Once and For All: Hillary, You Lost Because You’re Hillary 

This will be a short post on a topic that shouldn’t need more discussion six months after the election. This week Hillary emerged from her safe space to once again blame FBI Director James Comey and the Russians for her defeat. Her claim is that Comey scared off the fence sitters. 

First, the number of fence sitters was statistically insignificant. Hillary Clinton was one of the most polarizing candidates in American history. Folks loved her or hated her. Very few were ambivalent. 

Second, the Electoral College proved valuable in disproving Hillary’s claim. If Comey and the Russians were such poison, how then did Clinton win the popular vote by 3 million? The brilliance of the Electoral College was that it pin pointed the source of Hillary’s problem. She didn’t give a damn about rust belt working class Americans and they knew it. Post nomination, not a single trip to Wisconsin, not a single one. And like Glenn Close, in Fatal Attraction, Americans don’t like being ignored.

To his political credit, good old red neck Bill Clinton reportedly told his wife that she wasn’t paying sufficient attention to rust belt whites. His warnings were drowned out by the elites surrounding Hillary. 

Kudos to Amie Parnes and Jonathan Allen for co-authoring a book, “Shattered” that actually suggests the fault in Hillary’s campaign was not in the stars but in her campaign. The same campaign dysfunction that lost her the 2008 nomination killed her again. 

Hillary needs to go away and shut up. 

P.S. One of the classiest things George W. Bush did when he exited the White House was to go away and STFU. Barack, now it’s your turn. If America was that interested in your perspective, they would have selected your “inevitable successor”. They didn’t. Time for you to learn how to paint. 

What do y’all think? The bar is open. 

454 thoughts on “Once and For All: Hillary, You Lost Because You’re Hillary 

  1. Huma’s vag holster.

    It wasn’t not caring R. It was contempt. Deplorables!

    The same kind contempt you project here.

    Hillary should a wake up call for you guys, but it won’t be. Your type of tolerance demands intolerance, and you got that with Hillary. You’ll surely do it again.

    Chelsea 2020!

  2. You’re too much. A post you should basically agree with and you’re whining.

    But I’ll give you this. How bout the recent Huma disclosure that she had pervo printing out classified emails for her to take to Hillary? WTF?????

  3. “How bout the recent Huma disclosure that she had pervo printing out classified emails for her to take to Hillary?”

    WTF indeed. I haven’t heard that one.

  4. R, just cause you say things unflattering of your dems doesn’t mean I have to agree with it. Gawl. Open contempt. You guys lost the fucking unions for God’s sake. It’s not just apathy, it’s contempt. Obama did it too — guns and bibles, remember? Ya’ll just thought it was a winning strategy and pushed it too far. If Obama had run for a third tem using the same strategy, he’d have lost too.

    Plus she’s a scabrous hag.

    I just hope the left keeps doing what it’s doing. Your hatred of Trump pales in comparison to middle America’s hatred of your politics and messaging.

    If you don’t think Comey is in your pockets, this proves it. That is fucking criminally negligent at its best. Comey’s “intent” requirement — at least as he attempts to apply it — is so beyond absurd. The only reason he made the 11th hour revelation about perv’s emails was because he thought Hillary had it in the bag and he was covering his own ass. I have no doubt in my mind that Comey thought Trump could win he wouldn’t have uttered a peep.

  5. Comey was in an impossible situation.

    He keeps quiet and Hillary wins – all hell breaks loose once the info is leaked.

    He talks and Hillary wins, we get screams of rigged election (HAD to be rigged cos she got elected in spite of Comey).

    He keeps quiet and Hillary loses – all hell breaks loose that he attempted to help her but it didn’t work.

    He talks and she loses: that’s what happened and he’s blamed for the loss. He can’t win.

    This is all separate from the original sin of not recommending indictment when he had the chance.

    And it’s all against the backdrop of two criminals running for POTUS.

  6. Comey is a coward puke. There is absolutely no reason Clinton should have been gifted this special “intent” bull shit that you and I wouldn’t get in a million years. He didn’t have the balls to arrest her. Special people get special laws. No way around it. Hard to believe the cunt thinks she was robbed. She should be behind bars. She had a duty to protect classified information. She was aware of this duty. She was aware she was in possesion of classified information. She was aware that it wasn’t protected. That is intent. Anyone honest who has had a secret clearance knows this to be true.

    “Folks loved her or hated her. Very few were ambivalent.” I disagree with this. Folks hated her or were ambivalent.

  7. Obama was in on it too. He should have been subpoenaed. Fucking AG meets with Clinton. Rrrrrrrrrarrrrrr!

  8. Rabbit I was 100% with you until the last sentence. If you don’t think there were folks who would lick her shoes clean, you’re fooling yourself. The 2008 PUMA’s never went away. She was adored by millions of feminists.

  9. Comey was not in impossible situation — at least not one of his own making. All he had to refer. For the last time, he does not indict. Fuck. That was Lynch’s job. He abdicted that duty. We’ve been through this.

    Anyone of ordinary intelligence can articulate the evidence supporting a prima facie case against her. That was where his job should’ve ended. The Weiner emails was just more evidence if the crime that he took in an unilaterally deemed irrelevant.
    You’ll have remind me of Trump’s crime. I must be forgetting something.

  10. FWIW, at the Senate hearing last week, Comey basically threw Lynch under the bus.

    It will be interesting to see what Sally Yates says to the House committee on Monday regarding Flynn.

    The new Dem strategy: take the House in ’18 and impeach in ’19.

  11. As always, a lot of typos in that last one. But if you understand the point you don’t undestand the issue and shouldn’t have an opinion on it that shold be taken seriously.

  12. For the last time, he does not indict.

    Go back … I said “recommend indictment”.

    Second, Lynch recused herself based on the airplane meeting with Bubba.

  13. Impeachment? The fact that that is the strategy is perverse. What are the grounds for impeachment?

  14. I know what Lynch did. She said the deprtment would defer to Comey. That’s the effect of “recusal.” Abdication.

    Recommed indict indictment? It’s a subtle distinction, but rerral is not the exact same thing. Again, it’s a referral. The prosecutor’s recommend, and in this instance I believe that would be to a grand jury.

  15. What are the grounds for impeachment?

    First stop typing with a cigar in your hand.

    To answer your question, damned if I know. But I heard that exact strategy: House takeover followed by impeachment articles, on a podcast the other day. The Dems hate Trump more than they hated Bush and more than the GOP hated Obama. They want blood. They want somebody, Flynn or that skinny bald guy who won’t STFU to point a finger at Trump.

  16. No. I don’t think Trump U is impeachable.

    In fact, in another podcast I listened to, it was pointed out that “high crimes and misdemeanors” are not what the general public thinks. If Trump killed someone, it wouldn’t be an impeachable offense and in fact he could not even be prosecuted until his term ended.

  17. I think that impeachment standards so ill-defined that Trump U could fit– but I don’t really know. Of course, impeachment ain’t the same as removal so I guess it’s whatever Congress says it is.

    Clinton’s perjury is a no brainer.

  18. Wonder if swindler con man would be heard from R with the Clinton foundation — something done through Clinton’s abuse of office.

    Kidding. Of course not.

  19. If that’s the dem strategy what’s most troubling is that you don’t seem to find it troubling.

  20. I think and I say THINK that impeachment revolves around constitutional violations, not typical “crimes”.

    And yes just so we are clear on definitions. The House draws up articles of impeachment. The actual impeachment is the trial that goes on in the Senate and expulsion is the punishment derived from conviction in the impeachment proceeding.

    So as you correctly stated, impeachment does not equal removal from office.

  21. Wonder if swindler con man would be heard from R with the Clinton foundation — something done through Clinton’s abuse of office.
    Kidding. Of course not.

    Bad memory on your part. I never defended the Foundation and have always believed the deleted emails revolved around the Foundation.

  22. I’m talking prosecution/impeachment.

    If Trump or anyone else did what Hillary did I’d have said indict.

  23. what’s most troubling is that you don’t seem to find it troubling.

    It falls under the Chris Rock Doctrine. I don’t think they should try to impeach him … but I understand. 😊

  24. The Trump U case was settled out of court and that settlement was approved by a judge.

    Isn’t that like it never happened? (a genuine question)

  25. Not necessarily. You can settle a civil suit and still be criminally liable. But the fact that there’s been crminal investigation/charges pretty well tells you there’s nothing more to it.

  26. Oh, and the fact that judge approved a settlement makes no difference. The settlement is for the benefit of the parties, not the state. But you can agree not to seek crminal prosecution as a condition of settlement.

  27. I thought it was a class action.

    In any event, civil liability and crminal responsibilty are diff.

  28. No matter. Dude played gullible folks for fools.

    Don’t get me wrong. I seriously question the intellect of anyone who thought TU would get them rich but that may very well make the scam more odious, not less.

  29. Bill Maher can be an ignorant prick but he hit a bullseye last night. I paraphrase: “Before Steve Bannon talked to him, Trump didn’t know Andrew Jackson from LaToya Jackson.”


  30. “Don’t get me wrong. I seriously question the intellect of anyone who thought TU would get them rich but that may very well make the scam more odious, not less.”

    The name Gruber comes to mind.

  31. Odious is Hillary using her position as SOS for personal gain, violating public trust, and jeopardizing national security — and the dummies that look the other way or consider it a privilege of the position. Of course, gullibility was not a requirement, only corrupt motive and lack of accountability.

    Oh well, I understand donations are down and Obama now gets $400,000 speaking gigs because. . . gee, I wonder.

  32. Looks like it was the class action settlement, all of which require court approval which is intended to be sure that the settlement is “fair” to the members of the class (her the so-called students) who have not opted out. If you don’t want to be part of the class, you can opt and sue on your own. But the point of the court approval is to safeguard against collusion between the defendant and the class representatives ( or ther attorneys and whatever fees they get under the deal) since the class member, as you know, don’t participate but are bound by the settlement agreement.

    To my knowledge, the settlement would not preclude criminal prosecution if it were sought. However, I have always know TU to be a civil matter and I would think if any state felt it had an interest it could intervene or pursue its own remedies through its A.G.s civil divisions.

    To analogize, if a defendant settled a wrongful death suit with the victim’s family for $$, it would not preclude the state from charging him with murder.

  33. The name Gruber comes to mind.

    Gruber shmoober. Sadly, the government works inverse to how it should. Our elected servants and their advisors should be doing our bidding. Instead they use social engineering to satisfy their own priorities. Gruber is no different from the cadre who support Trump’s bullshit.

  34. Wow, not that Victoria Jackson ever looked good, I gotta say she looks like shit.

    Sounds like shit too.

  35. “Gruber is no different from the cadre who support Trump’s bullshit.”

    Uh, yeah. That was my point.

  36. And the fact that he even gloated about the stupidity and gullibility that was required to get Obamacare through.

    I don’t remember you giving a shit about that.

  37. Shit R, if Trump were liberal and you were a TU student, you’d be enrolling for the next semester. 😆

  38. Huck, to refine my analogy, let’s just say, hypothetically, you were a dem and you were driving a young girl from Chappaquiddick Island and drove off a bridge. . .

    you’d be deemed a paragon of virtue and enjoy a long career as a senator whose name would be invoked with reverence to pass a healthcare bill. . .

    but you’d never have to worry about being any meaningful criminal sanction. . .

  39. Shit R, if Trump were liberal and you were a TU student, you’d be enrolling for the next semester.

    Hate to remind you but when Trump lent his name to TU he was no Republican. I can’t say he was liberal per se but he was no conservative either.

    That’s what’s sorta funny about the current situation. No one knows what to make of the man. Not a Democrat not a Republican. He’s the leader of the Trump Party. 😀

  40. “Hate to remind you but when Trump lent his name to TU he was no Republican. I can’t say he was liberal per se but he was no conservative either.”

    Jesus. 🙄

    Go to bed.

  41. Oh, in case you miss it, note the source and date of the article, R — that is if you bother to read it.

  42. Rutherford I think your points in this post are pretty good and are standing on what most would assume to be solid ground. I would have to add that your side is paying lip service to its enema though and that won’t work which is why I assert the assume part earlier.

  43. You have to be sooooo careful around a liberal.

    Just the slightest mispeak or so called “micro agression” and you have an enemy on your hands categorizing you as evil.

    A wrong word, a dated phrase, a lack of nuance…just one unpopular opinion…and that’s it! Bam!

    I met some buddies I haven’t seen in a while at the horse track yesterday. Hardly the political type. And we all were saying the same thing. Liberals are dangerous on a personal level.

    Breaking bread with them is a risk. Drinking beer even more so. How can this conglomeration of campus thought nazis and identity politics assholes ever get the working class back? Work a 10 hour shift and you’re too tired to not be honest. But one slip up …one tiny slip up….

