My Verdict: At Least 12 Counts of Accessory to Murder for Terry Jones

When Nidal Hasan went on a rampage at Fort Hood, I for one wanted Anwar al-Awlaki, the cleric from Yemen who advised Nidal and other terrorists, to be prosecuted for inciting the violence. When someone knowingly engages in rhetoric that will incite others to violence, they must be prosecuted accordingly.

Florida Pastor Terry Jones was warned in no uncertain terms last September by no less an authority than General David Petraeus that the pastor’s plans to burn the Koran would incite violence in Muslim countries and put innocent lives at risk. After enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame, he backed down. We all thought that was the end of it. When he went ahead with the Koran burning on March 20 (after putting the holy book “on trial”) it hardly made a mark on American television. Perhaps American journalists thought if they ignored it, no one would notice? They were wrong.

Both Asif Zardari and Hamid Karzai, Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan respectively, condemned the Koran burning which was prominently featured on news venues in those countries. Unfortunately some clerics in Afghanistan went one step further urging protests in the streets, protests that resulted in a United Nations compound being stormed and at least twelve people being killed.

There is never any excuse for murder of this kind. Those Afghans responsible for these murders must be brought to justice. However, the last person on this planet to sit in judgment on them should be Terry Jones. In response to the riot, Jones said:

We must hold these countries and people accountable for what they have done as well as for any excuses they may use to promote their terrorist activities … Islam is not a religion of peace. It is time that we call these people to accountability.

via Afghans Avenge Florida Koran Burning, Killing 12 –

The problem here is that Jones knowingly provided them with their excuse to kill. Let’s simplify the scenario:

Terry, Bob, Andy and Hamid are standing in a room. Bob is an expert on violent lunatics. Hamid is a violent lunatic. Andy is an everyday American Joe. Bob tells Terry that Hamid is crazy as a loon and he doesn’t respond well to teasing and provocation. Terry responds to this by teasing and provoking Hamid. Hamid shoots and kills Andy. Terry was warned that his actions, with high probability,ย  would have consequences but he ignored the warning. Can anyone look at Terry in this simplified scenario and say he is without guilt?

Terry Jones did not draw a cartoon like the Danish cartoonist who was targeted years ago for depicting Mohammed. Terry Jones did not write a book deemed disrespectful like the author Salman Rushdie. Terry Jones did not risk offending Islam in the name of art or expression. He simply exercised his bigotry by desecrating a holy book, a metaphorical destruction of the very religion itself. He did so, fully knowing the likely consequences of his act. His act had no redeeming value that could possibly justify the response that followed.

Terry Jones sits safely in his church in Gainesville, Florida while at least twelve innocent people will never see the light of day again.

The Afghan murderers, not much better than savages, should be prosecuted and so should the man who inspired them.

Rutherford Political Blogger Alliance

273 thoughts on “My Verdict: At Least 12 Counts of Accessory to Murder for Terry Jones

  1. What charges could he possibly face?
    The Supreme Court just ruled that its ok to mock a soldier at his own funeral.

    Good luck with that.

  2. Following your logic some enraged Vet could kill 11 of the 12 protesters from that crazy America hating church and the guy left alive could be charged with murder of his own congregation.

  3. What is the purpose of this article. Is it a rant?

    You call the Koran a holy book? ๐Ÿ™„ What’s holy about it? What good has come of it? You’re a constant critic of Christianity, the overwhelmingly dominant religion in the country in which you live, but your obsequious nature of Islam is the real enigma.

    Terry Jones is guilty of stupidity. He’s a nut with a congregation of 50 rubes seeking attention. He’s a whore. Let the Lord deal with him. He’s hardly a Christian.

    But guilty of murder? A bunch of murderous thugs under the banner of Islam are the guilty ones.

    You’re a moral relativist Rutherford. I think you’re scared of Islam, even if you recognize its unique evil. You’re too scared to say so on your blog, for fear somebody might identify you and put a fatwa on your head. You’ll simply lump every other faith in with a bunch of butchers.


  4. Rutherford I have a question for you. In keeping with your logic do we/someone also prosecute the Afghan and Pakistan press? How about the governments in those countries? Clearly the media entities,clerics and the people in govt. are even more guilty than Jones. They made sure the story broke in their backyard. In places known for repression it is a bit odd that this story of a lunatic douchebag from FLA was allowed to roll.

  5. Can you imagine cutting off a motherfucker’s head because some nobody in a strange land thousands of miles away burned a bible?

  6. Can you imagine cutting off a motherfuckerโ€™s head because some nobody in a strange land thousands of miles away burned a bible?

    Rutherford, I heard on good source from your last business trip, you were seen burning a box of Bibles while ululating.. I declare a fatwa on you, and as punishment 40 lashes with a limp noodle, followed by a first class snuggy.

    No Rabbit – I can not. I’m just wondering if men like Rutherford, Graychin, Yeller Dawg ever stop to think what the reaction would be if they were to publicly threaten to burn a Bible?

    A collective shake of the head as we recognize the holiness of the Bible is written on the heart, and not on a page? And yet, to men like Rutherford both Christianity and Islam are basically one and the same and of equal worth.

  7. I’m with you Tex in # 3. Really R think about it. Three wars on Muslim soil and the release of the Der Speigel “kill team” photos =nada but Jones Quran-acue BOOM!

  8. Mmmmm, lots to consider here.

    First, yes Tex, the Koran is holy to those who believe in it just as the Bible is holy to you. My take on it, as you well know, is that you’re both deluded.

    In keeping with that theme that all followers of all organized religions (and some disorganized ones) are bit nutty, I will make no attempt to explain nor defend the Muslim reaction to Koran burning, nor did my article do so. I did hear one “authority” on Islam say that Muslims believe that men wrote the Christian Bible but that God (Allah) himself wrote the Koran, hence the reason why Muslims get so steamed over Koran desecration.

    Now, because I know for a fact that Noah did not put two of every animal on an ark I also know that God (Allah) did not write the Koran. People write sh*t, not supernatural beings. Even if a supernatural being dictated the stuff, it had to be written via the human vessel. So, yes, Muslims are bat-sh*t crazy. But then all religious people, as I said before, are a little off their rocker in my estimation.

    Tex … the so called “coward” called these Muslims “not much better than savages”. I assure you, until I get a letter from a crazed Muslim threatening me and my family, I’m not losing any sleep over them.

  9. Wow. That made no sense. While it’s obviously Politically Correct and anti-Christian, I’m not sure what it means.

    So, being a “bit nutty” and cutting a persons head off are kind of the same thing?

    Is it “zany” to go on a crazed killing spree because a Koran was burned?

    I’m a little “off my rocker” if I cut your fucking head off?

  10. While I am a card-carrying lover of free speech, I had a real hard time with the Supreme Court decision that allowed Phelps and company to disrespect funerals. The dissent, which I’ve only heard about but have not read, was a rare shining moment for Samuel Alito.

    Here’s the deal. For as long as the masses are going to partake of the opiate called organized religion and for as long as our government shall favor no religion over any other one, I think we should contemplate laws that protect all religions from obvious abuse. This means, perhaps … just perhaps … that the burning of a Bible or a Koran or the Book of Mormon or the Torah, should be defined as a hate crime and the burners should be prosecuted (maybe a misdemeanor?)

    No … before you guys gobble up the bait I just lured in front of you, that does NOT mean I think we should recognize sharia law. I draw a line between paying lip-service respect to all religions and letting any religion alter our judicial system … which is (hate to remind you guys) a secular judicial system … not a Christian one.

    Rabbit I think captured the problem quite rightly. In a country where funerals (be they religious funerals or secular ones) cannot be protected from lunatics, there is not much hope that the behavior of assh*les like Terry Jones can be controlled either.

    By the way … I read somewhere today that Jones’ “church” supports the activities of the Westboro loonies.

  11. Rabbit, it ain’t politically correct at all.

    OK you want me to say Muslims are loonier than Christians? Ok fine, some of them sure as hell are. But until you understand that all followers of religion believe they are drawn to what they do by a higher power, then you’re singling out Islam inappropriately.

    The minute someone believes his/her life is directed by some unseen entity, lots of room is created for all sorts of misbehavior. Look at what Tex did … he said Terry Jones is no Christian. Says who???? How is Tex an authority on who is a Christian and who isn’t? Terry sure as hell thinks he is a Christian.

    I saw, I think it was Phelp’s wife or daughter, on Fox News Sunday several weeks ago getting grilled by Chris Wallace. The chick is batsh*t crazy. But I assure you she thinks she is a Christian and so do the folks who consort with her.

    So here’s the deal. How ’bout I amend my recommendation? Instead of charging Jones with murder, let’s just lock his ass in a loony bin for the rest of his life? Cos let’s face it, when you’re told not to taunt the rabid dog and you do it anyway, and folks get bitten, your ass is crazy and you need a rubber room. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  12. And another thing … I can bet good money that this is what is going through General David Petraeus’s head right now:

    I am dealing with these crazy Muslims who will kill you as soon as look at you if you disrespect their religion. I need to keep the pressure cooker from blowing up. I need my fellow Americans to help me do that. This Jones guy has just made my job harder, If he were in the field with me, I’d pop a cap in his ass.

  13. R,

    If you ever had any real experience with the masses, you would see the stabilizing and positive effect mainstream Christianity has on society.

    I say this as somebody who goes to bed every night as distant from God as you are.

  14. DR, I’ve said numerous times that Christianity, particularly via charitable works, has been a force for good. My late mother, a non-believer, used to say “when you see the way people behave with religion, just imagine how they would behave without it.” She viewed it very much as a stabilizing force despite her parallel belief that it was “nutty”.

    But I’ve got news for you. Muslim first responders rushed into the Twin Towers to save people and they did it thinking they were serving their God. Sure we can pick a lot of violent crazy sh*t out of the Koran but we can also pick out passages encouraging love and brotherhood. No religion lasting centuries as the three major ones have (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) could possibly have survived so long based purely on hatred.

    We are in a time now when Christianity most of the time deservedly gets good press. It was not always so. We are also in a time when Islam deservedly gets bad press. I submit the nature of religion makes its followers susceptible to the winds of fortune in any given epoch. The religion of peace today, is the religion of the crusades tomorrow.

    We all just need to keep a handle on sh*t. Rule number 1, don’t unnecessarily piss off your crazy neighbor.

  15. Did you catch that Rabbit?

    Only Rutherford in his secular irreligiosity can discern that any of us that believe in a God are loons. And his mother believed we’d be savages without God, yet somehow she evolved without God into some seer of truth and honor. Now that is truly bat shit crazy. Apparently the genes were passed on down. ๐Ÿ™„

    Rabbit, Rutherford is the deluded man. His duplicity, double standard in judgment, and hypocrisy are never more evident and on display that when he speaks of religion, or when he feels there is political capital like the Giffords tragedy to exploit. He is but a child in thought.

    That is why Rutherford can not answer the difficult questions. They are to be avoided. Frankly, I don’t find Rutherford a serious man of debate like I once did. You Rutherford, are simply a talented writer of fiction.

    But you Rutherford do provide a perfect caricature of a man deluded into the belief of his own greatness guided by his own sovereignty, explaining why you are so blind to the truths.

    For you, they is not self-evident, and you live a lie.

  16. Does it say within the Qu’ran not to desecrate it, or is it Sharia doctrine from mullah interpretation? A book is merely that. Burning books has been going on for centuries.

    Burning someone’s “holy book” incites anger and shows disrespect. If someone does it as to incite, it is akin to yelling fire in a crowded building. I believe we have laws for that. There is some culpability, IMHO. There is an enormous ongoing effort to demonize Muslims in the west. Central to that theme, the CIA and FBI are working to keep them in the forefront to enable those that would keep us at war. It was the communists, then the Russians, now it’s Muslims.

    AFA Anwar al-Awlaki, he is supposedly the OBL de jour. Of course he is purported to have foreknowledge of 9/11 and was subsequently invited to dine at the Pentagon. I think he’s one of our goto guys for false flag and terrorist threat escalations. He’s a creation of our “terror” network. He’s our “ememy” cos we got him on a list. If we really wanted him dead he would be dead.

  17. For 3 days now, my throat has been killing me. Razor blades when I swallow and the chills.

    Rutherford, don’t you often get sore throats?

    They are the worst.

  18. Rutherford I’d like to see you address #5 sil vous plait..
    I’d also advise you if you haven’t pondered it already….
    The better take on this post from a Rutherford perspective would be to dust off your past criticisms of Karzai and put this on him. You’d be way right then.

  19. I’m going to present a different perspective on this holy book burning issue that’s supposedly the incentive for the current rioting and murders of the NATO personnel in Afghanistan.

    Hasn’t anybody noticed that the only place this burning the book issue is creating mayhem is in Afghanistan? One would think if the real reason the people in Afghanistan were rioting was the burning of the book issue, that rioting would be widespread throughout the Middle East for the same reason.

    This past week Rolling Stone magazine did an expose’ on the killing team, a team of American soldiers that murdered innocent civilians for fun and cut off fingers for trophy’s. The article focused on a 15 year old boy who was brutally murdered by American soldiers in an event that was a deliberate set up. The commanding officers looked the other way until they couldn’t any longer.

    Don’t be so quick to believe what the mainstream media is telling you about this book burning event. Did anybody hear about the burning event in the past 2 weeks? Maybe last fall we did, but it didn’t become a news item until it became the reason to focus the story away from the Rolling Stones story.

    I’m not legitimizing what that pastor in Florida did, but just saying its a convenient “don’t look there, look here” game changer.

    Just saying…. Read the article in the current Rolling Stone magazine.

  20. What that jerk said was not free speech it was yelling “FIRE!” in a theatre. How about shipping him over to Afganistan for some justice. Meanwhile eliminate all church tax exemption.

  21. Is there a reason why you’ve allowed two comments to post since I posted mine, but mine is still in awaiting moderation status?

  22. Rabbit, you might be assuming that because of my trach tube I get lots of sore throats. Actually the tube is in the neck well below the throat so I don’t get sore throats any more often than average. But your description sure does resonate with me.When I do get a bad one, it is just like swallowing razor blades. I feel for you man.

  23. …would be to dust off your past criticisms of Karzai and put this on him.

    Well of course I’m more focused on that fool pastor who lit the fuse. But of course you are right. Karzai is a punk who is not the least bit interested in being a true ally of the United States. He’s quick to condemn Jones but doesn’t have too much to say about his country of fanatics.

    I don’t argue with you there at all.

  24. Well, R, I cannot agree that the actions of al-Awlaki and Terry Jones are in any way equivalent. From what I recall, al-Awlaki was in direct communication with Nidal Hasan and specifically urged him to go out and kill people. Now that IS against the law in this country. What Terry Jones did was stupid and made him an embarassment to our country and his own religion, but it isn’t the same thing.
    Murderous thugs don’t need much of an excuse, so if it wasn’t the burning of a Koran, it would have been some other perceived “provocation”. As I have previously said, the murderous thugs of Al Queda are just that. Their religion is hatred and violence–it is not Islam. That’s merely a skirt to hide behind. And look how well that’s worked–they’ve gotten most of the U.S. to believe Islam is the problem.
    Also I’ll have to say that it’s a bit uncharitable, at best, to say that anyone who subscribes to a religion is crazy. Some are, but most are not.

