The Age of the Nutjob Candidate

What do the three folks pictured above all have in common? Bingo … they are all batsh*t crazy! Now imagine our Congress and Governor’s mansions occupied by carbon copies of these lunatics. Could never happen in America you say. Well, if the November elections go the way conservatives want them to, you would be wrong. Ignore for the moment the policy related insanity of Rand Paul who questions civil rights legislation, or Sharron Angle who thinks “2nd Amendment” solutions to our problems might be on the way. In 2010, they are the sane ones.

Last night Rachel Maddow featured a segment that if it were not so side-splittingly funny would have been truly horrific. These four candidates are either just plain silly or suffer from dangerous delusions of grandeur. Either way you slice it, they’re unfit for office.

  • Christine O’Donnell, GOP candidate for Senator from Delaware claims that her participation in various social advocacy groups gave her access to classified information that warns of China’s secret plan to take over the US. We shouldn’t be fooled by any friendly gestures. They all have ulterior motives!
  • Carl “I’ll take you out” Paladino claims he was used as a hostage negotiator at Kent State in the 70’s. Carl is running for New York State Governor.
  • Dan Maes, the GOP candidate for Governor of Colorado, says he was a mole for the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. Guess what? He wasn’t.
  • Florida GOP Congressional candidate Allen West claims his army security access was higher than that of the President of the United States. If they’re telling stuff to Allen that they’re not sharing with the Commander-in-Chief, we should be afraid …. very afraid!

It is not liberal snobbery to say we have a dumbed down electorate. We are not talking about primaries here folks. We are talking about people who are one election away from running their respective states or running our country. Can conservatives be so disgusted with the current state of affairs that they would turn to just anyone as an alternative?

In another month, we shall see who prevails. In the meantime, I give you the GOP candidate for US Senator from the great state of  Connecticut, a woman seen on video kicking a man in the crotch in front of a screaming audience: the one and only Linda McMahon.

Rutherford Political Blogger Alliance

250 thoughts on “The Age of the Nutjob Candidate

  1. Not even one admission that maybe the failure of the last two years are influencing the electorate?

    And I thought the Americans were collectively so astute in electing The One? What was it, gone the way of the Whigs?

    Your balls are going to kicked much harder in November.

  2. Rabbit,

    Are you as surprised as I am that it took this long for Rutherford to become apoplectic? I guess panic and reality are starting to set in and now Rutherford will be forced to ratchet it up a couple of notches. 🙂

    These libs come in two flavors – on one side, you’ve got the duplicitous Rutherford and you’ll note he picked the “black” Republican as one of the loons. Blacks are much like self-loathing Jews; they reserve their greatest scorn for one of their own who don’t buy the lib mantra. The you’ve got the insufferable Sandi types, who believe if they can cheer lead and fudge the numbers about how they are coming on strong, everything will be okay.

    Surprisingly, Rutherford will handle his ass kicking better than Sandi. Assuming the results go as projected, and that’s a big if as nobody pulls defeat from the jaws of victory better than Republicans, Rutherford will resign himself to the fact he picked a nag and move forward. I predict this Sandi will go into a deep depression, and the American hating will become even more actute.

  3. Is McMahon that one didn’t lie about her Vietnam service?


    Yeah, but you know how people forget about things like that. I mean, who couldn’t get something like being shipped to the meat grinder called ‘Nam confused with a trip to the grocery store. Like Hillary Rotten Clinton dodging the sniper fire and all on her trip across the tarmac. 🙄

    Never forget lying thru one’s teeth is a virtue in the book of Alinsky. And both Rutherford’s messiah (Bongo) and his spiritual guide (Saul A.) are/were masters.

  4. Well, I was going to say the following:

    “Without reading the comments I bet someone has already thrown up a picture of Obama and claimed it should be right there at the top of the page….”

    But i see there are only five comments so far…

    …but I bet someone will.

  5. So, Gorilla, are you seriously under the opinion that Democratic politicians are the only liars out there?

    Sheesh. All politicians lie. I would go so far as to claim that (sadly) nobody ever makes it very far in politics without lying – because your opponent WILL lie and will thus have a competitive advantage over you.

  6. I find this post a little whacked and by that I mean whacked out/crazy as opposed to what Paladino may apply whack to mean.
    I think I made my views clear on O’Donnell in my post. i think out of the others Rutherford lists here he is waaaaaayyyyy out of line with his comparisons.
    Of note Angle isn’t that bad.
    Maes is in the way of another sorta crazy guy but one that could actually serve as an executive of the state of CO.
    Paladino is a side show. At least someone is running against Cuomo II the Legacy. I’m glad Andy is ahead,it’ll get him out of the AG office where he is routinely overstepping the law.
    If Byrd can go to the Senate why can’t McMahon?
    West clarified his comment up to and including the biased hounds of PolitiFact. So even though his “pants are still on fire” per them on a whole he has run a good campaign and deserves a shot.
    This brings us to the comparison. Pure shock and schlock R. Karzai is inept but there is a very dynamic nature to the world he resides.
    Kimmie and Mo? Are you fucking kidding me? Dictators dude. I will say this though at least with Achamindingaling he is actually somewhat of an accomplished and competent political figure in the Iranian democracy context.