  44. I agree with alfie and rabbit. You did make some good points. Rabbit, were you at the Kentucky Derby?

  45. That Vox piece was refreshingly introspective. It certainly captures a sentiment I am familiar with. What’s your issue with it? Called ng it painful and smug I find… wait for it… painful and smug.

  46. I read it with an expectation that it would actually be more honest and harsh on liberals.It sure the fuck is long enough to get to a distinct point.
    It is at best imo a thinly veiled “Hey we’re right and awesome but don’t need to act like it”
    It had chunks of value but all in all I still found it biased and positive towards the American liberal/progressive.

  47. @ ET would you agree there is a movement looking to be critical of the democrats that in reality are little more than folks rearranging the chairs on the stage?

    Expanding on that I personally doubt the sincerity of those trashing the DNC and Clinton specifically. Further I believe the largest portion of the Democrat Party is not ready to rally for the likes of Warren,Sanders and whatever other socialist nut jobs are screaming in the streets. The days of Pelosi are gone for sure and likely the much needed revival of the Blue Dogs is DOA. What’s left is the Technocrats and Elitists that the Vox piece does indeed touch on but I think they missed a crucial piece of that particular puzzle. The T&E’s are a mixed bag. Some are no different from a number of Republicans. Most are in it for $$$$$$ and ultimately their smugness isn’t going to disappear because it is linked to actual anger and frustration towards the deplorables. The T&E formula wasn’t ready for 2016 but it is far from flawed science and they will be vindicated sooner than later.

  48. Well then, in the boice Gilda, “never mind.” I thought you were implying the opposite. I agree.

  49. You know DR, it’s incredible to me how they’ve given themselves permission to be uncivil. They not only don’t bother to mask their contempt, they look for ways to manufacture and escalate it. There’s no end game. It’s just “we lost, lets burn this bitch down.”

  50. I am watching the liberal academic class turn on each other on my campus. The only reason it’s fun is because I’m leaving.

  51. “You know DR, it’s incredible to me how they’ve given themselves permission to be uncivil. They not only don’t bother to mask their contempt, they look for ways to manufacture and escalate it. There’s no end game. It’s just “we lost, lets burn this bitch down.””

    And it will escalate.

    On my campus, which is relatively “peaceful” there is a student movement that is now training people how to “resist” the non-existent “far right wing element on campus”. They claim they need to give such training because the Democratic party can no longer be counted on to be effective.

    This is the beginning of the “peaceful resistance is ineffective, we must use ‘other means'” type of message we have seen from numerous groups over the centuries.

  52. “Rabbit, were you at the Kentucky Derby?”

    Nah….I was at our local race track for harness. I did put bets on the derby there. I had Battle of Midway and thought he had a chance. I was very close to making a couple grand so it was a fun race for me. Always Dreaming was impressive. I couldn’t believe that horse could pour it on in that slop like that at the end.

    I lCinco de Mayo might be my favorite weekend of tge year. Love the horses and we always get a good Mexican fight at night. Canelo Alverez was impressive last night. Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. was an utter disgrace.

    Next September will Alverez vs. Gennady Golovkin. That is real deal. Can’t wait!

  53. “Ya just can’t drink beer with a liberal.”

    Why? It’s true. Very true. One politcally incorrect utterance and your toast.

    One time I was out having a few beers with liberal colleagues and I accidentally used the word “gay” as a negative term to describe something. I never really use the word that way but what can I say….3 pints in after a stressful week….I did.

    Well…days later to my shock….I learned I had deeply offended. One word. Used in a completly unrelated way. One screw up.

  54. “You can be one weird dude”

    Maybe you dumb fuck libs should open your minds and try to learn something. Or keep losing. Your only at a 100 year low point. I guess it can’t get any worse.

  55. “Well…days later to my shock….I learned I had deeply offended.”

    And probably offended someone that isn’t even gay.

  56. I read, then skimmed, then skipped chunks of the Vox piece. It was too GODDAM LONG! And full of nuggets like this:

    The studies, about Daily Show viewers and better-sized amygdalae, are knowing.

    Emmett is too clever by half. That said, I don’t understand Alfie’s gripe. You expected a repudiation of liberalism from a lib writing in a lib publication? The article supports Tigre’s point that Dems do not just ignore the rust belt and rural whites – they hold them in contempt.

    Why Tigre disagreed with you and then agreed with you stumps me further.

    Why it took Emmett so GODDAM LONG to make a simple point stumps me more.

  57. It wasn’t not caring R. It was contempt. Deplorables!

    And now that we’ve consumed the Vox piece I’ll now submit why Tigre’s opening volley was wrong.

    The deplorables were never going to vote for Hillary in the first place. She was insulting Trump devotees, ignoring the fact she was running to be their president too.

    Hillary’s strategy was NEVER to win over enemies. It was always to shore up her base and THAT is where she failed in the states that gave Trump the electoral victory. She took the base there for granted, didn’t campaign there, focused on the elites and pissed off Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

    I agree she was contemptuous toward segments of the country but that is not what turned the tide in Wisconsin.

  58. Rabbit I don’t deny libs, as a group, have turned hypersensitivity into a cottage industry. But the notion you can’t have a drink with friends who truly like you, some of them liberal, escapes me.

    You drinking with strangers? You get the luck of the draw.

  59. Rutherford, you don’t understand how polarized our society has become. I quoted the description of a cultural civil war in America and Europe as a rural-urban rift. I think he is right.

    Our daughter’s college friend spoke favorably of ObamaCare and said Republicans didn’t care about helping sick people.

    My wife and I told her she was wrong. We thought it was a brief, friendly discussion but we were wrong.

    The bitch told our daughter she could no longer feel comfortable associating with people like us. She was too cowardly to tell us to our faces.

  60. I am used to this. I have told you about the negative reaction my kind enjoyed in grad school and how two job counselors told us to lie about and hide our military service.

    On my cowardly days, I denied my military service and got a better reaction.

    Mine is the last laugh. We have some money now, but colleges get none of it.

  61. Yes, Always Dreaming was impressive. The track was more than mud. It could have floated a small boat.

  62. “Why Tigre disagreed with you and then agreed with you stumps me further.”

    I said why.

    The article was tooooo looooong. Waaaaaah!

    You may be the laziest bastard I have ever encountered. It’s long but shit. 10 minutes maybe? What else you got going on? Is your TiVo memory full or something?

    As for Depolorables, it’s the sentiment you lazy twatwaffle. Guns and bibles, and other shit in the article. I said that. She needed those in the middle that listen to that condescending drivel that were repulsed by it.
    You must have zoned out because my comments were too long.

    But I’m glad the dems are populated by Rutherfords — it’s why the they are disintegrating and also why you are such an easy punching bag. . . nay, speedbag. Funny how the article addressed that and not surprising you skipped it.

    TLCT. Don’t go changing!

  63. “Rabbit I don’t deny libs, as a group, have turned hypersensitivity into a cottage industry. But the notion you can’t have a drink with friends who truly like you, some of them liberal, escapes me.”

    LOL. My brothers have family members that won’t speak to them. I’ve lost friends not for something I’ve said but because they know my politics. You bastards are out of control. It is not a two way street. Entirely one-sided too.

  64. I usually pay attention to what Will has to say. But that article, referred to me by a very conservative co-worker, I find exceptionally shallow and more the product of a feud mentality.

    Kinda surprised you made it all the way through.

  65. “Our daughter’s college friend spoke favorably of ObamaCare and said Republicans didn’t care about helping sick people.”

    This used to be the language of the left. Now it is their unshakeable thinking. Hateful shit.

  66. Tigre I’m as willing as anybody to read a captivating piece that is long. Emmett’s simple point didn’t need that much elaboration. I seem to recall Alfie finding the thing overly long. Ahhh but he’s smart and I’m just an MSNBC dumb blonde.

    The folks in the middle who were repulsed by condescending drivel left the station long before the second Tuesday of November. Hillary lost those possibly persuadable by her post nomination neglect.

  67. “I seem to recall Alfie finding the thing overly long. Ahhh but he’s smart and I’m just an MSNBC dumb blonde.”

    He read it. You didn’t.

    Your comments make it clear you didn’t absorb the points either, Blondie.

  68. “Have you tried to hug a lib today? ❤️”

    I try to hug a lib everyday ’cause I’m a lover!

    Actually, I really do tolerate a lot of the bullshit to get along in the real world. But you guys are truly out of control.

  69. “But the notion you can’t have a drink with friends who truly like you, some of them liberal, escapes me.”

    Well sure. Friends that have been friends before they were politicized…yeah. A few.

    But libs will not only defriend you quick, they will try to hurt you over the slightest slightiest slight.

    I no longer let my guard down around libs.

  70. If the Will article is shallow (no references to amygdalae), it is because it is about a shallow man.

    I’m fascinated that you can’t recognize in Trump the very thing you constantly accuse me of: a total lack of intellectual curiosity.

    And the danger that Will points out is Trump’s tendency to fill the void that is his mind, with nonsense and believe the nonsense is factual. A combination of ignorance and ego.

    Will said UPenn must be mortified. I will confess, on my worst days, I’m sure Harvard is mortified too. 😉

  71. “The folks in the middle who were repulsed by condescending drivel left the station long before the second Tuesday of November. Hillary lost those possibly persuadable by her post nomination neglect.”

    Naaah. That’s the weak defense of the changing tide you and your MSNBC friends are unwilling to accept. You dems/libs/proggers are doing much, much, much worse than you think, and that has a lot to do with the manipulative media and entertainment you consume. You more so than most reside in a bubble.

  72. There is a cool lib at work. A guy my age. He has gone out of his way to understand me (as I him) and I think he gets that I’m not evil.

    He was very shocked over the Trump win and, in his case, has responded with at least trying to grasp other points of view. Really impressed with him, actually.

    He’s one of those Woody Gutherie hopelessly nostalgic libs who yearns for the days of a working class Dem party. Poor guy seems at war with himself.

  73. “I’m fascinated that you can’t recognize in Trump the very thing you constantly accuse me of: a total lack of intellectual curiosity.”

    I don’t interact with the guy. I believe — BELIEVE — he is intellectually curious about not about all things, history and political philosophy being two of them. He certainly has an animal cunning and I think he has focused his thought and is greatly curious about business, human behavior, overwhelming and beating opponents. I believe you misunderstimate the man. As pointed out in the article, it is the smug libera’s stock in trade. As long as I’ve been around, the left has always done this and been dead wrong.

    Too bad you didn’t read that part of the Vox piece.

  74. Your comments make it clear you didn’t absorb the points either, Blondie.

    What did I miss, Professor Kingsfield? Basic premise wasn’t rocket science. Liberal rhetoric devolved to painting anyone not sympathetic to their cause as intellectually inferior and not knowing what’s best for them, as exemplified by the book What’s The Matter With Kansas, to which Emmett makes several references.

    The smugness of the liberal message further manifested itself in shows like The Daily Show.

    Which profound points did I miss, oh sensei?

  75. Even if the deplorables were never going to vote for her in the first place – she turned off their families and friends too, some of whom are lefty lemons.

    There isn’t much that is worse than the despicable identity politics the Dems live by. Hillary was worse.

  76. DR, I have a lawyer friend kinda like your buddy. We debate gig each other for fun — but he also listens and is at least willing to admit that he’s trying to get reoriented. He might be one of like three libs that I can talk with that burst into flames at the mere mention of an opposing viewpoint and feels justified in doing so.

    The rest of them need to go cry it out. Babies like I have never witnessed before.

  77. Poor guy seems at war with himself.

    Quite frankly that describes me. Libs have let me down. I can’t defend the purveyors of any ideology right now.

    The 2015/2016 political season broke me. Politically, I’m a broken man.

  78. That’s true Muffy, but if we’re going to be honest, the conservatives are entering a new era of identity politics after Mitt. If you’re not familiar with Steve Sailer you might want to poke around. I think he sized it up right.

  79. The thing that makes Trump different from both parties is that he isn’t judgmental. It’s that very characteristic in others that make them think Trump is crazy.

  80. “Which profound points did I miss, oh sensei?”

    Everything else you didn’t mention, dimwit. Yu want me to repeat an article that was tooooo loooong for you? Ummmmm no. You’re a grown man.

  81. “If the Will article is shallow (no references to amygdalae), it is because it is about a shallow man.”

    If that wasn’t sarcasm it may be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.

  82. Barry is quieter about Trump than he would have been if he hadn’t been outed as Agent 000, aka Secret Squirrel. He knows that we know.

    Rand Paul demanding to know whether Agent 000 spied on him too = interesting, no?

  83. I just took the entire university to task via an anonymous forum because I won’t be allowed to speak to people directly. I used firm but polite words to tell them all they are a bunch of intolerant hypocrites who want to remove (perhaps deservedly so) an admin figure because he hasn’t fostered an inclusive climate while you all insult each other, students, and anyone that doesn’t agree with you.