  25. You won’t get an answer to that question Alfie from Yeller, though it is an excellent one.

    I wonder how Yeller proposes to do away with the tax exemptions when all those medical hospitals close, all those homeless shelters shut down, all that foreign aid dries up.

  26. Is there a reason why youโ€™ve allowed two comments to post since I posted mine, but mine is still in awaiting moderation status?

    AKO, all new blog commenters go into moderation. Once I approve you, assuming you don’t change your credentials (nickname, email addr) then you’re cleared for take off from here on in. The folks who appeared after you posted are “regulars”, “old-timers” who didn’t go into moderation.

    Welcome to the blog.

    I’ll address your Rolling Stone theory a bit later when I have more time.

  27. Rutherford, should we charge this man with accessory to murder. How many whites were killed by blacks last year? A lot more than 12….and this includes killing white babies.

    So when do we arrest him, being the racist Eric Holder refused to try this punk for voter intimidation, even in an open and shut case.

  28. I just watched your video of Margie Phelps–OMG. Obama is “The Beast”? American soldiers are worse than Al Queda? I was particularly struck by the concept that the Supreme Court’s ruling in this case was by the hand of God, however the justices themselves are all going to hell. A person could get dizzy trying to unscramble the logic.

  29. Tex, what does this have to do with this post? Voter intimidation? You’re kidding, right? So he spouted some hate -speech. Deplorable? Yes. But that’s all.

  30. Kurt, the punk from above said specifically, “you’re going to have to kill white people…you’re going to have to kill their babies.”

    Using Rutherford’s analogy, and being that blacks murder whites vis-a-vis whites murdering blacks 23 times more often, I am asking Rutherford, why this racist Black Panther, who is obviously inciting violence towards whites, can not be charged with numerous charges of accessory to murder.

    So Terry Jones burns a Koran. Deplorable? Yes. But that’s all.

  31. Can’t have it both ways Kurt. Justice is color blind to race, creed, color.

    You obviously being a Lib, aren’t cognizant of liberal double standards, hypocrisy and duplicitous behavior, and the perversion of our courts, because it is your last bastion of political power.

    Don’t worry, you’ll get a pass from the blog owner, because he’s just like you. Feel free to defend the indefensible. It’s the liberal way.

  32. The media picks up anything to keep the Islamophobia alive. That is their task passed down from their programmers. Terry Jones is just capitalizing on the theme. This war/terror meme must be forefront to keep us supporting military actions and aggression around the globe. It is the game plan that was already laid out by those that are in control of the globe. Neozionist agenda.

    If you caught part 2 of the ZB video I posted last thread, you would have heard the agenda. At the 7:57 min, ZB tells of the rise of the new Atlantis, of which they see America being a part. We are all just pawns in this game of chess.

    Afghanis should be protesting after this lengthy occupation of their homeland. What good have we wrought there? Opium production is at its highest level ever. Corruption in government is at its highest level. Civilians are being murdered and exploited more than ever. Hate for the west is at its highest level. Valuable mineral resources are being divvied up and extracted. Drug production and energy pipelines are being policed by our military.

  33. Yes shut down all church non-profits of any kind. A proper social support system like every other 1st and most 2nd world countries have would be far more fair and effective – and folks would not be subjected to propaganda before they ate – nor would they have to shop hospitals that are not against abortions. Cost more? – no less – we pay for it now thru tax exemptions and the top 30% the churches suck off for family centers and the like.

  34. Kurt, don’t pay any attention to Tex. He is like a cassette tape that has been played over and over and over. It’s starting to distort, but the same tune comes out of the speakers:

    Side A:

    1.) All liberals are worthless feckless shit
    2.) All democrats are worthless feckless turds
    3.) All progressives are worthless feckless crap
    4.) Obama is king of the worthless feckless brigade

    Side B:

    1.) Supreme Israel is always righteous
    2.) Muslims are satan spawn
    3.) God is a neocon crusader
    4.) I’m always right, you’re a rube

    Though technology has moved on, some prefer the classics of yesteryear…

  35. Poolman, really (re #139), where is it that you get most of your information? I personally confess to being a brainwashed victim of the MSM (NPR, CBS, and the NY Times–I don’t regularly watch either MSNBC or Fox News or visit partisan political websites).And your conspiracy theory mentality and anti-Zionist zeal make me leery.
    But then there is #41. I was laughing so hard I literally almost fell out of the chair. You absolutely nailed Tex. I’ve been trying to say the same thing for months, but never that eloquently! I salute you!
    Kurt–heed Poolman’s words. Tex hates everyone, but none more so than newcomers to Rutherford’s blog. It’s a lot like hazing. You will also find that regardless of the topic, it will always come around to Side A or Side B (still laughing). One minute you’re talking about Terry Jones, the next minute you’re off and running on salmon fishing. I mention that because of the great novel “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen”. That’s related, right? Yemen.

  36. Kurt, as you can surmise by Poolman’s intense Jew hatred, I was forced to put him on pseudo-ignore. There’s a certain level of abject stupidity that I can only tolerate for brief spans.

    Unlike Poolman, I prefer for people to formulate their own opinions. I’ll let you decide but I am sure that we are on opposite ends of the political spectrum. Fair enough.

    But since the Grand Wizard has made a list of grievances, I’ll produce my own determination 3rd party of Poolman. Be aware you are dealing with a man that:

    (1) Thinks there are hidden conspiracy, subliminal message in the Simpson’s animated cartoons.

    (2) Believes there is a conspiracy between Bush, his cabinet, and the Mossad in creating the terror of 9/11. Al Qaida was just a front, and though Al-Poolman doesn’t like the title, Troofer is as good a fit as any if one word is required for personal characteristic. Loser is another.

    (3) Is so clueless that he didn’t recognize single tax filers under the age of 65 must file at tax return if their gross income is at least $9,350 and didn’t do so for seven years, though he thought himself capable of being a small business owner.

    (4) Regularly links to white supremacist sites, of which even the lenient author of this blog was taken back.

    (5) Chooses each month between paying for electric or paying for paying for the internet. Since he is here this month, I’ll assume the light bill was shorted and his sick wife is doing without the meds.

    As to Poolman’s technical abilities, I can’t be sure. But his spelling capabilities are this side of a 2nd grader, he has no formal education to speak, his only real ability I’ve found is to google and link to web sites that meet his preconceived notions, his family is a health care ward of the state with frequent trips to Planned Parenthood for “women’s health issues” (cough cough), and his business has failed.

    Yes, I think Poolman the Grand Wizare is a rube, leech and borderline moron, Dawg is a moron and deviant, Rutherford is intellectually dishonest, incapable of fair though, himself a religious bigot, but whom I have a grudging respect for his writing ability and his adherence to free speech.

    I think that about sums it up. ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Hey Kurt,

    Don’t pay attention to Poolman. He thinks the Jews, with American help, attacked New York on 9-11. He also thinks the future is pre-programed in the American subconscious via Simpson cartoons.

    He believes in massive conspiracies that would involve millions of people.

    And, on more then one occasion, has left us links to white supremacist sites.

  38. How could I forget to summarize Fake? I guess because she’s an infrequent guest, quick to drop an insult but gutless when confronted, who watches a lot of Animal TV.

    I’ll be back later to thoroughly evaluate Fake, but if I have to choose to be brief, I have to say Fake a series of failed marriage campaigns, shallow and superficial, a skank with her only her sister as company, a red diaper product, a harridan, and extraordinary poseur. She’s simply the least likable soul I’ve met on the net and really of no value to me – c’est la vie.

    But it would be unfair to label me a hater. To be clear, I like Alfie, Rabbit, Gorilla, and BIC for a number of reasons, and appreciate Rutherford for letting me use his blog – all regulars here at R.L. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  39. Speaking of “Troofers” one sure crashed and burned here in Detroit last night. I kind of wished I went just to see the unmitigated disaster.

    I don’t know what kind of Tiger blood Sheen has running through him, but it aint Detroit Tiger blood.

  40. I read about Rabbit. ๐Ÿ˜† They booed old Charlie off the stage.

    I’m pissed. I decided to refinish the marble top of our kitchen table, the table alone was $1,500 buck twenty years ago, and spent hours sand the thing to smooth as porcelain. I stained it last night and it was beautiful this morning – so beautiful, I hated to finish it.

    I had just finished with the first coat on a windowed-in back patio we have where I do this kind of work. I opened one of the doors, and in our 40mph gale today, a paper towel on the ground lands on the table. In a panic, I dip the brush in mineral spirits and try to smooth it, but too late. Now, it looks like hell. ๐Ÿ˜ก I would have been better to just simply pulled the towel off.

  41. O a simpler way to summarize Tex – he is mentally deranged….
    He is on iggy for me. I suggest you do the same. It is funny to see him rant to himself… No I don’t see him – just the dust mite leavings.

  42. Poolman, really (re #139), where is it that you get most of your information?

    Fakename, I don’t know what thread you are referring to. You’ll have to be more specific. My second paragraph in 39 refers to the last thread authored by Huck regarding neocons. I posted the first video of four parts from a speech by Brzezinski at Chatham House in London from Nov 17th, 2008.

    Since all the major news sources are owned by Zionists or Zionist-friendly entities, it is real hard to get information that puts them in an impartial light. But the record is clear, if one digs below the surface and seeks nonaligned sources. I do peruse the MSM and find truth, however, it is well dispersed with fallacy and diversion.

  43. Yes, I think Poolman the Grand Wizare is a rube, leech and borderline moron, Dawg is a moron and deviant, Rutherford is intellectually dishonest, incapable of fair though, himself a religious bigot, but whom I have a grudging respect for his writing ability and his adherence to free speech.

    Wow, I came off pretty well in that list. Heck, I’m blushing. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  44. To be clear, I like Alfie, Rabbit, Gorilla, and BIC …

    Tex would add Huck to that list if he wasn’t a heathen supporter of the United Nations. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  45. Poor Kurt … I have never seen a “family” reveal this much dysfunction in record time to a new-comer. Kurt, don’t let it scare you off. We do have some good discussions here in between the insults. ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. You know Rabbit. As I was out watering my plants, a thought occurred to me about Fake. I’ll tell you what I believe she really is.

    Being Fake is a product of Vietnam era and the gawd awful 60s when so many people chose to tune out, Fake in the inevitable product of misandry and hard core feminist. It’s really about as simple as that.

    In perusing her FECKLESS (that’s for you Fake) blog one night to gain a little ammunition to shut her mouth, I learned more than I wanted to know. Fake is all alone and there isn’t a man the least bit interested, whose beauty (and we’ll make that assumption which is suspect) was gone years ago. She is apparently childless, which is a good thing for the world but probably rough on her. If you read her blog, she a professed bitch to work for, bullies her blue collar employees who park cars for a living :roll:, and defines a shrew as boss. She’s constantly bitching about those who have the bitter pill to swallow of working for some hag like that.

    Fake is bitter and some of it was apparently beyond her control like her menstrual cycle (oh yes, that’s on their too), but let’s face it. She got what was coming. Gloria Steinem without the money.

    I actually came away feeling a little pity, but then she strolls in her to drop the weekly turd before running off, and I’m reminded why America will be so much better of when people like her bite the bullet.

  47. Wow, I came off pretty well in that list. Heck, Iโ€™m blushing.

    He is probably trying to keep on your good side after he got banned from Stonekettle Station, when he challenged the blog host on the America: Explained post. It was actually “comic gold” and the host left it up to better illustrate his point. ๐Ÿ˜†

  48. Dawg…. ๐Ÿ˜†

    You made my day. What’s funny is that all of the people here critiquing me are such idiots in my book, it’s actually a compliment to be insulted by each of you. It just reinforces my opinion of myself that, “yeah, you’re on the right track.”

    I mean, you’re just dumb as dirt “Professor”. My favorite fib I’ve read on the net is about your Doctorate in the Sciences…

  49. Rutherford, I put Huck in the same category I put you, but Huck’s opinions are far more valuable to me. I find you both interesting characters and enjoy the give and take. I have a grudging respect for you both.

    The White Supremacist still hasn’t figured out on these loon sites I intended to get booted. ๐Ÿ™„ Does he actually think I want to be a part of the useful idiot crowd of Fat Grannies or that StoneKettle place. Gawd…. ๐Ÿ˜† The author there that Wizard is so taken with couldn’t even handle one correction I made to his post and told me to get lost before I’d even insulted his intelligence. The clown just flat out lied. Jim was his name I think, and he’s not looking for debate – he’s looking for idiot toe suckers. And Al-Poolman absolutely qualifies.

    P.S. By the way. I should have mentioned El Tigre in that like list. Out of site, out of mind. He is one of my two or three favorite commentators and I wish he was here more often.

  50. Pretty funny “R”. I like it. Ironic, funny and truthful. Good humor.

    However, in the event some country predominantly Christian begins to behead, stone, put women in burkas, adopt sudden jihadi syndrome, implements Levitical Law as the governing law, and attacks other countries without provocation, get back to me about equating Christianity and Islam.

    If there were only a few jihadi types across this globe wreaking havoc in the name of Mohammud and there was loud condemnation from the world community of Islam, I might tend to agree with you. But we are talking the majority of entire continents that are in chaos because of Islam.

    To equate Terry Jones, Fred Phelps, or even Eric Rudolph to typical of Christians, all of whom have widely been condemned and in Rudolph’s case handed a life sentence for his actions, is a ruse on your behalf and a testament to your religious bigotry. Willful deceit.

    It would be like me equating Mao, Jerod Loughner and the idiot who flew his plane into the IRS building as typical of liberals.

    Unfounded, unfair, rank propaganda, and dishonest – and you will continue to be called on it.

  51. It would be like me equating Mao, Jerod Loughner and the idiot who flew his plane into the IRS building as typical of liberals.

    Now that’s a surprise. You DON’T feel that way? ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S. I invited Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station to visit here, not to do battle with Tex but because I like his style. The article which Poolman pointed us to originally, while a bit long, hammers home the rank hypocrisy of the worst conservatives.

  52. LOL FN2, I suppose “uncharitable” is a very good adjective to apply to my labeling all religious people a bit crazy. And Rabbit correctly points out that there’s crazy and then there’s CRAZY. It is a false equivalency to say that someone who sees Jesus’ face in a potato chip is the same as someone who tries to cut your head off for calling Mohammed a schmuck.

  53. With that said, I’d still love to see Terry Jones placed in a cell with Bradley Manning. Two people who don’t care about endangering Americans abroad. They deserve each other.

    I also think the pastor should be sued by Monty Python’s Terry Jones for bringing shame to the name.

  54. OH, FN2, when you wonder about the source of my extreme cynicism about religion, that video of Margie Phelps should be all the evidence you need. You found her “logic” dumbfounding but is it really that far a stretch from believing that Noah put two of every animal on an ark? Once your beliefs can no longer be questioned by common sense, logic goes out the window. “Faith” can hide an abundance of sins.

  55. @ Rutherford #30 Well of course Iโ€™m more focused on that fool pastor who lit the fuse
    My point is he didn’t light the fuse. The guy is a piss ant who’s antics would have been unknown if not for Karzai et al.

  56. So poolman did Goldstone finally get his check from the zionist overlords via Goldman Sachs slush accounts financed by TARP??