  7. You know how you libs seem “concerned” with the apparent lack of respect toward moderate Republicans like David Frum? How the measure of a Republican is how close he can get to liberalism without going off into the abyss? How Tex and BIC, Gorilla and Tigre told you that you’re full of s*** about the clout former Obama sycophants from the so called right were?

    Can any of you guys from the Left tell me how CNN could have possibly thought this was a good idea?

    CNN Parker-Spitzer had 454,000 viewers last night, came in 4th in cable news behind HLN…

    What has happened to the Clinton News Network? A featured new show with oodles of fanfare comes in behind airport TV? 😆

  8. Hey Rutherford,

    Can I get you to provide your insight to this comment?

    Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) appeared on Spanish-language television to warn her Orange County Hispanic constituents about her diabolic opponent, one Van Tran:

    “The Vietnamese and the Republicans are — with intensity — trying to take away this seat, this seat for which we have already done so much for our community. Taking this seat from us and giving ] it to this Van Tran, who’s very anti-immigrant and very anti-Hispanic.”

    Would this qualify as racism? 🙂 Does it qualify as a nutjob?

  9. Another Obama rube self-identifies:

    And this gets me back to Hippie’s link about agnostics and atheists knowing more about religion, and though it didn’t surprise me, it did concern me. How could this have happened? It’s embarrassing.

    And then I had a personal epiphany. So called Evangelicals casting a vote for Obama – it had to be!! Obama rubes, claiming to be Christians – YES! YES!. And I felt a wave of relief that like Hippie has stated – many people calling themselves Christian had indeed voted for Obama.

    And explained all along that anybody that would think Obama a Christian also wouldn’t know a damn thing about being a Christian, the Bible, religion, or anything else of significance. Obama Rubes!

    I feel so much better…

  10. Is McMahon that one didn’t lie about her Vietnam service?

    Oh puhleeeze Tigre. You’re as bad as “tingle up the leg” Chris Matthews. Get over it. Blumenthal has been all over the map about his service record … contradicting himself within the same speech. I think it’s fair to say he talks about his service in a sloppy way that is misleading. I understand why vets would be offended. Blumenthal has apologized,

    McMahon on the other hand exploits her steroid pumped “actors”. She’s a notch above Larry Flynt. I say if we’re gonna go down that road, let’s get a real pornographer in the race!

  11. So, Gorilla, are you seriously under the opinion that Democratic politicians are the only liars out there?” – HP

    Of course not, but lying is the only chance Dems have this cycle. I’m in VA11, Gerry Connolly, and he doesn’t even have the word Democrat on his mailers. He is the President of the Freshman class and is Pelosi’s pet rock, yet he is doing everything he can to distance himself from Obama and the Dems writ large.

    That’s lying…

  12. R, your comment doesn’t make sense. It’s okay to deliberatley lie about a sacrifice that you never made because an extremely succesful (yet truthful) performer did . . . what? Are you kidding me?

    I don’t get you sometimes. How do you feel about Ventura or Al Franken?

    If McMahon says she’s sorry, is it all cool? Will you support her?

  13. You know, showing people like that little Iranian Nazi and the North Korean mass murderer while comparing them to Americans running for office is just fucking stupid. And kind of boring. Hey R, at least skip the feigned outrage the next time you find some random Tea Party sign offensive.

    This post is a yawner.

  14. “Not even one admission that maybe the failure of the last two years are influencing the electorate?”

    Wow! After reading Rutherford’s post, THAT is the first reaction that comes to your mind? That it’s all OBAMA’S fault that Republican voters are nominating these candidates? THAT is truly “Obama Derangement Syndrome” – in spades!

    Did someone lie about Vietnam service? I think so. But who is Mark Kirk, and isn’t he running for something, somewhere?

    Come on, guys. As much as you hate Democrats, don’t these candidates worry you? Or embarrass you? Just a little? Or would admitting such a thing cause a tiny crack in your impenetrable stone wall?

    Or are you saying that Republicans have been nominating these people because they are the best and brightest available in opposition to whatever it is that you don’t like about Democratic governance?

  15. I call your Alvin Greene and raise you Christine O’Donnell. Where DID she get that classified information about China?

