey Rutherford, I’m more educated than you are!

    Hey regarding your consideration of a bounty hunter job, yeah I understand your concern for your family but I’d also be concerned about getting my own head blown off.

    I don’t want to add to your bummer mood, but I have to tell you from personal experience … and you don’t need to be a rugged macho guy to feel this way … there is nothing more emasculating than feeling … no, actually knowing … that you are worth more dead than alive. This has crossed my mind more than once over the past couple of years. Fortunately, I think suicide is the coward’s way out, and because I don’t have Tex’s “insight”, I am afraid to die … more afraid of that than afraid to live a lousy life.

    Believe it or not, despite my liberal core, I was raised with a very traditional view of male/female roles. The idea of my wife bringing in most of the money does not sit well with me.

    Anyway, keep your eyes open for opportunities and be imaginative.

    Finally, and I really don’t mean to politicize your misfortune but now perhaps you can better understand why I think the “everyone is happy with their health insurance” argument is totally flaccid. We are all one layoff away from losing our health insurance. In a roaring economy, I can understand people being blind to this. But now? I just don’t get it.

  96. Tex,

    Is more alive then it has been in the past. Mostly due to Thuggy and his goons showing what what true liberalism is. Cracking me up over the hysterics over Libermann. Hilaroius how we are suppose to embrace the RINO’s but Libermann was treated like an outcast over a single issue. Bahahahahaha!!!!

  97. What makes it really tough is getting a taste of the good life. Just enough to become soft.

    I imagine by “soft” you mean not as physically fit as before. For me, soft = cocky. Things get really good and you never entertain the possibility that it could all go to pieces and totally beyond your control.

    When it comes down to it, I’m not a very productive citizen.
    Today my job entailed breaking down the War of the Three Henries.

    3 Henries. How can one tackle life without knowing about this war.

    Yeah, same thing in corporate America. You push paper, participate in projects, many of which are bound to fail for lack of proper requirements gathering and put up with senseless office politics. It adds NOTHING to your life except the paycheck to keep you in your home. At least you are preparing kids for a better life than perhaps their parents had.

  98. I’ve come to realize the hard economic times people are going through when I come to this blog and see that R is trying to monetize this blog lol Hope that works out.

    I would help out but, I’d rather buy that shirt I wanted over at ThinkGeek.com

  99. I would help out but, I’d rather buy that shirt I wanted over at ThinkGeek.com

    I wondered how long it would take for someone to make a crack about my “support page”. Hey you never know Sensico, ThinkGeek.com might be a sub-vendor of Amazon! They sell loads of stuff from smaller stores. Then again, I don’t think I get a commission from those sales … only Amazon proper.

    Worry not. I have no illusions about this support page paying the mortgage. 😉 (In fact, I get kind of a perverse chuckle out of seeking gratuities from people who loathe my political POV. LOL)

  100. Dismantling America
    By Thomas Sowell

    Just one year ago, would you have believed that an unelected government official, not even a Cabinet member confirmed by the Senate but simply one of the many “czars” appointed by the President, could arbitrarily cut the pay of executives in private businesses by 50 percent or 90 percent?

    Did you think that another “czar” would be talking about restricting talk radio? That there would be plans afloat to subsidize newspapers– that is, to create a situation where some newspapers’ survival would depend on the government liking what they publish?

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    Did you imagine that anyone would even be talking about having a panel of so-called “experts” deciding who could and could not get life-saving medical treatments?

    Scary as that is from a medical standpoint, it is also chilling from the standpoint of freedom. If you have a mother who needs a heart operation or a child with some dire medical condition, how free would you feel to speak out against an administration that has the power to make life and death decisions about your loved ones?

    Does any of this sound like America?


    No, it sounds like friggin Cuba

  101. Rutherford, you are certainly right about the emasculation that goes with losing your job.

    I’m actually surprised more people don’t go nuts and shoot their boss or some shit. It takes a huge dose of mental maturity to handle it.

    In my case, I have the best test scores (I teach an “AP” class in which kids take a test for college credit). My other classes are full of the morons that the other teachers can’t handle. I have years of experience in non-Union teaching jobs and working in the prisons. Yet, there are chicks barely older then sensico, still living with their fricking parents, horrible teachers who can’t control their classroom with little to no life experience outside of the college campus, that are more “senior” then me because of my SSN number. Hard to swallow.