  57. to the fans of Rolling Stones hatchet job. You owe me for my dry cleaning. Der Speigel actually broke the story that the alleged screen writer then ran with. BOGUS

  58. And let me publicly state that I for one am very thankful that yellowdog has come out of the closet and exposed himself for the bigot he is. Congrats!
    You anti-faith commie prick I’m so proud of you. Did you even google the IRS statutes to make sure you were not completely shoving your head up your ass?

  59. Rutherford you scared the crap out of me hinting I’m in line with Sensico somehow. I did check out her post and you do her a disservice in taking away from it what you have. this speaks to your myopia regards faith.

  60. Well, R, when you put it that way…:) But when you take the most extreme examples and use that as your guide…that is seriously misguided in my view. I am more like you you than not. I don’t believe in “God” either. Just can’t. But I can’t bring myself to disparage those who do. But I can see how you would get there from your blog. These people are not really representative of the whole of Christaianity.

  61. But I can see how you would get there from your blog. These people are not really representative of the whole of Christaianity.

    I’m just wondering how she would know? Like so much else, Fake talks about a lot of things she knows little about. But that’s okay, because several months ago when she ‘graced’ her presence her, one of her first comments was how her grandmother was a professed Christian. So if we’re to be loons, I know for a fact that Fake’s Grandmother was far superior to Fake.

    How could she be worse?

  62. when you wonder about the source of my extreme cynicism about religion, that video of Margie Phelps should be all the evidence you need.

    She actually makes some valid biblical points, however the zeal of that church is misguided, though their commitment is unfaultering. Oh, that the true believers could focus and commit so boldly. We need big hearts, not strong limbs or judgmental dividing and destroying. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t a have a record of treating prophets very well.

    You found her โ€œlogicโ€ dumbfounding but is it really that far a stretch from believing that Noah put two of every animal on an ark?

    All histories of the earth speak of a great flood that decimated the known planet, the OT is only one account. Science confirms that great forces of water helped shape the earth.

    Today we could assemble the DNA and frozen specimens of every known species both male and female in a relatively small vessel. Do you think we could re-establish all lifeforms under ideal conditions?

    If the thought of assembling every animal together in one vessel eludes you (note: it has been proven the size would be adequate), think in terms of drugged animals. For you to accept it is feasible for them to live in harmony in that close of quarters while “conscious”, might take a stretch of faith. In a coma, maybe. Regardless, we do have many species populating the earth today that have been here since any devasting and great flood.

    We assume the ocean life survived, but where did all the waters go? The earth had to increase in size. There also is a theory of expanding earth and it’s substantiated by the age of the ocean floor.

  63. And to my point, I wish there were room on either Side A or B for “Hates women and any feckless thing they have to say”. I’ve lost track of how many names I’ve been called. Tex regularly visits my blog to mine information he thinks he can use against me, but he gets it wrong. He plays a game of the blind men trying to describe an elephant.
    I propose a contest to pick a word for Tex to replace “feckless”.

  64. Rutherford, you’ll note that pussy Jim Wright and Indiana Jones wannabee (did you see his hat? ๐Ÿ˜† ) wasn’t able to make it over for the same reasons the so-called experts from Fat Grannies never made it over when they were giving you grief (minus Poolman who doesn’t count because he’s a complete flake and goober). It’s the reason Fake doesn’t stick around much when facts are debated instead of insult.

    Because your ignorant liberal pals here get shredded when they make some fledgling attempt at real debate. Those that frequent here from your side of the aisle are pretty lame if you haven’t noticed. Jim Dougan was an anomaly – though he was wrong more often than not in my opinon, he was at least educated, thought provoking and well written.

    I guarantee you that Jim Wright bozo is a bad clone of Graychin. He’s real brave on his own blog when he can edit, modify, play thought police, and control the narrative – not so much anywhere else. A dime a dozen, and garden variety loser and tool.

    You should come over to PJM where there is no need to shut down good conversation.

    These people you pal up with are rank amateurs compared to the commentators at Pajamas Media where I have to attempt to step it up several notches over the screed I present here. Many our professional writers.

    Come over there and get your ass handed to you, because you’re the only liberal here who will even get a comment through moderation. They won’t allow some bozo like Poolman to even post – it’s like heaven. ๐Ÿ™‚

    One draw back – the comments more often than not generally don’t appear instantaneously like they do here. There not going to let some goober like Wizard pollute their board.

    I really would like to meet a few more like you and Jim. Poolman bores me and plays like a broken record with his weak attempts at country humor, Fake is tedious as hell and the hemorrhoid of WordPress, and Dawg is just downright stupid.

    We need a few more Jim types. Perhaps this Kurt will surprise and provide some much needed commentary from the Left.

  65. I propose a contest to pick a word for Tex to replace โ€œfecklessโ€.

    It seemed much more appropriate than useless cunt. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  66. I propose a contest to pick a word for Tex to replace โ€œfecklessโ€.

    He likes that word. I think we should develop synonymous ones:

    Texnannymouse ๐Ÿ˜‰

  67. Come over there and get your ass handed to you, because youโ€™re the only liberal here who will even get a comment through moderation.

    Just what everyone is looking for, moderated ass handling. ๐Ÿ™„

    They wonโ€™t allow some bozo like Poolman to even post โ€“ itโ€™s like heaven.

    In other words, “open minds not welcome”, even if you show up with the proper attire. One man’s heaven is another man’s hell. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  68. After sanding marble, what does one apply to it?

    And how in the hell do you move it without it breaking?

  69. Tex does like the word feckless to describe car parking attendants and ditch digging tools that post on boards posturing as intellectual on WordPress.

    It’s so much more effective than feeble, useless and with out purpose.

    So Wizard, you consider yourself “tech” savvy? ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† I’ll break my rule to laugh and point fingers at you.

  70. Granite counter tops Rabbit? I used marble gloss restore at a friend’s house once with mixed results after we had sanded.

    Sounds like you moved up, not to the country. ๐Ÿ™‚

  71. In other words, โ€œopen minds not welcomeโ€, even if you show up with the proper attire.

    More like fools, tools and useful idiots who don’t know enough to file tax returns not welcome.

  72. wow, marble counter tops. Looks like someone has gotten all fancy since the last time I’ve been here ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. Speaking of tools…

    Haven’t you been taking notes how effectually Tex has been able to devalue everything he puts his hand to, Rabbit?

  74. Lol. No, I don’t have marble. I think I read Tex’s post wrong. I thought he was doing refinishing marble.

    If the S&P tanks this summer, I suppose I will be able to get marble.

    Ah yes. Fear. Everything my Dad taught me that I should not let dictate my bets.

  75. Top U.S. officials in Afghanistan on Sunday condemned the burning of a Quran in the United States that sparked three days of protests in which more than 20 people died.

    Burning the Muslim holy book “was hateful, it was intolerant and it was extremely disrespectful and again, we condemn it in the strongest manner possible,” said Gen. David Petraeus, who heads the U.S.-led international forces in Afghanistan.

    U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry said in a statement that Americans respect the Quran “and all religious texts and deplore any action that shows disrespect to any religious faith.”

  76. Wood and polyurethane Rabbit. And this table was beautiful too until a tornado blew through at sent a flying rag upon the surface when I cracked the door.

    It’s almost as frustrating and unexplainable as trying to make since of the typical Grand Wizard and Joooo hater Poolman post. Anybody got a link or crib sheet of KKK nomenclature to give me a roadmap?

    I think I”m going to make an Al-Poolman hieroglyphic map to make sense of the cryptic and redundant verbiage. It will save time…

  77. How about insane-failed-premed.?
    It is common for premeds to go to college with swollen heads.
    They get a C in Organic Chem and are failures in life before they are 20.
    They are never mentally balanced again – if they ever were.

  78. On the one hand we are told most Afghans have never heard of 9-11.

    The next minute we are told they are so sensitive to massive swaths of obscure Americana that they keep up with the day to day affairs of Preacher from a cult tucked away in the Everglades swamp.

    Alphie has it right. This thing was a premeditated and orchestrated.

    What was it Rutherford used to call the Tea Party? Astro-Turf?

    Aint no way this was a spontaneous combustion. And that makes Rutherford’s latest blog entry absent of a huge chunk of reality.

  79. How about insane-failed-premed.? It is common for premeds to go to college with swollen heads.

    Okay, I admit I didn’t make it to Argon Bottle filler like you did, but damn, did I make drunken college attempt! Failed pre-meds that make it into medical school? Come again “Doctor” Dawg?

    They get a C in Organic Chem and are failures in life before they are 20 50.

    Actually, there are two Org Chems. And while I suppose there are a few that make into med school with “C”‘s in Organic Chemistry, not many because that is part of the core curriculum. Those “C”‘s are reserved for dentists and pharmacists. ๐Ÿ™‚ But don’t tell them I told you that.

    They are never mentally balanced again โ€“ if they ever were.

    Dawg, you discussing mentally balanced is like Bradley Manning talking about patriotism. But I have one simple question "Doctor."

    When you going to assist me with chemistry problem I was going to ask you about. I need your 'expertise.' {snicker}

    How many people over the years have you lied through your teeth about your education level Yeller? Hard to believe even the Gray one hasn't called your bluff on that.

  80. Mr. “R”, I’ve gotten in a real bad habit of not enclosing my blockquotes. Can I get you to make me look legible again in #89?

    You’re so kind. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  81. Lets put some full context in comment # 85
    Top U.S. officials in Afghanistan on Sunday condemned the burning of a Quran in the United States that sparked three days of protests in which more than 20 people died.
    Unfortunately the top officials are too big a pack of pussies to stress that their by no means friend Hamid Karzai is responsible for the dispersing of the info from the piss ant in Gainesville actions. This time unlike before respectable/responsible media entities didn’t give the grandstanding phoney shepherd of approx 30 lunatics the time of day. Karzai used it as the cornerstone of his speeches

    Burning the Muslim holy book โ€œwas hateful, it was intolerant and it was extremely disrespectful and again, we condemn it in the strongest manner possible,โ€ said Gen. David Petraeus, who heads the U.S.-led international forces in Afghanistan.
    Petreus continued with “unfortunately I am incapable of disclosing how bad things are in Afghanistan as the vile two faced rat Karzai is making deals with the resurgent Taliban and how I am hoping I can some day very soon get to the airport with my soldiers and get the fuck out of this hole.”

    U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry said in a statement that Americans respect the Quran โ€œand all religious texts and deplore any action that shows disrespect to any religious faith.โ€
    Unless of course you are a self proclaimed artist sucking down NEA grant money,then Christian or Jewish symbols in urine,feces,toilets,chocolate which is obviously great art.Also while our President is burned in effigy and the flag that drapes our dead is burned in the streets,well we just have to suck that up

  82. My brother is a self admitted dip shit. I wouldn’t trust him with my medication if it wasn’t for the computer.

    He married another pharmacist. Within a week, they both got raises and promotions. He claims its because he’s social, doesn’t stink and has full command of English. I would debate the doesn’t stink part.

    26 years old and they make a quarter million dollars a year between the both of them.

    Barbecue ribs, Cadillac cars, we rabbits aint as dumb as you think we is.

  83. “26 years old and they make a quarter million dollars a year between the both of them.”
    No surprise at all. Starting salary for a pharmacist is $90K.- – and that number is 5 years old at least.
    Every community needs them. Preferably several. You can work anywhere. But it takes a special type. Responsible for people’s lives everyday – but much of it deadly boring.

  84. Second guessing the General – LOL…. General Betrayus was it?

    We seem to forget that Karzi is a CIA stooge installed by regressive hero dubby.

    Leave now….

  85. I’m afraid those high wage jobs for pharmacists might be coming to an end too. Just like doctors don’t make what they used to, it’s bound to follow suit throughout the medical community.

    But I will say this for pharmacists. If you’re taking more than one drug, I would say they have a better handle on antagonist effects than most doctors do.

    At least that’s been my experience.

  86. Hell, Dawg can’t even spell Hamad Karza correctly when he insults – kind of like “thier”, right Dawg Meat?

    Two words Under Dawg does have down. Stooge and regressive – bet he can spell inbred too. That’s what his daddy called him for years.

    Dr. Union Yeller, when are we going to test our mettle in Chemistry? Weren’t you going to teach me a lesson?

  87. Sitting together on a train was Yeller Dawg, Tex, a little old lady, and a young blond girl with large breasts.

    The train goes into a dark tunnel and a few seconds later there is the sound of a loud slap.. When the train emerges from the tunnel, Yeller Dawg has a bright red hand print on his cheek. No one speaks.

    The old lady thinks: That old bottle filler must have groped the blond in the dark, and she slapped him.

    The blond girl thinks: That union bottle filling guy must have tried to grope me in the dark, but missed and fondled the old lady and she slapped him.

    Yeller Dawg thinks: Tex must have groped the blond in the dark. She tried to slap him but missed and got me instead.

    Tex thinks: I can’t wait for another tunnel, so I can slap the shit out of Yeller Dawg again.

  88. Tex, I fear the same thing. I can see them reducing pharms by 75 percent and have “techs” do the day to day stuff.

    My brother keeps working on keeping his skill set diversified. I think the latest specialty thing he is working on has something to do with AIDS.

  89. โ€œSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid says congressional lawmakers all are discussing taking some action in response to the Koran burnings of a Tennessee pastor that led to killings at the U.N. facility in Afghanistan and sparked protests across the Middle East, Politico reports. . . . Sen. Lindsey Graham said Congress might need to explore the need to limit some forms of freedom of speech, in light of Tennessee pastor Terry Jonesโ€™ Quran burning, and how such actions result in enabling U.S. enemies.โ€

    They told us if we voted Republican weโ€™d see an establishment of religion, complete with penalties for heretics and blasphemers.

    Right Rutherford?

  90. If Terry Jones had submerged a Koran in a jar of urine, the entire world (or at least the Left) would have proclaimed this a great work of art…

    Rutherford and Yeller Dawg would have beeen leading the charge for the more arts endowment funding.

  91. Perhaps this Kurt will surprise and provide some much needed commentary from the Left.

    Or perhaps Anonymous Sort Of … but I’m not sure he’s gotten over being put in moderation as a newbie. I may actually write him to explain the workings of WordPress so he comes back. That Rolling Stone article, which I know about but haven’t read yet, is another major sore for our men in uniform.

  92. If the S&P tanks this summer, I suppose I will be able to get marble.

    Not for nothing, Rabbit but back in the days when I dabbled in the market, I had great disdain for “shorters”. I found shorting stocks to be one of the most cynical strategies around … betting on failure. Shorters also wreak havoc with the market.

    The only good thing about betting short is that those who do it have infinite risk. That is satisfying.

  93. And that makes Rutherford’s latest blog entry absent of a huge chunk of reality.

    Rabbit, I do confess I overlooked Karzai’s role in this. A major omission on my part. It doesn’t excuse assh*le Jones but it definitely redefines what happened.

    P.S. Alfie, you and Sensico agreed on Karzai’s role …. I’m not sure why you’re not embracing that.

