The Nasty Stain Revisited


scottchan /

Last week I wrote an article about the legacy of slavery, how such an abominable evil cannot be ignored when evaluating the state of blacks in America today. I then spent a week defending my article to my commenters, many of whom disagreed with me. The thanks I got for my effort came in the form of a virtual slap in the face on Sunday as I watched This Week with Christiane Amanpour.

The topic covered by Amanpour was the terrible job market and the challenges being faced by new college graduates as they emerge from the ivy covered buildings and beautifully landscaped quadrangles. In addition to two businessmen, Christiane had four just-graduated college students in her panel discussion. None of the four young adults had a particularly encouraging story to tell, from one with no job offers to another with job offers that didn’t excite him. The exchange that got my blood boiling however occurred between Christiane and Melech Thomas, a young black man just graduated from Howard University.

AMANPOUR: We’ve heard the advice and the analysis from the entrepreneurs and CEOs, but for you, when you were told that if you worked hard and you got into a university and if you got into a great university and you spent the four years, that it would be an inevitable passport to a good job. Do you feel betrayed? Do you feel like the American dream hasn’t quite played its part for you?

THOMAS: Well, to be quite frank, especially people of African descent, the American dream has never really been a reality. And so as much determination as some of my peers even at Howard University have had, because African-Americans usually have to work twice as hard to get a job in a field where the job market is already shrinking, it becomes very, very frightening and very, very paralyzing for some of the students. And so I won’t say betrayed, because the American dream never really promised us much.

via Page 13: ‘This Week’ Transcript: Tim Pawlenty and Mitch Daniels – ABC News.

I’ve got two responses for Melech. The first, as a potential employer, is forget ever getting a job at my company. Why would I ever hire you when you assume that I will not give you a chance because you are black? Maybe I won’t give you a chance because you’re leading with race instead of with your skills set?

The second response comes from my paternal instinct and that response is to kick Melech’s natural ass. You sit there on national television in a suit and tie, a graduate of a fine middle tier institution with opportunities already behind you that true underprivileged ghetto kids could not hope to have and you have the unmitigated gall to complain about the American dream being beyond your reach. Are you kidding me? How could you spit in the face of your parents who no doubt worked their fingers to the bone so you could attend college? How could you insult the teachers and tutors who supported you along the way and believed in you? You didn’t get where you are today by simply being Super-Negro. You had a support system. You also had the intelligence and discipline to get this far and now suddenly when the road is a bit rough you’re the disadvantaged black man. Did you even listen to the other three non-black folks on your panel who cannot find satisfying jobs? What is their excuse?

I do not retract my article of last week. Being black in this country is not easy. Having virtually no hope in a ghetto where the only way to get ahead seems to be pushing drugs cannot be summarily dismissed as the byproduct of  lazy, inherently inferior black folk. But when you get a break, when you get that lucky leg up and you don’t recognize it, you cheat yourself and you insult all those who contributed to your success. When I discuss the nasty stain of America’s original sin I am focused on the most unfortunate of us. I am not giving a get out of jail free card to blacks who have had every advantage and should be serving as proud role models for others instead of pretending they are no better off than their desperate ghetto counterparts.

For blacks to be successful in America we must do what our Jewish brothers have done spectacularly. We must NEVER allow this country to forget the abominable crime they committed against us for centuries. We must never let this country tell us to “just get over it”. We must make sure when we teach the history of this country that every little white and black boy and girl understands man’s potential for evil so that it never happens again. But we must also adopt the strategy that success is the best revenge. When we make it, through a lot of hard work and a bit of luck, we must hold up that success like a beacon to light the way for those less fortunate. Our answer cannot be that we made it but you can’t because the “American dream never really promised us much”. We are Americans and we have as much right to that dream as anyone else. We can’t live the dream if we refuse to acknowledge our own successes. Melech should be using his record of success as evidence that he can continue to succeed. The success he has had so far in life obligates optimism from him. How dare he despair when he has proven that hard work can make the American Dream attainable?

We need empathy and support, for the disadvantaged in this country to gain a foothold. It is short-sighted and unproductive to totally ignore the historical context of poverty and desperation in this country. However it is equally unproductive to discount the gains we have made as some insignificant step forward in an unwinnable game.

Sadly, Melech Thomas may never recognize the American Dream even when he has it in the palm of his hand.

Rutherford Political Blogger Alliance

251 thoughts on “The Nasty Stain Revisited

  1. Hear! Hear!

    Jesus, R –
    I want to meet you one day. You express what is in my head – and heart – so much better than I have ever done, or heard. No damned wonder that the rock-ribbed conservatives on this blog hold you in such high regard. Add another. Well done.

  2. Oh God. I thought there was an epiphany. . . until. . . “[w]e need empathy and support, for the disadvantaged in this country to gain a foothold.”

    It’s the liberal concept of “empathy and support” that is the heart of the problem. To a liberal empathy and support = handouts, programs designed to create dependency, and preferential treatment.

    Still, I say, “good for you, Grasshopper.” You are beginning to calls ’em likes you sees ’em.

  3. Not a bad article for you “R” except it still ignores we spent over a trillion dollars in this country last year alone for “empathy and support” and got even more poverty in return.

    And I think I’ve figured out why.

    Liberals, much of the Catholic Church (the muddled thinking ones), and some bleeding hearts measure our charity by how many poor people we can support with basic necessities, when they should be measuring the success by how many poor people we get off the welfare roles.

    Their heart may be in the right place (I actually separate the Catholic Church from political Liberals in this regard), but the logic of their thinking isn’t rational and defeatist in its conclusion.

    I’m convinced that is why Welfare Reform from the 90s proved to be so successful. Many liberals and bleeding hearts like to attributed the success to the growing economy, but the growing economy of the early and mid 80s didn’t make a dent in the welfare roles. So obviously cutting the bennies did provide motivation.

    Teach a man to fish many times has to be accompanied by a gentle push to get him to the pond, so to speak.

    But overall “R”, I think you were pretty fair this time. Your stomach must be feeling better. 🙂

  4. I’d say most liberals share Catholic’s true concern for the poor. I don’t believe as many do here, that liberals have a secret agenda to keep the poor poor and dependent.

    I think, truth be told, welfare is the easy road for government to take. Workfare is much harder … takes much more effort .. but in the end is 100 times more effective.

    When I was finished watching “This Week” I swore that once I get my feet back on the ground I’m going to start giving annually to some fund that helps the impoverished go to school Education is key. I know some of you guys have a problem with the United Negro College Fund cos you consider it racist. I’m leaning there but I’m open to other ideas of where my small donation might help a poor kid get an education.

    P.S. I do give annually to Harvard’s scholarship funds but I have an ulterior motive …. consistently contributing alumni give their kids an edge in admission. 😉

  5. To a liberal empathy and support = handouts

    For some, yes. And as I said that’s the easy route.

    I DO think it takes empathy to go into the inner city and prod and cajole and coach and coax until kids decide to study instead of gang-bang. You can’t help someone get out of their hole if you refuse to understand why they are in that hole in the first place. That is where empathy comes in.

  6. Gentlemen and scholars from both left an right. I have been saying this for some time without reservation, falling mostly of deaf ears I presume.

    Whatever you think of Obama, there is one indisputable, immutable fact: UNDER HIS ADMINISTRATION, THE ECONOMY HAS BEEN MANAGED INCREDIBLY POORLY!!!!!

    And gentleman, very bad times are a coming unless we remove Obama, his minions, and his toadies from positions of power. Paul Ryan has made a feeble attempt in the right direction. But it doesn’t go nearly far enough to save us.

    Better acquaint yourselves with the 21st century Depression, because unless we change course, it is coming as sure as day. Wall Street hints at it. But they clearly see the horizon.

  7. Tex –
    I find that article very, very disturbing but I don’t have a plan to head for the exits, and IT LOOKS LIKE I NEED ONE. What are you doing? My wife wants me to liquidate everything and apply for Italian citizenship, move to Sicily. We also have several prominent adult industry friends who moved to the Dutch Antilles many years ago and love it. Thoughts?

  8. Pfesser, your wife obviously has not read up on Berlusconi and Italy’s piss poor record on how they treat women. I just heard this morning women there make 50% what men make and objectification of women is celebrated there big time. Apparently they also have their own brand of honor killings that only get the men a relative slap on the wrist. Afghanistan with more culture. 😦

    P.S. Sorry your comment went into moderation. Looks like handles are case sensitive.

  9. On a side note, Pfesser since you have friends in the porn trade, can you confirm or deny something for me? Does working in porn ipso-facto mean involvement with the mob?

    Inquiring minds want to know. 🙂

  10. Huck, looks like from the last thread and this one that you’ve become obsessed with Anthony’s weiner. I think you make an odd logical leap in the last thread though. When I think of a cyber-attack I picture something much more malicious than simply hacking some dudes account. I’m thinking a viral attack of some kind …. or denial of service, etc. etc. Weiner’s hack job doesn’t rise to that level of danger.

    P.S. Ha ha Tex … everyone has a hard on for Obama.

  11. R –

    I thought that moderation thing was funny, too. I signed into Gravatar, trying out some of the avatars but couldn’t make it work. Maybe where I stayed signed in had something to do with it.

    I would say I have about ten pretty good friends in porn and none of them has any mob connections I am aware of. We have some friends in Australia who got in on the ground floor in the social networking stuff for porn and have retired very rich. They are about 65 or so, have kids and are just ordinary people. I personally don’t know Anybody – at least that I am aware of – that is involved in the mob. I don’t mean to blow sunshine here, but I got involved when I was in elect. engineering school and went to several conferences; everybody I met was just a peach. (Except Max Hardcore, who I think is now in jail. He had a rep for being a real shit to the models – it’s a very closed society and word gets around; nobody will fool with you if you are an asshole). Most everybody is funny, friendly and likes what they do, including the girls, who for the most part just like being nekkid and doing it on camera. (In most species the male displays, my theory is that in humans it is the female; if you don’t believe that, look at who spends the most on their appearance.) I found nearly everybody to be very cool, uninhibited and fun to be around. Maybe I didn’t get out much…

  12. “When I think of a cyber-attack I picture something much more malicious than simply hacking some dudes account”

    I see.

    So now our members of congress are just “some dude”? Seems to me you used to think this “dude” was something special because he pissed off republicans. But now that he and his weiner are in hot water, suddenly he is insignificant?

    I am surprised that some who has such a Palin fetish needs to be reminded that hacking into someone’s personal Internet communications is a crime that lands people behind bars.

    “Huck, looks like from the last thread and this one that you’ve become obsessed with Anthony’s weiner.”

    I am merely trying to keep you informed so that the next time you are asked about it you cannot claim ignorance of the topic.

  13. That comment about considering cyberattacks as acts of war really disturbs me. The govt really, really wants control of the Internet, the way the Chinese have. They want an “off button” so they can ostensibly block massive DOS attacks, etc. Yeah, fucking right. They fear the ‘net and want to be able to block it.

    My friends I fear we are heading into a Very Bad Period in this country. I hope I am wrong; I have kids and they are in no way prepared to handle a totalitarian regime like I think we are heading into, or the chaos involved in a struggle to stop it.

  14. The “cyberattack” gambit is very logical. If someone knocks down one of our buildings, we can see the evidence. But if the Pentagon says it’s been hacked we have to take their word. And they know that. A very, very easy way for someone to start another round of taking away Americans’ freedoms in the name of security.

  15. Pfesser,

    You’re not going to like my answer. At least you’re in a high paying job, which I never begrudge anybody who has earned it. And you did.

    My wife wants me to liquidate everything and apply for Italian citizenship, move to Sicily. We also have several prominent adult industry friends who moved to the Dutch Antilles many years ago and love it. Thoughts?

    Europe has the same set of problems we do, only worse. I’m no tax accountant, but I believe Europe’s tax structure would eat you alive. I don’t know about Antilles – is it a tax haven of some sort or just a great porn industry (you pervert).

    Here’s the part you’re not going to like. For the first time in my adult life, I don’t have a financial answer on what to do. I can’t even give advice to my children, besides don’t owe anybody anything. That’s the summation of what knowledge I gained with MBA. 🙂 I really don’t see a soft landing anyplace.

    I’ve made money in commodities, but you can also lose your shirt. I’m tempted to short the market or bet against the dollar, but Rutherford and I both agree there is something distasteful about betting against your country of birth.

    Being I’ve taken such a long vacation from work with my hiatus, then short jaunt through medical school, people would tell me to blow it out my shoot if I applied elsewhere – so I sit on my ass and install garbage disposals. Maybe I’ll be a plumber. I never claimed to be a man of any outstanding talent and am too old to reinvent myself without jeopardizing my family. Tech was my field and I’m 10 years behind the times. Plus, I hated it to begin with, so screw that.

    The really pathetic part is I could have easily retired a millionaire (perhaps a few times over) if I had simply stayed the course and held the options. What a dumbass I was! 😥

    My best suggestion – avoid debt and pray (in your case, you have to fill in the gap for prayer).

    Oh well, I wouldn’t have had a chance to harass and make friends with Rutherford. That’s got to be worth something. Right “R”? If I’m starving, I’m moving to Naperville with Rutherford and his wife, and joining the Rutherford Radio.

    The bottom line is I’ve never been more educated, more lost, and feeling poor. Not to mention my frickin’ pup chewed a hole in my leather chair I’m sitting just this morning. He’s one more chew from getting his ass kicked. Shiite…

  16. Pfesser would be a far better source of info “R” (coughs}, but I think with the advent of the internet, women have taken over the production of porn. Who needs the mob when you’ve got a webcam.

    Every time I see some “special” about porn, they are interviewing women directors. Like the Indians, women are slowly but surely taking over America.

    As long as it’s free, men aren’t going to bitch either.

  17. Rutherford, I have a puzzling question. Anybody else feel free to chime in.

    Why do think men like the appropriately named Weiner send pictures of their privates to women? I mean, how frickin’ reckless and twisted does a moron have to be to send a picture of his ‘groin’ to somebody on Twitter? My libido is racing ahead of the pack, but I can say with absolute complete truth and assuredness, not one time in my life have I wanted to drop drawer and film my penis for somebody’s observation. It probably wouldn’t get many views anyway. 🙂

    By the way, this is an equal opportunity stupidity – which apparently doesn’t discriminate by party.

    I give Pfesser a hard time for his porn affairs, but I have to admit I think it may be part jealousy. Now if some woman wants to send me pictures of her privates for free, well that is perfectly okay of course and I’l happily provide my “address.” But I got bad news for Weiner – he’s ugly as a modern art piece and a complete worm, and there isn’t a sane woman alive that is going to find his groin appealing.

    It’s been my conclusion, women are a hell of a lot more motivated by the size of one’s pocketbook and visibility, then they are the size of one’s unit. Just sayin’…

  18. “Huck, looks like from the last thread and this one that you’ve become obsessed with Anthony’s weiner.”

    By all means, let’s change the topic. Here are a few suggestions:

    The democrat budget
    The democrat plan for saving Medicare
    Democrat policy job creation
    Democrat entitlement spending
    Raising the debt limit

  19. At one of the conferences, a lady who ran spanking sites was on one of the panels and addressed this question of guys’ photographing their willies. She had been in the business a long time and involved with personals sites and was utterly baffled as to why guys thought that posting pix of their peni would be exciting to women.

    Her comment? “Nobody wants to talk to a dick.”

  20. Her comment? “Nobody wants to talk to a dick.”

    And in Weiner’s regard, she was right on both counts. What a waste of humanity.

  21. By all means, let’s change the topic. Here are a few suggestions:

    The democrat budget
    The democrat plan for saving Medicare
    Democrat policy job creation
    Democrat entitlement spending
    Raising the debt limit

    Huck you must be Weiner’s political adviser because that is exactly what he is saying, stop talking about the prank and focus on real news.