    The other day, some older union dude was on his soap box talking about those with more money helping those with out via a raise in taxes.

    Ah, the hypocrisy. The Union could vote for a 9% pay cut and save jobs. Rumor has it, that doesn’t stand a chance. I know for certain the liberal old guard is voting it down, and those are his buddies.

    I do have my job until next September.
    There is certainly a risk in opting for freedom. I’ll take my odds that my wife doesn’t lose her job/benefits and that I’ll be hired back in a year or two.

    I don’t want your big government any where near health care.

    I wish you would realize just how bad the government screws everything up. Ultimately, your government can’t help me. Only I can help me, and I mean that.

  102. Oh my: Lieberman vows to filibuster Reid’s ObamaCare bill; Update: “Robust” public option short of votes in the House too
    posted at 4:28 pm on October 27, 2009 by Allahpundit
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    Combine this with Snowe’s declaration that she’s not voting for any opt-out public option either and you’ve got 41 votes to kill it. And maybe, given the rumblings coming from Blue Dogs like Ben Nelson and Landrieu, a few more than that.

    I’ve got a crazy hunch that the media’s strange new respect for free-thinkin’ independent-minded centrists like Snowe and Susan Collins won’t be extended to Joe Liebs.


    No it wont. Libs are the biggest hypocrite on the planet.

    BTW Bahahahahaha!!!!!!

  103. “I wish you would realize just how bad the government screws everything up. Ultimately, your government can’t help me. Only I can help me, and I mean that.” -DR

    Oh goody, so lets just stick you on a deserted island and see how you survive. Sure, no roads, no post office to send your family letters, no water system, Ha! You said a while ago that you’re a Teabagger, your statement solidifies you teabagging credentials.

  104. I’m curious R, with Reid’s recent push on the public option, which is causing your lone Republican to bail as well as several other dems, what happens when Obama can’t get 60 votes and the Dems force the issue through reconciliation?

    Do you support the use of reconciliation for something like this?

  105. Obama: You know who’s pretty outstanding? Alan Grayson
    posted at 5:58 pm on October 27, 2009 by Allahpundit
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    Yeah, granted, he offered this as part of his boilerplate opening pleasantries, but ask yourself how the media would have answered the question of the day had it been Bush saluting a congressman who’d recently called a woman lobbyist a “K Street whore” — on Alex Jones’s radio show, no less. Even Democrats went after Grayson, with Anthony Weiner going so far as to say he’s “one fry short of a Happy Meal” before lamely apologizing. The RNC is naturally leaping at the chance to rub Obama’s face in it, but the beauty of Grayson is that he’s spewed so much demagogic nonsense over the past few months that you don’t even need to believe The One knew about the “whore” remark to find this inappropriate. Assume for argument’s sake that Obama didn’t know; even so, what’s he doing slapping a guy on the back who recently called the GOP enemies of America? Keep spreading that sweet post-partisan Hopenchangey spirit, champ.


    Where is that bitch of a house speaker getting all choked up over this rhetoric?

  106. At what point does Sensico stop insulting millions of people with sexually deragatory language? “Teabaggers’ is something from the Daily Kos and the rest of the vitriolic left wing fringe that not only insults the people opposed to the current administration but also the original tea partiers.

    It is offensive, deragatory, and intellectually dishonest. Of course, what else could we expect from Sensico…

  107. b-b-b-but, they say they tea bag, therefore they’re teabaggers. Don’t shoot the messenger.

    my favorite:

    they even teabag themselves,

    if you don’t like the word teabagging then take that up with the teabaggers in the GOP.

  108. Does the fact that this young man wants to teabag offend you Gorilla? Does this man not have the right to teabag himself? Next thing you know you’ll be wanting to take away my second amendment right and free speech.

  109. Pathetic: Jarrett backtracks from Fox News bias claim when asked about MSNBC
    posted at 6:26 pm on October 27, 2009 by Allahpundit

    Credit CNN here. Not only did Campbell Brown follow up with a question about MSNBC after this sorry hack went into Fox-bashing mode but CNN.com actually posted a write-up noting her lame retreat when confronted. Say, did you know that the White House is “calling everybody out,” not just Fox News? Keep watching those Sunday morning chat shows; I’m sure Axelrod and Emanuel will be on again soon to lay out their arguments against CNN and MSNBC.