  94. While we’re on the subject of pharmacists ….. two short rants:

    1) if I go to one more doctor and find more pharma salesmen in the waiting room than patients, I’m gonna go postal. It’s gotten a bit better recently but I swear there was a time about a year ago when I couldn’t visit any doctor without encountering some three-piece-suit drug pusher in the waiting room. Really pisses me off.

    2) I am so sick of prescrip meds commercials all of which tell you “this will cure you if the side effects don’t kill you first”. The damn list of possible problems takes up more of the commercial than the benefits. “Ask your doctor about …” BULLSH*T!!!! I’ll tell my doc my symptoms and he can tell me which medicines fit the bill. I swear if I had the time and energy I’d start a petition to get Congress to ban on-air advertisements of prescription drugs. I’m tired of my health being big business. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

    While I’m ranting …. I’m a big fan of this show called “Shark Tank” where entrepreneurs try to basically get venture capital out of a regular panel of investors. The other day, I saw one dude who had invented nasal inserts that replace the face masks you typically see worn in Japan to filter out germs. When he tried to sell the product to a pharma company, they told him “why would we sell your product for $2.00 to prevent a cold when we can sell our medicine for $14 to treat the cold?”

    I sh*t you not. That is the one thing about “Obamacare” that does piss me off …. the way Obama got in bed with the pharma companies. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  95. ๐Ÿ˜ณ Hamad Karzai… ๐Ÿ˜†

    Sorry Tex, wrong again. It’s Hamid Karzai. Wikipedia and Google are wonderful things.

    Damn man … if you’re gonna try to humiliate Dog, slow down and do it effectively. You badly botched that attempt.

  96. in light of Tennessee pastor Terry Jonesโ€™ Quran burning

    What backwater web site did you pull this from Tex? The dude is from Florida, not Tennessee. If your source can’t get the basic facts right, it’s hard to take the rest of it seriously.

  97. Is that how you spell the asshole’s name? Hamid? ๐Ÿ˜† Oh well, it’s the thought that counts. I guess Jones is from Florida, isn’t he?

    How convenient of you to take a pedantic approach to not answering my assault that you indeed are a major league hypocrite with your name flashing in neon lights.

    When even some loon like Fake says your premise is fucked up, it is indeed fucked up Rutherford. Another rotten egg laid on your part.

    You’re always equating Christians and Muslims. How many people died when taxpayer funds were used to publish Piss Christ? crickets… But Christians are the same.

    How about you take up with Harry Reid and limit free speech like that turd proposed? {crickets} Like I said, burn a U.S. flag – it’s patriotic to a lib. Burn a Koran, heretic heretic! A religious zealot and accessory to murder. ** VOMIT **

    You’re so fucking worried about a theocracy? Where are you little man (with the Warf head) now that Koran burning is being proposed as hate speech and grounds for accessory to murder? Ah, so here we have religion dictating our First Amendment and where’s “liberal” Rutherford. {crickets}

    Rutherford, you’re such a twit. That’s why you didn’t get my Amazon business this week – because you’ve become an asshole. If you don’t understand manners, then maybe you’ll understand money. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Think about that every time you play punk.

    No, this is a kitchen table. It turned out so well, I got cocky. My coffee table came out great but the Mrs. whined because I used gloss instead of semi-gloss.

  98. R, you’ve been served.

    The charges written above are as serious as they are obvious.

    You either fear Islam or dislike Christianity to a greater extent then other faiths.

    There is no other explanation for your selective outrage.

    Well, there is one other explanation.

    Was this story the center piece at MSNBC or something?

    Becuase we’ve seen them make you look like a dummy before.

  99. It’s been more than 20 years. Time to get over Piss Christ.

    And making fun of the shape of someone’s head is fucking lower than telling them their dead grandmother is burning in hell.

    Sorry, but when it comes to assholes around here, Rutherford isn’t at the top of the list.

  100. And yeah…before anyone calls me out for not saying anything…Muslims need to get over cartoons and BBQs and all of the other petty shit that pisses (no pun intended) them off.

    I am kind of surprised Tex wasn’t cheering on their latest attacks. After all, they only slaughtered UN workers. And we all know they are only good for raping women and children and ripping people off.

  101. P.S. Alfie, you and Sensico agreed on Karzaiโ€™s role โ€ฆ. Iโ€™m not sure why youโ€™re not embracing that.

    Ummm I thought I did although I see it may not have been clear. My take was that you didn’t take the greater truth ie Karzai from her. As I noted here and complimented her on there.

  102. @ dog #94
    No I’m not second guessing him nor in line with Soros and his cum catchers with the Betray Us crap.
    If you think Petraeus is not painfully aware of his delicate politically charged position it just speaks to how much of a flea you are. Also if you think the general is unaware of how stacked things are against him and his due to Karzai,again you are wrong.
    As for Karzai and the CIA. At best you can pin that on his brother but not Hammy himself. Hammy is a pure Afghan tribal type which is why he is the great opportunist that he is. He is moving to dirty the sheets with the Taliban so as not to get his head lopped off in the soccer stadium some day.
    It is almost sad how you are all rhetoric all the time.

  103. “It is almost sad how you are all rhetoric all the time.”

    TRANSLATION : “Why don’t you parrot the GOP-FAUX-KOCHSUCKER echo chamber like I do.”

  104. “It is almost sad how you are all rhetoric all the time.”

    TRANSLATION : “Why don’t you parrot the GOP-FAUX-KOCHSUCKER echo chamber like I do.”

  105. Itโ€™s been more than 20 years. Time to get over Piss Christ.

    We’ll get over that when you ask us to quit paying for it.

    Now your favorite politically correct religion (peace be upon them ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ) is beheading your beloved U.N. workers. What are you going to put your “faith” in now fat boy? I’m surprised you weren’t out there like Rutherford portraying Tery Jones as typical.

    What is a U.N. shill, politically correct academia wannabee and Muslim appeaser to do? Boo hoo hoo…

    Hoisted by your own petard, weren’t you genius?

  106. I wonder what’s lower?

    Telling the truth about someone’s grandmother and making fun of someone’s head after they’ve mocked your faith (consider it payback), or telling your Creator time to get over his sacrifice when His symbolism of sacrifice dunked in piss?

    Be glad I’m not Muslim Mr. U.N. Huckster. Of course, then you’d like me, even prostrate yourself toward me. But I might have to chop Rutherford’s head off, and take about 50lbs out of your lard ass while you rolled to Mecca. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  107. Regarding 121, First Rabbit … if you’re gonna use a fake email address, at least remember to use the same one consistently. That’s why your country music comment went into moderation.

    Now to your comment …. ok I admit I watch “American Idol”. They have a contestant named Scotty who is born to sing country music. The guy is great and I don’t even like country much but he is fantastic. So last week, everyone had to sing Elton John songs and I was surprised at just how many EJ songs could be done country style and sound really good. Scotty chose an obscure tune called “Country Comfort” but he could just as easily have sung “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me” and it would have sounded great with a country flair.

  108. Huck, thanks for coming to my defense.

    The actor Charles Grodin once had a cable talk show several years ago. He once said on it, “I assume everyone is a walking open wound and I talk to them like that, taking great care not to make the wound hurt worse.”

    Tex reminds me of that statement. Even if I nail him on something as trivial as the spelling of Hamid Karzai’s name, like an open wound, he reacts with vitriol. I’m probably the lesser man for not treating him like an open wound especially since I know how he reacts.

    Funny thing is I would have let the Karzai spelling slip unnoticed had he not gotten on his high horse telling Dog how to spell the man’s name … and then got it wrong twice.

    The meaner Tex’s insults the more I know he is invested. Invested in what I’m not so sure, but invested nonetheless.

  109. Telling the truth about someone’s grandmother …

    Therein lies your arrogance Tex. I’m sorry dude, you don’t know the truth, nor do I. You have your belief. I have mine. One day we will all know the truth. In fact, that was my reaction when my mother died. I thought, “now she knows the truth.”

  110. “Weโ€™ll get over that when you ask us to quit paying for it.”

    I fully agree that the NEA shouldn’t pay for such things. “Artists” should pay their own way. Can we stop funding them?

    So now that I have asked us to stop paying for it, can you get the hell over it? If the best case anyone can find of Christians being publically mocked is a piss-filled jar from 23 years ago, then I’d say that faith has had a pretty good run of PR.

    “What are you going to put your โ€œfaithโ€ in now fat boy?”

    I’m not fat anymore. I lost it all while you continued to sit around on your worthless, school-quitting ass.

    “(consider it payback)”

    See. This is some more of that hypocrisy I am talking about. Did you learn about “payback” from the Bible? Did Christ fill your heart with revenge? Or do you just give the tenets of your religion lip service while you walk around saying and doing whatever the hell you want because a simple “please forgive me” at the end of the day makes it all go away? My guess is the latter.

  111. You are a baseless man Rutherford. And I’ve had enough of your mouth.

    You’re childish enough to put your hopes in man and politics, or whatever pantheistic belief you might possess today – Obama politics and MSNBC shills. I prefer to put my faith in something more permanent and more powerful. I’ll take 2,000 years of gospel history while you continue to prostrate yourself toward Obama and hum “Yes We Can!” and “We are the Ones.” You’re the ones alright.

    What you apparently fail to fathom is that even your pandering leader pays lip service to his “unique” form of convenient faith. And why is that? Because it sells. And why does it sell? Because most recognize something you and your kin don’t. Anybody with an inkling of common sense knows it didn’t just come to be by happenstance. Why don’t you mock Obama? Politics trumps all?

    I think you may the most crass man I’ve ever corresponded. The fact you even walk into a Mass or whatever church you “grace your presence” with, with your patronizing attitude, is an insult to anything righteous – it’s the apogee of hypocrisy. After the things you’ve said here about Christianity, you ought to be ashamed to even walk into a church or parish – but I’m not sure you have a sense of shame like I once thought. At the very least, you ought to know you’re a hypocritical liar and tell your wife’s family the same things you’ve said to me to set the record straight. Of course, truth is apparently meaningless to you. Truth is to be twisted when the ends justify the means.

    You think I’m hateful? You damn right I am. I engage you on the subject of faith when I’m told to shake the dust in the hope maybe, just maybe, your brain might slam into gear that you’ve been misled and you’re making a huge mistake. I’ll guarantee you at this moment your mother and grandmother are wishing I’m getting through your stubborn and haughty skull of yours.

    Gird your loins, suck it up and act like a man if you’re going to insult Christianity. And that goes for your toadies too.

  112. Actually R, I’m surprised you rule out the possibility that when you die you just cease to exist, lose consciousness and vanish. If that’s the case, none of the mysteries would be known.

  113. Dog 119 & 120 a comment so stupid you felt the need to submit it twice. How old are you ? 2?
    You offer NOTHING…EVER!!! Nothing but cut and paste rhetoric. You offer nothing that shows you take in and consider the volumes of news and facts all around you.You offer nothing that shows you have an opinion other than what is totally the spoon feed propaganda of those you like. Then you deflect with the jewels like in 119 & 120 only further showing what an absolutely intellectually void creature you are in a thread. You are guilty of the crime you accuse others of and you are a moron about it.

  114. So now that I have asked us to stop paying for it, can you get the hell over it? If the best case anyone can find of Christians being publically mocked is a piss-filled jar from 23 years ago, then Iโ€™d say that faith has had a pretty good run of PR.
    Not for nothing Huck but you know better than to state that as the only case.

  115. Iโ€™m not fat anymore. I lost it all while you continued to sit around on your worthless, school-quitting ass.

    Well “Huck”, you better learn the medical term “skinny fat” with your man boobs and your belly, because you’d be the textbook medical term picture of it.

    You think you’re healthy because of your starvation diet? Haw haw haw…we’ll see. Drop your chin and look down Arnold. Man boobs and belly is still there sport? You’re not healthy like you think sport.

    Did you learn the ‘theological debating skills’ at the Saul Alinsky school of thought? Learn a few verses, then use them as ammunition by personalizing the lack of perfection? Did you read about the one that said, “And be thou doormats, for that is the greatest love of all?” Did they teach you that at the ‘seminary’, as you bathe yourself in your utopia religion of U.N.?

    Revenge would be cutting your head off – that’s those peace loving Mohammadens that you aspire to be. Maybe they’re on to something….

  116. Here Rutherford. They spelled your name incorrectly as Joe Klein.

    Because when we have a political class as routinely venal as Lindsey Grahamโ€”or Time’s Joe Klein Rutherford Lawson and his blog, who really did write that “Jones’s act was murderous as any suicide bomber’s”โ€”that means that war-inspired censorship is always just a shout away.

  117. All institutions and ideologies should be able to stand up to questioning and take criticism. Those that are true will stand and be strengthened from these attacks.

    Flag and book desecrations, along with physical and verbal statements deemed sacrilegious are meant to excite emotions and raise awareness. When our idols are mocked, many of us react out of emotion. That is a reflection of the weakness of the human psyche. Emotion drives most of our actions. It causes emnity between us.

    Rising above emotion and idolatry is where we should operate from. Unfortunately, very few have ever been there or recognize that place. Jesus recognized it and famously said, “Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.”

  118. LOL Rabbit … I actually thought as I wrote that about my mother that it does assume some sort of afterlife doesn’t it? Kinda funny. You’re right of course. If my worst fears are true, then it’s just a void of nothingness and Mom didn’t learn anything. But by default she still kinda found out the truth even if she wasn’t in a state to recognize it.

    I’m not sure why a void scares me so. I remember no pain pre-birth when I didn’t exist so why should I be afraid of non-existence after death? It’s still hard to fathom a total void though after having experienced consciousness for 49+ years.

    Of course, I hope there’s an afterlife of some sort although my logic tells me not to count on it.

    By the way, Tex what in the world makes you think I “grace” any church with my presence on any regular basis? I know you think me the hypocrite but I’m not that bad. I go to church when social obligations demand, i.e. weddings and funerals.

  119. Well Tex, Joe Klein makes one excellent point. I hope Franklin Graham honors his father’s reputation and comes out and publicly condemns Terry Jones. We wouldn’t want Christians to sit by silent while one of their own behaves reprehensibly … that would make them resemble …

    Muslims. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  120. Rutherford, I understand that there is a distinction between truth and belief. In this instance though I think it’s semantics.

    I’m not speaking for Tex and I don’t presume to know him but I do see that what he tells you is the truth in that he doesn’t tell you what you want to hear – he tells you the truth no matter how his words might bruise you in the process. That’s not all that easy to do. And it’s very reliable in its own way. That’s also a pretty good friend in my book.

    What I believe Tex is invested in is speaking from the heart on matters that matter. Of course I could be wrong.

    I liked your #125 remark, R, about Grodin’s open wound statement. What a great way to consider how we talk to each other.

    My own belief is that Tex carries a weight in knowing what eternity holds for him and everyone else, and in that way he sort of is a walking open wound. What I derive is at the heart of Tex’s statements towards you regarding eternity is that he genuinely cares about you.

    Tex, like I said, I don’t presume to know you but I think I understand (and agree with by the way) most of what you say on the subject of salvation. I also give a lot of leeway to people who speak from the heart. Your howling is a part of what makes conversations here so stimulating to eavesdrop in on. But your love for Rutherford doesn’t neutralize the other stuff. You’re all in and I like that. But what hurts you doesn’t phase other people (especially those who don’t love Christ), and other people are hurt by things that you know are meaningless. So for their sake and for yours, the occasional insults that go over the line are better left unsaid. I hope you don’t mind my saying so.