  84. Yu want me to repeat an article that was tooooo loooong for you? Ummmmm no. You’re a grown man.

    Damn! I was hoping for Cliff Notes.

    I think I got enough of Emmett’s gist, Master Po. Congrats on seeing subtleties I missed. You’re becoming more nuanced by the day!

  85. Sailer was a frequent contributor to National Review in the 90s. He was most widely known/vilified for applying his “science journalism” to racial differences in intelligence and behavior. He popularized the term “human biodiversity” — an unfortunate mainstay of the alt-right. Generally speaking, Sailer’s view is that people are naturally inclined to pursue what he referred to as “ethnic nepotism” — that is, to help those like themselves at the expense of those who are not. “America First” embodies that. Since Romney many of his harshest critics have had to acknowledge through the progression of conservative politics that he was right.

    If you care, read what he actually wrote and not what the lefties said about what he wrote.

  86. Sure, R. Why don’t you term search “misunderstimate” in the article? I just used the term deliberately but you wouldn’t know that because you’re too fucking lazy and too much a slave to validation.

    Actually fuck it. Blondie don’t care and would say he “got all that” when he didn’t anyway. Blondie don’t read shit.

  87. “Barry is quieter about Trump than he would have been if he hadn’t been outed as Agent 000, aka Secret Squirrel. He knows that we know.”


  88. No sarcasm at all. One reason why much of the debate about Trump seems unserious is that the subject is unserious. It’s like trying to have a deep intellectual discussion about Winnie the Pooh.

  89. I try to watch myself around liberals, but if they attack me, I bite back. I am loud and profane with little to lose.

    I agree with you about Le Pen, Rutherford, but this isn’t over yet. The new government had better produce or this play will rerun.

  90. Ricky Stenhouse has driven in 157 races in the series without a victory. His girl friend Danica Patrick was caught in a sixteen car wreck near the end, but Ricky barely escaped.

    His close victory illustrates how anything can happen politically or socially.

  91. I don’t like George Will and haven’t for some time now so I can honestly say I found the above piece to be an example of why I don’t like Will. Will comes of as many heads of late do. Preening their intellectual chops whilst refusing to honestly connect the train of thought of the speaker/writer they’re bemoaning & demeaning.
    Frederick Douglass has experienced a roller coaster of sorts through my entire life. From being stressed as a super important component of the discussion of the 1800’s and the Civil War to being one of the first folks chucked on the history heap so some new age retrospective of others can be taught. Most recently Douglass gets a lot of play in some circles because of all that has been hung upon the 14th Amendment and I also imagine he has been mentioned in a number of circles regards the opening of the newest Smithsonian joint.
    As for Jackson I think Trump and his handlers quite simply admire the guy. Populist proud American with a boatload of gumption,is there a better former POTUS to attach oneself too whilst wearing a MAGA hat and talking to a room full of white guys. Jacksonian foreign policy ala WR Meade is what Trump ran on so I think that’s logical. Also the fact that a lot of people who know of Andrew Jackson hate the idea of looking at Harriet Tubmans ugly mug in the future whilst buying gas,groceries and smokes. Lastly the spirit of Jackson speaks to a more aggressive position at securing the Union which as history students of any real seriousness know was no small order. That the USA devolved into civil war is a stain on our nations history.
    Fuck George Will.

  92. The T&E formula wasn’t ready for 2016 but it is far from flawed science and they will be vindicated sooner than later.
    ET I do buy into the democrats being able to connect technocrats and elitists into the mix with the looming demographic shifts to secure succeed in federal elections. It is one of the reasons the real world finds me fighting the NPV: National Popular Vote Compact which for some godforsaken reason has been endorsed by two Georgians of note,Newt Gingrich and Barr.

  93. You may be right about the T&E, but my monies on a longer swing of the pendulum. The rhetoric has to change.

  94. “By the way, the French show they have some common sense….”

    As you can see, Rutherford didn’t read enough of the Vox article to actually learn anything from it.

  95. Alfie your tirade against Will entirely misses the point. Will’s point is that Trump would have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.

    I think Trump’s boners fall into two categories. One is just sheer ignorance. The other is inarticulateness. I think Trump knows full well that Frederick Douglas is dead. Because he doesn’t really give two shits about Douglas, he mangled his comments about him.

    On the other hand, I believe Bannon and others told Trump “you’re Jacksonian” and Trump embraced it with a schoolboy understanding of a gruff man of the people. It’s only when Trump does his improv routine on Jackson’s after-death opinion of the civil war, that he gets into hot water.

    So much of what Trump does is improv and that’s precisely what scares Will, Frum and other traditional conservatives.

  96. As you can see, Rutherford didn’t read enough of the Vox article to actually learn anything from it.

    Oh am I being smug?

    This is for the Israel fans on the blog (not you Huck): Marine Le Pen opposes the wearing of the yarmulke in public.

    If you don’t think some common sense played into Macron’s election you’re not just avoiding being smug, you’re being stupid.

  97. And furthermore we can discuss the left’s condescending attitude until we’re blue in the face. It doesn’t change the fact that only a STUPID country selects Donald Trump as President.

    I know it’s hard for my bar-mates to hold two thoughts at once in their heads but it is possible to say the left is wrong-headed AND the country is stupid at the same time.

    I watched a dude in a focus group today say he voted for Trump based on what he saw on The Apprentice.


  98. “I watched a dude in a focus group today say he voted for Trump based on what he saw on The Apprentice”

    And you voted for Obama because he is black.

    You’re in no position to criticize why someone votes for anyone.

    People are fucking tired of being called stupid. That’s what Vox was telling you and what you continue to ignore.

  99. And you voted for Obama because he is black.

    Wrong. I voted for him because I thought he was a committed liberal democrat. His being black was, like it or not, a bonus for me. He ended up disappointing me because he was not sufficiently progressive – and he remained black. I was still disappointed.

    The Vox article speaks of liberal attitude not average joe reality. It is profoundly misguided to call anyone stupid. That does not mean they are NOT stupid.

    So the trick is persuading the stupid to wise up without insulting them.

  100. “I voted for him because I thought he was a committed liberal democrat.”

    He commited to voting present. Guy did nothing in his life.

  101. Actually part and parcel of a number of French issues is the strong desire to be above all else FRENCH. That’s not just a right wing thing. So burka or yarmulke the froggies have a lot of precedent going for them.
    No I don’t think the Macron election marks a repudiation of LePen. She was much maligned in the media and her positions were always prejudged through the lens of the “old” FN.
    I didn’t blog on it earlier but I actually came to the conclusion Macron to be the most dangerous man in Europe. I felt that way as soon as he launched his party. I’ll probably be served up some crow since I doubt he’ll govern the way he campaigned but fuck it french cuisine is pretty good in my book.

  102. So the trick is persuading the stupid to wise up without insulting them.
    Of course recognizing one is only right secondary to measuring one through one’s own facts and perhaps then opening up and being honest about other sources and opinions would be too hard.

  103. @ R I get your two point argument but I think you have some gaps regards why Trump was successful and why the Democrats experienced such global defeat nationally. (Congress,governorships,trifectas etc)

  104. “I think Trump’s boners fall into two categories.”

    There’s a third: they ain’t boners, just manufactured liberal scorn.

    It’s always the same. Binders filled with women, corporations are people, the job is harder than I thought it would be, the 80’s want their foreign policy back. . .

  105. It’s important particularly in this last election to hone in on what stupid is.

    Wanting jobs is NOT stupid.
    Wanting to feel safe is NOT stupid.
    Wanting your religion tolerated is NOT stupid.
    Wanting not to be the punching bag for all the county’s ills (I’m talking to you, white men) is NOT stupid.
    Thinking a branding expert and con man can deliver any of those things to you — STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!!!!!

  106. the 80’s want their foreign policy back. . .

    That was admittedly Obama’s boner.

    Tigre there is a difference between manufactured and exaggerated. The stupidity of Trump’s improv act is not manufactured. It’s just not worth the amount of airtime it gets.

  107. Thinking a dem can provide any of those is mental illness.

    The current Dem party cannot stop shitting on white men, Tigre. That, I agree 100%. Identity politics, if that’s all you got, is poison.

  108. During his legislative career, Obama voted present at least 29 times. He also voted for a partial birth abortion bill, and he was snookered by the “Gazaboe to Nowhere”. His race played no bearing on my votes against him. The press should have told us what I had to find through research. They worried too much about Sarah Palin’s red neck life.

    I like your rant on stupid.

  109. An Egyptian doctor said this about Muslim relationships, but it fits today’s liberals. “Be nice to them, but don’t trust them and don’t be their friends.”

  110. FDR wanted to tax an income level at 100%. He preempted and blocked some of Hoover’s solutions to take credit for them later. One of his officials admitted that they had not ended the Depression as they had hoped. WW11 recharged the economy.
    FDR is as I have written before, was indirectly responsible for Sarah Palin.

  111. I know polio is a bitch. It was going around and I got very sick. I was sick most of the summer before my first day of kindergarten. I attended my first day of school, but the doctor ordered that I not return for eight weeks.

    The doctor was never sure of what I had, but he had suspicions which might have been wrong. My muscles and nerves were never involved for if they had been I might be suffering progressive weakness now.

    I still remember that first day of school.

  112. I love it when an American fascist is your best example of a strong,positive & effective democrat. 😄😆😝

  113. Rutherford may have had a fifth grade teacher like mine. According to her FDR saved our country and maybe the world. I believed her until high school.

  114. On a more serious note, mine was probably the last generation to deal with polio. In elementary school (circa 1967) I went to school with a kid or two who had it.

  115. FDR put Americans in concentration camps.

    Yes, yes he did.

    In fact I watched a documentary a couple of weeks ago (with a title like 7 Came Back) about famous Hollywood directors who served during WWII and produced propaganda films. It was noted that while the propaganda flicks portrayed Germans as evil they didn’t mock them with caricatures like they did with the Japanese, who were routinely called “japs” in the films. Typical American racism at play.

  116. “Japanese, who were routinely called “japs” in the films”

    I can’t believe we refered to them in such a benign way. “Japs”….short for Japanes? The horror!

    An entire nation buys into militant Shintoism only to go on to rape, murder and take over pretty much all of Asia in the name of Japanese racial superiority and its only “Japs”?

    I mean damn….when hatred is nationalized and 1/4 of Earth is tortured shouldn’t the culture be mocked? Motherfuckers murdered up to 14 million people. We’re not talking combat deaths here. Asian holocaust. 14,000,000. And they attacked the US to boot. Japs????

  117. We couldn’t afford to humanize the Japs. An endless campaign of island hopping and killing those suicidal nut cases was in front of us. They didn’t act human.

    In hindsight, the concentration camps were dark spot and a Constitutional embarrssment. But its one of those crimes I understand. The murder of up to 14 million….I can’t understand.

  118. I think it would be a typical human response to have a few disparaging terms for the Japanese in 1942.

  119. “It was noted that while the propaganda flicks portrayed Germans as evil they didn’t mock them with caricatures like they did with the Japanese, who were routinely called “japs” in the films. Typical American racism at play.”

    Kinda hard to caricature racial features of your audience, don’t you think?

    You don’t think the Nips caricatured us?

  120. Japanese portrayed us as white devils so inhuman that death was preferable to capture.
    I remember seeing caricatures of Japanese with big teeth and exagerated eyes.

    Germans regarded us as their misguided cousins, and to a degree they were right. Germans are the largest ethnic group in the US.

    At least ten thousand German-Americans were interred during WW11. This and the harsh treatment they suffered during WW1 made them assimilate more extremely than most other ethnic groups.

    Thus, it was harder to caricature our German enemies when so many of us looked in our mirrors and saw Germans.

  121. This country is known for demonizing their ‘enemies’ so their mistreatment and killing appears somehow righteous and honorable. Look first to the treatment of the indigenous peoples that were already here. Nothing has changed except that the method and mechanisms of propaganda are much more sophisticated and far-reaching today. Nowadays they can beam thoughts and words into your head, though most people willingly turn on their teevee and self-indoctrinate.

    Today we demonize Muslims while falsely claiming Iran as the biggest sponsor of terrorism. We form and train mercenary armies that kill and terrorize civilian populations and then claim we need to send in bombs and troops to eradicate them. It is designed to justify our massive military, our continuing invasion of sovereign lands in the false name of ‘promoting peace’ or providing ‘humanitarian aid’, and to further promote our collective indebtedness to foreign banks by spending what we don’t have conflating it as ‘defense’ spending. Orwell was a prophet.

    The state needs an enemy, real or imagined, to maintain its power and authority.

  122. Poolman, we all demonize each other. It is human nature and an ancient survival aid. This is not a strictly United States trait.

    Our local television stations are live broadcasting a memorial service for a deputy sheriff who got his first job in our county.