    The money line? “We’re going to speak truth to power.” The ultimate expression of self-righteous victimhood, offered here by … a senior advisor to the most powerful man on earth.


    LOL Only people dumber than this politburo are the drones that buy their lame lies.

  110. Gorilla,

    Notice how obsessed Densico is with male gay sex? Perhaps she is really a gay dude trapped in a “women’s” body. It would explain a lot.

  111. Yeah, sure.

    I suppose yours and Garafalo’s reference to ‘teabag’ was all about lipton.

    You’re full of shit, and are a mental midget. If you want to disagree with them, go for it- argue the message instead of the usual leftist tactics of atracking the messenger.

  112. Elric,

    Densico looks like a dude. I think she’s a hermaphrodite with a bad hair doo – kind of like that Kenyan gal that recently won at the world track & field championships.

    Densi has done all she can to get rid of the nappy haired look and by adopting the bouffant, but it just ain’t flying as attested to by the pic. On top of that, she’s definitely a HO familiar with the teabagging posture… 😉

  113. Tex,

    She could be a hermaphrodite. Thats a possibility. Either way, she is obsessed with male gay sex. I hope they do a gender check at her college if she plays sports, even if she plays women’s Lacrosse. 🙂

  114. lmao, “If you want to disagree with them, go for it- argue the message instead of the usual leftist tactics of atracking the messenger.”

    dude, I’m not attacking them, I’m agreeing with them. If they wanna be teabaggers and say they’re going to tea bag then I have no issues with that. Instead of attacking me (the messenger) attack the people that created the message if you don’t like it.

    Densico looks like a dude. I think she’s a hermaphrodite with a bad hair doo – kind of like that Kenyan gal that recently won at the world track & field championships.

    Densi has done all she can to get rid of the nappy haired look and by adopting the bouffant, but it just ain’t flying as attested to by the pic. On top of that, she’s definitely a HO familiar with the teabagging posture

    lmao, you’re a Don Imus, you hit all the racists notes. This convo wasn’t even involving you and last time I checked you said I really didn’t look ugly so either you’re contradicting yourself and are attracted to dude and hermaphrodites or you don’t believe any of the shit you just typed.

    Dont worry Dom Imus Jr. Just like your trailer trash pappy, I won’t be offended and alert the media so we can have a weeks dialog about race and shit. btw, that “Kenyan gal” achieved more then you could in your long lifetime. You are now the face of the GOP Tex, along with Limbaugh and Beck, just keep bringing your party down, it’s do us all a favor in the longrun, thanks 😉

  115. Aunt Esther,

    You’ll note that Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Don Imus all have something in common and diametrically opposite you. They’re successful.

    You were an ass to my buddy Rabbit about his occupation, mainly due to a reincarnation named MaO Bama, along with a Michigan Democratic elect that couldn’t manage to find both cheeks with a roadmap.

    You are a despicable, pathetic excuse for a human. I’m going to pile on your sorry, worthless ass from here on out until you find another place to visit. That, or you better be groveling to Rabbit while apologizing to him butt quick.

    And you better believe I’m the face of the new party. We ain’t afraid of your baseless racism horseshit because you can’t cut it on your own. Go find someplace else to play victim Rev. Al. 😈

  116. aw, that’s so cute, you’re sticking up for DR. If I was Rev. Al I’d be ranting about you on Fox News or some shit. Fortunately for you, I don’t care enough. You and Rev. Al have something in common, you’re attention whores.

    So you know what, just to give you something to do and waste more of your time, I’ll stay here because I would love to be a huge influence on what you do. Groveling to Rabbit? *laughs*

  117. Do you support the use of reconciliation for something like this?

    I am very conflicted about this. My support of getting this through using reconciliation depends on the content of the bill. If all the bill ends up doing is funneling new customers into the arms of the current insurance industry, then I’m not sure it’s worth using the reconciliation trick to ram it through.

    If the bill stops short of any increase in number of folks covered BUT does criminalize the use of pre-existing condition exclusions, then it might indeed be worth getting passed “by any means necessary”.

  118. Obama: You know who’s pretty outstanding? Alan Grayson

    Well, you can’t nail me on this one. I’ve already stated that so far, Grayson is good for catharsis and very little else. I don’t see any substance there yet.

  119. …that not only insults the people opposed to the current administration but also the original tea partiers.