    NOW the real problem with this is Anthony’s very bizarre statement that he can’t say it’s not his crotch. That, my friends, just sunk his story with my wife and my wife is a saint when it comes to giving people the benefit of the doubt.

    So I ask you … where do I go for my f*cking heroes??? First Claire McCaskill gets caught up in some nonsense a few months ago and now Weiner.

    It is now time for Tex Taylor to run for public office. We need a man beyond reproach!!!!

  22. I have done a field study of sorts on exhibitionism and found the following results. A couple of years ago with way too much late night time on my hands, I visited a video “chat” site. While I kept my webcam off and my clothes on, the other folks did not and I kid you not, the number of men showing their “special place” outnumbered the girls by 10 to 1. It was not that there were more men on the site. It was that the women for the most part kept their clothes on.

    I have no idea why men want to wave their wand on the Internet unless of course they’re in a Skype session with their long distance girlfriend or something.

  23. It is now time for Tex Taylor to run for public office. We need a man beyond reproach!!!!

    OH RUTHERFORD! You have hit rock bottom. 😆

    The minute my name became public, you’d have me crucified for comments I’ve posted on this very blog! They’d drag me away for a tar and feathering before I ever made it to my introduction.

    To hell with the jihadis. I can just picture Fake standing there with a flamethrower. Newly elected Congressman Tex Taylor found scalded to death on Congressional steps…minutes after pictures of his burnt penis Twittered across net.

    I feel I’m being set up. 😉

  24. Weiner’s Wiener fiasco is getting beyond scandalous. It is becoming hilarious! This is great stuff!!!! 🙂

    Another big mouthed political punk bites the dust.

  25. Hey Tex, I bought a put on the S&P 500 via the “SPY” ETF about 3 weeks ago. Strike price 107, August 11th. Did OK today today, but I obviously have a long way to go. All profits will turn into gold eagles.

    This economy is doomed. Obama was our last chance. And he did EVERYTHING WRONG.

    A unexperienced, run of the mill liberal, yet a politically expedient moron with demagogic tendencies, was bar none our worst nightmare.

    Only Dancing with the Stars keeps the American morons from taking note of the obvious….or….uh…Tigers Baseball..cough.

    The Fed is trapped. TRAPPED.

    What is their goal? Fuck America over until they die comfortably. Temporary Survival.

    How else can you explain it?

    Baby Boomers: There may very well be a generational war coming your way. Most of you simply don’t understand and I feel sorry for you.

    A few of you, mostly conservatives, get it.

    You have a powerful lobby and proxies always deviously plotting to save your asses. Masking theft by deranged Keynesian economic policy, deficit spending and Wiemar printing with the hope of putting off your…our… spanking until you die is evil.

    The Fed will never allow the bubble to burst before 2012. They will come up with another printing scheme. The markets will rally in the fall.

    Rabbit advice: Short the shit out the Dow this summer. Buy calls for November. Take all profits and buy gold. Stay firm until the dollar collapses. Even if its deflationary in nature, stay firm.(Thats the part I don’t get…will it be hyper-inflationary? Or will it be 30’s style deflation)

    As for the that whining little bitch black dude. Poor guy. That dude has no clue how tough we ALL are going to have to be in a few years.

    Hey Hucking, my tribe of revolutionary softball players is ready. Is yours?

    We’ve got guns. Food. A support network. An emergency plan. Were even kicking around the idea of a collective farming option. I shit you not!

    Reactionaries like Hucking will one day be forced to admit that monetary policy was, in fact, the Big Kahunna. And while those hippie kids were confused and skewed with lame ass socialist ideology, they were dead right when it comes to the theft that Obama and his banker buddies did to the American people.

    20 years from now, America will be a tough people again. Getting there is a gonna be rough.

  26. Mad Max, huh?

    Well, at least I’ll have the Red Sox and the Braves.

    God I love being a transplant. And there’s no shortage of guns in sunny Atlanta. 😆

  27. Rabbit, other than the part about Huck which I must not be party to, that was beautiful. 😆 And what’s more, I couldn’t agree more with its conclusions.

    I used to be a huge baseball fan (Cincinnati and Johnny Bench) when I was a younger dude. Knew every stat, read the sports page from cover to cover. Somewhere about the late 70s, I fell out of favor with baseball, then NBA basketball shortly thereafter, then about the mid 90’s the NFL. Now, all I truthfully find worthy is college sports and the Olympics and they are about to ruin those.

    I’ve become a real dud. And man, have my athletic skills slipped as I found out the hard way while on vacation. Damn near drowned in the Pacific, thinking I was still 21.

  28. Tried your hand at surfing, Tex? I damn near died doing that Indonesia without ever standing on the board a couple of years back.

  29. I don’t think it will be Mad Max. At least I hope not. What I do think will inevitably come to pass is a stretch of time in which most Americans learn to truly do with out and become resourceful.

    I don’t see Tina Turner running the Thunderdome.

    But I do see Americans getting back to the “Liberty Garden” mindset. The lost art of frying a decent baloney sandwich will be back.

    True self reliance.

    I’m just messing with Hucking, for the most part. I don’t blame him for busting my balls about the 12 angry men on my softball team. it’s evokes a ridiculous image.

    That being said, I think there is an apathetic mindset within conservatism that abhors any kind of complaining about “the man”.

    I certainly can respect and understand where that comes from.

    However, conservatism and Social Darwinism are not the same thing.

    Conservatism can’t exist with out rule of law. And it certainly doesn’t exist to enrich a tiny oligarchy. Free market ideology wasn’t even sculpted by economists. Adam Smith was actually a philosopher of ethics. The free market is good shit for all of us. Even for morons like me who usually fail. What is free about our market? It was forever ruined in 2008. Obama tossed an ocean of water on the magnesium fire there after.

    We are in a command economy right now. Central planners have the power to literally wipe your wealth out over night. I’m convinced these central planners are a danger to the traditional checks and balances of our entire democracy.

    Who controls the purse? Congress? We don’t even need a purse anymore. We don’t use money. The Fed just types a number and then hits enter on a keyboard. This “number” is loaned to the government.

    They then think they can one day come after the tangible wealth of today’s American youth to pay back the fictional “number”? Are fucking kidding me?

    Unlawful Time Warp Taxation, boys. And it’s worthy of revolution.

    The funny thing is I’ve come to realize I’m part of the problem. My own pension is yoking my son. How fucked up is that?

    Hucking (when you get hired)….Gorilla…..our pensions are crippling America.

    Maybe we need to be men and sacrifice them. I don’t know.

    I never thought i’d feel guilty for landing a decent job. But, guilty I am.

  30. Well I can’t speak for anyone else but Rabbit’s latest financial prognostication has me completely stumped. I’m glad Tex understands it. Hey, I haven’t taken an economics class since high school. What Rabbit wrote is either some really deep sh*t or a total ramble and I couldn’t begin to discern which one.

    I know I spend a lot of time defending Obama but really “Obama and his banker buddies”? I may be wrong but I’m guessing George W’s net worth pre-White House was greater than Obama’s and probably still is. Yes I understand Obama has done crap to get the bankers under control (much less put a few of them in jail) but I’m not sure that really makes him complicit.

    The depth of complex cynical wheeler-dealing is so convoluted I don’t really know who to blame anymore. Things are so f*cked up that Bank of America foreclosed on one of its own branch offices this week.

    But Rabbit, you and I agree on one thing. Melech hasn’t begun to feel the pain. Mofo better wake up and smell the coffee. Being black is the least of his problems right now. While I didn’t spend any time on it in the post, another dude on the panel from LSU was almost as messed up in the head as Melech. This LSU dude got a couple of job offers but they didn’t match his “ultimate career goal” and the asswipe was stupid enough to say this on national TV. My wife and i laughed our asses off conjecturing how fast those job offers would be retracted. Folks have made similar dumbass comments about job offers on Twitter and found themselves with nothing within hours of posting their tweet. 😀

  31. No Tiger, no way, no hell. I barely handled snorkeling.

    I decided to snorkel in about 100-300 ft. of water, never recognizing that I’m no Mark Spitz if I ever was, and ass is apparently made of lead these days. The topography of this bay was amazing. We went from 300 ft of water to 4300 ft of water in about a quarter mile and viewed the pilot whales and the white tip sharks. A few dumbasses swam out for a view. I was hoping for a little action while I held the digital, but it didn’t happen. My wife now thinks I’m some sadist.

    I wasn’t wearing a wet suit like my family members as apparently I’m going through male menopause (I’m hot all the time). If it weren’t for the whales and the sharks, the outrageously expensive excursion would have been a disaster. Even my college kids weren’t terribly impressed and my wife puked the entire adventure. About three minutes into the swim, I was hit with a wall of water – when I turned my head, my reaction was to swallow and in came the Pacific through the snorkel. I felt sick as a dog. To top it off, the current had pulled me at least 100 yards from the boat. I turned and measured. The shore or the boat? Captain Bob, who I later renamed Congenial Bob for his lack of personality, sat on his ass when I gave the distressed signal. Fortunately, I caught my wits and fought like hell back to the boat, the last ten feet holding a rope. After I caught my breath and about puked, I looked around to make sure no one was looking. They were. 😳 Humiliating. How’s that for vanity?

    Snorkeling on the public beaches (much more fun, much more scenic with turtles, manta rays, a couple of dolphins, and even sea snakes), and completely free, I never thought about I was resting on the coral every five or ten minutes. It was one of my truly more stupid decisions. I’m damn lucky I’m not dead – the ultimate epinephrine shot swimming back to that boat. The rest of the trip was a ball. The big island was beautiful, including one beach with green crystal sand which I doubt few people have seen because it’s a hell of a hike to get there. Lazy ass me put this Jeep and 4-wheel and drove. Probably tore the hell out of the suspension, but we laughed the entire 30 minutes there and then back – even the old woman wife giggled the entire trip. Those Jeep Wranglers are pretty damn good in 4-wheel.

    The volcano was my favorite part – as I was sure I wouldn’t drown crawling over the lava. One thing – on this particular trip with what we did, you better be in pretty good shape because every bit of it from Mauna Kea to the hiking was physical. Found out I’m not nearly as in good a shape as my hard bodied daughters either. Even my tennis playing wife had me lagging. I’m getting too old for that physical stuff and running on a treadmill is obviously not cutting it.

  32. You can tell I’ve been over at Fat Grannies, even using you as example Rutherford of what a real liberal man looks like on paper. I have yet to receive a response when I use you as example of just how duplicitous these “ladies” are in their judgment.

    They’ve got from mocking and lying, to begging for banishment, to whining we’re mean – with Pfesser and me around, and a few other gentleman of sound mind, we’ve turned a once proud liberal blog into a bunch of cackling geese running headfirst to the netherworld where they belong. 😆

    Even Puppet came in reasonable today – she’s a step above most of the hens that at one time roosted there.

  33. Hey Tex, got results back today. C-Diff came back negative (thank goodness …. I caught that bad boy in a physical rehab hospital in 2006 … the gift that keeps on giving … and the hospital wasn’t even apologetic — “lots of people get that when they’re here. It’ll recur every now and then for the rest of your life. Thanks for playing.”) But I digress.

    The lactose intolerance test came back positive so I started taking Lactaid capsules at dinner tonight. I have to take one with every meal and snack for the remainder of my humble life. I’m 50 in two weeks. If I’m “lucky” enough to make it to 80 I’ll be one of those dudes who takes ten pills every day just to stay out of bed. Oh well … beats dying. 🙂

  34. I’m guessing NOP is not a lost cause based on her willingness to participate here on occasion. My favorite meme over at Fat Grannies is “if you don’t like what we say, don’t participate here” or some such thing as that. So they really don’t want to discuss issues. Just slap each others back. Oh well, if it works for them, bravo. I find it a bore. And honestly, I find most WordPress blogs to be similar. Stay on message and everyone’s happy. Yawwwn.

  35. Just read Rabbit’s comments, and I thought, if the stockbrokers who jumped out of windows in 1929 were half as depressed…. Not clinically depressed mind you, just without any optimism. Is that what is separating our political thought? I fully expect us, Americans and the rest of the world, to grow out of this recession, of course, we better get started on that pretty darn soon.

  36. For blacks to be successful in America we must do what our Jewish brothers have done spectacularly. We must NEVER allow this country to forget the abominable crime they committed against us for centuries. We must never let this country tell us to “just get over it”.

    When I first read this, my response was…well, it wasn’t good. Then I finished reading the paragraph, and realized that it was the rational Rutherford who wrote this piece, and your true meaning clicked. However, you stated it in a way that lends itself to misinterpretation by people whose idea of “never let them forget” translates to “milk it for all its worth”.

    We must make sure when we teach the history of this country that every little white and black boy and girl understands man’s potential for evil so that it never happens again.

    I understand the senitment, and agree with it, but when it comes from someone who has proven to be blind to the evil of those who would enslave the soul by making government mother and father, I’m gonna suggest that you leave the curriculuum to others. Forced dependency, and infantilzation are even more pernicious than phyisical enslavement, because they take from you even the hope for better things.

    But we must also adopt the strategy that success is the best revenge. When we make it, through a lot of hard work and a bit of luck, we must hold up that success like a beacon to light the way for those less fortunate. Our answer cannot be that we made it but you can’t because the “American dream never really promised us much”. We are Americans and we have as much right to that dream as anyone else. We can’t live the dream if we refuse to acknowledge our own successes.

    Nice to see you’ve finally joined the rest of us.

  37. I fully expect us, Americans and the rest of the world, to grow out of this recession, of course, we better get started on that pretty darn soon.

    That would require an abandonment of idiotic fiscal policy, and the refutation of childish notions such as the redistribution of wealth and “social justice” as governmental policy, and since “Stupid” is all that fills the government’s playbook of late, I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

    You are not going to see any real economic growth unless the government is disentangled from all the places that it has no business intruding into. As long as both party’s default positions are rooted in places they have no business being, that isn’t going to happen…at least until they can no longer afford to meddle in those aspects of life, but when that happens, it will no longer be able to afford to do the things it is actually supposed to do, either.

    In the meantime, we shoud continue to elect persons of sterling character, like the Representative from Oscar Meyer who thought he was a Kennedy Heir, because at least we can all have a laugh at his expense while the entire nation circles the bowl because we chose these walking Jerry Springer guests in lieu of responsible individuals, let alone actual leaders.

  38. I reverted back to my former self. M&H does get dry after a time. Feels good to be ‘home’.

    Still, after complimenting, I do have some bad news about NOP. Seems she likes to play tattletale and copied one of my more disparaging remarks verbatim over at Old Hens to get me banished. Didn’t work – at least not yet.

    Besides, I would just change my name and address and would have to become some one else for a time. What she calls sock puppet, I simply call incognito.


    I would call your diagnosis good news Rutherford. That’s treatable. You may be taking a few pills (doesn’t everybody anymore?), but at least you now have the hope you feel back to normal for a change. I was about to notify the Death Panels of your undiagnosable malady. 😈

    Not really. We all you a round of thanks for letting us post. And after my jaunt through M&H, you almost seem reasonable.

  39. “Huck you must be Weiner’s political adviser because that is exactly what he is saying”

    Of course that’s what he is saying this week. This is all a big distraction.

    I wonder if Weiner has any comments on what has been distracting democrats from submitting a budget. Because this hasn’t been going on for 764 days.

  40. So ole boy, no one cares who you are, as long as you aren’t yelling fire in a crowded theater. I can’t remember what it was you did or said, last time you got kicked out of there, but I recall it was pretty gross. I suspect Mathew, Helen’s grandson, thinks free speech is a good thing. And yes I do think Helen is a 80something woman, just read one of her Thanksgiving letters and tell me she isn’t. Can’t do it!

  41. “Reactionaries like Hucking will one day be forced to admit that monetary policy was, in fact, the Big Kahunna. ”

    You still haven’t told us how monetary policy and “the man” forced you to remain living in a highly depressed area and to buy a house you couldn’t afford.

    You know, this is getting kind of irritating.