    The murderer was a possible illegal who could not speak English. He was either from Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic, and he was sent to a Florida prison for murder until he was later released to a half way house in Council Bluffs.

    The people responsible for this deserve to be demonized.

  123. Poolman, have you checked Helen and Margarette lately? The last time I looked after the election was to gloat, but it was like kicking a sick puppy. I still enjoyed it. They offered no defense besides anger and sadness because they had none.

    I checked yesterday without comment. They are a shadow of what they once were, and the few survivors are wallowing in anger and self pity.

    They also deserve demonization.

  124. I have not visited the site in over a year, and have no desire to. I am into my busy season and right now I have to be leaving to get some more work done. More work than I can accomplish for the day and it will be that way for the rest of this month. The weather cooled down, so it is pleasant.

    Survival of the fittest isn’t merely a description of physical strength. The mind is our primary battlefield, and like the old drug commercial, it’s a terrible thing to waste. It requires brainwashing to imagine other humans as an enemy. The person who poses as our ‘enemy’ has been similarly conditioned. The only righteous battle against flesh and blood is within each of us as we disciple ourselves in this physical realm.

    Murder is wrong no matter who commits it. State sponsored murder doesn’t make it any more acceptable. Even contemplating it without physically acting on it is wrong. Our actions were at first the thoughts we have considered. We need to learn to discipline our minds to live above the circumstances we find ourselves in. Easier said than done, since so many are living in the flesh and are easily swayed by the very winds of change.

    Few realize we are forgiven AS WE FORGIVE others. A difficult stumbling block most people can never get over. Many have invested heavily in anger and in hate.

  125. This is World War I. American propaganda showing the German to be an orc like creature while refering to them as Huns.

  126. We have been watching the funeral service for the Deputy Mark Burbrage and planting more of our garden. Onions, peas, beans and beets are now in the ground. We also planted some tomatoes and our strawberries are blooming. It may reach 90 today. A week ago, we had morning light snow.

    Yes, survival of the fittest is also a function of the mind from which our tools and weapons originate.

  127. Our high school principal spoke to our assembly. It seemed to be an impromptu talk about what her family’s friends and neighbors did to them because they were Germans in WW1. Some of their desendants were sitting next to me in the assembly.

  128. The better term is dehumanizing. Funny how that is now reseved for American white males among the idiot proggs.

  129. And they attacked the US to boot. Japs????

    Point taken. I still think it’s of interesting sociological note that we portrayed our Asian enemy in our propaganda different from the way we portrayed our European enemy. If you’d like to chalk that up to one attacked us and the other didn’t, that’s as good a reason as any I guess.

  130. In hindsight, the concentration camps were dark spot and a Constitutional embarrssment. But its one of those crimes I understand.

    The Chris Rock doctrine at play, ladies and gentlemen.

  131. Thus, it was harder to caricature our German enemies when so many of us looked in our mirrors and saw Germans.

    That’s a very interesting point James.

  132. My elementary understanding of history is that the Germans got a very raw deal in WWI, setting the stage for a populace vulnerable to Hitler’s message.

  133. 11,000 American citizens of German ancestry were also put in concentration camps. Motherfuckers didn’t get released until ’48.

  134. “Tigre that’s part of my point. I don’t think that derogatory term was used much in our anti-German propaganda.”

    It was in Hogan’s Heros.

    As I said, do you really think you’re going to publish caricatures of a race that comprises the bulk of your audience?

    I always liked Gooks. And “Chinaman” needs to come back.

    Funny how you think dehumanizing an enemy is somehow uniquely the product of American racism.

  135. Sorry, the self-flagellating, apology tour Rutherford reared his ugly head.

    Seriously, wrong of me to call out American racism. As they say, all is fair in love and war.

    P.S. to Rabbit and James: I did not know we interred German-Americans as well as Japanese. Funny what gets filtered out in identity politics.

  136. It was in Hogan’s Heros.

    LOL Yeah a show that premiered some 20 years after the war ended. Did you know Hogan’s Heroes was actually quite controversial in its day? I believe some folks took offense at trivializing Nazi’s.

    I KNOW NOTHING, NOTHING!!! – Sgt. Schultz. 😊

  137. Great show.

    You know that car the Klink showed up in the introduction is supposed to be of some kinda adtronomical value. I’ve gotta go look at it.

    I just recently finished a case with an ugly abrasive german women I referred to as Frau Linkmeyer outside of her presence. No one under the age of 45 got the reference.

  138. It is the Mercedes-Benz W31, and there’s only three of them known to exist out of a total of 57 manufactured. They’re worth millions.

  139. Also, did you know that Corp. Lebeau was a holocaust survivor in real life?

    Yeah that sounds familiar but Frau Linkmeyer went over my head. I’m an Andy Griffith Show/Honeymooners fanatic. I never did get too deep into HH but then anything military, comedy or drama never did much for me. Not a huge fan of McHale’s Navy, Sgt Bilko or Gomer Pyle USMC.

  140. That’s some devastating cinema Rabbit.

    Has anyone here seen actual combat? I don’t think even James did. His worst enemy was his own troops.

    My dad was a radio operator in the Korean War. Never saw combat. I think he was stationed in West Germany but I’m not sure.

  141. “Not a huge fan of McHale’s Navy, Sgt Bilko or Gomer Pyle USMC.”

    You forgot F-Troop. 🙄

    Totally different league.

    Linkmeyer was the General’s sister that he was always trying to hook up with Klink who wanted nothing to do with her.

    Maaaaaaannnn. . . if there’s anybody here that I thought would appreciate HH, it’d be you. Sad.

    And Bob Crane was murdered by some cuck husband that got jealous. They solved the murder and convicted the guy like 25 years later. Crane was into the freaky sex, but he weren’t no homo. All cisgen.

  142. I spent some time on a base training South Vietnamese, Thia, and Laotian pilots etc. It felt strange because I was so much taller than they.There were no hostilities from them.

    That’s right. Anything resembling combat for me was from our own troops.

    I was detained overnight on an Italian air base. There was no combat, but the Italians were awfully emotional when we mistakenly landed on their base.

  143. I liked those old shows too. A network called Me TV shows them now.

    A friend who survived Omaha Beach was an Army ranger. After the war his unit occupied a German town and made friends with a widow and her children who were making ends meet with their restaurant.

    Some Germans resented the friendship, and they kidnapped a daughter. They shaved her head to shame her collaberation. My friend said they learned who had led the attack and knew the route he took to work.

    They followed him in a jeep, and our friend broke a large board on his head. No one harassed the family after that.

    Several of our German neighbors have found relatives in the old country via the internet and still exchange visits.

  144. If you think “Unmasking” means just revealing the name underneath the redacted report – it’s a whole lot more than that.

  145. 1,12 or hundreds of email chains Huma and Tony are still two pigs in my book as is Comey and the rest of the Establishment who continue to try to put themselves above the express wishes of We the People.

  146. Bye Bye, Comey. Bye Bye, Comey. Bye Bye, Comey! I’m glad to see you go…

    Grossly incompetent political hack. Should have known when the MSM was singing his praises last summer about “fair man.”

  147. Short sighted view of Comey canning folks. Trump just fired the lead guy investigating .. Trump. This is the very scenario the left has been waiting for, There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  148. The left has a love-hate-love relationship with Comey. They love him for not putting Hillary in jail. They hate him for “losing her the election” (their words, not mine) and they love him for trying to find Russian-Trump collusion.

    I may have to stay off MSNBC tonight just to keep my TV from spontaneously combusting.

  149. R, for the love of God, will you quit with using how your dumb fucking liberal outlets will react to things as a measure of a good or bad move. We already know. Fuck Blondie.

  150. On a much happier note, I just got a $350 settlement from a class action lawsuit of my former employer (not IBM — damn, I’d love to get some money from those bastards). It’s a shame it all has to go toward paying off debt. Otherwise, I’d buy all you guys a round. 🙂

  151. Tigre, the liberal outlet reflects 50 fucking percent of the country. I know you hate that idea but hey. So it actually matters how they will react.

    On another note, if you’re too damn lazy to post a lousy link to the “Rosenstein memo” why should I bother to google it? Ahhhhh fuck it … I’ll go find it to see how you’ve totally misunderstood it. 🙂

    P.S. Trump associates are being investigated and that leads to …. Trump.

  152. “Tigre, the liberal outlet reflects 50 fucking percent of the country. I know you hate that idea but hey. So it actually matters how they will react.”

    Just stop. Tell us what you think or something. We already fucking know what Maddow’s gonna say and how you’re going to react to what MSNBC is gonna react to.

  153. Making matters more bizarre — no where does Rosenstein say that Lynch TOLD Comey to do what he did — recommend or not recommend indictment. Lynch is the smelly rotten core of the whole thing. Second, Rosenstein neglects to mention that Comey pledged to Congress that he would update them on any developments in the Hillary case — therefore he was obligated to inform Congress that he re-opened the case — which he did PRIVATELY by memorandum which got LEAKED.

    I’m telling you – with Comey gone, there will be zero confidence of an honest criminal investigation into the Trump campaign and collusion with the Russians.

    The sheeeeut is going to hit the fan.

  154. Why don’t you address how as late as this morning Hillary and MSNBC were claiming Comey cost her the election?

  155. “recommend or not recommend indictment. Lynch is the smelly rotten core of the whole thing”

    Yeah, nobody would detect the public statements made by Lynch that actually make the case of the firing even stronger. Thank God MSNBC is there to call out Rosenstein and get to the truth.

    The real problem you’re gonna have is what the investigation that occurred and hopefully will occur will reveal.

  156. I’m telling you – with Comey there, there is zero confidence of an honest criminal investigation into anyone aligned with Obama administration or Hillary.


  157. “The sheeeeut is going to hit the fan.”

    OMG!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!! Trump colluded with Russia!!!!!!


    Now Comey was the one safeguarding democracy. LOL.

  158. I left out one prediction and I just turned on the tube and I was RIGHT AGAIN.

    I was gonna tell you guys that this Trump move will be compared to Nixon’s Saturday night massacre.

    Sure enough, I turn on Chris Matthews:



  159. Yeah, Miss Cleo. Who would’ve guessed?

    I’m sure the comparison will come as a real shock to the Trump admin. 🙄

  160. Can’t keep up. Trump fires Comey on the same day Hillary Clinton blames Comey for destroying the democratic process of the Presidential Election she lost.

    Strange times.

  161. Strange times indeed. Is Trump suddenly outraged by what Comey “did to Hillary”? 😀😀

    Forget the media. The Dem pols are having a field day. And yes hypocrisy reigns as those who condemned Comey for “ruining Hillary’s chances” are now crying foul over his firing.

    Still, I think when all is said and done, Trump messed up. The cause for dismissal dates back almost a year. Trump could EASILY have tolerated Comey in the job. The firing was gratuitous and very poorly timed when Yates is telling the Senate she was not taken seriously re Flynn.

    I need to hit Wikipedia but I seem to recall Andrew Johnson being impeached over an inappropriate firing. 😳😳

  162. The fall out from 9 months is still here. The guy is radio active for all. He simply stinks.

  163. Trump needed to populate the DOJ before canning Comey. Comme on, R.

    If you have any sense, you’d be a little concerned about what direction things might go with another director.

  164. R, I predict you will now kick into your Poolman logic as MSNBC gets you all wee-wee’d up. Roooooskies!!!!!

    At this point, why should Trump wait to shitcan the dude? MSNBC will go ballistic? Bwahahahahhah.

    Maybe Trump should’ve kept Flynn too.

    I’m with Mitt. I like a guy that likes to fire. Look what we got with Obama.

  165. If Billy Jeff and Loretta Lynch don’t have their tarmac meeting then Comey is still FBI director tomorrow.

    Comey is on record as saying he acted the ways he did because of that meeting. And he got fired because of the ways he acted.

    This is why it is so important for people within the system to do what they are supposed to do and not do what they aren’t supposed to do. The machine only works if all systems operate properly. When they don’t the machine breaks down.

  166. Asshole faculty and admins at my school are using student groups as proxies and getting them to turn on each other in a huge fight over high-level leadership.

    Shit’s getting dirty.

  167. If Billy Jeff and Loretta Lynch don’t have their tarmac meeting then Comey is still FBI director tomorrow.

    That’s why I say Lynch is the stink bomb at the center of this. SHE should have been shitcanned.

  168. While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.

    WTF???? Any reason why Trump needed to insert his own lack of liability in a termination letter?

    And now of course the ass-clown is on the Twitter again instead of keeping his fucking mouth shut and waiting to see which way the wind blows.

    He SHOULD be impeached FOR STUPIDITY!!!

  169. From the City Journal article:

    In Turkey, for instance, Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s recent referendum victory allowed him to consolidate power over all three branches of the national government.

    And Trump called Erdogan to congratulate him. So Weingarten’s point is?