    Ehhhh, no … the current “teabaggers” are an insult to the original tea partiers. The Boston Tea Party gang knew why they were upset. The 2009 Tea Party gang is all over the place which makes me suspect they don’t really know why they’re angry. All I know is they want their America back, whatever that means. 😉

  120. “b-b-b-but, they say they tea bag, therefore they’re teabaggers.” — Sensico

    LOL she has a point as illustrated in the excellent photos she dug up. Sadly these great patriots aren’t up on their sexual slang. They brought the insult on themselves.

  121. Thuggy dithered as soldiers die. What a POS.

    Again you prove yourself to be an ass much like your hero the Dick Cheney. The only way to keep them from dying is to pull out of Afghanistan, which you don’t want to do. So just shut the f*ck up and bide your time. Obama will be sending more soldiers to die in the very near future.

  122. Tex …. I know this escapes you now and again … but I’m the blog owner … I decide who stays and goes. If Sensico has a choice between staying and ignoring you or leaving because she’s offended, I do hope she chooses the former.

    DR took the high road regarding Sensico’s “advice”. So, Tex, let it go dude. It ain’t your fight. (Then again, Iraq wasn’t your fight either and you went gung-ho on that …. so never mind. 😉 )

  123. You Lie!… Dem Rep Says President Played Word-Games During Speech; Obamacare Will Cover Abortion (Video)
    Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 5:30 PM
    Jim Hoft

    Of course it will.
    Obamacare will cover abortion and President Obama knew it when he stood up in front of the American people and said that it wouldn’t.

    Via Breitbart
    CNS News: Rep. Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) told CNSNews.com that President Barack Obama told him in a telephone conversation that when he said in his Sept. 9 speech to a joint session of Congress that “under our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions” he was not talking about the actual bill drafted in the House but about the president’s own health care plan—which has never been written.

    It looks like Joe Wilson was right.


  124. October 28, 2009
    Narcissistic Rage in the White House
    By James Lewis

    The term “narcissistic rage” gets 26,000 citations in Google Scholar. It is a common feature of extreme or pathological narcissism.

    While psychiatrists often say they can’t do long-distance diagnosis, it really isn’t that hard if you have a lot of information about a person and can watch how he operates from day to day. Intelligence agencies around the world have psychiatric staffs for exactly that purpose.

    While most people are pretty hard to predict, extreme narcissists are comparatively simple. They constantly hunger for ego gratification, they are immature, constantly need to demonstrate their own superiority, often need endless sexual conquests (like Bill Clinton), are manipulative, constant liars, are completely cold about the human beings they harm (like John Edwards), and they deal with frustration by uncontrollable fits of rage.

    I think that’s what we saw last week with the White House lashing out at Fox News.

    According to the New York Times,


  125. Chesler: Spinning Out Of Control: Honor Killings and Media Bias

    Via Pajamas Media:

    We are entering an all-spin zone, a wild, weird and spooky season and I am not talking about Halloween.

    With a few exceptions, the mainstream media continue to kill stories about honor killings and attempted honor killings in North America. How often did you read stories about the honor killings that took place in Toronto (07), Dallas (08), Atlanta (08), Oak Forest, Illinois (08), Alexandria (08), Buffalo (09), and Kingston, Canada (09)—on and on, until the most recent attempted honor killing in Phoenix?

    Read the rest.


  126. Chicago: Man arrested in terror plot, financed by owner of raided halal meat plant
    October 27, 2009 by creeping

    “We even know where they plot, at this point…They are the butcher-shops, to begin with.” ~ Oriana Fallaci, The Rage and the Pride

    The mysterious raid on a Chicago-area Islamic halal meatpacking plant (video) is becoming less mysterious. It is now being reported that the owner financially supported a man, and his family, involved in a terrorist plot on Western European targets. From the Chicago Tribune.


    Hmmmm Chicago again?????? Thuggy must be proud.

  127. It looks like Joe Wilson was right.

    No, go back and look at the video Gateway Duncehead …. Joe Wilson shouted “You lie” concerning the coverage of illegal aliens, not abortion.

    This is the kind of lazy inaccurate journalism that makes conservative voices in this country right now a complete and utter joke.

  128. Tex …. I know this escapes you now and again … but I’m the blog owner … I decide who stays and goes. If Sensico has a choice between staying and ignoring you or leaving because she’s offended, I do hope she chooses the former.