    For what it’s worth and something to think about – a blog post or two ago Tex told poolman that he was going to ignore him like everybody else does. Rutherford, you came pretty clearly to poolman’s defense, and – as evidenced in a more recent post from poolman – you managed to convince at least him that what he suffers from is merely an open mind. To some, me included, summing up poolman’s transmissions here as “an open mind” is not the truth. It’s hard for me to even believe that you believe that, but I’ll try and take you at your word. So then when PM launches an unprovoked, intrusive, and stalkerish torpedo at Tex (#41), you don’t come to Tex’s defense, even when FN2 piled on. Of course Huck’s right in that Tex has everything that is said coming to him and FN2 chiming in was no mystery at all (she didn’t get the apology that she deserved a while back). Comment sections are understandably about one-upmanship sometimes. Nevertheless it’s plain to me that poolman has a agenda and that it has everything to do with trying to topple Tex. It’s also clear to me that he knows he can’t do it one on one. There’s something treacherous about agendas and that’s why I ignore poolman.

    If you did come to Tex’s defense and I missed it, then I’m sorry. There was a lot to catch up on.

    I need to read the latest blog post again as I got immediately entangled in the comments, but my reflex is that as repulsive as I think he is, I can’t hold Jones accountable for the deaths in the dessert. Manson’s part in the Tate-LaBianca murders is about as far as I can stretch that idea of inspiring to murder. So later on when Squeaky tried to shoot the President, I saw her as a whacko (much like I see Laughner). I’m also peeved at the Democrats in congress for further deliberately eroding the meaning of the word extreme, especially in light of true extremism.

    Rutherford, my taxes came out slightly better this year also. ๐Ÿ™‚

  121. The “audacity” of this bum for President and his lackey blog owner is staggering….

    Consider this campaign speech:

    All of us know what those challenges are today – a war with no end, a dependence on oil that threatens our future, schools where too many children aren’t learning, and families struggling paycheck to paycheck despite working as hard as they can. We know the challenges. We’ve heard them. We’ve talked about them for years.

    What’s stopped us from meeting these challenges is not the absence of sound policies and sensible plans. What’s stopped us is the failure of leadership, the smallness of our politics – the ease with which we’re distracted by the petty and trivial, our chronic avoidance of tough decisions, our preference for scoring cheap political points instead of rolling up our sleeves and building a working consensus to tackle big problems.

    For the last six years we’ve been told that our mounting debts don’t matter, we’ve been told that the anxiety Americans feel about rising health care costs and stagnant wages are an illusion, we’ve been told that climate change is a hoax, and that tough talk and an ill-conceived war can replace diplomacy, and strategy, and foresight.

    Today we grieve for the families who have lost loved ones, the hearts that have been broken, and the young lives that could have been. America, it’s time to start bringing our troops home. >b>It’s time to admit that no amount of American lives can resolve the political disagreement that lies at the heart of someone else’s civil war.

    Obama has no shame and is a liar of epic proportions – a shill, a hack, a flim flam.

  122. R, you keep equating Christians to Muslims because you are in a bad mood that Obama left you on the vine to rot.

    You sure towed party line on trying KSM in an American court of law!

    I can almost remembering your lecture word for word.

    Obama owes you an apology for blabbing his mouth when he didn’t know shit about shit.

    And you owe Bush an apology for the same thing.

  123. Watch out for politically motivated religion.

    The history of theology (Christian or otherwise) is the history of people desperately trying to fit the way things actually are into the way their holy books say they should be. (Think of the billions of words written in tens of thousands of books on religion “explaining” pain and suffering in the light of God’s purported goodness.)

    There is another choice: To admit that the best of any religious tradition depends on the choices its adherents make on how to live despite what their holy books “say,” not because of them. “But where would that leave me?” my former self would have asked. “I’d be adrift in an ocean of uncertainty.” Yes, and perhaps that’s the only honest place to be. Another name for uncertainty is humility. No one ever blew up a mosque, church, or abortion clinic after yelling, “I could be wrong.”

  124. Muffy,

    But what hurts you doesnโ€™t phase other people (especially those who donโ€™t love Christ), and other people are hurt by things that you know are meaningless. So for their sake and for yours, the occasional insults that go over the line are better left unsaid. I hope you donโ€™t mind my saying so.

    Mind you saying so? I agree with you. Fair enough and I’ll accept that blame as valid. I do take a few “liberties” of going over the top to egg them along. It’s a fault as I have little tolerance of quacks and weasels.

    But men like Huck and Rutherford like to make sport of insulting Christianity. Both are completely dishonest in their criticisms. Both are wrong in their condemnation by trying their limited best to use scripture. While I don’t excuse my over the top responses and maybe the would be best left unsaid, there is one thing I don’t believe any of you recognize.

    John the Baptist was not beheaded because he was being a sweet guy. Now I hesitate to use that name because I am not in John’s league. But my allegiances are the same. So Huck’s charges are theological nonsense and completely bogus. It’s his ignorance on display.


    Two examples of how dishonest both Rutherford and Huck can be from today alone:

    We wouldnโ€™t want Christians to sit by silent while one of their own behaves reprehensibly โ€ฆ that would make them resemble โ€ฆMuslims

    As of today, Samaritan’s Purse, a group lead by Franklin Graham and a man that Rutherford never misses opportunity to condemn as he heard it on MSNBC has to ignore some really hard facts to say that without choking. One example of Rutherford’s works vs. Graham’s works – where the void is filled no matter the religion.

    Quick Facts on Samaritan’s Purse Haiti Relief Work in 2010

    * Provided transitional housing for more than 10,400 families left homeless by the earthquake
    * Sent more than 500 medical volunteers from the U.S. and Canada to Haiti
    * Installed 36 community water filters, each providing some 10,000 gallons of clean water a day
    * Provided 8,882 metric tons of food
    * Constructed more than 850 latrines
    * Sent 14 shiploads of relief cargo and 35 chartered relief flights
    * Samaritan’s Purse medical teams have treated more than 7,500 cholera patients

    That’s one year, one country. Where are Rutherford’s list of charitable works? Rutherford’s idea of charity is government dollars being allocated to humanitarian causes. Where’s the personal works of liberals in this country? Hmmm…Intellectual dishonesty under the guise of religious bigotry.

    Now Huck:

    Itโ€™s been more than 20 years. Time to get over Piss Christ.

    We’re still funding the National Endowment for the Arts…what’s more, ‘Piss Christ’ was only one of many federally funded “art” programs that have insulted Christianity. How easily Huck forgets these….

    The Brooklyn Museum of Art featuring an exhibit called Sensation. It includes a picture of the Virgin Mary decorated with elephant feces and pictures of women’s private parts, a picture of the Last Supper with a naked woman presiding in the role of Christ. Then we have the A video exhibit at the Smithsonian Institutionโ€™s National Portrait Gallery LAST YEAR showing Jesus on a cross being eaten by ants. Should I go on to calibrate Huck’s memory lapses?


    As you can see Muffy, we have two of the most egregious Christian religious bigots on the net in our presence. They are both profound cowards, because they know the most severe form of penalty they’ll receiving for their mocking is a tongue lashing from me. Ironically, those they lend their undying support and fight would kill them for saying or doing as much. Like I said – they are very confused cowards.

    I’ll agree with you my comments are over the top. But I think it remembering exactly who it is I’m being critical of here.

    Nonetheless, your point is taken and valid. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  125. Muffy, your comment was very thoughtful. I’ll address two things briefly.

    Regarding Poolman, you probably have more history with him from M&H blog than do I and perhaps you have insight into an agenda that I lack. I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s a generally benign character with extreme skepticism about our government.

    Regarding Tex, I probably come to his defense less often than I should but honestly if the attack against him centers around his own “bad manners”, there’s not a lot I think I can say. Tex can correct me if I’m wrong but those times when he’s really opened up his heart on the blog I haven’t seen folks attack him and that includes arch-enemies like YellowDog.

    You think with your head and your heart Muffy and I appreciate that. You’ve offered one of the kindest defenses of Tex I’ve ever read here and I hope Tex remembers that.

  126. Frank Schaeffer…is that what the Left uses to dredge up justification for their godless politics now – his slamming of Sarah Palin and his criticism of the right concerning Obamaism. The ‘famous’ HuffPo writer?. ๐Ÿ™‚ The Ronnie Reagan Jr. of religion? The unprodigal son?

    Why do I mention Ron Reagan to prove Poolman’s link a joke. Here’s why.

    So when a former conservative/Republican/evangelical-Christian turns against those of whom he once was a part his criticisms carry a large amount of weight and credibility no? After all โ€“ he has an โ€œinside perspectiveโ€. But is he an “insider?”

    I think it should be noted the with a grain of salt the hostility of the convert. An ex-anything is usually far more against that anything than someone who was never a part.

    Ask an ex-liberal like David Horowitz, Pat Caddell or Tammy Bruce.

    Like Michael Reagan said of his brother, the same brother that the Left always drags out in desperation and once frequent guest host of MSNBC, “You were an embarrassment to our Father when he was alive, and now you are an embarrassment to your mother.”

    I could revert to polemics, but why? I think I’ll let it rest and leave it to the readers here that the same errors are repeated by other religious liberals such as Tony Campolo, Jim Wallis, Bill Hybels and Bill Moyers. I could have added Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but that would be too obvious and quickly dismissed.

  127. Tex … I ask for Graham’s condemnation of Jones and you offer the good works he’s done for Haiti. You don’t see a disconnect there?

    Graham has not condemned Jones because Graham has been outspoken in his hatred of Islam. So chalk one up for Franklin. At least he’s not a hypocrite. ๐Ÿ˜

  128. Regarding Tex, I probably come to his defense less often than I should but honestly if the attack against him centers around his own โ€œbad mannersโ€, thereโ€™s not a lot I think I can say.

    Oh please. That was beyond the general pretentious answer I’ve come to expect. I could actually taste the bile this time.

    Face it Rutherford – you’ve been wounded, burned by your own making, your predilection for the irreligious your one last resort at the the defense of your futility. Spare me. We’ve slowly become enemies instead of political squabblers the last few months. I don’t need your defense ever – but it would be nice if you could ‘can’ the hypocrisy, the propaganda, the phony indignation, and the glaring double standard in expected behavior.

    Tex can correct me if Iโ€™m wrong but those times when heโ€™s really opened up his heart on the blog I havenโ€™t seen folks attack him and that includes arch-enemies like YellowDog.

    Yellow Dog? That’s who think my enemy is? Yellow Dog is a piece of filthy fluff blowing in the wind after escaping from the lent ball in the dryer; an incredible lightweight.

    You still haven’t understood the main message of Muffy’s post, which I thought quite fair. I knew you wouldn’t get it. But he (or she) nailed my process in one paragraph, though you do not recognize it. You think messages always have to be couched in love. That is not where wisdom starts.

    I’m forewarning you for your own good – but it gets more difficult by the day. If your writing was not sometimes thought provoking, and you were the only lib I know that actually practices free speech without restriction, would have shook the dust long ago.

  129. While he was speaking to supporters, Mr. Jones refused to take calls or return messages from one of evangelical Christianityโ€™s most revered figures: Franklin Graham.

    Mr. Graham โ€” the son of evangelist Billy Graham โ€” called Mr. Jones twice on Wednesday in an effort to stop the Koran bonfire from happening, said a spokesperson for Grahamโ€™s ministry, but in both cases, he only reached a secretary who said Mr. Jones was not available.

    โ€œItโ€™s never right to deface or destroy sacred texts or writings of other religions even if you donโ€™t agree with them,โ€ Mr. Graham said in a statement. โ€œAnd while as an American Mr. Jones has the freedom and right to do it, it doesnโ€™t make it right.โ€

    Googles a bitch huh?
    theresalso stuff out htere that says Graham and others tried to persuade nuttybuddy to stop this time too.

  130. My agenda is/has been to expose evil and point to truth everywhere I see it. I may be more critical of Tex than others because ten years ago I held the same political and religious beliefs that he now professes. So yes, exes are generally more critical of their former relations. That doesn’t necessarily mean their critiques are invalid. I also don’t claim exclusivity to the truth. Mostly I provide examples of other respected individuals who have come to similar conclusions. It is up to each individual to accept or reject truth, as we all have preconceived notions and free will.

    BTW Muffy, Tex was the one that came into my den depositing his ad hominem attacks and vitriolic “bombs.” I merely followed him over here to his “den of iniquity.” Rutherford was a kind enough host to let me join in and express my opinions/views. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  131. Ummm Poolman, I don’ t mean to burst your self-congratulatory bubble and I did promise to ignore you, but you’re not telling the straight scoop. That home base is so homey they even blasted Rutherford (the old Rutherford who I liked).

    That ad hominem attack at Fat Grannies wasn’t even directed at you but the two fictitious blog owners one night for grins – afterward getting into it hags, nags, shrews, horse’s asses, and abortionists after they had regrouped. You were so far at the back of the pack, I didn’t even remember you. Water balloons don’t count in hand grenades. I had to go look you up and then I remembered, “oh yeah, that uneducated goober.”

    I wanted people like that jackboot, goosestepping Donna attorney mouth to follow me over. I had her baited pretty well to, even hooked, but she slipped back to the shallow water where she resides.

    Unfortunately, I stepped in dog shit along the trail back, and you clung to the bottom of my shoe before I could wipe it off without walking into the Rutherford household.

    Then you stuck to the floor, and even bleach won’ t get you out of the carpeting. Trust me. You were never me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  132. Alfie, you are such an asset to the cause. But you do recognize that in doing that, you will now be called a “hater” like I am? ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    When it doesn’t fit the bigotry, you’ll be labeled as antagonist. Huck might blow a gasket. I fully expect some personal attack on your character within minutes.

    But thank you for doing that. It won’t shut down the lies, but at least on this thread, it might shut the mouths.

  133. LOL …. Tex point me to the instance where you definitively showed I was wrong (as Alfie just did) and I attacked you as a “hater”?

    Pure BS.

    Now … a much more important question … have you signed on yet to Obama’s reelection campaign? ๐Ÿ˜†

  134. Rutherford, is that a joke? Parody, right? Where you were definitively wrong? Where would you like me to start? Would you like me to start in Sept. 2008, when we first met? Do you really want me to do that? ๐Ÿ™‚ Really?

    Can we bet some cash first? ๐Ÿ™‚ You called it B.S., so surely you need a few extra bucks for meal money. How about twenty bucks? Little risk, free meal for you and your wife.

    As far as “hater”, I wasn’t referring to you dip.

  135. Rutherford, you’re such an easy target. Everywhere I look, I find you absolutely, positively, complete, and most definitively wrong. This ring a bell? In fact, it would be a pretty safe bet to bet on a lot more wrong than right.

    But come on. I will and can do a lot better than that with your own words straight from your own blog. $20.00 bucks….it’s a safe bet for you. Pure B.S. Right? What’s $20.00 bucks amongst friends….

  136. Hey, I never said the den was pure, only that is where I was hanging out. It is definitely a popular and left-leaning site with a vast variety of lurkers and commenters. Unfortunately the hosts don’t post as often.