    I said 1 time that crybabies need to STFU and take responsibility for their own financial woes and you have somehow twisted that into my being in favor of our monetary polices and being against speaking out against “the man.”

    What do we do here if not criticize the man? Have you not heard us tell him to keep the fuck out of our pockets? Or were you too busy wasting your money on silver investments those days?

  42. Ah yes.

    I love opening the grad assistant paycheck I get from my university and seeing how much of my money the union I am not a member of (United Auto Workers even!) took out so that they could give it to politicians I don’t like so the politicians can enact policies I dont approve of (contrary to what some seem to think).

    It’s not a lot, but it burns my ass every damn time.

  43. Just read Rabbit’s comments, and I thought, if the stockbrokers who jumped out of windows in 1929 were half as depressed…. Not clinically depressed mind you, just without any optimism. Is that what is separating our political thought? I fully expect us, Americans and the rest of the world, to grow out of this recession, of course, we better get started on that pretty darn soon.” – NOP

    It will, post 2012 when Obama is out of office.

  44. I commend you R on this post. We still have our differences, but I think you’ve made a turn.

    The Jewish comparison is interesting. I’ve never had a Jew throw the Holocaust in my face the way blacks toss about slavery. I’ve met a Jew or two who were actually in the concentration camps, or had family members in them, so it is a real issue for them.

    Anyway, good shot. A little short, but a good effort none the less…

  45. Rabbit,

    I don’t have a pension. I rely on 401K and savings like everyone else. I agree though that our economy has far too many regulations and it is these things that hurt it, preventing it from quickly and freely moving. And the Fed certainly has too much power. Were I king for a day, not only would I audit it, I would remove most of its autonomous powers.

  46. “The Jewish comparison is interesting. I’ve never had a Jew throw the Holocaust in my face the way blacks toss about slavery. I’ve met a Jew or two who were actually in the concentration camps, or had family members in them, so it is a real issue for them. ”

    When I was in residency I boinked a Jewish med student for a while. Her Dad showed me his tattoo from Mauthausen – it was his quiet dignity that got to me as he talked about his experiences. He never went into much detail. He did not call me muthafucka a single time. A real object lesson for our African brothers, if they want someone to take them seriously.

    The girl was one generation from the Holocaust – the fucking HOLOCAUST – and didn’t dwell on it. She just worked very hard and is now head of an oncology unit in Texas. You can see why I find this slavery stuff so thin.

  47. So ole boy, no one cares who you are, as long as you aren’t yelling fire in a crowded theater. I can’t remember what it was you did or said, last time you got kicked out of there, but I recall it was pretty gross.

    Undoubtedly you do, as you’ve now left four posts at Fat Grannies trying to identify me as Tex to get me banned, which you didn’t even get right – first Noah and now Wayne. Not terribly bright. 😆

    My original crime was to refer to you and your herd of something resembling female as nags, hags, shrews, and harpies. I find that pretty light compared to your anonymous “grandma’s” use of bitch, asshole, turd, with respect to political females like Sarah Palin – but then being lib, you also hold double standards in judgment, so that doesn’t bother your profound sensitivities.

    Don’t worry. I don’t dislike you because that would insinuate I ponder about you or care what you think. I don’t. I just find you an adult version of one of those little kids in kindergarten nobody liked – a tattletale, snitch and ass kisser.

    But I do think it my duty to let Rutherford know you are not to be trusted, and were probably one of the ones seeking information about Rutherford to do personal damage. I mean, you obviously are that chicken shit.

  48. Pfesser, I could tell a similar story about the Jews – including the tattoo on the arm. Except I never boinked her daughter. 🙂

    Lilly made my sandwich everyday, loved my children when they were little as she never had the opportunity to have children after Auschwitz, always had a cookie for them handy, and she and her husband Michael had made a quiet life in a little bread shop. She was quite an inspiration to me, though you knew the pain bubbled under the surface. Not once did she discuss it until after several years, I had to ask one day. She lost her entire family – everybody; mom, dad, brothers and a sister.

    I lost track of Ms. Lilly some years back when they closed their shop and it is possible she has now passed, but I have never forgotten her.

  49. Van Jones scares me.

    Ugh. Here I go.

    “I can’t remember what it was you did or said, last time you got kicked out of there, but I recall it was pretty gross. I suspect Mathew, Helen’s grandson, thinks free speech is a good thing. And yes I do think Helen is a 80something woman, just read one of her Thanksgiving letters and tell me she isn’t. Can’t do it!” -NOP

    “My original crime was to refer to you and your herd of something resembling female as nags, hags, shrews, and harpies.” -Tex

    You’re mostly right Tex, IMO. The post that I believe got you banned was one in which you hazarded a guess that the harpies, nags, and shrews likely averaged 3 abortions each. At least that’s the only post that I can say with any certainly was removed, and you were banned within hours if not minutes after posting it. “Helen” left up your “gross” posts. I also personally believe that “Helen” chooses her opponents wisely. I watch with great interest whether she’ll ever attempt to “rip you apart about your pro-life stance” a’ la Noah.

    (Above quote taken from Silent Watcher on M&H, excerpted from the passage that follows, in its entirety.)

    “And then Helen did her “but I digress” piece and ripped you (Noah) apart about your pro-life stance. No one can rip anyone apart like Helen to prove a point. Your (Noah’s) point was pro-life shoved down all women’s throat. Her point was freedom to choose, right or wrong. It is up to each individual.” -Silent Watcher on M&H

    I would like to see the exchange you two (Tex vs Helen) would have. Epic.

    You’re mostly wrong NOP, IMO of course. “Helen” may have been offended by Tex’s raw language with regard to the realities of aborted human-beings-in-the-making, but she left his explicit-language posts up. What she took down was what I mentioned above. Tex accused you (collectively) of having multiple abortions.

    I also think that you run the risk of making the same mistake that many of the M&H-ers make in that you seem to assume that people who don’t believe in “Helen” dismiss her out of ageism or something. That’s not the case. The only reason I don’t blab who I think the woman behind the feisty cussing granny mask is that I don’t want her to start covering her tracks. I’ve seen dozens of pictures of this woman’s girlfriend’s (yes, that type of girlfriend) grandmother, and the resemblence to the pic on the Fat Granny’s is uncanny. I just wish the blog pic wasn’t so far away.

    You’ve said in the past something along the lines of it really didn’t matter to you whether or not Helen was who she said she was – she was a great read in any case (according to you). Do you still feel that way?

    And – serious question – do you watch gorilla’s or other links from this blog?

    Speaking of – I mostly skip links in comment sections, but more often than not I’ll click on the ones posted here, and I never skip gorilla’s even if I have to work out time to view them.

    Rutherford, good article. Sorry to tack that on the end here and not comment, but I’m not sure I disagree with anything you said. 🙂 Naperville, huh? Cool, we’ll be neighbors (I live in the West Loop.)

    Aloha! Namaste! Shalom! 🙂

  50. BIC,

    😆 No mandated nose plugs? I’m afraid by the time all these “experts” get done with us, all we’ll have left is our sense of humor, which they’ll somehow tax.

  51. Well, since I just went to bat for Rutherford over at M&H I guess I should stop lurking and say hello. I’m not much of a match for you Dueling Dudes but I do enjoy the read and you do provide a lot of food for thought.

    Very good article, Rutherford. I wouldn’t call it short, Gorilla, just concise.

    I always enjoy Gorilla’s posts.

  52. Thank you Muffy

    Did you know that I had no idea why I had been banned from Grannies? I just assumed that it was one too many mocking posts and it was driving the harpies nuts – including the author. They apparently had no idea how to handle me, because they apparently had never meant anybody with the potential to be a bigger bomb thrower than they were as a unit. There was no notice or announcement, and I didn’t realize my post had been deleted. Obviously, this abortion issue is personal – and I expect I know why. Internal justification for past grievances.

    Most liberals are cowards at heart. Rutherford truly is one of the rare exceptions and one of the reasons that I like and admire him, like to converse with him, even if we agree on practically nothing besides marriage and kids. Rutherford “generally” has a decency about him that I don’t find very often from the Left and certainly not Fat Grannies.

    These female liberals at M&H don’t want debate or an exchange of ideas, because their arguments never hold up to scrutiny. Most of the posts are meaningless personal attacks so over the top, I even find them humorous. These “women” are lemmings marching lock step over the cliff; parrots singing the same song; not terribly educated or bright. And they demand absolute conformity or else. They are one hate filled bunch. Well, here I am and I’m not conforming.

    I go there more often now than I used to, under the assumed name, and I’ll tell you why I do that. Why I purposely bypass their security of which Puppet still hasn’t figured out why I have to use an assumed name. It wasn’t to harass some more like Puppet believes, though I still do when the mood strikes me.

    It was to prove a point to Matthew. That they aren’t smart enough to silence me and they are not going to continue to propagandize with lies and distortions unchallenged. There’s too much hypocrisy being passed as fact anymore, and for some unknown reason, I’ve decided to make a mission of fighting that. And I think the last decade as indicator has made me realize we are at the crossroads.

    I’m not going down the path of 1930 Argentina, or socialized Europe without a fight. My concerns are not trivial, and if we don’t change direction soon, you will see in your lifetime the fall of the revived Roman Empire. That may sound melodramatic to most including Rutherford, but it is the pattern of history.

    If I can have some small effect on a blog to possibly even change one mind about changing course, then my troubles were worthwhile. And I have grown quite fond of most of the members here. I consider most of you, you included, a friend of sorts. Fat Grannies is another manner.

  53. Van Jones missed one conclusion. And it’s not surprising he missed it, because he plays a large part. Good vs. Evil.

    Jones may believe Ryan’s budget is more dangerous than Al Qaida. And I believe Van Jones and his ilk are more dangerous than Al Qaida. In fact, I know they are.

    Watch Jones. He’s bad news, a Soros lackey, a self avowed Communist, and a Farrakhan disciple. And he will prove major trouble before he’s through. But in the end, he’s going to burn just like all the rest of them, one way or another.

  54. I had an EE professor, Dr. P______, who opined that the reason so few Republicans got caught in sex scandals was that women don’t find Republicans appealing.

    I told him, “Pretty good. Know what engineers use for birth control?

    Their personalities.

    He was a good sport about it and we had a decent laugh and a drink to both concepts.

  55. (Beltway Confidential) — President Obama’s solicitor general, defending the national health care law on Wednesday, told a federal appeals court that Americans who didn’t like the individual mandate could always avoid it by choosing to earn less money.

    . . .During the Sixth Circuit arguments, Judge Jeffrey Sutton, who was nominated by President George W. Bush, asked Kaytal if he could name one Supreme Court case which considered the same question as the one posed by the mandate, in which Congress used the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution as a tool to compel action.

    Kaytal conceded that the Supreme Court had “never been confronted directly” with the question, but cited the Heart of Atlanta Motel case as a relevant example. In that landmark 1964 civil rights case, the Court ruled that Congress could use its Commerce Clause power to bar discrimination by private businesses such as hotels and restaurants.

    “They’re in the business,” Sutton pushed back. “They’re told if you’re going to be in the business, this is what you have to do. In response to that law, they could have said, ‘We now exit the business.’ Individuals don’t have that option.”

    Kaytal responded by noting that the there’s a provision in the health care law that allows people to avoid the mandate.

    “If we’re going to play that game, I think that game can be played here as well, because after all, the minimum coverage provision only kicks in after people have earned a minimum amount of income,” Kaytal said. “So it’s a penalty on earning a certain amount of income and self insuring. It’s not just on self insuring on its own. So I guess one could say, just as the restaurant owner could depart the market in Heart of Atlanta Hotel, someone doesn’t need to earn that much income. I think both are kind of fanciful and I think get at…”

    Sutton interjected, “That wasn’t in a single speech given in Congress about this…the idea that the solution if you don’t like it is make a little less money.”

    The so-called “hardship exemption” in the health care law is limited, and only applies to people who cannot obtain insurance for less than 8 percent of their income. So earning less isn’t necessarily a solution, because it could then qualify the person for government-subsidized insurance.

  56. Gee, anyone wonder why Wiener is not reporting the “Twitter Hacking” to law enforcement? It would be a crime, you know.

    (of course, so would making a false allegation of a crime to law enforcement).

    This is almost too sad to be humorous — but not really. 😆

    Aloha! Namaste! Shalom!

  57. Here’s a shocka. Heil Hollywood! Did you guys know Hollywood is predominantly liberal, and has been the last 40 years? 😈

    Only this time, the dolts didn’t even try to hide the propaganda. Perhaps that why so many of the hens at Fat Grannies are so mindless and stupid – they were educated with TV.

    This would be another prime location to start attacking the Left. They’re basically down to education and perverting the courts – and that is quickly changing with the advent of the internet and a shortage of funds. Time for rich Conservatives to start up a new Hollywood. Network TV is so bad, it would be easy as hell to overcome.

  58. R, et al –

    Have you noticed that I have asked multiple times at Fat Grannies what *they* would do to solve some of America’s problems, and have gotten practically no response? I think maybe Noah or James responded. I even went first and attacked, I think, four things that I thought needed to be fixed.

    Kinda revealing of the lib mindset, isn’t it? It reminds me of what my old buddy in college told me about women: if you want to get pussy you have to realize that men want to *solve* problems; women want to *talk* about them.

    I made a lot of hay by heeding those words…heh, heh…

  59. PF, I honestly can’t understand how you’ve managed to spend any amount of time at Fat Grannies. I keep getting drawn there by Tex. And when I do, it’s the intellectual equivalent of staring into the face of Medusa. With the exception of a couple of your cohorts, that place is bereft of meaningful discussion. What is the damn appeal?

    Aloha! Namaste! Shalom! 🙄

  60. El Tigre, I can’t answer for Pfesser but…

    It’s a morbid curiosity and boredom on my own behalf, as I am in desperate need of recapturing my own life and too lazy, too comfortable and too unmotivated to pursue it. 🙂

    For some illogical reason, those witches that for a time dominated that board, pissed me off big time when they went after Rutherford and tried to personally damage him. I might have left well enough alone, but the more I thought about it, the more personal it became. So back I went looking to administer a few intellectual ass whippings. I’m discovering the harpies are weaker than I ever dreamed.

    I never thought I’d be defending the virtues of a liberal who opposes me at virtually ever turn, but I am. Strange world I live in anymore. 😐

  61. Tex, I knew why you’re there. 😆 It’s the same reason I risk staring into the face.

    But Poolman, who seems to have a dual personality depending the venue, and PF actually indulge the lukewarm intellects over there. I just want to puke. The thought that someone actually “wants” to be identified as Auntie Jean that, to the delight of man-hating morons and sycophantic beta males, substitutes wikipedia level research for actual knowledge disgusts me. WT Fuck is it with the put-on air of wisdom from complete imbeciles that is so damned appealing???

  62. El Tigre –
    “PF, I honestly can’t understand how you’ve managed to spend any amount of time at Fat Grannies.”

    I just get tired of staring at broken legs and chronic smoker’s lungs on my screen all day and I have to take a short sanity break about every hour. 1)There aren’t enough posts over here to keep me busy, 2)I actually LIKE some of the folks and 3)I keep getting sucked in by the unbelievable ignorance of some over there and I can’t stop myself from trying to explain basic economics, basic physics, basic psychology, basic Social Studies. 4) Some of the thought processes over there just baffle me and I can’t keep from engaging in order to see how the hell people get that far afield. Bad me! Bad me! Waste of time! Gotta find something else!

    I gotta get out more. Shit, I used to race motorcycles and I am spending every fucking day sitting in a dark room alone, talking to myself. What the hell happened? Of course then I see folks my age who can’t find work and I just put my head down and say, “The heart, lungs and bony thorax are normal. Next case.”

  63. Tex –
    “I never thought I’d be defending the virtues of a liberal who opposes me at virtually ever turn, but I am. Strange world I live in anymore.”