  170. So I brought up Andrew Johnson in an earlier comment. My dime store research reveals that Johnson was impeached for firing Sec of War Edwin Stanton, which UNLIKE Trump he had no legal right to do (something involving a “tenure act”).

    The TEEVEE is telling me Trump had the legal authority to fire Comey but the reason is completely bogus.

  171. “WTF???? Any reason why Trump needed to insert his own lack of liability in a termination letter?”

    I agree. WTF.

  172. I’m watching MSNBC. It’s fucking hilarious watching these idiots all take turns trying to act like Johnnie Cochran.

  173. I know why the comments about not being told he’s not being investigated are in the letter. What’s the mystery? Look at Rutherford’s very first comment. That was being repeated ad nauseum on MSNBC. They lose track of their own false narratives and don’t bother correcting them. It dissuades the most likely response and whatever comments Comey might have communicated that he shouldn’t go because Trump wasn’t being investigated.

  174. “Suddenly them dems are screaming about a balance of power in Washington.”

    If this marked an imbalance of power then the Executive would not have the power to fire that position. What about “serves at the will of” are they not getting?

  175. “And Trump called Erdogan to congratulate him. So Weingarten’s point is?”

    And Trump called Macron to congratulate him. So Rutherford’s point is?

  176. It dissuades the most likely response and whatever comments Comey might have communicated that he shouldn’t go because Trump wasn’t being investigated.

    No, clearly as you’ve seen in EVERY major news outlet this morning it dissuaded no such thing.

    On the contrary, it’s like your six year old quickly volunteering that he didn’t break the window before you even know the window is broken.

    It would be like the bank I worked for telling me “we appreciate your not saying that we cheat our customers but we have to let you go”.

    Again WTF?????

    P.S. Tigre I can tell, because you LOVE to argue that you’re going to make this firing a bone of contention between us regardless of the fact you know Trump shouldn’t have done it. So be it.

  177. “WTF?????”

    So what?

    Let them stew in their own juices.

    I’m glad Comey testified and let us know why he did what he did. He made a big mistake, and he doesn’t understand that even now, but I don’t fault anyone too harshly for getting knocked off balance by the evil wind – Clinton, Lynch, Obama, the whole lawless lot.

    Huck’s insight is worth some reflection.

  178. Well whaddya know? Enforcing the law actually works!

    “Illegal immigration across the southwestern border is down a stunning 76 percent since President Trump was elected, with the flow of children and families dropping even faster as analysts say the administration’s commitment to enforcing the law has changed the reality along the border.

    Overall apprehensions by the Border Patrol dropped to just 11,129 in April, according to numbers released Tuesday, marking the lowest monthly total for any month in decades.

    The number of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children nabbed at the border dropped below 1,000 — a level not seen since before the surge that bedeviled President Obama during most of his second term.

    Even before a foot of Mr. Trump’s planned border wall is built or any more agents are hired, the threat of being sent home has forced would-be migrants to rethink making the journey, officials said.

    “A lot of the discussion about changes in our enforcement policy and the way we are going about doing business, we believe that has deterred people,” said Homeland Security spokesman David Lapan. “When you get here, it is likely you are going to get caught. You are going to be returned to your country.” ”


  179. Rutherford, you know why Trump shouldn’t have done it?…

    Because he shouldn’t have had to. Obama should have done it.

    Once again, Trump doesn’t care about how things look and does the job Obama didn’t have the balls to do.

  180. “On the contrary, it’s like your six year old quickly volunteering that he didn’t break the window before you even know the window is broken.”

    No, you’re just wrong. He wasn’t being investigated and the point needed to be made in a letter that was going to be broadcast. Whether the FBI has an investigation going can only come from one source that they don’t broadcast for anyone paying attention. Totally appropriate, nothing like a six year old, and you’re a fucking dummy.

    Since you live in an MSNBC bubble, you gauge everything based on the fervor with which it is criticized by your beloved teevee. Please stop and use for fucking head before it falls off.

  181. Seriously, if anybody wants a laugh other than R that thinks he’s member of the panel, watch MSNBC with this. They can’t help but trip over their own hypocrisy.

    I asked R if Hillary would’ve kept Comey. Crickets.

    Like the arguments in the for circuit over the immigration EO. When asked if the EO would stand if it had been issued by Hillary rather than The Donald, they had to admit that “yes” it would.

    That is so fucking sad and, like the Comey firing, totally eludes the weak-willed.

  182. “Why not do this the 1st day?” — Because then you’d have screamed about the investigation, and had a good reason.

    “Why not do this after Sessions was in place” — Because then you’d have screamed about the investigation, and had a good reason.

    “Why now?” — Because the guy whose job it was to review personnel was finally in place and had finally conducted his review. Of course, you’re still screaming about the investigation, but the reasons are crap.

    This guy was approved by all but like 4 or 6 senators. He has worked with multiple administrations of both parties. He is well respected. He gave a recommendation and his recommendation was accepted. It’s the exact same recommendation that every person in government has given at one time or another since July 2016.

    What’s the problem? (rhetorical question)

  183. Can you imagine if our leaders only did things that look good to the short-sighted?

    “Hey JFK…you probably shouldn’t antagonize the Russians over their missiles in Cuba, bro….

    “It doesn’t look good……”

  184. “Hey Ike…you probably shouldn’t send 3000 men to their death on the beaches of Normandy.

    “It doesn’t look good….”

  185. I heard Lindsey Graham say today that the dems raging over this “gives hypocrisy a bad name.”


  186. The libbies think they hold so much power in liberal media and entertainment criticism. It freaks them out when it doesn’t appear to work. Fuck, if they meant what they say, they should be cheering Comey’s departure and the reasons stated for it, including the remarks about the Trump non-investigation.

    But noooooo … they expose themselves for what they really are yet again. I love how what R deems short sighted is itself short sighted swill thrown into the outrage blender with the expectation it will produce a more potent cocktail.

    The faux outrage is constant and numbing. Over time, valid criticism will be ignored entirely.

  187. I asked R if Hillary would’ve kept Comey.

    Not deliberate crickets. I didn’t see the question. Hillary would have fired Comey and been labeled a vindictive bitch by Fox/Breitbart/The Blaze/pick-your-poison.

  188. He gave a recommendation and his recommendation was accepted.

    Mmm his recommendation was dated yesterday, same day as firing. Trump got a warning about Flynn too … took 18 days to do shit and only then because the press found out.

    What was the sudden urgency with Comey?

    Unlike you, I believe those who say the recommendation was not grounded in anything that couldn’t be found on Google. “Oh by the way a bunch of DOJ veterans agree with me.” So what?

    Are you aware an inspector general was already reviewing Comey’s conduct? Why not let that play out? Why the sudden urgency?

  189. Because he lost the confidence of his agency. WTF??

    The real question is “what took so long?”

    “Hillary would have fired Comey and been labeled a vindictive bitch by Fox/Breitbart/The Blaze/pick-your-poison.”

    And you would’ve been fine with it.

  190. Over time, valid criticism will be ignored entirely.

    FINALLY something we agree on. The press and the libs did that to themselves in 2016 and the damage is ongoing.

    Problem is you wouldn’t know valid criticism if it smacked you in the face. Trump is the president for Paul Lynde and you will never have clarity because you’re too in love with the juvenile shit going on. Trump could piss on live tv in the Rose Garden and you’d be hoping he hit some of Michelle’s vegetables.

    You have no real interest in the welfare of the country. You just want to be entertained by the class clown.

  191. Because he lost the confidence of his agency.

    Actually he didn’t. There were different factions at the FBI re Comey. He was not universally disliked.

    But that’s beside the point. The man the president had “full confidence” in a week ago, he fired yesterday.

    This doesn’t have to be about Russia. It’s about Trump making it up as he goes along. Constant fucking improv act.

  192. “Mmm his recommendation was dated yesterday, same day as firing. Trump got a warning about Flynn too … took 18 days to do shit and only then because the press found out.

    What was the sudden urgency with Comey?”

    Because he trusted the person giving the Comey recommendation and he didn’t trust the person giving the Flynn information. That was already covered a couple days ago.

    “Are you aware an inspector general was already reviewing Comey’s conduct? Why not let that play out? Why the sudden urgency?”

    The IG isn’t his boss. His immediate superior did a review and found him unfit.

    Speaking of making shit up as you go along…how about the entire democratic party who wanted this guy’s head on a platter now crying about who put it there. Fucking Colbert’s useful idiots cheered when he told them Comey was fired because they hadn’t yet been told how they were supposed to react.

    Improv act, indeed.

  193. Completely irrelevant comment…Yesterday amongst the change I got a “Buffalo” or “Indian” nickel. As was always the case with these things even during its circulation run the date is worn off. Anyways the old guy is 79-104 years old (1913-1938 minting). I always loved coins because of the stories I could imagine they had to tell. I’m gonna toss him in my coin box and let him take a much needed retirement.

  194. “You have no real interest in the welfare of the country. You just want to be entertained by the class clown.”

    Yeah, you got me. You dems having another meltdown being the class clowns. And it really is funny to me.

    Oh yeah. I’m supposed to believe in the Russian collusion like you. Why the urgency? Because the Rooskies. The same way we know Sandyhook was staged. You can’t explain the handicapped signs. Duh.

    Let’s see, when did Rosenstein take office? Russians must have done it.

  195. Rutherford doesn’t even believe in the Russian connection. He just needs something to gripe about and all there is left is “it doesn’t look good”.

  196. For anyone not aware, that scene is from the movie Tropic Thunder and I promise you will laugh your ass off for 2 full hours.

  197. “Rutherford doesn’t even believe in the Russian connection. He just needs something to gripe about and all there is left is “it doesn’t look good”.”

    He buys whatever they’re selling on MSNBC, every time, without fail, and without thinking. Hysterical stupidity. . . here we go again.

  198. Poolman logic determines that someone has a lot of free time on their hands while posting 97 of the now 281 comments on this thread alone. Just saying. But then I notice signs when they are there and when they are not. 😛

    Here’s some more of that crazy poolman logic:

  199. poolman – look at the picture/reflection on the sphere. Tell me what you see … why is it possible?

  200. The whispers about Rosenstein’s actual level of involvement in all of this and his reaction to it has me a bit uncomfortable, but I’m going to hold out because:

    A) I don’t like “unnamed sources”
    B) creating discomfort about this administration is the agenda of far too many

    We’ll see

  201. I am glad you get to see the old MTV shows Rutherford.

    I have one of those old pennies too, alfie

    I should care about all of this, but I don’t. I would care as I did when Obama was president and if Hillary was now, but as long as some under reported things I want are changing I don’t care.
    Democrats tried to turn Omaha’s mayoral election into a national referundem on Trump, but it failed miserably. Now, that campaign says inviting Bernie Sanders to speak was a mistake.

  202. I am treading on thin ice. Yesterday, I learned our grand daughter is asking only me about life, death, Jesus, and makeup. That is her parents’ job, but she trusts me more for the information than anyone else. I told her she should ask her parents, and she agreed, but she feels uncomfortable talking to them about what she asks me. She still has doubts but she now thinks God and Jesus are running our show and she will go to Heaven if she believes. She wants to believe.

    This ties in with a guest on Coast To Coast. He said we are in a more dangerous time than the Cuban missile crisis. For example, North Korea ended the armistice several years ago. In effect we are as much at war as when the shooting ended. He also thinks Trump’s actions are more effective than any of our previous presidents.

    That is because past communist leaders including north Koreans, are atheists. They assumed it would end when they died. Without a death wish they tended to be careful as the North Koreans are now to preserve their lives.

    Strength and unpredictability as Trump has displayed persuade them not to cross red lines. For these reasons, Trump may be able to reach an agreement with them before they share more of their weapons technology with Islamojihadists.

    ISIS and others believe as our grand daughter is beginning to, that Heaven waits for them after their death. That makes them more dangerous than atheistic world leaders who face nothing.

  203. “I’m gonna toss him in my coin box and let him take a much needed retirement.”

    I buy old coins once a month. Mostly silver ones. I’m not a numismatic type. I like the old junky ones for the same reason you do.

  204. He buys whatever they’re selling on MSNBC, every time, without fail, and without thinking.

    Once again, fuck you.

    Try opening a fucking newspaper. Your MSNBC whining comes off more stupid with each passing day. You think you’re sophisticated but you are truly turning into an ignorant rube.

    You’ll follow Trump right off the cliff. Lemming. Pfffft.

  205. The whispers about Rosenstein’s actual level of involvement

    The whispers include that Rosenstein threatened to resign when he found out his memo was co-opted by Sessions and Trump as cause for firing. It’s not why he wrote the memo.

    You don’t trust unnamed sources. Without unnamed sources we would never know wtf is really going on. People are afraid.

    Shit, this blog is full of comments by unnamed sources.

  206. “Unnamed sources” certainly doesn’t mean it’s false.