    You came in throwing hand grenades, you should expect a little schrapnel. You were the one trolling for sharks and instead found paranhas. Swim at your own risk. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  137. Rutherford left a comment for ya at BIC’s. Will add though that in a related manner re Christian denouncement of Jones. I’d personally not sweat it,I for one think most Americans of faith feel that paying Jones,Dove and Westboro any mind in any manner is feeding the nutters and cheapens true Works. Call me crazy but I think most folks of faiths,across all the denominations and religions would rather say something like”judge me by what I do,not the actions of “X””

  138. You came in throwing hand grenades, you should expect a little schrapnel. You were the one trolling for sharks and instead found paranhas. Swim at your own risk.

    That's piranhas. Rutherford can check the spelling.

    What I found at Fat Grannies was guppies, minnows, and the child's playground littered with dog turds (you being one). Those boastful abortionists were such piranhas, fifty on them, you included chose not to hang with me in the game, couldn't handle the stress, and begged the real blog owner for me to be banned.

    But that's typical and what makes Rutherford's site somewhat unique, contrary to most of you dysfunctional bohunks, including that blowhard and liar you idolize named Jimmy Wright. One lib willing to take the heat, who by the way, was also summarily cast out from your den of cowards.

    The rest of you bedwetters, fags, hags and nags are lilies who couldn't manage your way out wet paper bag.

    Like you Wizard, Fat Grannies was a joke and remains a joke.

  139. For some reason, I can’t get my fingers to follow my head. That’s the third unclosed blockquote. Sorry “R”.

  140. Every now and then again it hits me like a ton of bricks.
    Itโ€™s futile now. Too late. We are economically doomed. And its going to come quicker then you think.

    I can kind of see why Nero played the violin, now. What else was he supposed to do? The fire was already raging. Fuck it. (Yeah I know, he probably started it)

    Some of our arguments here seem so petty now that I realized we are doomed. I need to take part in more of the religious ones, if any.

    $1 trillion spent in March.
    $128 billion came in.
    $786.5 billion in new loans.

    Did China loan us that? We used to bitch about it, now we wish!!!!!!! We are merely loaning it to ourselves!


    You guys get that right!

    Its official now. Tyranny of the unborn. We murder many, and the rest are debt slaves. They never had one vote in the matter. Tyranny of the future.

    Meanwhile housing continues to tank and the GOP are utterly useless. Even in my state, they arenโ€™t cutting spending as much as they are merely reallocating spending.

    The Fed thought they could boot that can! They barely kicked it 3 feet.

    Everything in its right place for a complete melt down of our economy within less then a half decade.

    I think the debate should now be: โ€œWhat does a complete melt down really mean for us when it happensโ€?

    I hope Iโ€™m wrong. One thing I keep thinking is, of course Iโ€™m wrong. I barely understand this shit. The problem is, most people donโ€™t even try. The media, individuals, the government. I feel like a Madman.

  141. Tex is right about one thing. It is piranhas. I guess I shouldn’t have passed on the Hamid correction yesterday. ๐Ÿ˜€

  142. That guy who ran the International Atomic Energy Agency is now threatening Israel with war.

    I know its common stump speech on the insane Arab street.

    But, that dude had a very, very important job on the UN!

  143. Rabbit, Do you mean Mohamed ElBaradei, potential future Egypt president? I think he claimed if Israel attacked Gaza again then he would declare war on them. Is that the same in your book as declaring war? I see it as cause and effect.

    No one came to the aid of Palestine during Israel’s attack in 2008-2009. Of course the media did not broadcast it, so most have no idea how many Palestinians were slaughtered or how much damage to their infastructure was accomplished. But hey, our tax revenues help pay for it.

    And this even after Goldstone kowtows to Israel over his report that clearly pronounces Israel guilty of war crimes. What’s a little more justice swept under the rug?

  144. Rabbit, I heard economist Jeffrey Sachs rant on “Morning Joe” this morning and it would not have pleased you one bit. The discussion was about how the next Obama campaign will easily exceed 1 billion dollars. According to Sachs …. and not very hard to believe … all elections are bought and sold. No ordinary guy can get elected dog catcher nowadays. It’s fund raising 24/7.

    Last year on my “radio show”, I interviewed the guy who was hoping to get the late Jack Murtha’s seat, a guy named Ryan Buccianeri. I asked him in the interview how his constituents felt about such-and-such. The subject didn’t matter ‘cos he said he didn’t know. 98% of his time during the campaign was spent on the phone begging for money. You could tell that the guy was totally dejected. This was not his idea of what it would be like to run for office.

    As Sachs said this morning, money has ruined and corrupted government practically beyond repair.

  145. Well Tex and I may be in opposing corners today but I will give him one thing hands down. When it comes to M&H, never have I been in the company of such unpleasant people in all my years online.They actually made The Hostages look like a warm cozy place to curl up to with a cup of hot cocoa.

    They got lucky. I am old and tired and full of personal priorities that preclude my taking the time to take them down. Believe me, if I were 25 again, I’d work overtime to expose that place for the sham I suspect it is … including proving once and for all that both Margaret and Helen are figments of someone’s imagination. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

    P.S. (to Rabbit in particular) you don’t know how close M&H came to turning me into a rabid pro-lifer. If they represent the best the pro-choice movement has to offer, then things are pretty dark indeed.

  146. Anything to try and hurt or frame Israel, hey Klansman? You and your “piranhas…” Anything to appease Israel’s enemies and cast them in a bad light for Satan’s sake? Others have started to notice what you are Al-Poolman who don’t have my love of Israel.

    Goldstone also said that it “goes without saying” that Hamas intentionally targeted civilians, and noted that unlike Israel, the group did not investigate its own actions.

    So tell us Wizard as you defend a known terrorist group. How is it exactly Goldstone kowtowing and to whom? Why would he want to admit he is wrong, and what is to be gained? Another one of your conspiracy theories jackass? Did Bart Simpson tell you that in your dreams? How about your preacher man wearing the hood, the one healing attempting to your wife’s back? Did he tell you that?

    Let’s set the record straight.

    The year preceding the shellacking Hamas received, Palestinians in Gaza attacked Israeli civilians to the point of making life in southern Israel unlivable. As Israel withdrew its forces from Gaza, their withdrawal was met with more rocket attacks. Six months preceding the 2008 campaign, more than a thousand rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza.

    When Hamas ended the truce, an average of 80 rockets each day targeted Israeli children, hospitals, schools and businesses. One week before the onset, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert went on al-Arabiya, appealing to Hamas to cease fire.

    They did not.

    If you’re going to point the fingers inbred, make sure you’re pointing in the right direction. And let’s not forget who it is your defending. Hamas – a convicted terrorist organization with ties to Hezbollah, who takes their marching orders from Iran.

    Poolman, you’re nothing but a phony, pandering piece of inbred white trash…

  147. They got lucky. I am old and tired and full of personal priorities that preclude my taking the time to take them down. Believe me, if I were 25 again, Iโ€™d work overtime to expose that place for the sham I suspect it is โ€ฆ including proving once and for all that both Margaret and Helen are figments of someoneโ€™s imagination. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

    You’d never get the opportunity “R”. They’d ban you before you could spit. That phony, plagiarizing Poolman with his so-called “piranhas” are the most cowardly bunch of wimps you’d ever met in a discussion. Cowards like Poolman.

    P.S. (to Rabbit in particular) you donโ€™t know how close M&H came to turning me into a rabid pro-lifer. If they represent the best the pro-choice movement has to offer, then things are pretty dark indeed.

    Maybe you should think about the company you defend named Poolman next time your feelings are hurt over something I said. He is after all a bye product of Fat Grannies.

  148. Letโ€™s set the record straight.

    Okay. Wikipedia says…

    The conflict resulted in between 1,166 and 1,417 Palestinian and 13 Israeli deaths.[46] The high number of civilian casualties led critics to accuse Israel of committing a massacre.[47] Other critics accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields[48] and said that Israel went to great lengths to avoid harming civilians.[48] In September 2009, a UN special mission, headed by Justice Richard Goldstone, produced a controversial report accusing both Palestinian militants and Israeli Defense Forces of war crimes and possible crimes against humanity, and recommended bringing those responsible to justice.[49] In January 2010, the Israeli government released a response criticizing the Goldstone Report and disputing its findings.[50]On April 1st, 2011, Judge Goldstone expressed regret for his accusations against Israel in the Goldstone Report, expressing in a Washington Post Op-Ed that “civilians were not intentionally targeted [by Israelis] as a matter of policy… Hamas rockets were purposefully and indiscriminately aimed at civilian targets.”[51] Following the war, Hamas acknowledged the deaths of only 48 of its fighters. However, in November 2010, Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hammad acknowledged that as many as 700 fighters belonging to Hamas, affiliated factions and security personnel were killed. His admission was consistent with Israeli estimates of at least 709 โ€œterror operativesโ€ killed during the operation.[52][53]

    Terror operatives. Who are they?

    If youโ€™re going to point the fingers inbred, make sure youโ€™re pointing in the right direction.

    Here’s a day by day account. Your beloved looks tarnished to me. You be the judge.

  149. I’ll quickly say the premise of this is absurd.

    You aren’t paying attention to it, but before this happened, there have been churches and Christians attacked by Muslims for months now. Why? Because they’re Christian and not Muslim.

    You want to call Terry Jones intolerant? OK, hello pot, meet kettle…

  150. (Bloomberg) โ€” U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernankeโ€™s two-year fight to shield crisis-squeezed banks from the stigma of revealing their public loans protected a lender to local governments in Belgium, a Japanese fishing-cooperative financier and a company part-owned by the Central Bank of Libya.

    Dexia SA (DEXB), based in Brussels and Paris, borrowed as much as $33.5 billion through its New York branch from the Fedโ€™s โ€œdiscount windowโ€ lending program, according to Fed documents released yesterday in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. Dublin-based Depfa Bank Plc, taken over in 2007 by a German real-estate lender later seized by the German government, drew $24.5 billion.

    The biggest borrowers from the 97-year-old discount window as the program reached its crisis-era peak were foreign banks, accounting for at least 70 percent of the $110.7 billion borrowed during the week in October 2008 when use of the program surged to a record. The disclosures may stoke a reexamination of the risks posed to U.S. taxpayers by the central bankโ€™s role in global financial markets.

    โ€œThe caricature of the Fed is that it was shoveling money to big New York banks and a bunch of foreigners, and that is not conducive to its long-run reputation,โ€ said Vincent Reinhart, the Fedโ€™s director of monetary affairs from 2001 to 2007.

  151. All I can say G, is based on that last video, it’s gonna be an interesting campaign season.

    Question is … WHEN is one of your boys gonna step forward? Why are all the GOPhers so shy? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  152. Perhaps GOPhers are so shy because right now there’s bigger fish to fry.

    Like trying to save America from Obama’s abysmal economic record, American-weakening military strategy, confused and dangerously inept foreign policies, crushing debt, burgeoning inflation, corrupt legal posturing with racist crook for Attorney General, union appeasing, voter buying, campaign stumping, private business strangling, whitey hating, canned teleprompter speaking.

    When is Obama going to stand in front of the Styrofoam Greek columns again, with a crown on his head? That’s what I’m really looking forward to. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  153. Rutherford asks:
    Question is โ€ฆ WHEN is one of your boys gonna step forward? Why are all the GOPhers so shy?
    I think the candidates that are truly serious will be announced by fall. It isn’t shyness. Its about $,establishing the outsider profile and quite frankly timing timing timing.

    Gorilla asked:
    Why, no reason to. Do you think this stunt of announcing now helped him?
    Actually I think it does help him.If nothing else it ignites his base of email buddies, all 14 million of them. It got him on the headlines and it sets that dreaded tone of the incumbent President during war and budget issues being the better bet to stay than someone new.
    On the flip side it could be a rather bad case of premature elect-ulation given 2011-12 promising to be bad news

  154. It’s perfectly clear why Obama announced yesterday. Paying no heed to his cool bravado act, Obama is a weakened President and he knows it.

    The longer Obama waited, the more likelihood that he is met with a challenger for the Dimocratic nomination. And if that were to happen, Obama can kiss his ass goodbye.

    That last sentence sends a tingle up my leg. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  155. It sets the tone alright.

    ~ A President whoโ€™s unprecedented spending in the face of continued economic hardship for millions of Americans still out of work has lead to billions in monthly deficits and trillions in annual deficits.

    ~ A President more focused on getting reelected instead of explaining why we are getting ever deeper in a civil war in Libya by picking the side that may be helping al-Qaida.

    ~ Iraq and Afghanistan have not gone away.

    ~ Obamacare being crammed down our throat, and now weโ€™ll have him touting how wonderful it is in the face of growing opposition, Unconstitutional rulings and increased evidence of exceeding costs and diminished healthcare returns.

    Itโ€™s obvious that heโ€™s going to run again and itโ€™s just as obvious that heโ€™ll be the Dem nominee, so why announce now, almost two years before the election and before a challenger come forward? The optics are all wrong, or more accurately, display that this President is and has ever been more interested in power than helping the American people.

    He has also firmly planted the lightning rod for the Tea Party and every 527 out there. There was nothing to rally against, per se, for the next 6 months or so. Not anymore- he just ensured that every opposition group had a purpose for the summer and a reason to rally the troops in protest to the Administration.

    Nope, it doesnโ€™t serve the people or his party to announce now- in the middle of conflict and economic hardship- since he doesnโ€™t have to. All it serves is his egoโ€ฆ

  156. I hate to play both sides but I think Alfie and G both have good arguments here. On the one hand, it’s never too early to get your base fired up. On the other hand, now that he’s thrown his hat back in the ring, it will truly be open season on Obama more than ever before, as that Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee video illustrated.

    G … almost two years before the election? A year and a half dude and in 2007 lots of folks were in the race by now.

  157. “Question is โ€ฆ WHEN is one of your boys gonna step forward?”

    Maybe after they do the budget work democrats refused to do when they were supposed to.

    Looks like they will have some time to think about it, as Obama has decided the government can go ahead and be shut down. More time for golf, that way.

  158. Re 181, Bigger fish is right. Like taking down the rest of this country and any remaining bastions of freedom. Privatize it, baby. That’s your answer. Turn the rest over to business. Businesses like GE and Bank of America that paid zero taxes last year, yet made record profits.

    And you still actually believe the POTUS makes real decisions. Like military tribunals for Gitmo retainees, continuing our war posture abroad, playing patty cake with the bankers and wall street. You actually think these are his choices. Wake up and smell the fascism!

    Re 182, What a bunch of hooey! Pie in the sky fantasy land…

    “We will cut spending”
    “path to prosperity”
    “cut health and retirement programs”

    Just say the right words and our problems magicly disappear. Doesn’t work for the left, doesn’t work for the right. You think eliminating the health and retirement benefits of all those that have served in the armed forces is going to float? I’m glad you are willing to sacrifice yours G, but I don’t think it will go over too well with others. Cops and firemen aren’t going to like it either. Who gives a shit, right? As long as we can stroke ourselves.

    How about we audit the FED and find out where all the money we are obligated to pay back has gone over the past 100 years? How about some accountability in the armed services and with all the government contracts? How about making these huge multi-national businesses pay in the taxes they have been dodging with the help of their legal advisors and neocon puppets?