    No, I see it perfectly. Rutherford is everything the nags and BBB are NOT – he is honest, principled and thinks about his positions, instead of reading the Dimocrat manifesto and saying, “Yes, Massa” like you-know-who over there. He is someone you can disagree with and still respect.

    And I have to say, God help me, I get a little rush out of whipping their bigoted ample bottoms myself – but of course that is my fetish anyway, so maybe I’m double-dipping a little. LOL.

  64. PF, well staring at a train wreck and spitting off bridges is instinctive. You are forgiven. However the apparent popularity of the whole Fat Grannies thing — its fake premise, fake hosts, and lonely old maids that project fake reciprocal affections on their house cats as a subsitute for the real human realtionships and attention they crave are. . .well. . . you get the point.

    I will admit though, watching Tex get them to jump around and howl like caged chimps is amusing. If you were less polite and had more disdain for their perverted views you could really rattle their cages for our amusement too. You know, unload a Rabbit style rant on them and stand back! Coming from you it would be a cosmic.

  65. G, Thomas Sowell turned out not to be at all prophetic. Obama turned out to be much more like Clinton than Sowell anticipated. In fact what currently disturbs me about Obama is that he lacks a core … I’m not sure what his principles really are. I find him often making convenient compromises. He has hardly turned out to be the far left ideologue that Sowell is so afraid of.

  66. Obama turned out to be much more like Clinton than Sowell anticipated.

    How you figure? A $1.582 Trillion annual debt isn’t Clinton. Maybe Clinton his first two rancid years before the beat down in ’94 over HillaryCare. Clinton officially announced “the era of big government is over.”

    Difference is Clinton radically changed, even was dragged to the table and signed Welfore Reform – Obama double downed on spending, stayed on message of even bigger government,.and wants to spend more.

    Obama’s core is Obama’s huge ego. 😉

  67. G, when Weiner talks about the tip of Al Qaeda’s sword he is mocking all the hoopla surrounding the picture.

    This is my take on what probably happened. Either Weiner sent a pic of a packed pair of undies to a buddy as a joke or received said pic as a joke. Someone got hold of the pic and sent it to the woman under Weiner’s account. For reasons I don’t understand, Weiner doesn’t want to come clean and admit he was sending/receiving slightly tasteless photos. Maybe he thinks it makes him look juvenile (which it does).

    So. bottom line, I do think this is much ado about nothing and Weiner is making it ten times worse by hedging on the full truth of what happened.

    BTW, I’m a bit surprised the old NY 26 congressman resigned for his shirtless photo. An over-reaction if you ask me. And now look what happened … a Dem is in that seat.

  68. Hucking,

    You asked me how monetary policy forced me to buy a house that I couldn’t afford.

    Dude, get over it. I have. Do you actually think I have an axe to grind over that house?

    I followed the advice of my parents, real estate agent/family friend and in laws and bought the damn thing in 05. About the only person I didn’t seek for advice was myself. This made me a moron.

    Ultimately, it was a business decision to walk. Much like the decisions many of the companies that you probably own make all the time. They walk from sky scrapers. I walked from a 1500 square foot house. Aint no way I was going to be that much of a rube.

    Fuck ‘um. Unlike them, I will take my consequences like a man, one of them being getting my balls busted by you. Fair enough.

    Now, I’m in a bigger house with more privacy in the same city. I seriously think I could make my current payment collecting cans and doing odd jobs. Timing is everything, I suppose.

    Enough about me.

    The GOP needs to quit forcing the discussions of the Fed and monetary policy to only be had at the little kid table with crazy ass Ron Paul.

    I heard an interview with Romney the other day. Dude wanted no part in discussing the Fed.

    Don’t you see that the run away government spending would not be possible without the Fed’s tricks?

    It is the root of the problems we both identify.

    Yet you never bring it up. Never explore the issue.

    Outside of Tex, you guys agree with me in the form of a footnote.

    Yet, its the crux of the issue.

    The Dems will never get it. There entire paradigm rests on fiat money manipulation. Plus, the inside trading done by Dems is legendary.

    Just look at Rutherford. He has a straight face when he acts bewildered that I connect Obama to the bankers.

    The Huckings and Gorillas, politically savy and educated, must tackle the Fed or we’re screwed.

    So, I challenge you again Hucking. Your smarter then the Rabbit. Put the 20 sided fantasy role playing dice down and get truly edumacated. Your the future of the right wing intellectual movement. Roll up your sleeves.

  69. I keep getting drawn there by Tex.

    Amen Tigre and every time I go there I leave wanting to take a breath mint.

    I don’t know what pissed me off more, their doing opposition research on me or their editing one of my comments to make me look illiterate. It’s one thing to delete a comment. That’s just censorship which we can debate the right and wrong of. But to take a man’s words and alter them … that is about as evil as it gets on a blog.

    But I will say so long as Pfesser (and Tex) continue to be a thorn in their side, I’m all for them playing in that backyard.

  70. LOL look as everyone knows I’m not a huge fan of religious exhibitions in non-sectarian gatherings like a high school graduation BUT to say it would do “irreparable harm” to the kid is the biggest load of poppy-cock I’ve heard in some time. Maybe he has Christians confused with witch doctors? 😉

  71. Outside of Tex, you guys agree with me in the form of a footnote.

    Rabbit I can’t agree or disagree with most of your recent financial rants because they go way over my head. Seriously. One of the things I knew I wouldn’t be tackling in articles on this blog was the economy. All I get regarding the economy is that there are robbers and those being robbed and a lot of people lying and a lot of people letting them lie. I haven’t gotten to any deeper level of sophistication.

    I’d welcome your dumbing down your rants a bit or maybe providing clarifying links because I actually would like to understand what you’re talking about.

    P.S. Cable radio is on in the adjacent bedroom and the Stylistics just finished “You Are Everything”. Damn, that’s a good song!

  72. “irreparable harm”….

    A prayer does irreparable harm, now.

    If that isn’t bigotry, I don’t know what is.

    Man, I bet the parents that sued are the biggest assholes on Earth.

    They probably see themselves as such the progressives, too.

    I hope everyone boos them. Or did the judge ban that too.

  73. Trust me, if its coming out of the Rabbits mouth, its dumbed down by default.

    That’s why I want these smarter dudes to pick up the slack.

    For all I know, I’m misunderstanding something. But nobody here seems able to call me on it. That’s a red flag right there.

    Can you imagine what would happen to me if I started waxing eloquently on constitutional law or theology?

    They would have a lot more to say to me then bust my balls over the fact I told Fanny Mae to lick my ass crack.

  74. But nobody here seems able to call me on it. That’s a red flag right there.

    I think that is partly because we are all witnessing a train wreck that we really don’t know how to prevent.

    Think about this death spiral that I discussed with some lib bloggers last weekend in NYC:

    Companies produce goods to meet demand. Idle inventory is a bad thing. Folks are not employed and can’t afford to buy crap. So the crap just sits there. So the companies make less crap and layoff the extra folks who would make the extra crap. Which produces more people NOT buying crap. Add to that companies learning how to do more with less AND LOVING IT and then you tell me how employment figures are going to improve.

    It is very hard for me to be optimistic about the future economically. I don’t think anyone on either side of the aisle knows how to get us out of this one. Heck, in the old days, a good war got us out of economic trouble. WWII helped kick us out of the depression. What do wars do now? They bankrupt us. Just the way Osama bin Laden wanted them to. That one eyed mofo is laughing at us from the grave. Look at our economy and you see he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. 😦

  75. Rutherford –

    You have me puzzled a bit. How could they edit your comments?

    It’s pretty clear that the M&H thing is bogus; I had thought for a while that one of the local denizens ran it. A woman from another part of VA, who works for the same company I do, posted at the little blog the BBB runs away to whenever Tex or I whip their asses. Since everybody at my company is on the same server, the kitchen blog owner noted that I had the same IP address and said it was me, even though we are more than 50 miles apart. But, she made a little slip and let it out that the IP was the same at Fat Grannies, also – information she shouldn’t have – leading me to believe that one or a part of the BBB is actually the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain.

    So you can see why I am interested in how they were able to edit your comment.

    I didn’t know about the outing. That, of course, is the Internet equivalent to blasphemy – the only unforgivable sin.

    Editor’s note: I’ve edited this comment by adding an editor’s note.

  76. Okay. I confess. I looked at Fat Grannies again last night. If it didn’t take 40 minutes to load, someone needs a refresher as to what was said and how Rutherford was treated for his sincere (but mistaken) commentary over there. It was pretty egregious. And it looks some of the remaining willing to discuss participated and are now just feigning amnesia.

    PF, you really are too kind to many of those treacherous, mouth-breathing hags. I had a number of my comments simply vanish. They went for Rutherford’s scalp. And there’s a search for the definition of troll to place it all into a different context I guess. Bizzaro.

  77. El Tigre –
    “PF, you really are too kind to many of those treacherous, mouth-breathing hags. ”

    It’s a bit of an exercise, really. I am a real admirer of the British ability to delicately slice someone to ribbons verbally; most important of all is to never get riled oneself.

    I am also really interested in how some of these folks think – or whether they do. It does me no good to slap them around, although it would be pretty easy – and perhaps that’s the point: it is *too* easy. Kind of like kicking an old dog.

    So I try to be cordial as much as possible and show an interest in their opinions – an interest that I genuinely feel – that is until one of the BBB, still stinging from their multiple spankings, forgets and goes after me again – at which point I leave some more red stripes across their ample asses and then go back to the business at hand. There is a retired teacher that goes by the handle of Jsri that keeps coming back for more, although I haven’t heard from him in a while. Such short memories, these…

  78. Rutherford,

    There is a way to fix the economy and conceptually it is pretty simple. Paul Ryan scratched the surface.

    But NY26 made it evident to me that most American people are not understanding how dire the situation or simply don’t care, and they will vote for who can deliver the most and cut the least to their entitlements and freebies. Dimocrats buy their vote anymore and the bubble bursting on entitlements will make the tech bubble and real estate bubble look like milquetoast.

    As long as the American public is convinced that somebody else will pay their way from cradle to grave for everything from education, to security, to healthcare; as long as half the country doesn’t pay taxes and their demands are for those paying taxes to pay even more; then I guarantee we are doomed long before the scimitar lops our head.

    And you won’t agree with me, but the Dimocrats the ones mostly at fault because their ideas of the ones least effective, though a Republican Congress surely shares a large part of the blame – especially the period of 2004-2007.

    Let me show you how out Obama and his staff are without the normal pejorative. This morning, after a horrid jobs report and things getting more bleak, Sec. Solis said we need to brave the course, and that President Obama has us on the right track with his further investment in (and I kid you not) education and high speed rail.

    Education? To graduate and go where? Higher education is another bubble to burst. Graduates can’t find jobs now. High speed rail? Amtrak has never broke even and that benefits maybe five percent of the nation.

    Do you not see how totally clueless this group really is?

  79. You have me puzzled a bit. How could they edit your comments?

    PF I’m not sure whether you meant this as rhetorical outrage or a literal question. If you’re asking the question literally, the answer is simple. Every WordPress blog owner can edit any comment they please. Go back to your comment asking the question … it’s comment #95 and notice the editor’s note I added.

    Now if I wanted to, I could’ve totally edited your comment to make you look like a third world immigrant. That’s what those nasties at Grannies did to me. I wrote a pretty detailed comment expressing my opinion and when I returned to the blog a few days later I found my comment altered with nouns and verbs not agreeing, ideas only partly expressed, etc. That was the last straw for me.

    It was only later while reviewing my blog stats on my professional blog that I discovered it had been accessed by the folks at the chatty kitchen blog. I went there and found them conjecturing about my race. Then I figured out there was more talk going on about me in their password protected area.

    One of them, I forget who now, called me by my real name on the Grannies blog. So yeah … I have a lot of good reasons to dislike that crew. The great irony is that I ultimately agree with their assessment about government staying out of the womb but that wasn’t good enough for them. I’m the enemy if I don’t advocate abortion-on-demand.

    P.S. Add to that the fact (or at least the likely fact) that there is no Margaret or Helen and that just burns me all the more. A blog of unpleasant people based on a false premise. 😐

  80. Oh one more thing … Pfesser, during my short life on Fat Grannies I also attempted to be polite, not throw any Molotov cocktails and try to use reason. All to no avail.

  81. Rutherford –

    That is exactly what I meant. Supposedly Fat Grannies is run by “M & H,” and if the Nags are editing your posts that means they have Access to do that.

    That fits very nicely with the comment about my IP at FG’s matching the other poster’s. The BBB should NOT have access to that data unless they have admin privileges – privileges supposedly only shared by the blog owners.

    Hmmmm….maybe it’s time to take off the gloves….you think Tex can be a nasty sumbitch? He’s not the only one.

  82. Joshua: Shall we play a game?
    David: Oh!
    Jennifer: I think it missed him.
    David: Yeah. Weird isn’t it? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War.
    Joshua: Wouldn’t you prefer a good game of chess?
    David: Later. Right now lets play Global Thermonuclear War.
    Joshua: Fine.
    David: What is the primary goal?
    Joshua: You should know, Professor. You programmed me.
    David: Oh, c’mon. What is the primary goal?
    Joshua: To win the game.

    David Lightman: Is it a game… or is it real?
    Joshua: What’s the difference?

  83. Pfesser, I doubt admin privileges are shared among a bunch of people at M&H. It’s possible but I doubt it. I assumed my comment was butchered by the blog owner whoever he or she may really be. Maybe this supposed grandson named Matthew. I have no idea.

  84. There is a way to fix the economy and conceptually it is pretty simple. Paul Ryan scratched the surface.

    Maybe my inference skills are off today Tex but I didn’t see your solution. I agree we have a spoiled electorate who want no sacrifice. But what do we do exactly to get out of the hole? How do you get the corporate sector which has zero incentive to hire, to start hiring?

  85. Good evening, I’m Chris Matthews down in Washington. Leading off tonight, civil war on the right. Not since the election of Abraham Lincoln has a Republican caused such a war. Everybody attacked Mitt Romney today, the very day he declared for President. Sarah Palin went right to New Hampshire, serving as a human grenade, blowing up his announcement by saying Romney’s health care is a total violation of Tea Party beliefs. Then, Rudy Giuliani, also in New Hampshire today, declared that Romneycare, and that’s the word he used, is just as bad as Obamacare. Then, George Pataki attacked, but it was Palin who blew apart any notion that Romney can get the backing of the Tea Party.

    Lincoln caused the Civil War?

  86. Wayne –

    Stop it. Stop it right now.

    I have it on good authority that it is illegal in at least four states to have as much fun as you are having at Fat Grannies.

    I hate to tell you but I am really, really getting the willies over this economy…my wife and I are going to spend the weekend working out a plan to pay off our house asap.

    Thank God I put money away for my kids twenty years ago so they can finish college debt-free. They won’t have much of a nest egg left to start on but at least the fucking bank won’t own them. And when I got divorced, my lazy-assed ex couldn’t touch it! I have done SOME things right – not many but some.

  87. LOL I watched Hardball last night and didn’t catch that gaffe. Honestly, G, what’s more amusing is Chris’ total ignorance about Twitter. I really wonder if he knows how to use a computer.

  88. Lower corporate income taxes 70 percent. Stop the free money machine that has done nothing but create commodity bubbles and destroy the dollar. Obama’s money tree is killing the middle class.

    Audit the Fed.

    Cut government spending by 50 percent.

    Rabbit 2012. Change you can’t fucking believe!

  89. R, said, “Oh one more thing … Pfesser, during my short life on Fat Grannies I also attempted to be polite, not throw any Molotov cocktails and try to use reason. All to no avail.”

    Then you’d love the pious lectures about civility touched off by Tex.

    “Rabbit 2012. Change you can’t fucking believe!” 😆 😆 Priceless! Get me the bumper sticker.

  90. I went looking for those that attempted to “out you” Rutherford, and they have either waddled back to password protection or fled. 🙂 Unless they reappear, I’m pretty much done with Fat Grannies, as they are too ignorant to debate with daily.