    It also doesn’t mean it’s true.

    I will select when I choose to be a skeptic, thank you.

  207. And with all of the leaks of bullshit that have come out, I don’t think I am out of line in being skeptical.

    The government is worse than a diarrhea patient right now.

  208. “We’ll see.”

    The only thing that makes me not suspicious is the left lying about everything.

    There’s few reporters I trust and zero pundits. Anyone who even listens to pundits anymore is a fool.

    There’s a big part of me that thinks the great meltdown to dwarf all previous meltdowns the left is experiencing now is the full realization and understanding that Hillary should have been indicted.

    We shall see.

  209. “You’ll follow Trump right off the cliff. Lemming. Pfffft.”

    Make your case then. I don’t care about Trump like you think I do, nor does anyone else. He’s nothing like Obama is to you.

    I’m accusing you of getting all wee-wee’d up about the firing of Comey which I have said I wanted and explained why in detail since he saved Hillary’s bacon. In other words, this exactly what I thought should happen and wish it hadn’t taken so long. I made my case, it echoes what was said in the memo by Rosenstein. All the hysterical Machiavellian bullshit you repeat here I find laughable and, as usual, based on your MSNBC propaganda outlet, which I watch.

    You need a fucking bucket of ice water dumped over your head. It’s not like firing the director eliminates the whole FBI tasked with whatever investigations you dickheds imply were inetended to cover up or whatever. The message sent to any of the agencies by the firing is the same now as it would’ve been had Hillary done it or Trump waited.

    Your hyperbolic conspiracy theories are as stupid as Poolman’s conspiracy and just as zealous. You’d do much better to step outside your bubble which seems to be an impossibility given that you gauge everything from the liberal media reaction to it. TLCT.

    The flailing around looking for something to support your grand conspiracy when that is your starting point anyway is getting fucking tired. You’re a grown-assed, educated man. Putting words in caps is not proof. Make. Your. Case. I already made mine, and the idiots that have you all wee-wee’d up already made my case too — until the firing which they now are attempting to use to make an election issue out of.

  210. MSNBC really should be avoided entirely. It’s gone completely off the deep end.

    The leaks and the lies makes it difficult to gauge the truth but the double standard makes it all but impossible. The right has to be error-free and without blemish while the left can be complete fuckups and crooked as hell.

    Ultimately this shit had to come to a head. So be it.

  211. I mean avoided by those vulnerable to its brainwashing, like Rutherford. I really don’t think you can wade in there at MSNBC unless you’re on solid footing against its agenda. The rest of them aren’t much better, only a step away. But an important step in some cases. MSNBC is as bad as it gets even for other countries with nothing but propaganda on the air.

    I keep thinking I’ll check out if Greta has changed her rather evenhanded approach to punditry but every time I think of it I’ve missed her hour and I will not get subject myself to the Anybody else over there for longer than 30 seconds.

  212. Rutherford tuning into that trash for hours a day makes me feel sorry for him. What a waste of life.

  213. Rosenstein has already been asked if he threatened to resign over this and he answered “no”.

    Yet I see in trending on Facebook that he threatened to resign over this.

    I thought Facebook was now the gatekeeper against fake news.

  214. But an unnamed source says that half the FBI is freaking out!

    Rosenstein says in writing that Comey’s wrong-headed approach unites the DOJ. Obvious that’s the case and more reason he had to go, now MSNBC proof that anyone okay with it doesn’t care about the country. Guess which one R takes as truth.

  215. And all the while leaks, unmasking and unauthorized spying within the agency. Not a peep. Trump’s media strategy is what concerns R. Pffft.

  216. Muffy, MSNBC is puke-worthy. The intellectual dishonesty repeated hour after hour after hour is breahtaking. I watch to laugh but it has to be in small doses because it is sooooo bad it’s just intolerable. Nothing of substance whatsoever. Just dem talking points with Orwelian redundancy. You couldn’t learn anything from it even if you were paid to.

  217. “constant improve act.” That may help us navigate the shoals of North Korea as I wrote.

    You all are beginning my news source for the latest revelations. Better you spend time in it than I.

    My great uncle collected coins for years. Some were European dating from the 1700’s. They are well hidden in case some are worth money.

    My wife’s great uncle was a contractor. He hid his coin collection in a hollow beam but died before he could tell his wife where it was.

  218. “I must say, Trump calling Comey a grandstander and a showboat makes muffy heap big eye roll.”

    That is rich.

  219. Rutherford tuning into that trash for hours a day makes me feel sorry for him. What a waste of life.

    You can fuck yourself too. Tigre conveniently forgets that YOU also found the termination letter strange to say the least. But now that your clique (this is fucking high school all over again) is fully behind the firing letter, you’ve gone strangely silent.

    Save your pity. You’re a weasel.

  220. Rosenstein has already been asked if he threatened to resign over this and he answered “no”.

    Where did he say no and how do I know he’s not lying?

  221. “. . . how do I know he’s not lying?”

    Gee, you got him there, Poolman. How do you explain the lack handicapped signs?

  222. Hey Tigre I don’t need to Google to know that Sinclair Broadcast Group is hoping to capitalize on the declining state of Fox News AND that they are supposedly to the right of Fox.

    So congrats sport. You just quoted an outlet further to the right than MSNBC is to the left.

    You slay me.

  223. In a country where everything is drama and nothing seems to really matter anymore, this shall likely blow over. Hell, Trump may well get a second term, even if he shoots someone on live TV in Times Square.

  224. Sooooo you believe far right news outlet Sinclair and I believe the mainstream Washington Post which says Rosenstein was not happy and threatened to quit. I like my odds better than yours. 😂😂

  225. “So congrats sport. You just quoted an outlet further to the right than MSNBC is to the left.”

    So the quote is made up?

    Did you Google in search of another source do you discount it because it didn’t come from the only source for truth, MSNBC? 😆

  226. “Hell, Trump may well get a second term, even if he shoots someone on live TV in Times Square.”

    Right Maxine? How does he get away with firing a guy who everyone agrees fucked up royally?

  227. “Sooooo you believe far right news outlet Sinclair and I believe the mainstream Washington Post which says Rosenstein was not happy and threatened to quit. I like my odds better than yours.”

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Must be a crisis actor.

  228. Love how the dems want a special prosecutor to look into Russia going after Trump campaign, but don’t want the FBI looking at hacked servers.

  229. They did a good job doctoring that video in front of dozens of cameras, didn’t they? Guy looks and sounds just like Rosenstein. Same dude appears as a wounded runner at the Boston Marathon bombing.

  230. “Sooooo you believe far right news outlet Sinclair and I believe the mainstream Washington Post which says Rosenstein was not happy and threatened to quit. I like my odds better than yours.”

    Except one is from an “unnamed source” and the other is a fucking direct quote from the man, himself.

    But hey…this is obviously nothing because 24 hours later the big scoop is that Trump gets more ice cream than everyone else (see what I did there).

  231. By tomorrow Mika will be shedding tears over the great ice cream crisis and Paul Krugman will be figuring out how to calculate the taxes on cow farts that went into furnishing Trump with 31 flavors.

  232. Or is Trump already in the process of mandating they sell 32 flavors now, because 31 just isn’t big league enough?

    CNN had a fucking chyron about this shit, FFS.

  233. It’s amusing that Tigre finds MSNBC laughable. I can hit FFWD on my TiVo and stop when I see Trump speaking: inexplicably sticking Russia into his word salad explanation of his decision process about Comey – and then I start laughing. No Chris Matthews, Brian Williams or “Chrissie” Hayes needed. All I need to do is listen to the ass-clown contradict his own surrogates and I get to laugh MY ass off.

    Keep laughing at MSNBC Tigre while you totally ignore the ass-clown.

  234. poolman – look at the picture/reflection on the sphere. Tell me what you see … why is it possible?

    I see a convex reflection, similar to a fish eye lens view of everything half of a sphere can pick up from its position. What the ‘normal’ lens of the shot cannot see, the sphere can pick up. In reverse, of course. So it can see the horizon to the left and the right of the view. It can also see the full shape of the sunken area on the left and shows buildings, etc. Like the convex mirror on your prius, it can see sideways. Like birds and fish. But the image is always distorted. Except the horizon. What I see is a prominent divide on the sphere that makes a definite line between the upper and lower surface and appears at the eye level. It is possible because:

    1.) It is daylight and the features of the earth are easily visible to the human eye.
    2.) The ball has a mirror-like surface.
    3.) It was photographed with a normal lens at an elevation maybe 10 feet above sea level.
    3.) The horizon is always horizontal and always at eye level. If we were not on a flat plane and the earth a sphere as big as ‘they’ say, the curve would be very evident in a horizon shot. The calculations are 6 inches per mile squared.

    I’ve answered as best as I can. Tell me what you see.

  235. Rutherford you cannot trust any source of news. Check them all out, but don’t buy it. They all fuck with us intentionally. All those personalities are on somebody’s payroll. You can begin to see how like a soap opera it is after watching for a time. They are all actors. Some are better performers. They read a script.

    Real news is out there along with all the fake. You need discernment and that takes persistence with a willingness to change direction when truth leads you. Don’t trust anyone that’s selling you anything. Hear them out, but decide who benefits from what they are putting forth. If it makes sense after you have slept on it, maybe it is worth considering. Trust your gut. Go spend some time barefoot on a lawn or in the sand or dirt. Hopefully you can get some sun. 30 minutes a day. Grounding. Relieves stress and helps reduce inflammation.

    By now it should be obvious the government isn’t going to fix itself no matter who sits in the oval. It should also be obvious the media isn’t interested in truth or informing us. Think of the vast amount of money spent on government and its propaganda. They have need to keep us hooked.

  236. “The only thing the ice cream “analysis” confirms is that Tigre is right in that the press cares insufficiently about its own credibility.”

    Of course not. It’s lucrative. Their audience is comprised of you and other like you that uncritically accept anything they say — even when proved wrong as shown right here in the last several comments.

  237. “It’s amusing that Tigre finds MSNBC laughable. I can hit FFWD on my TiVo and stop when I see Trump speaking: inexplicably sticking Russia into his word salad explanation of his decision process about Comey – and then I start laughing. No Chris Matthews, Brian Williams or “Chrissie” Hayes needed. All I need to do is listen to the ass-clown contradict his own surrogates and I get to laugh MY ass off.”

    I have no doubt. It’s abundantly clear that is the depth of your approach to the theatre of “politics.”

  238. I think the White House is infested with Obama appointees and other Trump enemies. They are leaking to disable the administration. My opinion is as credible as most of the drivel we are seeing on the network news.

  239. I don’t find Trump to be particularly honest. He is certainly impetuous.

    He is, however, trying to accomplish what I have wanted all along: growing a dick when it comes to our enemies, lower taxes (pers. and copr) and regulatory burdens, taking a tough stance and enforcing the laws on illegal immigration, repealing and replacing Obamacare (although it would repeal and replace itself through total collapse under its own weight), firing Comey, draining the swamp, APPOINTING CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS JUSTICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and I never trust a man that doesn’t have at least two scoops of ice cream ’cause the shit is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  240. Just curious if anyone wants to defend this from the leader of the free world.

  241. Oh, and I never trust a man that doesn’t have at least two scoops of ice cream ’cause the shit is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wish your admittedly good sense of humor could compensate for your poor judgment. 😐

  242. Draining the swamp Tigre? The White House should be renamed Goldman Sachs Washington HQ.

    It’s billionaires and generals. Yup, swamp is dry alright. 🙄

  243. Yes Trump uttered a threat, and I hope for his sake he can back it up. This is a special circumstance with attacks from the press and from the interior. Trump has also helped through impetuous speech to encourage his enemies . Therefore, I think his threat was justified as long as he keeps quiet about it now. He has sent his message.

  244. You got the AG getting on a plane with Bill, Obama using the instrumentalties of government to spy and leak for political purposes, the IRS holy-shitting us, an SOS jeopardizing national security to line her fucking pockets… and on and on. All of it a “nothing burger” and what is your complaint about not electing that scabrous Obama successor hag?

  245. Back in moderation. Left a letter off email. Oh well.

    Comey got fired and I’ve wanted it all along so I’m happy. You would be happy too if Hillsry had done it. So I don’t give a shit about the obvious election strategy of the left. I honestly think, nay know with absolute metaphysical certainty, you wouldn’t give a shit if your liberal thought leaders weren’t screaming and feigning outrage.

    You want to talk about hamfisted media strategy, be my guest. Trump can be legitimately criticized if that’s what you care about. I don’t care other than it’s a distraction, but two scoops is gonna distract because that’s your strategy.

    The constitional crisis and imbalance if power are entirely a dem problem. Since I’ve been here long enough, listening to you wail assuages any concerns I might otherwise have. You’re a fucking canary in a coal mine when you get all wee weed up and can’t think straight. Remarkably reassuring.