    Rutherford, did I insinuate that I had the power to banish Nappy? What I do have the power to do is to point out she’s a liar, a HO, stupid, and completely unattractive.

    On a subject worth talking about because that ammonia slit ain’t it, you know how you’re always criticizing Elric for his “links” R? Maybe you ought to be paying him for his links. He was actually ahead of the curve of the Drudge Report reporting about Obama being the most powerful writer since Julius Caear, according to another program that should be completely defunded – the NEA.

    And it got me thinking. That would be the claim Obama a more powerful writer than say the authors of the New Testament. And you really wonder how people like Elric and I come to the conclusion that many of you have a messianic complex about our feckless wonder of a President?

    That’s a much bigger joke than the Nobel.

  129. This is the kind of lazy inaccurate journalism that makes conservative voices in this country right now a complete and utter joke.

    If true, why are these jokes scaring you and MaO so badly? Why are they at the top of the bestseller lists and so popular.

    If you think them the joke, you ought to be encouraging more of their displays, don’t you think? 😉

  130. Tex,

    You know whats a joke. Praising RINO’s for crossing the aisle on numerous liberal cause but getting hysterical over Lieberman. Now thats a joke.

    BTW. Had a great morning. Was at this government place where they didnt have a clue what was going on. This nice older lady was complaining and told me imagine government run healthcare. Well we got in a nice discussion and this other lady was listening in. She was nice but admitted she was clueless on the issues. I gave her Beck’s radio program to listen to. Im in a pretty Blue state so it gave me some confidence that the Thuggy aura has worn off.

  131. I have to say that there are clearly those that degrade a thread.

    Tea baggers are indeed angry and in most cases all over the place R. I would say though that even the biggest idiot should realize that they are indeed angry and that that should matter. Instead the Left continues to try to pass them off,insult them and discredit them. It isn’t gonna work because at the end of the day they are embodiment of the slice of America that is losing their homes,jobs,culture and assorted identities. Laugh all you want but if any of you had a brain,an ounce of compassion and anything resembling concern for America you’d be looking for solutions not sex slang etc.

  132. Elric,

    Your American Thinker link is excellent. The comments, most of them anyway, are equally as good. Perhaps our liberal persuasion should read them since they like to think themselves superior in every way. Here is but a sample of great comments I found myself nodding the head with:

    I think it’s a big mistake to compare Obama to Clinton, Edwards, Gore, etc. While it’s natural for the mind to reach for similarities, we have never seen anyone like Obama in the White House. Clinton et al are your garden variety narcissists. Strong willed, arrogant males who relish power and attention.

    Obama is in a class by himself. While Clinton and the others love this country and want to protect and preserve it, Obama detests Americans and America. He is filled with rage, and motivated by revenge and control. He sees himself as the Messiah.

    This is completely different than Clinton et al. Comparing Obama to any former President or high level official hides how dangerous and unique Obama is. We have never seen anyone like him before. Did Clinton, Gore, or Edwards surround themselves with a secret government of C0mmunist Czars? Almost all powerful leaders have some degree of narcissism. Obama’s pathology is much more severe and dangerous.

    I am beginning to sense that Rutherford and some of his cohorts like Wally Curator really do hate America and can’t bring themselves to admit it?

  133. “I am beginning to sense that Rutherford and some of his cohorts like Wally Curator really do hate America and can’t bring themselves to admit it?”

    I knew that awhile back. They hate capitalism, they hate freedom, they hate competition etc. You cant be a full blown leftist and Thuggy supporter and love America. It’s impossible

  134. Thank you Alfie, for calling them what they are, teabaggers or Tea Baggers or Tea-Baggers.

    They are angry but when they’re interviewed they clearly contradict themselves and haven’t an once of clue as to why they’re angry once they run out of Fox News punch lines. These people are clearly Stans (crazy fans). They’re like teenagers copying what their favorite boyband is doing, in this case its Fox News. They are fans and if their idol gets angry and shouts names then so do they.

    I for one cannot treat people like that with respect when all they want to do is scream and yell and try to shut down debate. Now I do realize that there are decent teabaggers out there and I even posted a video a while ago showing some, but or the most part this bunch is a joke. They’re rude too. Why would I respect teabaggers that shout down an old lady in a wheelchair just because she wants to tell her story about her experience with the poor American healthcare system.

    They have a right to teabag and I have a right to let them call themselves that. And I also have a right to make fun of them for their hypocritical views.