    This country is really fucked and the GOP’s answer is just roll over and let them finish the job. We are fast becoming a second third world nation. Going down, Mr. Tyler?

    But let’s all waste our time and play politics. Politics is news afterall, and sooooo important. It’s the left’s fault. No, it’s the right’s fault. No it’s definitely the left’s. No it’s for sure the right’s. Left. Right. Left, right. There’s your rock ’em sock ’em robots, dingy.

    We’re fucked, maaaan. Kiss the once great USA goodbye. We’re in free fall, baby. They have taken the supports right out from under us. Sneaky bastards. Got us all distracted with American Gladiators and playing tiddlywinks.

  159. “Grab on to that 3rd rail regressives”

    We’d love to let that rail go. Unfortunately, democrats were irresponsible in meeting their obligations 7 months ago, and decided to pass their job onto others.

    I say screw it. Bring on the shutdown. In fact, let’s not pass a budget for next year, either. Let’s continually force Obama’s veto pen until the country sees exactly which party is the party of “no” these days. Let’s let President Obama explain in a debate why the government has been shut down.

    Poolman, are you feeling a bit schitzo this morning? You comment the GOP is who is sending us into 3rd World status, and then follow that up with a condemnation of both sides pointing fingers about who’s to blame.

  160. Speaking of muzzle, some one slap the hood back on Al-Poolman.

    Hey Grand Wizard, FYI – GE and Bank of America are Obama’s bankroll pals, and Jeffrey Immelt the GE Chairman is Obama’s Jobs Chairman.

    Take that horseshit to Fat Grannies where you can sit around and masturbate with the rest of the rubes and sound like you know something.

  161. Does anyone figure that Yeller has a clue to how electricity is created? Where he lives, you can plug in the electric car and rail with the charge powered by the coal plant.

    That’s not schizoid – that’s mindnumbingly stupidity. But then again, it’s Dawg so that is to be expected.

  162. Here Dawg Shit. Try to absorb this factoid and remember, one voltaic cell might be able to power your lamp. If technology had been left to fools like you, we might have invented the bucket my now to retrieve water from the beaver pond.

    The nation’s fleet of over 100 coal plants is responsible for 57 percent of the electricity generated in the U.S., more than any other single electricity fuel source.

  163. Obama on the budget: “It could have been done 3 months ago. It could have been done 2 months ago. It could have been done last month.”

    He failed to mention that it also could have been done 7 months ago, and, in fact, should have been done 7 months ago.

    Rutherford…dog…would either of you care to answer why democrats did not pass a budget when they should have? Our leader doesn’t seem to want to discuss it. Maybe one of you has more balls?

  164. Huck, re 194. I am not a party to the left or the right. Neocons are on both sides of the aisle. The GOP is just a more cohesive unit and can therefore run us altogether over the cliff much faster.

    GI, re 195, that’s right… keep playing the party politic game. Go ahead and colllect your 200 dollars as you pass go again. Remember your lines:
    Democrats bad.
    Republicans good.
    Democrats evil.
    Republicans good.

  165. “The GOP is just a more cohesive unit and can therefore run us altogether over the cliff much faster.”

    Well we already know that when democrats don’t have cohesion they find other ways to force-feed their legislation, so I am going to have to call bullshit on your claim.

    “Remember your lines…”

    They don’t seem a whole lot different than your lines, Poolman.

    Democrats bad.
    Republicans worse.

  166. I notice that candidate Obama seems to have more time to address Americans than President Obama has managed to find lately.

    We bombed Libya for days before he bothered to say anything to us about it. But the risk of a shutdown?…that requires immediate response. After all, we wouldn’t want this impending crisis to be wasted, now would we?

  167. I see nobody pulled the “hood” yet.

    Poolman, this is not party politics. It’s called facts, something you’re unfamiliar. Jeffrey Immelt is the failed CEO of the biggest, most corrupt boondoggle of a company in America, and was nominated as Obama’s Jobs Chairman.

    That’s right. The Job’s Chairman hand picked by your chosen leader. And under Jeffrey’s watchful eye, GE’s stock price has dropped almost 40%.

    I can see where Obama would favor him. Birds of a feather…


    If facts bother you Wizard, you ought to rethink your position here and rejoin the other brain dead minnows, militant atheists and abortion providers at Fat Grannies in the daily mutual masturbation scheme, where you would be more than welcome, even encouraged to lie and twist the truth.

    If that is not appealing, there is always the abortion providing hens at Chatty Kitchen, where you could be one of the “girls” again. There, you could link to more White Supremacist and Hamas sites with glee, and the other rubes would bark like seals with approval. You could actually be one of the leaders of the lemming pack, goosestepping over the cliff.

    If you want to feel manly, join up with Jumping Jimmy Wright and his Indiana Jones hat. He’s right their at your mental acuity, and welcomes ‘psychophants’ like you to suck his cock, while he tells you of his glory days as hardass and killer. I hope you swallow.

  168. I have found the way to get dog to STFU. Just ask him his opinion on our intervention in Libya or the budget that wasn’t passed last year.

  169. I have found the way to get dog to STFU. Just ask him his opinion on our intervention in Libya or the budget that wasnโ€™t passed last year.

    {chuckle} Yes, I noticed while visiting Alfie, Yeller had accused you Huck of improper “framing.” That’s a word Yeller heard on MSNBC this morning, though he didn’t quite use it correctly. Close…


    I’ve got an even more bullet proof way to get the Yeller Dawg to leave for extended periods of time. Guaranteed results.

    Yeller claims to have a PHD in the Physical Chemistry, or something there abouts – it’s never quite clear exactly what the Doctorate is in – but it is definitely chemistry something…

    So I just ask Yeller a basic chemistry question and help on my homework. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The dosage of reality generally works for about 2-3 weeks, but sometimes if there’s really bad news for Obama, immunity can last for up to a month.


    Speaking of Kristian terrorists….
    “The LRA began its attacks against the Ugandan government over 20 years ago. Their goal is to establish a state based on the Ten Commandments and traditional Acholi beliefs. They initially operated only in Uganda but have now spread to neighboring countries, Sudan, Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

    The LRA is accused of widespread atrocities, including murder, abduction, mutilation, raping, and forcing children to participate in atrocities. One the LRA most noteworthy massacres occurred in December 2009 in the DRC, where they killed at least 321 civilians and abducted 250 children and young adults. Also, this monthโ€™s raping of nearly 150 women and children in the DRC is also probably the work of the LRA.”

  171. The LRA’s ideology is disputed amongst academics. While most academics and media outlets Libs regard LRA as primarily a Christian militia, the LRA reportedly evokes Acholi nationalism on occasion, but the sincerity of this behavior is considered dubious by some observers. During its brief alliance with the Muslim country of Sudan it also claimed to be Islamic as well, an apparent contradiction.

    Robert Gersony, in a report funded by United States Embassy in Kampala in 1997, concluded that “the LRA has no political program or ideology, at least none that the local population has heard or can understand (sounds like Yeller’s religion).” The International Crisis Group has stated that “the LRA is not motivated by any identifiable political agenda, and its military strategy and tactics reflect this.”

    IRIN comments that “the LRA remains one of the least understood rebel movements in the world, and its ideology, as far as it has one, is difficult to understand (Yeller’s religion).” UPDF Lt. Col. Shaban Bantariza has said that “you can’t tell whether they want political power. Its only aim is to terrorize and brutalize the civilian population and to loot their homes.”

  172. Poolman, this is not party politics. Itโ€™s called facts, something youโ€™re unfamiliar.

    These are facts:

    The economy sucks, bankers caused it.
    The Neocon agenda is our foreign policy.
    National Defense now means global policing.
    Corporations have the best representation in the USA.
    Money beats justice, the more the greater than the law it is.
    China, a non Christian nation, owns us and kicks our ass.
    The institution of the family is sufficiently incapacitated.
    Consumerism consumes our conscious existence.
    884 million people lack access to safe water
    Nothing is built to last anymore.
    Internet porn is everywhere.

    Party politics is thinking politics can fix anything.
    No one is addressing the facts or solving the evils that exist. They’re both too busy pointing fingers and posturing, keeping goons like you lit and ready to fight any shadow they put on your wall.

  173. Well we already know that when democrats donโ€™t have cohesion they find other ways to force-feed their legislation, so I am going to have to call bullshit on your claim.

    They don’t all salivate at the sound of a bell, no, but eventually they follow the script. Business writes all this legislation for them, anyway. They just have to sell it. Some are better salesmen than others. From my experience, the best salesmen make you feel like you’re doing them a favor.

    They donโ€™t seem a whole lot different than your lines, Poolman.

    Democrats Politicians bad.
    Republicans Politics worse.

    Occassionally you’ll get someone in there with honest intentions that isn’t a salesman, but he/she usually doesn’t last long. They either neutralize them or get rid of them by other means. There’s not many mavericks in politics anymore.

  174. Contrast Liberal thought vs. Conservative Thought

    The economy sucks, bankers caused it.
    With plenty of assistance from the SEC and millions of people who were under the illusion that home prices would continue to escalate – some victim of circumstance; some who refuse to admit their own negligence in overextending their credit.

    The Neocon agenda is our foreign policy.
    Defined as reformed NeoCon, Obama doubles down on the Bush Doctrine which he campaigned against two years earlier.

    National Defense now means global policing.
    U.S. defense is the strongest, best trained, most generous in the world and continues to protect our families, our civilization, and our way of life, while providing humanitarian assistance all over the globe.

    Corporations have the best representation in the USA.
    U.S. Corporations continue to operate under the most regulated nation, with the added burden of the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. Many have been forced to move their business elsewhere.

    China, a non Christian nation, owns us and kicks our ass.
    China is an emerging market that owns 1.1 Trillion of U.S. securities, holding approximately 7% of America’s total securities, and is the 2nd largest economy in the world. China’s economy per GDP is approximately 30% the size of America’s, but China has four times as many people, thereby a per capita income of approximately 10% in comparison to the average per capita U.S household income.

    The institution of the family is sufficiently incapacitated.
    Conservatives believe in traditional family, and not it takes a village, Heather has two Mommies, and marriage is what one defines marriage to be.

    884 million people lack access to safe water
    America has some the safest plentiful drinking water in the world, helping it to become the bread basket to all the earth.

    I am Conservative and I actually love America with all of its freedoms, and am grateful to live here, even with all of its problems. I have a choice to live where I wish, and that choice is America.

  175. “The introduction of the anti-homosexual bill in 2009 followed a conference in Kampala that was attended by American activists who consider same-gender relationships sinful. The U.S. evangelicals believe gays and lesbians can become heterosexual through prayer and counseling. Some gay Ugandans still resent that American intervention.”

    Thanks to “The Family” at “C Street’ full of “Kristian” Congresscritters.

    Kristian Hate….

  176. With plenty of assistance from the SEC and millions of people who were under the illusion that home prices would continue to escalate โ€“ some victim of circumstance; some who refuse to admit their own negligence in overextending their credit.

    Bank enabled bubble and bust due to deregulation. Bankers playing the banking game, profitting and getting bailed out – still – they are still calling the shots. They were not the ones taking risks. This is not a liberal or conservative issue. If you want to lean it one way, blame those in office when the greatest deregulation happened. All that regulation was enacted after they did this during the great depression. It worked to curtail boom and bust for almost 50 years.

    Defined as reformed NeoCon, Obama doubles down on the Bush Doctrine which he campaigned against two years earlier.

    Same agenda, different name, a few different faces. Just different PR firms. This is a global stance that has been passed from administration to administration, and really goes back for centuries. Again, not a liberal or conservative issue.

    U.S. defense is the strongest, best trained, most generous in the world and continues to protect our families, our civilization, and our way of life, while providing humanitarian assistance all over the globe.

    Blah, blah, blah… it still is way beyond the founding tenets of our republic, and definitely defies conservative thought or liberal reach. Our front line is automated drones programmed for assassination. Whose idea was that?

    U.S. Corporations continue to operate under the most regulated nation, with the added burden of the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. Many have been forced to move their business elsewhere.

    Oh puleeze! How many paid in their fair share of those taxes. Those poor corporations. Nooobody loves it. Boo hoo. Did we have to reduce some executive bonuses? How many corporate lawyers wrote those regulations to begin with? I see how well that worked with BP and Transocean… This is really priceless. ๐Ÿ˜† This is a corruption issue, not a partisan one.

    Conservatives believe in traditional family, and not it takes a village, Heather has two Mommies, and marriage is what one defines marriage to be.

    Conservatives talk a good family game. Especially now that they have aligned with the Evangelicals. However, the facts don’t support conservative households as more cohesive or healthier than liberal ones. Both are burning the candle at both ends trying to pay bills and raise children. And we all have seen how moral the political conservatives really are over the past few decades. ๐Ÿ™„

    America has some the safest plentiful drinking water in the world, helping it to become the bread basket to all the earth.

    We’ve poisoned much of it with fertilizers and industrial waste. Now fracking is affecting the water supplies in some places. Pharmaceuticals have made their way into the drinking supplies. For instance, the groundwater here in Arizona is toxic thanks to companies like Motorola, Honeywell, and Raytheon. Again this is not a partisan issue.

    I have a choice to live where I wish, and that choice is America.

    America is the country I was born in and love. I am disappointed in what it has become. It seems we have lost our way. Looking back, I think it has all been by design.

  177. Poolman, you’re a failure as a small business owner that wants to preach to us about corporation regulation and taxes? Macroeconomics? You? The same bohunk that doesn’t even have the sense to file income taxes and gleans information from Simpson cartoons? Yuck Yuck. That’s rich. If I didn’t know you were dead serious, I’d think that a punch line in a comedy routine. I think the reason you like the Simpson cartoon is you see yourself as Homer. So do I.

    Virtually everything you answered is either subjective, conjecture or flat out wrong. But I’m not going to bother debating with a dumbass and a loser. You’re a waste of time. I’m going to treat you like I treat Dawg, because you really don’t rate a response. You’re only purpose seems to find fault. In any other country on earth, you’d be dead. You ought to thank those support inbred like you, because you’re not capable of taking care of yourself or your family.

    But you keep posting shit like that and I’ll keep laughing at it. However, you really need to get over your personal pity party and self hatred – face it, you fucked up. You’re a rube. A lemming. A dolt.

    Doesn’t mean you have to continue to be unhappy.

  178. Good grief Poolman. Knight’s Templar, Skull & Cross Bones, Atlantis? Can’t you separate Hollywood from reality?

    Turn off the damn black and white 12″ with the stolen cable feed from your next door neighbor in the trailer park. You’ve been watching way too much History and SciFi channel.

    What next? Alien UFOs that built the pyramids and killed the Mayans?

    One day, you’re going to drop the bomb in my lap that you’re Rabbit’s alter ego, and you’ve been pulling my leg acting as stooge all along.

    Nobody can be this much of a tool and be lucid.

    P.S. – Beam me up Poolman! pssst…they really can’t do that.

  179. So, I recently switched to Scottrade. They did not approve me for options purchasing.

    I wouldn’t approve me either. ๐Ÿ™‚

    So, I’m taking this as a sign from God.

    No more.

    Besides, I was getting cold feet on that S&P put anyways.