    You should take the family out for sundaes and take break from the outrage machine in your living room.

  246. R your good judgment lost somewhere around 100 seats last election cycle. I say, stay at it. You must be doing the right thing.

    Chelsea 2020!

  247. Rutherford, the only difference between Trump’s tweet and the last 8 years of Obama is that Trump comes straight at you. Obama uses agencies to back door you.

    Hell, it’s the same story with ice cream,. Trump eats it right in front of you…Obama ditched reporters to do it.

    I’m not going to defend that Trump threat, but I’m not going to get al wee wee-ed up over it, either.


  248. I activated PBS on my Roku device. Oh man…documentary heaven. I don’t care if PBS is defunded, they can run commercials like everyone else. All I know is that i now have access to 10 years worth of Frontline, Nova, and The American Experience.

    Good stuff!

  249. what is your complaint about not electing that scabrous Obama successor hag?

    I guess you forgot how I voted. 2016 was the most disgusting election in the history of this country.

    Trump makes it clearer every day that he is aspiring to be as bad a president as Hillary could ever be.

    At least if Hillary were president we’d be having discussions about policy and not about a juvenile Twitter account.

    And I know you think 100% of MSNBC should be dismissed but here is something worth thinking about. Why would a president already being compared to Nixon talk about friggin tapes?

    The POTUS is an idiot.

  250. “At least if Hillary were president we’d be having discussions about policy and not about a juvenile Twitter account.”

    LOL. My ass!

  251. “And I know you think 100% of MSNBC should be dismissed but here is something worth thinking about. Why would a president already being compared to Nixon talk about friggin tapes?”

    That’s a non-sequitur. I don;t follow. MSNBC compares Trump to hitler. What’s your point? Obama is the one that is and should be compared to Nixon.

    Unmasking, spying, leaks. . . what the fuck are you talking about? Oh yea. The Putin collusion stupidity.

  252. “Why would a president already being compared to Nixon talk about friggin tapes?”

    Why would a party that nominated someone that deleted hundreds of emails compare anyone else to Nixon?

  253. How long are you (Tigre) and Huck gonna ride this hypocrisy train?

    Both of you fail to grasp something. Being a hypocrite and being a false accuser are two entirely different things. Yes, Democrats are hypocrites. So what? Doesn’t make the truth about Trump any less true. And the notion you’re waiting for someone “pure” to call Trump out is BS. Hypocrisy is your cover for the ass-clown.

    I’m pretty sure Huck abstained like I did. For the rest of you, a simple “God forgive me for my vote but I felt I had no choice”, would suffice.

  254. “How long are you (Tigre) and Huck gonna ride this hypocrisy train?”

    I can’t speak for ET, but I’m on board for a full 8 years.

    “Both of you fail to grasp something. Being a hypocrite and being a false accuser are two entirely different things. Yes, Democrats are hypocrites. So what? Doesn’t make the truth about Trump any less true. ”

    What you failed to grasp is that I didn’t fail to grasp anything. I stated pretty clearly that I wasn’t going to defend it, nor was I going to get worked up over it. I really don’t care either way that Trump sent a shot across Comey’s bow. Comey is even more insignificant now than he was 2 days ago.

    Take some good advice, man….

  255. “I’m pretty sure Huck abstained like I did. For the rest of you, a simple “God forgive me for my vote but I felt I had no choice”, would suffice.”

    You voted for Obama twice, so how about you go first.

  256. What you fail to grasp is that the hypocrisy is why you can’t be taken seriously.

    Not hard.

    Manufactured. Outrage.

    That you expect us to join you in the stupid-assed irrationality. The hypocrisy makes it even more eye rolling.

    Nope. Not hard to grasp at all.

  257. This is how I was in grad school when I felt besieged. This is what fueled my bitterness at the time.

    As you know, I had a rough time when I came home from the service. Until I returned to the US, I thought my experience was atypical of normal human behavior, but I was wrong. Liberal grad school students and the general population’s attitudes showed me the norm.

    I eventually promised myself that insofar as it was possible, I would never let others determine my destiny, and the farm was my refuge.Now, I am one of the freest men I know.

    I found liberal blogs and message boards, and the leading lights reminded me of the men who tried to kill or hospitalize me. I asked myself who would have tried to help me and who would have tried to hurt me. Then, I gained allies who helped me destroy the blogs.I don’t think I ever shared my motives. It was a more or less organic event. We weakened or killed six. The fat grannies was the last. Tex knows how we weakened them.

    I don’t forgive you for your vote, but I like you. People like you broke the dam which had held back the rabble that flooded us. In a little bit, I will be part of an honor guard for a good man whom those people would have sooner watched die for an election than welcomed home.

    If you don’t believe me, look up Slow Bleed.

  258. 2008 Primary & General Mitt Romney
    2012 Primary & General Mitt Romney
    2016 Primary Kasich
    2016 General Johnson/Weld
    Don’t cast too broad a net there Rutherford. I’m confident that others here voted for sincere,personal and serious reasons.

  259. Actually, there is something much bigger that Rutherford is missing about us constantly pointing out the left’s hypocrisy.

    It gives relative context.

    Rutherford wants us to get excited over Trump threatening Comey with possible tapes. Yet, we have already seen Obama weaponize just about every agency in his entire administration and use them against the media and ordinary Americans.

    So no….a lot of what Trump has done so far isn’t even going to move the needle when compared to what we’ve seen. And when we point out why, you can call it a hypocrisy train or whatever makes you feel better. But I’m not going to stop doing it any time soon.

  260. Coming from a military family, we always voted a straight republican ticket. I pretty much followed that pattern my adult life not really paying a lot of attention to politics in general until after 9/11. My votes cast…

    2000 Bush
    2004 Kerry
    2008 Obama
    2012 Ron Paul write-in
    2016 None of the above write-in

    I don’t think voting changes a damn thing except to provide the cover of legitimacy for our failed system. After the treatment of Ron Paul and then Bernie Sanders, it should be obvious the system’s rigged and not ever in our favor.

    When we start dragging politicians out of their offices and stringing them up on light poles or trees, then we may see some change. Until then they will continue to lie and sell us downstream. I loathe the vermin. Swamp creatures all. Now they have their king.

  261. “I MIGHT say that about the second vote. I will never ask Gods forgiveness for the 2008 vote. Never.”

    When have you asked God’s forgiveness for anything?

    Trump voters can remain on good terms with their consciences for the time being. Trump hasn’t done to this country anything that warrants repentance for their vote. You on the other hand, are in no position to shame others. You’re cloaked in shame, guilty and proud. That’s why you’re so troubled all the time. Well, aren’t you?

    Let it go. You’ll feel better. You’ll get better.

  262. First of all, to ask God for anything you need to believe:

    1.) He/She exists.
    2.) He/She can be personal.
    3.) He/She is omnipotent.

    Most organized religions place blinders on their congregations and limitations on God. One of the basic truths often ignored is that one has to learn to forgive all others before one can receive actually forgiveness. People often overlook those important details. Most don’t even understand what forgiveness really is. It isn’t approval and doesn’t mean to forget. It’s out there and free for the taking, if you hold the key. There are many truths just like that.

    Trump voters are not any better or worse than those who voted for someone else or didn’t vote at all. Voting is a placebo. Those who voted for the present clown are looking desperately for legitimate reasons still justifying their vote. It generally looks something like:

  263. Alfie hypnotized Pooman in 2012 to cast one less vote for Obama and Rutherford in 2016 to cast one less vote for Clinton. That’s all.

  264. No, Trump voters are no better or worse than others, but the results are better.

    More conservative judges are one effect. Another is an executive order freeing farmers from the obligation of treating low patches like wetlands. Dust from harvest and loud noises are no longer pollutants. Trump has temporarily frightened illegals. North Korea now says they are open to negotiations with the US. Trump wants to defund sanctuary entities.

    Trump didn’t endorse the “Slow Bleed.”

  265. That you expect us to join you in the stupid-assed irrationality.

    If you think it’s rational for the POTUS to threaten the former FBI Director (now a private citizen) on Twitter then you need your head examined.

  266. “If you think it’s rational for the POTUS to threaten the former FBI Director (now a private citizen) on Twitter then you need your head examined.”

    Exactly what it takes to play hard ball with the dirty fucks….love it. This is what I elected him to do.

  267. James, on a lighter note how do you like the negotiations going on with China re beef imports? I know you’re not a cattle rancher but I figured as a farmer in the agri industry you might have an opinion.

    The true shame is if the 10-year old Trump grew the fuck up and focused, “deals” with imports and exports could become the hallmark of his administration.

    Those accusing me of histrionics forget that immediately after inauguration I said Trump had some potential. I doubted he would use it and I’m being proven right.

  268. He is the shock to the system that we need. Vote him out 4 years from now. Maybe I will join you. But man do I like the way he fights you vapid, corrupt fucks.

  269. I’m confident that others here voted for sincere,personal and serious reasons.

    I disagree, with the word “here” being critical. Millions across the country voted for Trump sincerely. Our bar and grill is not a microcosm of the country. We are on average smarter and better informed.

    There are only two reasons anyone here voted for Trump in the general. 1) A vote against Hillary (and I get that) or 2) to be a snarky asshole and thumb ones nose at the country. No one here despite the protests to the contrary truly thought Trump was best for America.

    As for the primary, anyone here who voted for Trump in the primary should be drawn and quartered. There simply were better and more obviously superior alternatives (as in ANYONE ELSE).

  270. A reminder in case anyone needs one.

    2008 Primary & General Barack Obama
    2012 Primary & General Barack Obama
    2016 Primary Sanders
    2016 General Abstained (or in Baracks words – voted present 😀).

  271. ““If you think it’s rational for the POTUS to threaten the former FBI Director (now a private citizen) on Twitter then you need your head examined.””

    You mean as opposed to using agency proxies to do it and having that be all over the public media?

  272. This is what I elected him to do.

    Then, as I said, you need your head examined and God knows you better not become anyone’s political adviser.

    Whether you care to admit it, Trump is coming real close to witness intimidation. If you got paid to advise him to do that, you should be fired.

  273. You need your head examined if you think Obama and his DoJ didn’t put pressure on Comey to overstep and make recommendations that weren’t his job to make.

  274. “Trump is coming real close to witness intimidation.”

    Is that this week’s party line?

    Last I heard from both sides of the isle is that Trump is not under investigation and that there is no evidence of collusion.

  275. Last I heard from both sides of the isle is that Trump is not under investigation and that there is no evidence of collusion.

    First you can intimidate a witness in someone else’s investigation. It is Trump’s campaign under investigation and he needs to stay the hell out of it and that includes his damn Twitter feed.

    Second, what we are hearing is lots of smoke and where there is smoke there is likely fire. We cannot rule out collusion until the investigation is over.

  276. There isn’t even any evidence of smoke. All you are hearing, from unnamed sources” is that people think they smell smoke.

    It’s not smoke we smell, it’s bullshit. You smell it, too and you’ve said so many times.

    Also, why should Comey fear what could be exposed on a tape? Could he have said what Trump says he said? Could he have substantiated that there is no evidence of collusion and that this is probably all bullshit, like we all know it is? Could he have said that he was pressured by people, including Barack Obama to let Hillary skate?

    How exactly is “better hope I don’t have a tape” intimidating someone? Do you think Trump would suggest he would release a tape of Comey saying Team Trump has done wrong? If Comey has information that he fears would come out, why is he hiding that?

    If Trump is guilty of intimidating a witness by stating he will release tapes of that witness saying things, then that witness is also guilty of withholding evidence.

  277. “I don’t know what Obama did.”

    If you think Barack Obama wasn’t pulling those strings then you need your head examined. Wake the fuck up, man.

  278. Maybe we should plant a few unnamed sources to claim Obama was behind it all. Then we can launch a never-ending investigation, which will allow us to never rule out the possibility.

  279. Hell, while we’re at it, let’s plant a few unnamed sources stating that Obama faked his birth certificate. We can launch an investigation into that, too. Maybe the Russians helped him do it in exchange for all the easing of anti-Russian policies and rhetoric that went on during pretty much all of Obama’s time in office.

    We won’t need, you know, actual evidence. We just need unsubstantiated claims.

  280. “Unnamed sources confirm that Larry Sinclaire was a Russian mole who has tapes of Barack Obama performing gay sex acts for cocaine. The tapes were never made public in exchange for the removal of anti-missile systems in Poland and a non-intervention policy in Russia’s annexation of Crimea.”

  281. “Second, what we are hearing is lots of smoke and where there is smoke there is likely fire. We cannot rule out collusion until the investigation is over.”

    Imagine if such a fuck were given by R when it comes to the leaks, unmasking, subversion, spying etc. Dude’s house is on fire and he says he’s smoke on his teevee.