  135. House Dem: I have 40 votes to kill ObamaCare over abortion
    posted at 10:55 am on October 28, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
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    A follow-up and possible explanation to my previous post comes from The Hill, which reports on the way Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) has made himself into the fly in the ObamaCare ointment. While Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-NC) tries to whip 218 votes out of the Democratic caucus, Stupak claims to control 40 of those votes, thanks to the federal funding of abortions in the House plan. Stupak now threatens to collaborate with Republicans on a procedural motion that will kill ObamaCare for the session unless Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Nancy Pelosi allow an amendment to block all federal funding for abortions:



  136. Was at this government place where they didnt have a clue what was going on.

    LMAO, Elric you are one weird dude … or at least one damn secretive one. “This government place”?? LOL … ehhhh, was that a CIA secret location? Or perhaps the Post Office?

    Well at least it’s good to hear you got out this morning. Sometimes I worry about you.

    P.S. How are you doing on setting up that Islam-awareness blog I suggested? Easy as pie to set up on WordPress. I promise I’ll drop by now and again just to keep up with the latest news. 😉 (Here … I’ll even suggest an url for you … ISLAMICTHREAT.COM.)

  137. I am beginning to sense that Rutherford and some of his cohorts like Wally Curator really do hate America and can’t bring themselves to admit it?

    Cue the Twilight Zone music — DEE DEE DEE DEE.

    Tex, I think you smoked one too many joints this morning. Of all the comments to quote from the American (cough cough) Thinker article, you quote someone who needs to be on a shrink’s couch STAT.

    Obama is one of the most even tempered dudes we’ve ever had in the White House so where is all this RAGE?

    I’m beginning to think I’m doing a disservice to you and your ilk Tex. I should shut down this blog so you and yours can go watch some football, go outdoors, take in a concert or two. The obsession that you guys have with Obama, the personality, is truly disturbing.

  138. Video: Rubio uses Crist’s words against him
    posted at 1:35 pm on October 28, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

    Why, that sneaky, underhanded Marco Rubio campaign! Imagine, using Governor Charlie Crist’s own words against him in a web ad. Crist has belatedly awoken to the threat from the Florida House Speaker in the Republican primary for the open Senate seat, and has begun attacking Rubio to blunt his momentum. Rubio allows Crist to speak for himself for over two minutes in this ad that paints Crist as an Obama man:

    Take that you friggin RINO

  139. Rutherford,

    Here’s a pretty good analysis of Fox vs Obama White House. Conclusion: Fox wins, Obama wins, GOP loses.

    😆 Obama is winning nothing. I don’t even believe these “personality polls” anymore. I think most people in the know are beginning to realize Obama as incompetent, narcissistic, and self-serving, mean-hearted bastard. He has without a doubt surrounded himself with the most utterly futile group of clowns to ever waltz through the Whitehouse.

    Make sure you keep this message up Rutherford about how it’s a win win for Obama to silence his enemies. Goebbels would be proud – but you assholes ain’t going to get away with it here. By all means, tell Rahm to scream a little louder. Please!!!

  140. What the FUCK?

    I’m beginning to think I’m doing a disservice to you and your ilk Tex. I should shut down this blog so you and yours can go watch some football, go outdoors, take in a concert or two. The obsession that you guys have with Obama, the personality, is truly disturbing.

    This blog is your ego Rutherford – between it and Twitter, it’s what you live for. Do you not think most of has seen through your transparency (like MaO)? You may not be stupid like Densico, but don’t fool yourself into thinking some deep thinker either. 😆

  141. but don’t fool yourself into thinking some deep thinker either.

    Who said anything about deep thinking? I’m just saying the amount of time you guys spend on ad-hominem attacks on Obama vs policy debates indicates a sick obsession on your part. That’s all.

  142. LOL Took just 9 months with the media propping him up. What a failrure.

    Obama has literally succeeded all my expectations of being an utter failure. It’s almost miraculous MaO could have been this bad. Absolutely the most pathetic performance of someone sitting in a position of authority I’ve ever witnessed.

    The SOB didn’t even make to the coin flip before he fell down. So here’s another list of questions for Rutherford to make excuse with worn out lib cliches’:

    If George W. Bush had given Prime Minister Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Prime Minister Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?

    If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?

    If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, would you have approved?

    If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the non-existent “Austrian language,” would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?

    If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current on their income taxes, would you have approved?