    Believe this “DeLurkerGurl” 🙄 either owns or helps moderate that Chatty Kitchen hole. Wouldn’t put it past Lurch to modify posts at M&H – she’s lying like hell about her own culpability now with your outing.

    We know Puppet on a String is a cutthroat and chicken shit. They probably all are. Poolman tacitly threatened me with an outing here once, before I let him know under no restrictions the length I was willing to go as payback, with VISA card and dedicated blog creation in hand. Never heard another word.

    If you would have read some of the Fat Granny personal stories like I did after they pulled their outing stunt with you, you would see many of your most vile critics are some seriously screwed up, chronically depressed people.

    And like a black Conservative is taboo in Lib circles, an educated and intelligent black liberal not entirely an abortion on demand proponent can not be tolerated from the mill scabs. That explains their reaction and hostility toward you.

    I traced a few of their names back after your awful treatment – and they are easy to find, as some of these geese apparently wannabee authors dumb enough to provide picture with medical history and depressing life story.

    Rutherford, the one that you’ve got to really pay attention from the pack of wolves about attempting to do personal damage, is this nasty poseur named Donna. She’s the most ruthless with the nastiest disposition of the jackboots, Fräulein Josephine Mengele – not one redeemable quality.

    This one is a widow maker and snake… 😈 If I could debate any of them in the open forum, Fräulein Donna the one I would pick. Her fat head needs popping in the worst way. I guarantee she’s the office bitch everyone hates.

  91. Sourced from

    VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 9:22 PM
    subject VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    They are sources of mine, and scared shitless, please call me. xxx-xxx-xxxx

    from Markos Moulitsas
    to Tommy Christopher
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 9:26 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    Email me the info.

    from Tommy Christopher
    to dkos
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 9:29 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    These are confidential sources. If you can’t call me, at least have this blog taken down, or redact the DM screenshot, including the names (redacted) and the name (redacted), and the girl’s picture. And any reference to those names in the comments or story
    from Tommy Christopher
    to dkos

    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 9:58 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    Please let me know what’s going on. I will be posting these girls’ story pretty soon, with proper protection. They just don’t want all these bread crumbs out there. They are 16 years old.

    from Markos Moulitsas
    to Tommy Christopher
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:34 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    That’s a community member’s post. Not my staff. I don’t exert editorial control over what the community writes absent legal imperatives or deeply offensive material. Right now, I’m seeing neither.
    I’m not sure I get why you want me to pull that. Those DMs appear relevant to the story. As I understand it, those two individuals injected themselves into a political smear effort, why should they be protected now?
    Open to a counter argument that has nothing to do with protecting your source.

    from Tommy Christopher
    to Markos Moulitsas
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:37 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    They are both minor children and (redacted) was not involved. Will discuss further if you need, not on email. There could be legal implications, I’m not a lawyer. I’m going to post their story fairly soon, but will discuss off the record by phone if you need.
    from Tommy Christopher
    to Markos Moulitsas
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:20 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    I’m prepping my story now. Are you going to leave it as is? These girls are afraid. Here’s a redacted version, if you want to drop it in. That’s all I ask. You’re a father, think about it for a sec.

    from Markos Moulitsas
    to Tommy Christopher
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:35 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    If they’re so afraid, why are they talking to you?
    from Markos Moulitsas
    to Tommy Christopher
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:35 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    And to be clear, no, I’m not getting involved. I see no reason to protect your scoop.

    from Tommy Christopher
    to Markos Moulitsas
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:35 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    Because I have promised to protect their identities.
    from Tommy Christopher
    to Markos Moulitsas
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:37 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    It’s not my scoop I’m protecting, it’s these young girls. Jesus, all I’m asking is that you redact the names of these children. Please.

    from Markos Moulitsas
    to Tommy Christopher
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:37 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    So did @goatsred.
    Again, not my responsibility to protect your sources.

    from Tommy Christopher
    to Markos Moulitsas
    date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:40 PM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    Dude, it is your responsibility to protect the identities of minors, sources or not. I can’t believe you. This gesture will cost you nothing, and it will save these girls being subjected to fuck knows what. As a father, I beg you, please redact these girls’ names.

    from Tommy Christopher
    to Markos Moulitsas
    date Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:17 AM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    This is the last I’ll say on the subject, and you can take it for what it’s worth, like I said, I’m not a legal expert, but this girl’s parents are livid and talking about legal action. Obviously, you didn’t know it was posted, but you know now.

    from Markos Moulitsas
    to Tommy Christopher
    date Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:56 AM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    Wish them luck going after @goatsred.

    from Tommy Christopher
    to Markos Moulitsas
    date Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 1:08 AM
    subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
    Well, he has removed it from his YFrog. Probably not out of decency, but now, you’re the only obstacle to their safety. I really can’t believe you’re doing this. I hope you think better of it.

  92. “Rabbit 2012. Change you can’t fucking believe!” 😆 😆 Priceless! Get me the bumper sticker.

    I’d Like to get one of those too! I’ll put next to my “Stop Continental Drift!” bumper sticker.

    Rutherford, in his distinctive way, Rabbit gets the problem. Cut the hell out of gov’t.

    You can’t make enemies of corporate America and screw small business owners (Big Oil, Big Pharma, WalMart rape, Big Insurance, Union thuggery, “tax the rich” Big…Big…Big….), dump unfunded mandates in their lap, chant the daily meme of tax them more, trot their executives up to Capital Hill for more abuse, over regulate, chide, scorn, talk smack, mock, accuse of criminality, etc… and then corporations and small business owners to bail you out by hiring.

    Our current government is hostile to business.

    Like I told the morons at Fat Grannies the other, in order to adopt Obama’s solutions, the first thing you must agree to is that government knows better and does it better than business and citizenry. Obama is the nanny state.

  93. If you want to have some fun with Donna, the Jewish American Princess, refer to her as “Princess Donna.” The Real Princess Donna is a porn star who specializes in BDSM and has mostly worked for Peter Ackworth at She is a master rigger and does the best suspension bondage in the business – not a mean feat.

    But OUR Donna, like most Jewish gals, is supremely sensitive to allegations of sexual indifference (actually true, in my experience) and being referred to as a “Jewess,” a la Ivanhoe.

    Also like (in my experience,anyway) many Jewish gals, she worried about being pretty and will tell you that, “my husband thinks I’m beautiful.” Also that she went to a very prestigious law school, and – once again her husband – thinks she is “very smart.” Right………………ad infinitum ad nauseum…

    Anyway, if you get to meet up with her, those should be enough arrows in your quiver – along with your already estimable vocabulary – to bring the doe down in short order. I’ll enjoy from the peanut gallery and bring in my rhetorical dirk if an easy blow presents itself.

  94. Gorilla, I’ve got a bizarre Markos Moutitsos exchange from you sitting in moderation. I can approve it but I’d kinda like you to give it some context. I’d also like to know the source of the email exchange. Thnx.

  95. Lori. Shit, I coulda figured…

    She is the brainless twit that – at least to my knowledge – has never posted anything that wasn’t some kind of Democrat cheerleading package. I think she must work as a “community organizer” for the Left. It’s never anything – and I mean anything – but “hooray for our side” – HT to Buffalo Springfield.

    Boy, that’s pretty damned funny. Talk about irony. Last year she accidentally posted a link to a poll, but unfortunately the link was to the poll when SHE had filled it out and it had all her personal data, including name, address and phone number. I posted to the “kitchen” – where I was of course not welcome – a quick note telling her to pull it down. Ain’t that some shit? I could’ve easily outed her and didn’t and then she repays the favor by outing you. You gotta love the Left. Utterly bereft of principle. Sheesh…

  96. While I was over at M&H I noticed both “Wayne” and Raji coming to my defense. Many thanks gentlemen.

    LOL Tex, I think they really must like you since they haven’t banned “Wayne” yet. 😉

  97. Pfesser,

    Bet you $10.00 to a donut, Princess Donna is the female version of Anthony Weiner. A punk, a mouth, a hook worm, a benefactor of birth, and most visibly – one nasty stink star.

    I’ve debated a few of these world class “New York Jewish” lawyers one-time before in real life – their reputation may have proceeded them, but I was the one who ended up with the monies in hand. Pissed the arrogant schmucks off too.

    When one made a disparaging remark about my birthplace as I was leaving, I reminded him to be sure to brag to his partners about how NYU just lost his argument to OSU, and that the restaurant of his choosing he bragged about was marginal. 🙂

    Here’s what I’ve discovered Pfesser in my adult life. These big city know-it-alls from the Northeast and the west coast? They are ignorant as hell about the rest of the world.

    They’ve actually convinced themselves they’re the smartest people on earth.. For a monument to their stupidity, look at our Federal Government.

    If you’re not from D.C., Manhattan, Boston, L.A. or San Fran, if you’re not Ivy League, Stanford, private, you’re not worth knowing and an inferior breed.

    I’m sure Princess is cut from this cloth.

  98. I don’t want to name the time and place for fear of being outed myself, since my school was so small, but our little engineering school took on the big boys in robot competition and cleaned their plows. They were all asking, “Now where is it that you are from?” I felt so sorry for some of them that I helped them fix their robot – and these weren’t the remote control toys you see on TV; these were fully autonomous robots that had to solve their own problems – and navigate – on the fly.

    We won most rounds by more than 100 points. Let me tell the city kids something – never fuck with farm boys – especially ones that can program.

  99. Lori, that’s it. I could not remember Rutherford who it was that I found so particularly galling. What a loathsome creature – a life size mucus slug.

    Lori is the one I went looking for at Fat Grannies; not Lurch. Where did the slug slink off to? I’d like to pour a pound of salt.

  100. Rutherford –

    I do Time Machine on all my Macs. Let me see if I can do the wayback to last year; if I can get Lori’s data, I’ll send it to you. What you do with it is a matter of your own conscience.

  101. If financial times weren’t so horrid and the economy swirling the bowl, and Obama’s lies so blatant including that gas bag at Chrysler today which was utter bullshit, at another time, this could be funny.

    How is this man even given a chance anymore? It just proves how many mindless, stupid people there are in America that Obama is even running again.

    We’re in the best of hands. 🙄

  102. “Our current government is hostile to business.” – Tex

    I sometimes wonder if our current government isn’t hostile to the American Dream. How else do you explain this trajectory? “Bend the arc of history” alright. Prepare to be Bent.

    “The American dream never really promised us much.” – Melech

    Something I’ve wondered about. Is “The American Dream” one of those phrases that means two entirely different things to the two (three?) parties? I mean, is it used as a pejorative or something to sneer at?

    Rabbit, I think I get you without knowing what you’re talking about. Which is a weird thing to say.

    “Unlawful Time Warp Taxation, boys. And it’s worthy of revolution. – dead rabbit


    9/11 changed everything. If we’re at a crossroads now, the turning point happened on that day.

    When President Obama won the election, I was sanguine about it. I thought, maybe we need this man. Maybe he’ll be a salve to the wounds and unrest. He certainly couldn’t hurt, could he?

    I don’t know about that anymore. I’m feeling like righting the ship is no longer a sure thing. Years ago I heard someone say (sorry, can’t remember the context or the speaker) that America as we know it would not be one of the nations in existence at the end of Earth’s time. I remember thinking, “What do you mean? How could that be? ” The idea was so inconceivable to me that I couldn’t even take it in.

    Now? I do wonder. I do wonder if we’re are in fact at some crossroad and the decisions made today on the best courses of action will determine more than just the next election or the housing market next quarter or unemployment figures next month. Possibly these decisions will determine the ultimate, the conclusive outcome.

    I feel like I tumbled over my words there towards the end of that.

    “Having virtually no hope in a ghetto where the only way to get ahead seems to be pushing drugs cannot be summarily dismissed as the byproduct of lazy, inherently inferior black folk. – Rutherford

    Late one evening after a really long day, a coworker of mine pulled up a chair and put his face close to mine and started telling me what it was like to grow up in the projects. South side of Chicago, mind you. He described a little boy of 8, 9, 10 playing outside at 11, 12 at night, while the older kids and adults wandered around like the zombies in “Left 4 Dead.” Where 30 year olds looked like old men and women, bent and withered. In search of passing one more night scoring whatever it was they lived for – drugs, sex, liquor, you get the idea. It broke my heart to picture what he was describing. He spoke too about his childhood friends that never got out who now resent him and tell him that he thinks he’s better than them. Damn, Rod had such a refreshing and optimistic take on life. He told stories well too. I always felt honored when he’d roll his chair over and tell me something I didn’t know, something I couldn’t know.

    On Weiner’s (supposed) weiner shot. I googled it. Immediately. Brett Favre’s too. I’ll have to ask my girlfriends if that seems unusually pervy to them and report back, but I’m pretty sure that they all did too.

    I heard that the Casey Anthony trial was just overturned on appeal (time warping to the future, that is). I don’t suppose any of you guys care? Tigre?

  103. Muffy –

    Do you think Casey is guilty, and if so, how did the death happen?

    My wife has been absolutely right about multiple such cases when I didn’t have a clue. She says yes, and that it was an accident of some kind, and then she decided to hide the body. Then, being a party girl, she went back to partying. Seems awfully callous to me. Thoughts?

  104. Holy Moley. Long post there.

    Indeed it was Lori what outed our friend Rutherford.

    Raji, I believe Rutherford’s sin was in questioning a commenter (Clair)’s use of the ingenuous phrase, “I found myself pregnant.” Like they hadn’t known back in the 70’s what cause that. I don’t know if you got an answer on that yet, but that’s my recollection.

  105. “She says yes, and that it was an accident of some kind, and then she decided to hide the body. Then, being a party girl, she went back to partying. – PFesser

    Yep. that wha’ happened. 🙂

  106. Pfesser, yeah my nephew is part of the Wnnebago robotics team from the Winnebago IL school district. He has a blast and you’re right, the big city kids have got nothing on them.

  107. Muffy, wow much to ponder:

    The American Dream is definitely defined differently based on different folks. Some folks see it as guaranteed success. That’s the definition that pisses off most of the denizens here. Then there is the more reasonable definition of having greater opportunities for success provided you work hard than you might get in other countries.

    I am not being partisan when I say John McCain could not have done any better with this mess than Barack Obama. I truly believe that. I don’t see any GOP challenger whom I believe will do anything either. Mitt Romney talks smack about Obama but doesn’t show any evidence of a plan to get us whole again. And if I’m not mistaken Romney’s corporate claim to fame was firing lots of people.

    Your co-worker’s ghetto stories resonate with me. I had an acquaintance freshman year who hated going home to the ghetto because the boys in the neighborhood resented that he was attending Harvard. He was a sell-out. Fools. The dumbest of the dumb call being successful “acting white”. These folks give fodder to Tex, Gorilla etal. with their foolishness. Their dumbass noise drowns out those who are really making an effort.

    All I know about the Casey Anthony case is we are looking at one very f*cked up family, pardon my French.

  108. I believe Rutherford’s sin was in questioning a commenter (Clair)’s use of the ingenuous phrase, “I found myself pregnant.”

    BINGO! That was indeed what got me in hot water.

    Add to that the entire man-hating tone of the piece and the accompanying thread that suggests men should just watch football and STFU. When I suggested to the ladies that they should just stay in the kitchen and STFU I really sealed my fate. 🙂

  109. Poolman has made comments that made me question whether the group over there swap these things somehow. If I’m wrong, there’s a beautiful irony in the paranoid conspiracy theory I have formulated.

    Muffy, I don’t know the first things about that case. I actually had to Google it to get the reference. I got enough courtroom drama in my own life to pay attention to these things.

  110. “BINGO! That was indeed what got me in hot water.”

    No. Having a penis and commenting on that site got you in hot water.

    Aloha! Namaste! Shalom! 🙄

  111. Poolman has made comments that made me question whether the group over there swap these things somehow.

    Poolman is 2nd in Command, Beta Male, at Fat Grannies.