    “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” – Isaac Asimov

  16. The best way for Democrats to do well in this election is to tell the truth about what the Congress and Obama have done the past two years in the face of the most stubborn opposition imaginable.

    The record is pretty impressive – the exact opposite of Rabbit’s characterization of it as “the failure of the last two years.”

    We will fail in this election exactly to the extent that Democrats run away from their own record. Everything that has been achieved was what was promised during Obama’s impressively successful campaign – no surprises. We got SOME of what America voted for. The negatives of the past two years consist entirely of what has NOT been accomplished. Much of that is due to mindless Republican obstruction. But a lot of it is due to lack of Democratic cajones.

  17. Here’s the point of view of the RINOs at Frum Forum:

    O’Donnell concludes her ad by telling her fellow citizens, “I’m you.”

    The hell you are.

    Most Americans have a greater attachment to the labor force than O’Donnell has exhibited. Most Americans pay their bills on time. Most Americans are not perennial office seekers. Most Americans don’t sue their employers. And most Americans don’t exaggerate their academic pedigree.

    You must be so proud!

  18. Well as my Twitter stream reveals … I must confess that the “I’m you” campaign ad sent a tingle up my leg ala Rich Lowry. I saw starbursts and everything.

    Step aside Sarah … your replacement has arrived and she is the bewitching Christine O’Donnell! 🙂

  19. The record is pretty impressive – the exact opposite of Rabbit’s characterization of it as “the failure of the last two years.”

    So impressive that America has rejected Obama and his record in spades. The Hindenburg was impressive too when she went up in flames. Talk about embarrassing – from the party of Alan Grayson.

    You should run for office Graychin. Your type is about as popular in Oklahoma as well…Obama. 😈

  20. Yeah, by all means lets keep idiots in office, like the one who thinks too many people on an island will make it sink.

    The hard left direction the people running this country tried to take it is going to result in a hard right shift to try and correct the turn. And yeah, when we start electing some really dangerous wack jobs it’s going to be because of this progressive agenda you folks tried to force onto everyone.

  21. Most Americans have a greater attachment to the labor force than O’Donnell has exhibited. Most Americans pay their bills on time. Most Americans are not perennial office seekers. Most Americans don’t sue their employers. And most Americans don’t exaggerate their academic pedigree.” – Chin

    You’ve just excluded just about every Dem, especially Obama. Congratulations…

  22. HF, it wasn’t going to sink, it was going to flip over. You’re too simple minded to understand the nuances of the Dems…

  23. Get this around, so folks can see just what the wonderment of the last two years is about to bring us…

    Taxes, in waves.

    First Wave:

    Expiration of 2001 and 2003 Tax Relief

    In 2001 and 2003, the GOP Congress enacted several tax cuts for investors, small business owners, and families.

    These will all expire on January 1, 2011.

    Personal income tax rates will rise.

    The top income tax rate will rise from 35 to 39.6 percent (this is also the rate at which two-thirds of small business profits are taxed).

    The lowest rate will rise from 10 to 15 percent.

    All the rates in between will also rise.

    Itemized deductions and personal exemptions will again phase out, which has the same mathematical effect as higher marginal tax rates.

    The full list of marginal rate hikes is below:

    • The 10% bracket rises to an expanded 15%

    • The 25% bracket rises to 28%

    • The 28% bracket rises to 31%

    • The 33% bracket rises to 36%

    • The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%

    Higher taxes on marriage and family.

    The “marriage penalty” (narrower tax brackets for married couples) will return from the first dollar of income.

    The child tax credit will be cut in half from $1000 to $500 per child.

    The standard deduction will no longer be doubled for married couples relative to the single level.

    The dependent care and adoption tax credits will be cut.

    The return of the Death Tax.

    This year only, there is no death tax. (It’s a quirk!) For those dying on or after January 1 , 2011, there is a 55 percent
    top death tax rate on estates over $1 million. A person leaving behind two homes, a business, a retirement account , could easily pass along a death tax bill to their loved ones. Think of the farmers who don’t make much money, but their land, which they purchased years ago with after-tax dollars, is now worth a lot of money. Their children will have to sell the farm, which may be their livelihood, just to pay the estate tax if they don’t have the cash sitting around to pay the tax. Think about your own family’s assets. Maybe your family owns real estate, or a business that doesn’t make much money, but the building and equipment are worth $1 million. Upon their death, you can inherit the $1 million business tax free, but if they own a home, stock, cash worth $500K on top of the $1 million business, then you will owe the government $275,000 cash! That’s 55% of the value of the assets over $1 million! Do you have that kind of cash sitting around waiting to pay the estate tax?

    Higher tax rates on savers and investors.

    The capital gains tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 20 percent in 2011.