    If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to Cinco de Cuatro in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the fourth of May (Cuatro de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?

    If George W. Bush had mis-spelled the word “advice” would you have hammered him for it for years like Dan Quayle and ‘potatoe’ as proof of what a dunce he is?

    If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he’s a hypocrite?

    If George W. Bush’s administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan, causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?

    If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a teleprompter installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?

    If George W. Bush had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than
    in New Orleans, would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?

    If George W. Bus h had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?

    If George W. Bush had proposed to double the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?

    If George W.. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

    If George W. Bush had reduced your retirement plans holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved?

    If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved?

    So, tell me again Rutherford what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can’t think of anything? Don’t worry. He’s done all this in 9 months – so you’ll have three years and three months to come up with an answer.

  143. I’m just saying the amount of time you guys spend on ad-hominem attacks on Obama vs policy debates indicates a sick obsession on your part. That’s all.

    Policy debates? What are the Obama policies? The only thing clear so far is a complete takeover of every aspect of American life. Is that the policy we are supposed to be debating? The benevolent great-granddaddy Obama deciding what is best for all of us like Stalin?

    Obama is an abject failure Rutherford. Obama has managed to screw up more things in less time that all the rest of the Presidents together in their first nine months, the feckless Jimmy Carter included.

    When are you going to quit defending the indefensible failure?

  144. Obamacare Line (5): What a phone call for health care may sound like in the near future

    😆 Rutherford won’t understand the humor because he would believe that is “progress”.

  145. If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to Cinco de Cuatro in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the fourth of May (Cuatro de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?

    I do believe you’ve flubbed his flub. The holiday is Cinco de Mayo, so if he said Cinco de Cuatro he flubbed the month substituting “four” for “May”. Equally stupid … but if you’re gonna lambaste him at least get the mistake right.

    As for many of the others, you thin-skinned Repub’s took every laugh we had at poor dyslexic Bush’s expense as some huge indictment. The MSM was having fun. Simple as that … it wasn’t like we impeached him for a blow job or anything. 😉

  146. This comment from Curator deserved to be in two places so I copied it from the Whig thread:

    “This took me about 5 minutes to look up President Obama’s successes in his first 100 days.

    He, created a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners.
    He will prohibit credit card companies from raising rates on existing balances.
    Expand eligibility for State Children’s Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)
    Signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
    He lifted restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research.

    Come on Tex….buddy….you can try harder.”

  147. As Rutherford desperate to get old Tex for making fun of his nappy-haired hag, sometimes girlfriend Sensico and Wally Curator, of Powerpoint fame and leeching employment (and even easier to gig than Rutherford) sauce for the goose…two places, of course.



    He, created a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners.

    That couldn’t pay for the home to begin with, subsidizing more votes at taxpayer expense. By the way, nice job on the new housing market.

    He will prohibit credit card companies from raising rates on existing balances.

    All the while saddling your children by quadrupling the national debt on interest they can’t possibly pay. Excellent job Wally.

    Expand eligibility for State Children’s Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)

    Another freebie (all ‘fer the children) at taxpayer expense, complete with government initiated fraud. Do you think these things are free Wally? As a state employee, sure you do!!!

    Signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

    This is a good thing? Coordinating the effort through the food for fuel frauds that helped to enrich Saddam whilie padding their own pockets? 😆

    He lifted restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research.

    Super! First we can’t afford it, second it is proving futile science and finally you condone more infanticide.

    Come on Wally. What took you five minutes took me five seconds to refute.

    Like you, MaO is worthless.

  148. No worries Rutherford, my winning seems to be happening all too often these days. Perhaps you’re trying too hard to defend complete incompetence? A difficult task, along with our shill organizations posing as fact checkers?

    But finally, something Big “R” and I are in completely agreement:

    You win … that makes him a Communist. You could have added thin-skinned phony, incompetent fascist, American hatin’, jackbooted thug, Wally Curator’s mac daddy and made it more accurate. It’s a start, though! 😉

  149. Late breaking and VERY satisfying news on an otherwise sad night for Dems. Owens beats Hoffman …. Sarah is kiss of death to GOP just as I said she would be!!


    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha LOL LOL LOL 😀 🙂 😀 🙂 👿

    Leave it to Sarah to hand a district over to the Dems for the first time since the Civil War!!!!! Oh, this is just too sweet!!!!!

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