    There’s this one mindless rube over there named Juneau Joe that makes Poolman look like Conan the Barbarian. He popped off one night long after I was gone with weak humor directed at me, and discovered what it feels like to be clotheslined. Like Jaws said in “The Longest Yard”, “I think I broke his fucking neck.” I think he’s scattered back to Chatty Kitchen too.

    If you’re male and have been neutered, plus grovel with enough feminization, and cheer lead for the pussification of men, you can even join the nasty boogers at Chatty Kitchen. Bow before entering.

    Bet the Planned Parenthood Parishioners dumped a brick when they came looking for Rutherford’s ass to hang, the Harvard grad, and the picture didn’t fit their stereotype. 😆

    Aloha! Namaste! Shalom!

  112. I am the young man from the ABC News broadcast that this and other blogs have critiqued as “ungrateful” and “foolish.” If you have any questions or comments for me, feel free to e-mail me at [email address redacted to preserve privacy] or send me a message on Facebook. But I refuse to respond in this setting or environment. Nothing constructive can come from it.

    Thanks and Be Blessed!

    – Melech E. M. Thomas

  113. R and Tex, is it possible to track back someone that commented on a blog by IP address or other markers? Is that how you were “outed” or did someone just make enough Internet searches to land on your personal page by piecing info together?

  114. “R”, correct me if I’m wrong but….


    Yeah, you can capture an IP address and with some work, trace back if you have the permissions. Rutherford has it in his power to do that on WordPress, although the IP address by itself doesn’t tell you much other than continent, country, region, and city. It allows you to monitor and control, block access, etc…

    The reason the broads can’t block me at Fat Grannies is I just keep changing my IP address. 🙂 The first time, they simply blocked my email address and name – so I had to change my name too. Then they blocked by IP. That jackass Puppet thought I was trying to back end their precious site to deceive under a false name; not that complicated as I never hid my identity and freely kept the same theme – I simply wanted to piss them off and insult them some more. It’s like shooting slow, fat rabbits. 🙂

    However, those bitches like Lori that were seeking to hurt Rutherford just started googling, clicking here and there on this blog, and happened to back into Rutherford’s personal name. Once you can get that, you can do some real damage. What’s worse, they were pulling the information from Rutherford’s business.

    This Lori dog deserve to have her own information published for the world to see. I hope Rutherford decides to do it, but probably not because he’s a nicer guy than I am.

  115. Rutherford
    You are welcome. Back when you were outed I got so disgusted with the actions at M&H that I left. Only recently when Wayne/Tex reappeared did I find the discussion interesting enough to come back. However once again the subject reverted to trolls and I will once again leave. I have much more to do in life than discuss trolls.

    Muffy, thanks for the reminder. I do remember now that statement. No, I did not get an answer but didn’t really expect one. Amnesia!!!!!

    Tex, thanks for leading me over here. I’ll catch up all the comments tomorrow.

  116. Tex and R, all I can is “well kiss my grits.” R, it wouldn’t bother me if you were willing to make the effort. Hell, I wouldn’t mind of any of the fellas here stayed at my home (so long as they brought beer). But I would not want anyone working that kind of shit from Fat Grannies, particularly with my work. Getting a hold of my identity to trash me personally and publicly? Sheesh. I now regret having posted even once over there because I believe it might have occured. Hope it’s only paranoia.

  117. El Tigre,

    I hear you man. Being outed is a horrifying thought.

    I’m such a moron, I outed myself to Tex once via email. Thank God its Tex.

    This silly internet battle thing we do should never hurt our family or job.

    I can’t believe those people are that nasty that they would do that to R.

    Then again, it is a demographic of people who celebrate the death of babies in the womb…

  118. Hell, there’s at least three people here who know me by my “real” name. If you looked Rabbit, you’d see who I am in those messages. BIC and I have corresponded, with me by name. And hell, Rutherford knows the family. My Lawd, he could crucify to the nags! 😯

    I guess I should start being nicer with you guys, huh? Gulp…

  119. I am the young man from the ABC News broadcast …

    Melech, I appreciate the time you took to comment here, I will definitely contact you offline to discuss further. Many thanks for reading.

  120. Is that how you were “outed” or did someone just make enough Internet searches to land on your personal page by piecing info together?

    Tigre I do not want to give Lori too much credit. In the past four years since I started this blog I’ve become very lax around the internet regarding my true identity. In fact everyone who knows the “real” me on Facebook knows about this blog. To make matters more intriguing, my “true identity” is just three clicks away if you just find the right link in my side bar.

    So to make a long story short, I no longer work very hard at maintaining the firewall between me and “me”. Being outed by Lori bothered me not so much in any real damage it could do but because it was in such horribly bad taste and showed a very malicious intent on her part.

  121. Oooooooh. Melech is going to kick your ass, Rutherford.

    I know you are throbbing to mentor the young man. But beware of Trojan Horses.

    I wonder if Meloch ever roofed houses, day after day, for years. That would be after a four year stint in the service. You think he ever had to take salt pills to not fucking die in the heat?

    Your gonna get a sob story.

    Tell Meloch you walked uphill both ways to Havaaad. Out sob him!

    If Meloch’s hands are not softer then a frogs underbelly, I’ll donate 5 silver eagles to the NAACP.

    I don’t stereotype him as some hip hop dumb black guy. I stereotype him as a professional cry baby, smart as hell but victim for life.

    Waaaaaaa. I went on national TV and now the bloggers are picking on me via such an unconstructive medium.

  122. The poolman household has officially regrouped and are recovering, albeit slowly, from the trials and tribulations of forced relocation in a relatively short time span.

    We have downsized from 2000 to 1400 square ft of house and 12,000 to 6,000 square ft lot. Our shit is packed tight right now, for sure. The garage is full except for a walk path. Patio stones, bricks, and rocks – anything except structural – made the move. Plants, plants, plants, and more plant things…. Mrs poolman has an overactive green thumb, and after 8 years, well, we filled our space. Cats, rabbits, and birds, successfully adapting to the new refuge.

    Have pickup? I would not know how to handle life without a pickup truck. I did that for a few years when I first moved out here and about went crazy. I got too many projects going on.

    A couple of miles away, a pickup truck, many trips driving v_ e_ r_ y s_ l_ o_ w_ l_ y. Mrs poolman said all we needed was a little banjo music to complete the scene.

    The last load I carried the 20 ft by 10 ft top to my shade structure, totally intact like a huge L-shaped sail atop my truck, the bed full of animal cages helping support it. I had a rope I rigged it with that I held taut out my window as I sailed down the street. I didn’t want to break it apart and have to resew all the edges.

    It got a lot of pointing and some good laughs as I did backstreets through the neighborhood. If my only lot in life was to entertain, I would consider that move a career success. 😀

  123. I went through the comments here, avoiding much of the propaganda of course, and found it amusing. You gossipers, you! I think it funny to find you doing much the same thing you accuse the folks at M&H’s blog of doing.

    Blog wars. Like we need another inane diversion. 🙄

  124. Rutherford,

    I think you will find Melech Thomas types in every racial group. If they hear it enough, they believe it. And we all tend to blame others for our lack, justified or not. Where everyone gets off thinking life is supposed to be fair is beyond me. I think it is inherited. I don’t know how many times I told my girls it wasn’t and now my grandsons. It seems everyone has their own expectations. Few are ever realistic.

    Don’t put your faith in people. They will fail you everytime.

  125. Who was the roofer? That has to be one of the hardest jobs in the world.

    I have a pretty good roofer and religion story. And the religious guy wins.

  126. No Poolman, not diversion. Pay back.

    Gossip is speculation and busy body meddling. The only one here that snooped was me, and only after I intended to do some real damage to the snakes at Fat Grannies – the same ones that went looking to hurt Rutherford and his business.

    This Lori and Co.? I think they need to learn a hard lesson in life. Don’t you? Or do you think it’s cool that Lori tried to publish information about Rutherford and his business, after Rutherford had done nothing but offer commentary, politely mind you, at Fat Granny’s blog?

    But you’re right. There’s really no need to gossip further. Between you and Puppet on a String, I can post what I want right here and be assured if it doesn’t appear on Granny’s board soon thereafter, it certainly will at Chatty Kitchen under wraps; maybe even at blowhard and coward Jumpin’ Jimmy Wright’s bunghole of a blog.

    I have this sneaking suspicion that Rutherford’s blog gets a lot more lurking and verbatim quoting elsewhere than I ever dreamed. 🙂

    I’ve just always had this personal weakness Poolman. I see a den of snakes, I was always curious what would happen if I poured some gas in the den; hornet nest, the hose; a raging bull sitting in the pasture, a rock in the rump; watch dog, running across the yard; marching lemmings, a detour toward the precipice.

    It’s a fault. 🙂

  127. Ilyas Kashmiri, mastermind of mumbai attacks, is dead.

    You are welcome.

    Excellent – you guys appear to be picking up the pace. Pass the word thanks. Hope somehow you got to watch the “live” action. I just love those videos with the 50mm calibers blowing limbs into the air. I could watch them for hours.

  128. Melech,

    I am the young man from the ABC News broadcast that this and other blogs have critiqued as “ungrateful” and “foolish.”

    No Melech – you were not critiqued as much as you were correctly identified. Critiqued would infer possibility and opinion.

    Rutherford correctly identified the 100% verifiable fact you are. 😉

  129. Dead Rabbit –
    A guy who used to help me on my farm in WV had worked one summer as a roofer for some HUD housing project in WV. If you ever knew the quality of those houses you’d never live in one, but I digress.

    The crews were largely made up of locals who “said” they could run a hammer. My friend Gary was a roofer and he worked with a forty-something guy who was a preacher as his other job.

    One of the crew, a younger guy, rode the preacher mercilessly – accusing him of all sorts of sexual peccadilloes, mostly with his daughter and sundry small animals, and having all sorts of vulgar talk in his presence on a continuous basis.

    One fine day – you as a roofer know the type – about 100 degrees, bright sun, not a breath of wind, with the sun baking your brains from above and the roof from below – while Gary and the Preacher were struggling just to survive up on there on the roof, the young fellow was in rare form. He just would not shut up and was after the preacher in every way possible, taunting him and swearing every breath. This went on for the whole morning up to the hottest part of the day. Gary said sweat was running down the crack of his ass and off his nose in a continuous stream and he didn’t really know if he was conscious or not at times.

    Directly he heard a noise to his right and looked over at the preacher, who had stopped nailing. “You all right, Preacher?” No answer, just a low, gutteral sound not of this world. “Preacher? Preacher?” No response, but the sound got louder and louder. The preacher had stood up, with an animal look in his eye and his roofer’s hatchet drawn over his head and started for the ladder.

    “Goddamn, buddy, you better run!” somebody yelled. The young guy dropped his bundle of shingles and bolted, running toward the two-lane road beside the housing development. He reached the road as Preacher reached the bottom of the ladder, still screaming unintelligibly.

    Down Route 99 they went in the hundred-degree heat, the young guy screaming, “Jesus Christ, don’t kill me!” and the preacher in pursuit, hatchet raised, still screaming in tongues. Directly the young guy realized the preacher was in a hell of a lot better shape than he was and was gaining on him. He jumped off the road into a swamp that ran alongside and immediately went in up to his waist in water and mud. The preacher never faltered and went in after him, his hatchet still hovering menacingly above his head.

    Finally they had waded about forty feet and the cold water must have gotten to the preacher. Gary said he looked around, sort of baffled-like, as if he had no idea how he got there, then looked at the young guy hunkered down under a multiflora rosebush about ten feet away and slowly turned around and waded back out to the roadway, covered with mud and swamp water up to his nipples. He slowly walked back up Route 99, up the driveway and up the ladder. Gary said he thought for a minute, “Shit, I don’t have another way off this roof if he goes after me,” but Preacher passed him by and without another word, started nailing shingles, as the whole crew stood there, frozen.

    Gary said it was nearly an hour before the preacher spoke. “Gary,” he said, “sometimes the Lord’s burden is more than a man can bear.”

    Nothing else was ever said. As you might imagine, the blasphemer did not return to work, that day or any other.

  130. Back in Boston, I carried shingles up ladders, bag on each shoulder, round rungs, 2-3 stories, all summer long in HS. Worked alongside illegal Irish. They were tough as nails. Hardest thing I ever did but I really needed the money.

  131. “But I refuse to respond in this setting or environment. Nothing constructive can come from it.”

    Please ask him why he believes telling us on this blog that he will not discuss on this blog is a problem. If he has a worthwhile point, his approach to communicating it is one pursued by a real wimpy lightweight, especially when you were the one that called him out.

  132. Gang I’m not sure Melech meant to really comment here at all rather than just signal to me that he preferred an offline conversation. However I still wanted to post his comment with email redacted so folks could see that he read it and I can assume, disagreed with it.

    I will be writing him today and hoping he agrees to have at least some statement by him published. I’ll keep y’all posted.

  133. Ha ha. Roofer rage. I can so identify with the Preacher. You can’t imagine how many times I’ve seen stuff like that. I’ve been in fist fights on top of old Victorian Detroit houses.

  134. Pfesser I enjoyed your roofing story. Everyone no matter how polite has their limit. It’s fortunate the cold water brought the preacher back to his senses. 🙂

  135. “Bleak” Melech reminds me of many in his generation – doesn’t matter black or white. Bleak’s self-absorption and fifteen minutes of fame led him to Rutherford’s blog. Bleak “googled in” his own name.

    Since Bleak has appeared, I have little to add that Rutherford didn’t address, but this:

    African-Americans usually have to work twice as hard to get a job in a field where the job market is already shrinking

    *** BLOWJOB *** {cough, cough} *** BLOWJOB ***

    When you put the African 4G phone down Bleak as you blather on about your roots and can remove yourself from African Facebook for a moment, probably dedicated to sad stories of your life-long oppression in America, get back with us.

  136. Pfesser, that preacher story was great. I love stories from people that know how to tell them. My granddaddy was a master, and I’ve been known to embellish a few myself.

    The only time I ever got my own ass whipped was at “Vacation” Bible School. Anybody that doesn’t think there’s some crazed bad asses attending church on Sunday morning, has never played in a “church softball” league – the coed ones are the absolute most vicious. I learned more cuss words with them, then any group of blue collar workers, including the steel fabrication shop, I worked five years during college.

  137. Its funny you say that. The only time I’ve ever really snapped on a softball field was in the Catholic League, two years ago.

    I play with my Dad in a very low talented league.

    The opposing pitcher was in his 70’s and I accidentally crushed one up the middle. Everybody thought he was dead. A fire truck showed up in right field. He ended up being ok but spent a couple nights in the hospital.

    While he lay there lifeless, someone on the other team accused me of doing it on purpose. He figured because I am a tourny softball dork that I by defualt would have bat control.

    It took the whole parrish to stop me from ripping his head off.

    The funny thing is our Philippino priest was just as outraged as me over the dude’s accusations.

    Everyone should have been mad at my Dad as he was the one wind-milling people around to score while coaching 3rd base as the old man lay there presumed dead.

  138. I missed your post PF. Well told. When I was roofing, everyone shut the hell up and kept their heads down. The fatser we worked, the faster we could get off the 120 degree roof. How no one snapped even without procation is beyond me.

    I do remember a sickening stench no one could identify waffted through one particularly hot day. One of the guys climbed up to the peak, peered over and bust out laughing. After 30 seconds of laughter he looks me dead in the eye and says, “your car’s on fire.”

    I ran down asking for someone to grab a fire extinguisher as smoke billowed out of the trunk of my 1974 Chevy Nova I had bartered for $200 worth of work (it was a gem as you can imagine — nothing like a $200 barely-running, fume spewing Nova to impress the ladies). When an extinguisher finally arrived, I popped the trunk, doused the flames, and stood back happy that it hadn’t consumed the car.