  282. I gotta go watch some MSNBC for the “witness tampering.” If you’re referring to tweets, you’re a bigger stooge than I thought — and that’s damn near impossible.

  283. The others” here who voted for sincere reasons” also voted for stupid reasons. The first vote can justifiably be excused from ignorance fostered by most of the media. There is no excuse for the second vote unless one is a radical leftist who wants to destroy and recreate our nation.

    Huck makes some good points. Anyone who voted for Hillary voted for an alleged murderer married to a rapist who institutionalized leftist criminality. Anyone who voted for Hillary or Obama voted to let our troops die to hurt Republicans.

    Other sources tell us that a terrorist ghost wrote Obama’s books and that Obama was a socialist before he ran for president.

  284. I need to be clear on what I think is bullshit and what isn’t.

    The notion that the Russians got Trump elected is bull. No voting machines were tampered with and to the extent people believed fake news propagated by the Russians, that’s their own stupidity.

    This does not mean that Trump operatives (Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, the bald tv whore whose name I always forget) did not attempt to coordinate the dissemination of true and false stories with the Russians and their agents. I don’t know if that’s a crime or just dirty campaign tricks but it’s got Marco Rubio as upset as Lizzie Warren or Adam Schiff. Folks don’t want foreigners influencing elections even though we have historically influenced many, up to and including facilitating an outright coup.

  285. “Bill and Hillary Clinton. Mentioned. Happy?”

    Not until they’re accompanied words such as “consituional crisis” and “upsetting the balance of power” or “witness tampering” or. . . . firing Comey was a good move for both parties to restore some trust.

  286. One piece of true good news is on the front page of the Omaha World Herald. The proposed sale of US cattle to China is the first in years. It may greatly benefit Iowa, Nebraska and other cattle producing states. Much of the work came from state delegations but Republican power seems to have helped move the deal. Iowa Gov Terry Branstad’s appointment as Chinese ambassador also helps. He and the Chinese have a good relationship.

  287. Dems are having convulsions at the prospect of a comprehensive analysis of vote fraud. How come?

    I think you’ve overstated the case. I’d hardly call it convulsions. They just don’t want money wasted investigating a nonexistent problem.

  288. The proposed sale of US cattle to China

    James you just answered my question that I posed earlier in the thread although I’m not sure you saw it. Scroll up.

  289. Like the fat grannies, and the others, you have lost the argument for now, Rutherford. This is getting painful to watch. The ebb and flow will favor you again, but for now, you have next to nothing but gossomare,

    I hope this lightens the mood.

  290. Yes Rutherford. I missed your comment. We used to raise cattle, and if this becomes real, it will help us all.

    China is developing a greater taste for beef, and once they eat our regional product they will want more, so the theory goes. Trump did not single handedly make this happen, but I think the election helped.

    I hope you like the commercial, I think it is hilarious,

  291. you have lost the argument for now

    No, sadly we’ve all lost the argument. We have an impetuous man in the Oval unable to show any self restraint. The people of America, possibly primed by the Obama cult of personality, went full blown American Idol this election … or even worse America’s Top Comic.

  292. “They just don’t want money wasted investigating a nonexistent problem.”

    LOL. Like a special prosecutor for the Comey firing?

    What a load. They don’t want what they label nonexistent to proven existent.

  293. They don’t want what they label nonexistent to proven existent.

    Can’t wait to see what they find out. Maybe Trump can send his investigators to Hawaii to start the research there? 🙄🙄

    Maybe they’ll find the 3 million illegal votes that stole the popular win from Trump? 🙄🙄🙄

  294. Yet, we have already seen Obama weaponize just about every agency in his entire administration and use them against the media and ordinary Americans.

    I think you’ve gone a bit melodramatic there. I know of two cases that lend credence to you: the tapping of journalists and the IRS thing. What else? Which other departments were weaponized?

    But let’s go a step further. Let’s say Obama was as bad as you say. He and his at least knew how to pull the levers of government to get their way. Trump doesn’t know how to open the toolbox much less use what tools are in it.

    He’s a crazy clown. I might actually prefer it if he were more cunning.

  295. I can’t wait to see what the FBI turns up on all of the Obama admin improprieties. An unnamed source says it’s gonna be bad.

    Another unnamed source says that the voter fraud is MASSIVE!

    I think we should have special prosecutors investigate the Obama surveillance.

    And the double dips of vanilla.

    Fortunately, Trump had the sense to fire Comey so we can get investigations done with some level of trustworthiness. Maybe Hillary and Bill will go to jail!

  296. Hey Tigre, point number 9 from your man Nolte sounds as preposterous as anything coming from the MSM. They wanted to destroy Trump after he lost? What would that buy them?

    Post-loss, the Trumpeters would have been steaming mad. Hillary would have facilitated Trump’s quiet retreat, not poke a stick in the hornets nest.

  297. Hey R, what do you know about the voter fraud?

    Anonymous sources have told me zombies are being allowed to vote. Or maybe Southerners just think blacks look like zombies. 😂😂

  298. Fuck McCain!
    Selling beef to China isn’t all that great a deal. Given the massive amounts China requires a number of very ugly things can potentially (and likely will) occur. I personally find it funny they banned beef sales secondary to a case of mad cow. This coming from the people who put death in everything from toothpaste to dog food and has anyone ever looked at the USDA import listings showing food from China. they routinely dump dead fish,soiled veggies etc that didn’t travel well to say the least.
    China is converting their beef purchases out of Australia to actual live cattle shipments. This is likely the first step in developing domestic livestock operations just like the Japanese did with Kobe Beef.
    China buying in our market will per capitalism make our costs go up. I’m already suffering through $7 + /lb tips wtf do I need the Chinese causing upward pressure???
    China will eventually do to beef in America what they did to pork. Literally buy the farm ala the Smithfield purchase. Point of interest the two largest pork producers in the USA are now owned by foreign nationals. (Brazil and China/ JB Swift and Smithfield respectively)
    Anyone or a combination of those three is in the cards methinks.

  299. “He’s a crazy clown. I might actually prefer it if he were more cunning.”

    I honestly think you misunderestimate him because you’re so enamored with the MSNBC narrative. He might not be much, but I’m pretty sure he’s certainly more cunning than you think. Again, you need to quit measuring everything by the liberal media responses. You could be in a real world of shit.

    Or maybe not. He’s CRAZY and Putin’s cock pocket. And you’ll have him impeached by 2018.

    p.s. Am I wrong that Durbin said the special prosecutor was needed on the Russia nonsense because of the Comey firing? Not that it matters, but I can’t tell whether you’re really pushing back on what I said or you think you’re correcting me.

  300. “Anonymous sources have told me zombies are being allowed to vote. Or maybe Southerners just think blacks look like zombies.”

    Actually, it’s a serious question. What makes you think there’s nothing worth investigating when it comes to voter fraud.

    I patiently await your response. . .

  301. Am I wrong that Durbin said the special prosecutor was needed on the Russia nonsense because of the Comey firing?

    Two different things. I read you to say that the special prosecutor was to look into the Comey firing. Nope.

    Yes, Durbin thinks Rosenstein’s credibility is hurt by his participation in the Comey firing, hence the need for a SP.

    Now I readily admit this defies logic. If Rosenstein can’t be trusted to recommend Comey’s dismissal, how can he be trusted to appoint a legit SP?

    That’s why the left is saying Rosenstein got duped – cos if they completely destroy his reputation then the SP appointment is a non-starter.

  302. Tigre, the stats I’ve heard tell me it’s a nonissue. I think it’s like 3 in a million. Voter legitimacy probably meets the six sigma quality threshold.

    P.S. Don’t get me started on 6 sigma. I hate that shit.

  303. I can say this: there is something incredibly cathartic about Trump’s win after Obama mocked him at the correspondents dinner.

    Trump: “Look who’s president now, you arrogant motherfucker.”

  304. I agree with some of what you wrote, alfie, but my interests diverge from yours. We need the upward pressure which will hurt your wallet. Farm prices are fluctuating on both sides of break even.

    China may indeed do to cattle what they did to beef, but it will be harder given the differences between cattle and hogs. Independent hog producers still exist, and cattle likely will too, especially in ranch country. Ranches are thousands of acres in size, and ranches sell many of their cattle to feeders in the Missouri River valley.

    Some Iowa farmers have invested in Brazilian farms. They do things differently in Brazil. Some advised us on how to deal with Asian Soy bean mites about eight years ago. They carry a deadly fungus which frightened us as much as ebola Brazilians were here because the fungus had devastated their crops before reaching us. One man told us if he saw symptomns on a neighbors’ field, he would spray it immediately without permission if necessary. We told him we can’t do that here.

  305. Rutherford, I suspected it would be worse than it is. As I had written, I regarded the election like Sampson pulling down he temple walls. He might destroy himself, but more importantly, he got rid of the Philistines. My electorial standards were low this time.

    Trump has accomplished some of what I mentioned, and these are developments which would not have happened without the election. That makes us winners until Trump throws Ivana off a roof or White House janitors find Grandma in the freezer.

    So far, the real losers are the crazy people who cannot accept the fact that rubes like us were too stupid to understand the greatness of Hillary.

  306. http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2016/12/12/records-many-votes-detroits-precincts/95363314/

    All I know is that ghost ballots all seem to be in heavily Democratic precincts here in Michigan. Couldn’t even do a proper recount for Hillary here due to the numerous clusterfucks in black areas.

    It’s one of two things: Heavily democratic precincts are, by defualt, full of morons working the polls or it’s shady as fuck. Maybe both?

    If the rock was ever truely lifted on voting fruad my gut tells me there are millions of cheater ballots. But I can’t prove that. Lets lift the rock and prove Rabbit wrong.

  307. Mrs R here. Rutherford is in hospital critically ill with pneumonia. He will be back saying you are all wrong as soon as he can. I hope very soon.

  308. Rutherford is in hospital critically ill with pneumonia.

    Mrs. “R?” Please tell Rutherford his antagonist Tex is thinking about him – with good thoughts. Sorry to respond so tardy and I second Huck’s “Thank you” for letting us know.

    Been out of town during graduation. Not the news I wanted to read upon returning. Ask your husband for me if there is anything we can do long distance to help and please keep us informed of his progress, if that is not infringing on your or “R’s” privacy.

    Hubby may not know this. But after ten years, I actually and painfully have acquired an affinity for Mr. Rutherford. I know I speak for everyone here when I tell you we would like to know how your husband is doing.

  309. Dear President Trump,

    Please save Rutherford like you saved America, and make hm great again.

    Yours truly,

  310. Mrs R, take good care of Rutherford. The bar needs him. These guys are suffering from “Obama withdrawal”. They don’t have an object to focus all their hate and anger. They are in desperate need of someone to bully.

    Sorry you had a rough “Mother’s Day”.

  311. These guys are suffering from “Obama withdrawal”.

    We can’t suffer withdrawal, because the now former failed President and his Butt Ugly Wife won’t go away. 🤡

  312. Sorry to hear Rutherford is so sick. We need him healthy to beat up on him.

    Father God, we know everything is possible with you. Please heal Rutherford in a hurry and bring him back here super healthy so we can continue to slay those giants in his mind.

  313. Notice there was only one who had to politicize Rutherford’s health…telling.

    But these are the “empathetic” people and “care about the little guy.” That is, when they can take a break away from protesting while wearing masks.

    Yes Huck, you are right. Politics should not enter into the discussion when the man who lets us share his life is critically ill. I just want Rutherford to get well today, politics aside.

  314. Lurker doesn’t get it. Rutherford corresponded with many of us outside this blog. You owe us an appology for that.

  315. “Lurker doesn’t get it. Rutherford corresponded with many of us outside this blog. You owe us an appology for that.”

    I do get it. The behavior on this blog is that of bullies. The problem with bullies is that they don’t think they are doing anything wrong. Rutherford may have his reasons for allowing it to continue but it is still bullying. I also know men will act this way towards one another. I know that he has contact with people outside of this blog. I will not apologize for calling it for what it is…bully behavior.

  316. Shut the fuck up Lurker. Rutherford doesn’t need you using or emasculating him. He can hold his own and we need him well. Period.

  317. “Shut the fuck up Lurker. Rutherford doesn’t need you using or emasculating him. He can hold his own and we need him well. Period.”

    Rutherford knew more about being a man than all of you assholes put together.

  318. You don’t really get it, Lurker. What you think is unimportant and irrelevant. Your day will come.

    What you likely won’t have on that day is what Rutherford has this minute. A profound sense of loss. I am truly saddened, even more so that I could never reach my little buddy about what I really thought important. He rejected all of it.

    You see, I knew Rutherford’s time would be short with what he had shared. That makes the grief all the more painful for me.

    I will truly miss Rutherford and our battles. Though we were completely different in our opinions, our likes were much the same. I formed long ago a grudging respect not for Rutherford’s opinions, but his life story. He will be missed by many of us, no matter what you may think.

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