    I think the Feds are going to keep buying treasury bonds. I don’t know if they will call it Quanative Easing or not.

    I bought 15 more Silver Eagles today.

    Hey Tex…explain comment 201 for a little more. The Bernank’s hot picks?

  180. Poolman,

    Blaming the banks solely for the melt down isn’t correct.

    The government almost had two diametrically opposed policies in place.

    For 30 years, the government was intervening in the market to make it easier for people to get mortgages. Over the same 30 years, the government went out of its way to allow banks to open a lawless casino.

    Throw in artificially low interest rates, China buying our debt like crazy and a population of soft Americans who felt entitled to a better house then the one they grew up in and BANG!

    If you are into finding the worst villains of the melt down, I actually think it was the ratings agencies. As far as I can tell, thats where the good old fashion fraud took place.

    The melt down doesn’t sicken me. The melt down made perfect sense.

    The terrible thing to come out of the melt down was the bail out and current Fed policy.

    The damn melt down would have fixed the melt down.

    There are laws on the books for bankruptcy.

    Moral hazard has infected America like a cancer. When we have sweat shops (I stole that from 60 Minutes) set up where major banks are paying high-school kids 10 bucks an hour to forge millions of documents to be used in a court of law, you know we’re in trouble.

    We are supposed to be bound to one another by laws and convents.

    Our response to the melt down is what gets the Rabbit and the softball revolutionaries so riled up.

    So for the record, I don’t player hate. I didn’t even hate the game.

    But, the rules of the game changing in the 5th inning?

    Some players suddenly can’t strike out?

    Mean while the box score reflects the runs we expect to get 40 years from now?

    That aint baseball.

  181. You’re only purpose seems to find fault.

    Just out of curiosity Tex, why doesn’t Rabbit rate this response? Lord knows he’s been big time gloom and doom lately.

  182. Hey Rabbit, FWIW, I used Scottrade for my long term holdings back in the day. I used Zecco for my short term active trading because they had zero commission at the time. They just eliminated that, making them not much better than any other brokerage. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  183. We are supposed to be bound to one another by laws and convents.

    Sorry, but that cracked the heathen part of me up big time. I assume you meant covenants.

  184. I attended an online summit today on green initiatives and I’ve got a news flash for you folks. The number one reason this country is not making progress environmentally is that consumers are a bunch of selfish spoiled bastards.

    One of the panelists discussed the Nissan Leaf, a 100% electric car. She talked about the ad campaign where a guy gets a hug from a polar bear (see vid below) for being so environmentally aware. Then she dropped the statistical bomb. That commercial moved the needle for only 6% of the viewing audience, i.e. only 6% of consumers buy a product primarily for its environmental benefits. Then nasty stat #2: A full 23% of consumers are turned OFF by an environmental message and WON’T buy a product that is pitched that way.

    So Poolman you can kiss your clean air and water goodbye and its not just because of the big bad corporations. It’s because your neighbors don’t give a flying f*ck so long as they can have their comfort and conveniences.

  185. Rutherford, if Obama is telling us employment is improving….and to some extent taking credit for it… this chart his too?

  186. The entire world glued to the comments of one man…..Ben Bernanke. Don’t you love Capitalism?

    It’s surreal. Will the government again make billions of dollars out of thin air via keyboard and loan it to its self or not? That is the question.

    My guess is that the Bernank lets QE2 run out. The markets take a major hit. And then, to stabilize things nicely for the last year of Obama’s campaign (and his bank buddies)….QE3.

    As much as I complain….it doesn’t hurt me. I’ve done nothing but profit off this stuff. I don’t have any savings. As for the housing debacle, I really can’t play the victim anymore because I told Fanny Mae to suck my Barny Frank.

    Yeah…I felt guilty about it and came crawling back once it became apparent I could swing it….but they couldn’t handle the paper work.

    I’m now one of the bad guys.

    It’s all the people who played by the rules. All those people who saved. They have been screwed time and time again. It’s everything that is great about America that is being defiled.

    Rutherford….this has NEVER been done before in America. NEVER. But you Obama-philes don’t like talking about it. Don’t worry…..most people who call call themselves Capitalists don’t either. It’s just to uncomfortable for everybody.

  187. Rutherford, Rutherford….

    The reason people aren’t interested in some of these hybrids and electrics isn’t because they aren’t environmentally conscious. It’s because the damn things in many instances cost $15-20K more than the base gas models. Look at Volt by GM. Charge for eight hours, goes 30 miles on the battery, cost $41K.

    About 2-3 years ago, when I was car shopping, I took a look at what I consider a much better alternative than electric – an NGL car; far more practical than electric, a real substitute for gasoline, or at least it could be.

    There were several reasons I didn’t even test drive it, basically because I was replacing my wife’s main vehicle, so I purchased the fancy V6 Accord, which was about the same price as the NGL Civic.

    But almost everyone of these alternative vehicles has some real shortcoming. Where do I fill up an NGL car? At the city bus station? What do I do if I’m on the road?

    The electric cars aren’t practical for more than a short trip to the grocery store, before they become gasoline again. That’s impractical and pretty much cost prohibitive to most.

    And like I mentioned this morning, in a way an electric car is a joke even if it would go a couple of hundred miles, because the electric produced at power plant is most likely produced by burning coal to charge the battery.

    There’s a possibility it might help wean us from gasoline, but I can see mass electric car sales ironically making the environment worse.

    Besides, the air in America is far cleaner than it was 40 years ago, we have no shortage of potable drinking water. It’s a ruse…

    You’re smarter than that.

  188. If there is QE3, take notice about a week before its announced. Just like QE2, the big boys will be in the know before the rest of us.

    Since the Fed, Obama’s administration and the Banks are one big orgy of incest, think how easy it would be to make some MASSIVE cash.

    Do you think the big dogs buy up mortgage backed securities or treasuries a week before the Fed artificially drives the price of them up?

    Would it even be considered insider trading? Would it be illegal for your buddy to be in with the Bennank and then for him to tell you the Bernank is going to print?

    Adam Smith is rolling over in his grave.

  189. Rabbit, that graph you provided kind of takes a wet bite out of Obama ass and his claim about things getting rosier, doesn’t it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Do you realize that we now have almost 1 in 6 people on food stamps in America? This is madness…

  190. Actually Rabbit, I thought one of the best suggestions I ever read, though you didn’t mean it to be a suggestion, was your very first post at Chen’s. Do you still have that cycle getting 65mpg?

  191. The entire world glued to the comments of one man…..Ben Bernanke. Don’t you love Capitalism?

    That used to be Alan Greenspan. In fact it used to piss me off. Greenspan could say one negative thing and the market would tank that day.

  192. “That used to be Alan Greenspan.”

    Yeah…but at least back in the good old days it was just interest rates.

  193. “We are supposed to be bound to one another by laws and convents.”-Rabbit

    LOL. Thats why someone smarter then me needs to take up my cause.

  194. That used to be Alan Greenspan. In fact it used to piss me off. Greenspan could say one negative thing and the market would tank that day.

    Me too. That should have been our first hint the market was rigged. I simply don’t trust these power brokers on Wall Street anymore.

    Six months of gains wiped out in two days, then it creeps up a little higher than the previous high, another precipitous drop, then creep…

    Don’t tell me a handful of people aren’t pulling the strings.

  195. Hey…you guys are older then me. I always think of the drama filled Fed announcements starting with Greenspan.

    But….was it always like that? It must have been.

    i have no doubt that a good chunk of my recent outrage is from merely learning more about what has always gone on.

    The Ron Paul people want to eliminate the Fed and tie money to gold. I can’t see how that wouldn’t be deflationary. Am I wrong?

    I am too ignorant to even make the call if we need a Fed or not.

  196. Rutherford owns a Beamer and Mercedes. Really – he’s a rich bastard that pulls our strings like Greenspan. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ll bet this blog is a front for all of us tools to sucker us in to scam us out of our meager holdings.

    Rutherford is Wall Street. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  197. . This means, perhaps โ€ฆ just perhaps โ€ฆ that the burning of a Bible or a Koran or the Book of Mormon or the Torah, should be defined as a hate crime

    Congratulations. You just stopped me from reading any further. You need to read my latest. You won’t like it, but much like Senator Dummy Graham, you wrestle with the consequences of what you have wrought.

  198. Rabbit, I’m not economist but I have never been impressed with Alan Greenspan. Bernacke is worse. Hell, Greenspan is married to that Andrea Mitchell MSNBC hack.

    That ought to tell you he’s a damn commie LIb.

    I’m not sure how history judges Paul Volcker, but as a personal opinion, he was a hell of a lot more capable than Greenspan. He made some pretty hard decisions during his term under Reagan that brought him personal heat, but he did bring inflation under control, even though we went through a recession I thought equally as deep as 2008 in 1981.

    But the recovery was much, much faster. Volcker bought the bullet and got the pain over with – we should have done the same in 2008 instead of prolonging the inevitable.

    I still think the 80s were the best decade I’ve experienced in my 50 years.

  199. Rutherford…..maybe me and you should quit worrying about all this stuff and work on getting into heaven.

  200. So, this is in my An Insult a Day calendar. Just had to share because I pretty much can’t stand Coffee Joe the RINO.

    Brzezinski ain’t the best foreign policy hand either. So to see him call out Joe on Joe’s show- priceless. And to think, Joe’s so desperate to hit his kid its transparent.

  201. That’s pretty interesting to watch Johnny Cash contrasted with Nine Inch Nails…. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I actually like them both, but should have watched Johnny first, as I was having trouble hearing all the words to Trent Reznor’s version.

  202. Rutherford……can you drive a car?

    Yup, but I’m real picky. A lot of cars can’t get my feet close enough to the pedals while still getting my head high enough to see where I’m driving (i.e. I’m very short). I learned to drive on a Pinto and that was nasty … multiple pillows and pedal extensions. German and Japanese cars seem to work well for me. So far I’ve owned Nissan’s, VW’s and Mercedes. I currently drive a 1998 Benz that I bought new way back when I was financially comfy. All I need for that is one cushion to lift me up a bit. I also drive my wife’s used BMW … also with a cushion to boost me a bit.

    Sorry if that’s too much info! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    P.S. I think my proudest day financially was when I walked into a VW dealer and bought a new Beetle for cash. Damn how the mighty have fallen! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  203. Rutherford is Wall Street. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    If only that were true! Rutherford just saw a CBS segment on guys 50 and over not able to find jobs. Made me so f*cking excited about my prospects.

    P.S. You know it might be even better if no money was coming in (like last year) but this year I’m making a bit of money … just not enough to save my ass. It’s almost like a tease — “here’s a little success for you but not enough to keep you from going over the waterfall.” ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  204. A Pinto? I never knew you were the daredevil type “R”. Sitting on an exploding tank, and everything!

    I actually learned to “drive” a stickshift on a 10,000lbs fork lift.

  205. Congratulations.

    LOL BiW man were you slow to shoot on this one. This post shouldn’t surprise you based on the comments I’ve already left on your Lindsey Graham post.

    In retrospect, I think I messed up on this post because I didn’t state my real conclusion …. Jones has every legal right to be an ass. I’d love if some way we could put him in a cell (padded or otherwise) but we’re better off with the 1st Amendment intact and that assh*le at large.

  206. Also a final point that came to me earlier but was cemented with your last comment R.
    Jones is already in a cell. He is bankrupt,leaving Gainesville and seeing his flock diminish in numbers.
    Take peace in knowing that people have faith,people of faith don’t align with him and even those that once did no longer do.

  207. I was just teasing you about the Wall Street and Mercedes part. Good on you for owning one. I figure a guy that graduates from college deserves at least one fancy car in his lifetime. As far as Wall Street, it may be the only item you and I close agreement. Greedy pigs, playing us for puppets, corrupt and incorrigible.

    <blockquote?If only that were true! Rutherford just saw a CBS segment on guys 50 and over not able to find jobs. Made me so f*cking excited about my prospects.

    I saw something like that on Yahoo this morning and thought about both you and me. That’s great. First, we’ve had to work for the Vietnam generation assholes our entire lives getting passed over, being screwed every step of the way, from bad bosses to man-hating bra burners to mergers and mass layoffs, and now we find out that in this particular economy, our age group of 45-54 is the one age bracket that is actually still losing jobs with little chance of employment.

    Guess I’ll spend the rest of my days on the R.L. blog. I know how much that honors you Mr. R. ๐Ÿ™‚

  208. Terry Jones and Fred Phelps are basically one and the same. Losers who I absolutely abhor both because they take my faith and pervert it, using it in name only for self-aggrandizement.

    There’s a special corner in hell for both I predict. They don’t even rate useful idiots – useless idiots more like.

  209. Tex, thanks for keeping me honest. I should have mentioned to Rabbit that I can’t drive a stick. Too much coordination needed with the clutch. Despite my inability, I am of the opinion you haven’t really driven a car until you’ve driven a stick. My Dad drove stick for the first time on a European vacation we took one summer. Hilarious.

    Yeah, I think we had ditched our Pinto prior to the famous exploding gas tank incidents. At one point my Dad owned a Toyota Corolla that would never start if you left it out in the rain. ๐Ÿ™‚ Imagine not being able to start your car after a hellish day working in BedStuy. Not pretty.

  210. Imagine not being able to start your car after a hellish day working in BedStuy. Not pretty.
    Not for nothing but aren’t you already on the plus side at the end of the day if your car in BedStuy is still where you parked it?

  211. Alfie. thanks … Der Speigel article was a good read. In fact, Tex and I have had that very argument about the “truth” right here in this thread.

  212. Guess I’ll spend the rest of my days on the R.L. blog. I know how much that honors you Mr. R. ๐Ÿ™‚

    You’ll only be here so long as I have an electric outlet in which to plug my laptop. From what I hear, they don’t hook cardboard boxes up to electricity nowadays. ๐Ÿ˜

  213. Here’s one thing I can practically guarantee you Dawg,

    Speaking of Kristain crackpots and murderers. Inhofe, Robertson, C streeters and moreโ€ฆ..

    Whomever the phonies Kristians you speak, you’re going to be spending an eternity with them. You think about that Dr. when you close your eyes at night.

  214. Der Spiegel is wrong. I don’t know Alfie’s personal opinions, but I will tell Rutherford flat out that if there is no absolute truth, Jesus was a liar and there is no basis in Christian theology.

    I don’t burn a Koran not because I believe in absolute truth as I do, but because it is clearly incendiary and the intention is the deepest of insult. Christ most certainly would not approve.

    Christ didn’t burn the laws of Rome and He told us clearly render into Caesar’s. While I don’ t see that as acceptance of multiculturalism and moral relativity, I do see it as a command that an effective witness does not first provoke those being witnessed to with the greatest of insult.

    If that makes me an extremist Rutherford, so be it.

  215. Meant to add this much earlier. I offered the Der Speigel piece not as some indication of my religious beliefs but to share an international perspective. I’m glad that on whatever merits the various readers viewed the piece it was received.

  216. FIrst of all I don’t affiliate myself with any religion. you can burn a bible or a koran and its of no concearn to me, but when Islams start threatening Americans as a whole because of the actions of one weirdo, I’m not having it. Terry Jones didn’t kill anyone. Some crazy Islams killed people. Your going to threaten me because some guy in another state burned a book. Bring it on.

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