    I looked and looked for the cause to no avail. One of the guys came over and said, don’t tell me you put those linseed oil soaked rags in your car from earlier. It was then that learned about linseed oil (used widely in the north to seal wood gutters) and spontaneous combustion; accelarated by the temps aned confined space.

    Lesson learned. But man, I can close my eyes and still smell that awful stench that remained in my car until she finally died the next summer. I always associate it with the most back-breaking work I ever did.

  139. Wow. Wood gutters. I’m impressed. I’ve tore off the wood shingle and the clay stuff on old homes. But, I don’t ever think I’ve restored wood gutters. Or for that matter do I remember seeing them.

    My crew hired a guy for the sole purpose of receiving our rage. We called him the “chew toy”. His name was Kurt but everyone called him “Dirt”.

    He was this short, worthless, bearded troll and one of the many reasons I’m going to hell.

  140. Funny stories Rabbit and Tigre. 😆

    Everybody deserves to have one piece of shit to drive during their lifetime. I’ve got one now. 🙂

    I just throw the puppy in with me. Little bastard chewed the window seal off the other night while I went in to get “us” a sandwich. Whistles like a mother now when you drive down the road, and always smells like burnt antifreeze when you get out. I don’t take it very far – it leans to left about 4″ as the shocks busted. Ironic, it’s the one I drive 95% of the time. I real bird dogger for picking up chicks too.

    Everyone should have been mad at my Dad as he was the one wind-milling people around to score while coaching 3rd base as the old man lay there presumed dead.

    ** GUFFAW **

    I tagged this one gal out at second who thought she was safe in the church league, and she got up and screamed at the ump “well, **** me in the ass!” True story. 😈 Church league. The ump and I looked at each other sheepishly like a bunch of school boys, and he must have been 60.

    This gal was a cop and could chew nails – I thought at first she was a lesbian, but nope – about 4’10”, 220 lbs. and she took a real liken to Tex. What a lucky guy I am.

  141. Rabbit, wood gutters are the norm in Boston on homes. Not that I pay much attention, but I sure don’t recall seeing much of them anywhere else I’ve lived post Victorian.

    Tex, if “[e]verybody deserves to have one piece of shit to drive during their lifetime, am must be extra-deserving. I’ve had at least 7 or 8. But in a way, I miss them — none of which would’ve passed the annual inspections we have now in most states.

    Hell that Nova didn’t even have floor boards in the front or a complete exhaust. I tore down steet signs and pounded them in with a solid welded bead, caulk, and some scraps of old shag from the neighbors’ garage. If you ever need an exhaust, we used soup cans, muffler clamps and muffler putty in the day. My Nova proved it to be good trick.

    My love of a shit box runs deep. Never had to lock the damn things. Hell the Nova I used to leave with the windows down and the keys in the ignition or on the seat. Oh it was safe. In fact I made a joke of telling the toll booth operators “sold” when they said “50 cents.”

    Now if the dumbshits that are trying to pimp Chevy Volts and bullshit emissions standards on new cars thought about the value of driving a car until the wheels fell off, as opposed to buying a new one every other year. . . But of course if you drive a Prius around the Incredible Mr. Bean, and hell, own one in every color, the world will know of your dedication to worthless contributions to the environment that are a Red Badge to the left.

  142. Well, R, I guess it’s his 15 minutes. I’d have thought he would want to bask in the remanents. I hope he has more to offer in private than he does in public. But I won’t hold my breath.

  143. POS cars. God I’ve had my share.

    If you guys can tolerate another story…

    I had a ’66 VW Beetle when I was in college – bought it from a car dealer back home for $750. It was a POS from day one. Only 65,000 miles on it, but back then that was high mileage. I drove it probably a hundred times back and forth down the newly-minted Interstate to my college about 6 hours away. I was just an eighteen year-old kid; I didn’t understand that this car was from a time before the US had roads where you could could drive 75 mph all day; that little air-cooled engine just wouldn’t take it. During the time I owned it, it ate two exhaust valves on the #3 cylinder, blew the (slip-on – great design!) fuel hose off the fuel pump late one night, catching on fire while I was driving down a back country road stoned out of my gourd. (The kid in the passenger seat kept saying there “was a light following us.”) If the engine hadn’t eventually stopped in front of an old man’s house who had a shovel and some sand, the sonofabitch would have burned to the ground. The engine finally blew all to hell and I got rid of that car, but once again I digress.

    The seats on this car, like everything else, were worn out; my girlfriend and I had stashed a vibrator down in one of the slits where the cover had split, to be used for entertainment on the road, since the goddamned radio didn’t work either.

    I went home for the summer to work in the mines and had forgotten the thing was in there. One hot dusty summer Saturday, famished after a good outside basketball game in the sun, my buddy Danny (the same stoner kid who thought the light was following us) and I were bouncing in my VW down a back country dirt road in hot pursuit of a cold Pepsi at the local store. With absolutely no warning, he turned to look at me – eyes as big as two dinner plates and hollered at the top of his lungs, “STOP THE CAR!!”

    I looked at him like he had lost his mind (which I considered for a second) and said, “What?”


    I stood on the brakes, but before I could slide to a stop on the rocky dirt road, he had opened the door and bailed out, rolling to a stop at about the same place I got the car stopped.

    “What in the hell is WRONG WITH YOU?” I yelled.


    “What?”… and then it dawned on me. The rough road had turned on the vibrator we had hidden in the seat. I laid my hand on the seat back, and sure enough – it was buzzing, just like he said…

    Well, Danny was about 14 and I didn’t want to explain to him what a vibrator was or why I had one, and I sat there a minute.

    “You’re full of shit. I don’t feel anything,” I said, laying my hand on the seat. “Here, let me show you.” With that, I slid my hand in the broken seam, located the vibrator and turned it off. I pulled my hand out and showed him that it was pristine. “See, you been smoking too much dope.”

    After some more coaxing, he finally got back in the car warily and we drove on to get a Pepsi for our parched throats. I never told him any different. I guess I should; he’s had three brothers die since that day, including a younger one, and an older one – my very best friend in the world – who was killed in the Montcoal, WV mine explosion last year. Men don’t live full lives in WV. Maybe I’ll call Danny later today…

  144. Rutherford,
    With regard to Melech Thomas I would like to play out another scenario. He is just another college graduate who like thousands are looking for a job without results. He has probably sent out a thousand resumes that land on the bottom of the pile. He has been invited to be on This Week with Christiane Amanpour to discuss the challenges faced in today’s job market.

    What can he say or do to bring attention to himself. If he is smart he has already determined that to get a job you have to have a large networking circle outside of college which he wouldn’t have by being a recent graduate. He has a chance to be on national television and needs a “dog and pony show” to get noticed. Why not pull the race card and the American Dream out of the hat?

    You and apparently other blog authors have written about his response. He has posted on your blog and others. You indicated you are willing to talk to him offline.
    The internet now knows his name. Bingo, bad press is better than no press thus the beginning of his social networking group.

    Smart like a fox. I’m just saying!

  145. Great stories. I chuckled at every one of those – Pfesser, I have had a few crazy women in my life, but I can honestly say I’ve never had a vibrator in the car. That tops it all. 😆


    One more – but this happened to an old friend and it’s still the best piece of shit auto story I’ve witnessed.

    I had this buddy Jerry in college whose grandpa had given him one of those square boxed “K” cars that Chrysler made back in the late 70s and early 80s. They never made bigger piles of shit than these things, and the rust bucket only had about 30,000 miles on it when grandpa gave it to him with this withered silver paint coming off in strips.

    We called it “bow” because trying to close the hood one night, Jerry crinkled the hood in the middle like a piece of aluminum foil – you had to crane your neck to look over the damn hump to drive.

    Jerry pulls into the fraternity driveway one night, turns the key and pulls it, opens the door and we get out carrying beer, only to realize the car is still running. It idled for two days before it ran out of gas. I had to hold the passenger side door closed because it wouldn’t align to shut. The head rest rode on top of your head….the entire electrical system went dead one night while we were on the highway while going 55mph…no lights, no steering, practically no brakes – damn near ran a toll booth attendant over. Every day, something was going wrong. And the thing couldn’t have been more than 3-4 years old.

    Anyway, Jerry gets so frustrated with this pile, he drives it down to local banger neighborhood, parks in the parking lot of this popular, all night “chicken strip” (I kid you not). Jerry leaves the driver side window down and the keys on the top of the dash, thinking he’ll tell grandpa “it got stolen.”

    That pile sat there for three days. We came back on Monday afernoon after Jerry left it there the entire weekend and it’s still sitting unmoved, with a couple of empty boxes of fried chicken bones thrown the back seat and one on the dash. Keys were in the ignition. I guess they ate in it and listened to a little music, but they weren’t going to be caught dead driving it.

    He started it up and drove it back to campus.

  146. The opposing pitcher was in his 70’s and I accidentally crushed one up the middle. Everybody thought he was dead. A fire truck showed up in right field. He ended up being ok but spent a couple nights in the hospital.

    Rabbit, I seem to remember your sharing that story with us the night it happened. You were pretty freaked out at the time.

  147. Raji, you could be right. Having been in the underemployment game for four years now I can tell you none of these graduates did themselves too big a favor by appearing on ABC that morning. Neither of the execs on the panel (Mort Zuckerman of the Daily News and some young entrepreneur) seemed like they were going to offer anyone a job when the show was over.

  148. Pfesser’s pal over at Fat Grannies left an interesting video about the collapse of the middle class. And I watched the entire 57+ minutes.

    Pfesser is more sold on Elizabeth Warren that I am, but she did make some interesting though incomplete observations which need to be thoroughly analyzed and critiqued. Some of her points are quite good.

    Would make for a very interesting post “R” in your “indomitable” way. Time for an intellectual brawl at the R.L. blog – and this is a subject near to everyone’s heart here, as it impacts haves and have nots alike, or soon will. Both Left and Right would have something to add, I’m sure.

  149. R, you know your probably right about that. Great, now I’m repeating my stories in cyber land, too.

    Tex, I will watch the vid tonight after boxing.

  150. Just by sheer chance I met a pretty high-powered actuary back in the late ‘seventies. These guys are serious polymaths and not of this world as near as I can tell.

    He told me that with the tax structure and other structural problems that it wouldn’t be very long before the middle class was no more. Once you got a certain amount of money you would tend to go on and have LOTS of money. If you were below a certain threshold you would tend to fall back. He likened it to climbing a tall mesa – really, almost impossibly hard, but if you made it up to the edge it was smooth sailing.

    That was God, what – nearly 35 years ago and I never forgot it. It sure seems to be playing out that way.

    Oh, I forgot. One more thing. He said that this is what revolution is made of and that welfare was what allowed the upper class to buy off revolution. Strange conversation.

  151. Pfesser,

    Interesting post about your “polymath” – I had to think about what that meant for a minute I’m ashamed to say…many and “math” – So I “googled.” Thank God for the internet covering my ignorance.

    If history serves as predictor, we should soon be in a revolution of sorts within 5-10 years, maybe less. I do think hell will break loose if Obama loses his election – first under charges of racism, then threat, and finally widespread rioting and looting. Don’t know how far it will go at first, but each succeeding cut in entitlement will bring further anxiety, further threat, and more bloodshed.

    I say that because previous revolutions have not been about rich vs. poor, as much when large groups of people who have known some level of material wealth – and our middle class has – then are suddenly cut off with no perceived hope of reestablishing an assumed level of comfort.

    I agree that your actuary apparently was ahead of his time.

    I think economies of scale can create wealth by the sole fact of the “ginormous” factor which lends competitive advantage. That’s the edge of smooth sailing your actuary talked about. Its advantage varies from industry to industry, even person to person, but it definitely does exist. I use as example large corporations that make oodles of money in spite of themselves and take care of their own, or hedge fund managers who haven’t even met indexed performance, yet continue to grow richer (Warren Buffett).

    Throw in contacts, inside information (politicians), networking, and synergistic benefits of multiple fields of expertise combined (business, tax, and legal), and well…you can see the imperfections of our system. Add fuel to the fire of greed and dishonesty, preying on masses of stupidity, and you’ve got the great divide.

  152. Maybe I’m inferring too much but I assume that the post-Obama-loss riots Tex speaks of will occur in the ghettos. If I’m wrong Tex, please correct me. If I’m right then Tex is playing the inner city way too cheap.

    If Obama is assassinated you may see riots, especially if the assassin is white. But if Obama loses an election, no, there will be no riots. Just as if McCain had won, there would have been no riots. Black folk over the years have won and lost elections left and right with no bloodshed accompanying it.

    Now, since Rabbit thinks Obama is in bed with Wall Street, maybe there will be some stock brokers jumping from windows after an Obama loss. 😉

  153. Black folk over the years have won and lost elections left and right with no bloodshed accompanying it.

    But not with a black President whom they believe has been unfairly treated by “the man” – their dream pick and one they are completely invested.

    However, I was speaking as much of San Francisco and Berkeley as I was Oakland or South Chicago, Andy Stern and his union thugs, the Wisconsin Congressional building tools, as much as I was black America. Anybody dependent on the government dole, entitlements and the nanny state is suspect.

    You don’t know how many times I’ve said a prayer for Obama to make it through Jan 2013 – for many reasons: (1) The precedent, (2) the history, (3) the humanity, (4) The Joe Biden factor 😈 , (5) the martyr complex – I want Obama to go down as a miserable failure and nothing more.

    I want Obama as living testament to what not to do and what not to elect – not because he is black, but because he is wrong and because he is corrupt.

    Give some thought to my suggestion about an article on that video. It would challenge you to pen, but you’ve mentioned the subject many times, it’s apolitical if you ask me, and you were right in your conclusions about the shrinking middle class of which you and I are a part.

  154. For some strange reason when I read the definition of “polymath” I thought of Densico calling herself an “intellectual.”

  155. For some strange reason when I read the definition of “polymath” I thought of Densico calling herself an “intellectual.

    😆 No Huck, you were thinking of PolyGaffe.

    Whatever happened to our youngest liberal shill? Is Densico still around Rutherford? I haven’t seen her ignorance presence much since I joked about ‘Ho’ and Densi crumbled. Haw haw haw. One misogynistic statement and they go all to pieces. And that one wasn’t even written with ill intent.

    Speaking of crumbling cookies Rutherford, notice Fake took off after I made my bet with the mouth of the South? Fake is not only a tyrannical bitch with a Velociraptor demeanor, but a deeply troubled schizophrenic.

    It’s Sunday, so the flake Fake should be tearing herself away from the romance novels and leaving a trail here sometime this afternoon if history any indicator.

  156. R, do let us know what Melech has to offer. I have (not so easily) resisted commenting on my experience with black lawyers and staff. Reflecting on it due to your post, I (predictably) can tell you that my personal observations of the black student’s then professional’s experience is hardly one of twice the work to achieve the same level as whites in any respect. Indeed it’s been conspicuously the exact opposite. And for the courageous few willing to be honest, admittedly so.

  157. I (predictably) can tell you that my personal observations of the black student’s then professional’s experience is hardly one of twice the work to achieve the same level as whites in any respect. Indeed it’s been conspicuously the exact opposite.

    Shun the truth-teller! SHUN HIM!!!!

  158. I’m sorry, but an education has never guaranteed anyone a job. The market needs workers and if your person and skill line up with the need, you can be assured of a chance. But you have to make the effort and sell your person and skills.

    Of course, there will always be other means – money in the “right” hands or knowing the “right” people.

    There are company policies (stated and otherwise), in addition to prejudices that keep some from hire. “Bidness” as usuall. Sometimes corrupt. It has never been a level playing field.

  159. A president, I voted for him. President Obama, I like his heart.. he’s completely unqualified to be there. He’s never run a company, he’s been in local politics for two years and in terms of bin Laden.. he made the right President Bush foreign policy decision.” – Gene Simmons

  160. You mean Red Ed and Chrissie don’t know what “European” means and that’s now considered a slur? ** GUFFAW ** Probably racist too!

    In the cosmic chance Chris Matthews happens to read this board, here’s the ‘European’ explanation Matthews, you ignorant slut:

    Cradle to grave entitlements, exorbitant taxes and fees, and “social justice” as benefit determined by big government. Le Bomba.

    I listened to some Matthews play this morning with four libs gathered round them, three irrelevant no names, and the headline toady and lib waterboy Bob Woodward shining Matthews shoes.

    Matthews asked about what is the future of the MSM, specifically the NYT, WSJ, and WAPO, being the Republicans generally did not even grant interviews to the MSM during the 2010 election cycle?

    This liberal dweeb from the “New Yorker” (I didn’t know it still existed) blurts out accidentally and without thinking, “within ten years, at least one of them won’t exist.”

    Woodward soils himself while stammering for a reply. I’ll give each of you a guess which one(s) won’t exist. Here’s a hint: The WSJ is to the best of my knowledge the only paper of record sustaining circulation numbers – most of them are circling the toilet.

  161. To Raji at comment #180:

    When it comes to jobs, bad press is not better than no press. I don’t know if you’ve ever had to interview and hire folks (from your avatar, I’m guessing not) but a bad reputation goes a VERY long ways.

    As a potential employer, right now they seeing Mr. Thomas as one who comes up with excuses and blames others. But he doesn’t just blame others, he stereotypically lays out a racial carpet to cover failure. You see, he’s a victim, and victims can’t be held to account for what they do.

    His not finding a job is excused because he’s a black=victim. Of course, that black=victim thing worked out pretty well for him when he applied for college…

    I have to echo Tigre’s comment, but only so far.

    Most of the folks I work with are either active duty military, or former military, which means the black=victim thing has been pretty much beaten out of them. They now have self respect and actually hold themselves accountable for their own actions. I can think of no example of Tigre’s observations from them. However, not everyone I work with is prior service, so we do get a few that come in with the black=victim mentality. It doesn’t help with racist organizations like Blacks in Government which promote this racial identity thing. As you would expect- yes R, it is expected- there is a sense of ‘if you chastise or correct me, it’s because you’re a racist and I’m black‘.

    It’s interesting what a little self respect can do…

  162. Gorilla, I’d go even further in my observations. What I have dealt with goes well beyond “if you chastise or correct me, it’s because you’re a racist and I’m black.” It is an expectation (and not an irrational one) of preferential treatment and advancement — and not necessarily because there’s a perception of racsim, just the expectation that that is what’s owed. I have little doubt that military service represents an entirely different environment from the one I’m describing.

  163. Tex, I had the displeasure (self inflicted) of watching MSNBC last night and this morning. Actually, I watch it because I enjoy affirmation of its sheer stupidity and function as a liberal barometer. However, I am now terrified. The trailers and commentary from the likes of Sgt. Schultz and Racial Madcow is now an ironic species of American pride; offered as an inspiration to climb out of this fiscal mess. You heard me correctly. Pride and faith in America from libs. I think it my logical extension would include the majority of white racists, malevolent corporations, dumb hicks clinging to their guns and bibles — you know anyone that’s enlightened enough not be drawn into cult of personality disorder.

    Stated differently, the blathering hate-mongers at MSNBC are now holding out the very sentiment that they previously mocked and ridiculed in pursuit of their “previous” anti-American, corporations are evil, spread the wealth, class warfare meme.

    We’re in serious trouble. The kind that Obama and his liberal cultists are hell-bent on making worse. even though I am (relatively) new around here, I’ll wager every bit of this was predicted by the regulars (you in particular) in 2007-08 — probably laughed at by R.

    Hey, why so quiet about that kick-ass health care rammed down our throats by the douche-bags in Congress? Given Obama’s deficit predictions and reduction plan, what could go wrong? 🙄

    Unfortunately, I have little confidence in the republicans to un-fuck this.

  164. Tigre, that was an excellent post and I’ll bet it flew off your fingers because it is so obvious (to those who think clearly).

    Not because you did indeed guess correctly, but because of your conclusions – we now have many reasons to be terrified, and yes, liberals are the biggest of hypocrites.

    I have the impeding feeling of gloom that we have been irreparably damaged as a nation, and the malady is only getting worse. I used to think we would fade; now the word I use is crumble.

    It wasn’t but two months ago, I heard the same Butch Madcow, Sgt Schultz and TIngles Matthews, along with the NBC hacks at their prestigious roundtables, mocking the phrase ‘American Exceptionalism’ – incluidng the always predictable demagoguery about its use from Sarah Palin, George Bush and Dick Cheney. I’ll assume the tens of people that watch MSNBC haven’t noticed the abrupt change in language, and that the attempted 180 wasn’t felt in the liberal caboose as it dragged headlong, driving by the Obama Bernacke locomotive toward the edge of the 10,000 foot cliff.

    Since your an attorney, I present my latest case from something I read this morning in the daily perusal of establish liberal dogma and “free enterprise expertise.”

    I present as evidence we are doomed, this beauty from a liberal small business owner:

    Increasing taxes does not necessarily mean the company will hire less people. Having more profit does not mean the company will hire more employees.

    Increasing taxes will encourage businesses to spend more because then they have less profit to be taxed.

    I left my commentary at Fat Grannies about the “logic” of the mindset, which I will spare you here.

    But your are right that I did indeed chide my adversaries, host included, starting in the summer of 2008 for the cavalier and hostile attitude demonstrated toward for something called “for profit business.” And I added the historical inadequacies of governmental solution(s). I was of course discounted as a non believer of “you are not one of the ones we’ve been waiting for…”

    I’m still waiting for the admission they might have been wrong. 😉

  165. Damn….foiled again.

    I was of course discounted as a non believer of and as “you are not one of the ones we’ve been waiting for…”

  166. Andrew Klavin is an American jewel. I think this man is one of the funniest people on the planet. If you want a good laugh, read his sarcastic article about who to really blame in the Weiner wienergate affair: women. 😈

    And I have to admit: I don’t get it. I look at Weiner and I see a rude, arrogant, entitled and clearly dishonest little piece of Democrat thoroughly convinced of his wholly non-existent superiority. Physically, he’s a dead ringer for a turtle that’s been pulled out of its shell. 😆 😆 And as for his manners… did I mention he takes pictures of his absurdly eponymous package and sends them to women on Twitter!

    I wish this guy were one of my buds. I’d buy him drinks every night just to hear him talk.

  167. Ah yes, the offensive “American Exceptionalism.” What an enlightened group. And it’s not the hypocrisy in and of itself. It’s what this change in rhetoric signals. The canary in the coal mine has died.

  168. “Increasing taxes will encourage businesses to spend more because then they have less profit to be taxed. – Tex quoting some FG fool

    Say what?

    I get the circle jerk thing but come on.

    “Gee, anyone wonder why Wiener is not reporting the “Twitter Hacking” to law enforcement? – El Tigre”


    “Physically, he’s a dead ringer for a turtle that’s been pulled out of its shell.”- Tex

    Damn, Tex. That’s perfect.

    I read the PJM article you linked to and one linked in the comments section called “The Misandry Bubble.” Interesting.

    Thanks for the weekend stories, fellas. Well told, all of them.

    “I’ve been in fist fights on top of old Victorian Detroit houses.” – dead rabbit

    “He was this short, worthless, bearded troll and one of the many reasons I’m going to hell.” – dead rabbit

    Rabbit, you’re a riot. 🙂

  169. Wiener cops to being a fucking lying piece of human waste and 1/2 the country probably has no idea what the hell is going on because the news media (Fox included) largely took a hands-off approach to the whole story.

  170. Rabbit is the ultimate hoot. I’d pay for big rounds if I could only sit silent and listen to Rabbit, my ex brother-in-law who I swear is Rabbit, and Andrew shoot the bull. 🙂


    Well, I will give Tommy “Turtle” Weiner one thing. He’s a heck of a lot better and more sincere acting that most pols caught with their pants down. At least he didn’t drag his wife out for cover. Like I said, the man may do stupid things, but he is one of the smarter libs.

    But obviously, the man has little shame, because after lying about this sordid affair numerous times, shaming his entire family, and being that reckless, he ought to resign. Good grief, Tommy. You might be able to reinvent yourself after a couple of years because you are a talented political hack, but you’re going to be the butt of every joke now. Your career will be toast if you can’t recapture the sympathy.

  171. “He’s a heck of a lot better and more sincere acting that most pols caught with their pants down.”

    After more than a week of bald-faced lies about the whole thing, I am going to have to disagree with this assessment.

    Sincerity would have been to do what he did today 10 days ago.

  172. Huck,

    No, you’re not disagreeing with my assessment, as I agree with you completely. Weiner should have immediately admitted it, then resigned voluntarily.

    Weiner is a liar, an arrogant hypocrite, and sorry excuse for a human being. He should resign, and if he won’t resign, Dimocrats in Congress should demand his resignation. If they won’t do it, then the people of Brooklyn should run him out on a rail. But I doubt they will, as NY didn’t demand Rangel resign for far more egregious violations, including criminal. From a purely political standpoint, I hope Weiner stays and runs for reelection. Another talking point.

    My point Huck is that Weiner’s groveling performance when finally nailed much better than Clinton’s, Ensign’s, Spitzer’s, and a host of other scumbags caught in adulterous relationships – and don’t kid yourself; this is a form of adultery.

    I give just give Weiner an Oscar for groveling (pun intended).

  173. I am more fascinated with those in the MSM that ran to defend Weiner and attack those that dare criticise a democrat so obviously full of shit (e.g. Joan Walsh).

  174. I’ve got this really talented, clever Jewish friend that’s so damn good, they even grant him space at PJM. He and I used to have a pen pal relationship, and he’s still one of my favorite posters on the net. Here’s a number one song by my wonderfully talented pal “BuzzsawMonkey” 😆

    It’s My Penis
    —apologies to Lesley Gore and “It’s My Party”

    It’s my penis and I’ll lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    You would lie too if it happened to you…

    When the the Twitter feed of my shorts came to light
    No-one was more surprised than I
    But when I told the Press I had “no certitude”
    You know I was telling a lie

    It’s my penis and I’ll lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    You would lie too if it happened to you…

    Now at PJM:

    I claimed Andrew Breitbart made up the whole tale
    Perhaps even hacked my account
    But my coverup attempts were doomed to fail
    As evidence started to mount

    It’s my penis and I’ll lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    You would lie too if it happened to you…

    I finally conceded partial defeat
    And at honesty I made a stab
    To try and hold fast my Congressional seat
    Perhaps I’ll go into rehab

    It’s my penis and I’ll lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    You would lie too if it happened to you…

    Oh, it’s my penis and I’ll lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to
    You would lie too if it happened to you…

    It’s my penis and I’ll lie if I want to
    Lie if I want to…

    ** GUFFAW **

  175. To Gorilla at comment #205

    You are completely right and that is the way the working world used to work. I may not have completely played out my scenario. Personal interviews are not even granted in today’s corporations unless you 1. get past the email interview and 2. get past one or two phone interviews. Then you have a personal interview with the interviewer before you get to meet with the actual person who HIRES. Something has to trigger the person in charge of interviewing to even respond to that first email and that something may only be recognizing a name. My reference to “smart like a fox” was him getting his name noticed for any reason. His interview on The Week will be long forgotten but the name will ring a bell to someone who handles the interviews.

    In my generation and yours, a bad reputation would go a VERY long way. Outside of the military, I’m not so sure it matters any more but that’s just my take on corporate America today. My daughters, one a professional, one in research, one in technology all in their 40’s landed jobs this year because they knew someone, who knew someone, who knew someone hiring which is why I am aware of the interview process.

    Once upon a time, way back when, I was involved with Corporate America, which is why I now strive for a little peace in my life i.e. the avatar.

    Now if Mr Thomas still plays the race card and the poor me game after this, then he is dumber than a chicken!!!!

  176. Of course, there will always be other means – money in the “right” hands or knowing the “right” people.

    Unfortunately Poolman, especially for adult hires, knowing the “right” people is the rule not the exception. In my experience, a resume is next to worthless.

  177. Oh yes, Gorilla, I’m going to make the fire eating blood spitting co-lead singer of KISS my political barometer. Quote me Alice Cooper and maybe I’ll pay attention. (Yes … I know Alice is a Republican.)

    P.S. Gene did tell a story once in an interview with William Shatner (don’t ask … it was a great series) that moved me. He said that to this day he cannot enter a supermarket without a sense of wonder because he grew up so poor in Israel.

  178. For what it’s worth, I’ve always felt Carney was a poor replacement for Robert Gibbs. Personally, I was routing for Karen Finney to get the job.

  179. I would like to note to all of you who do not listen to my “radio” show that last Sunday Chris Matthews was my twerp of the week for making Romney equivalent to Gingrich. There was NOTHING racist about Romney’s European comment. Matthews was waaaaay off base.

  180. I listened to some Matthews play this morning with four libs gathered round them, three irrelevant no names

    Tex, you do amuse me. John Heileman is a no-name with more money than you could ever hope for. He co-wrote “Game Change” a fantastic book, and he no doubt got a whopper of an advance on the sequel which he and co-author Mark Halperin are working on as we speak. He’s also not a raving liberal but rather a pretty well reasoned moderate guy. As you point out, he was the one who gave a more pessimistic assessment of the future print media.

  181. Rutherford,

    John Heileman is a no-name with more money than you could ever hope for.

    Co-author Mark Halperin? The same hack that helped drive Time Magazine into the ground? 😆

    There are countless millions of millionaires with “no name” who I would not recognize. Is John Heileman a household name and I’m flying below the elitist clouds? I had never heard of him, nor did his ugly mug stick in my memory, as I”m not sure I could identify him in a crowd. He was the usual walking, talking puppet until that point.

    Matthews show is a joke – four liberals sitting around talking about the greatness of liberals, critiquing subjects of which they have no understanding. I literally laughed at some of the superficial commentary.

  182. I have been negligent in saying this, and ironically I talked about the man within the last few days, right before his death as one of the most brilliant men I have witnessed in my lifetime that walked the halls of D.C..

    RIP Lawrence Eagleburger – you were on of my favorites and most admired! 😦

  183. Update: I wrote to Melech and so far I have received no response. This either means he didn’t really expect to hear from me OR the whole comment from “him” which I approved was a hoax. Sadly in this Internet age where we don’t really know who we’re dealing with half the time, the latter possibility is quite real.

    I’ll let you folks know if anything changes.

  184. Huck, one of the real tragedies of Weiner’s downfall is libs like me lost a fearless gutsy spokesperson for our cause. The whole thing just filled me with sadness.

  185. By the way Tex, Lawrence Eagleburger appeared on Keith Olbermann’s show a couple of times as a sympathetic witness (once defending the START treaty renewal).

  186. “Huck, one of the real tragedies of Weiner’s downfall is libs like me lost a fearless gutsy spokesperson for our cause. ”

    That’s only a tragedy from your perspective. From where I stand all any of this did was neuter your loudmouth attack dog and (again) show how far left the media actually does lean. Their bias is undeniable at this point. Because you know damn good and well that if this had been Boehner instead of Weiner, the whole thing would have played out A LOT different on America’s televisions.

  187. That’s only a tragedy from your perspective. From where I stand all any of this did was neuter your loudmouth attack dog and (again) show how far left the media actually does lean. Their bias is undeniable at this point. Because you know damn good and well that if this had been Boehner instead of Weiner, the whole thing would have played out A LOT different on America’s televisions.

    Beautifully said Huck. And Rutherford, you know damn well Huck’s right.

  188. I’m not altogether sure. Granted, the MSM gave Weiner a platform for his mendacious denials but they did cover the crap out of it, and some folks like Chris Matthews never believed his story and said so. Once the crap hit the fan, only ‘Morning Joe” has had restraint in covering it. Again, Chris covered it Monday and Tuesday and may even hit it again tonight.

    From the lib media I watch, I really think Weiner has gotten a fair … and pretty condemning bit of coverage.

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