    The dividends tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 39.6 percent in 2011.

    These rates will rise another 3.8 percent in 2013.

    Second Wave:


    There are over twenty new or higher taxes in Obamacare. Several will first go into effect on January 1, 2011. They include:

    The “Medicine Cabinet Tax”

    Thanks to Obamacare, Americans will no longer be able to use health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or health reimbursement (HRA) pre-tax dollars to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines (except insulin).

    The “Special Needs Kids Tax”

    This provision of Obamacare imposes a cap on flexible spending accounts (FSAs) of $2500 (Currently, there is no federal government limit). There is one group of FSA owners for whom this new cap will be particularly cruel and onerous: parents of special needs children.

    There a re thousands of families with special needs children in the United States , and many of them use FSAs to pay for special needs education.

    Tuition rates at one leading school that teaches special needs children in Washington , D.C. ( NationalChild Research Center ) can easily exceed $14,000 per year.

    Under tax rules, FSA dollars can not be used to pay for this type of special n eeds education..

    The HSA (Health Savings Account) Withdrawal Tax Hike.

    This provision of Obamacare increases the additional tax on non-medical early withdrawals from an HSA from 10 to 20 percent, disadvantaging them relative to IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts, which remain at 10 percent.

    Third Wave:

    The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and Employer Tax Hikes

    When Americans prepare to file their tax returns in January of 2011, they’ll be in for a nasty surprise-the AMT won’t be held harmless, and many tax relief provisions will have expired.

    The major items include:

    The AMT will ensnare over 28 million families, up from 4 million last year.

    According to the left-leaning Tax Policy Center , Congress’ failure to index the AMT will lead to an explosion of AMT taxpaying families-rising from 4 million last year to 28.5 million. These families will have to calculate their tax burdens twice, and pay taxes at the higher level. The AMT was created in 1969 to ensnare a handful of taxpayers.

    Small business expensing will be slashed and 50% expensing will disappear.

    Small businesses can normally expense (rather than slowly-deduct, or “depreciate”) equipment purchases up to $250,000.

    This will be cut all the way down to $25,000. Larger businesses can currently expense half of their purchases of equipment.

    In January of 2011, all of it will have to be “depreciated.”

    Taxes will be raised on all types of businesses.

    There are literally scores of tax hikes on business that will take place. The biggest is the loss of the “research and experimentation tax credit,” but there are many, many others. Combining high marginal tax rates with the loss of this tax relief will cost jobs.

    Tax Benefits for Education and Teaching Reduced.

    The deduction for tuition and fees will not be available.

    Tax credits for education will be limited..

    Teachers will no longer be able to deduct classroom expenses.

    Coverdell Education Savings Accounts will be cut.

    Employer-provided educational assistance is curtailed.

    The student loan interest deduction will be disallowed for hundreds of thousands of families.

    Charitable Contributions from IRAs no longer allowed.

    Under current law, a retired person with an IRA can contribute up to $100,000 per year directly to a charity from their IRA.

    This contribution also counts toward an annual “required minimum distribution.” This ability will no longer be there.

    And worse yet?

    Now, your insurance will be INCOME on your W2’s!

    One of the surprises we’ll find come next year, is what follows – – a little “surprise” that 99% of us had no idea was included in the “new and improved” healthcare legislation . . . the dupes, er, dopes, who backed this administration will be astonished!

    Starting in 2011, (next year folks), your W-2 tax form sent by your employer will be increased to show the value of whatever health insurance you are given by the company. It does not matter if that’s a private concern or governmental body of some sort.

    If you’re retired? So what… your gross will go up by the amount of insurance you get.

    You will be required to pay taxes on a large sum of money that you have never seen. Take your tax form you just finished and see what $15,000 or $20,000 additional gross does to your tax debt. That’s what you’ll pay next year.

    For many, it also puts you into a new higher bracket so it’s even worse.

    This is how the government is going to buy insurance for the15% that don’t have insurance and it’s only part of the tax increases.

    Not believing this??? Here is a research of the summaries…..

    as modified by sec. 10901) Sec.9002 “requires employers to include in the W-2 form of each employee the aggregate cost of applicable employer sponsored group health coverage that is excludable from the employees gross income.”

  24. “Most Americans have a greater attachment to the labor force than O’Donnell has exhibited. Most Americans pay their bills on time. Most Americans are not perennial office seekers. Most Americans don’t sue their employers. And most Americans don’t exaggerate their academic pedigree.” – Chin

    For one moment, can sane people imagine what kind of hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty it takes to actually make this statement, as if this applies only to Christine O’Donnell? If most Americans paid their bills on time, we’d have no credit problems. Only a handful of Dims aren’t career politicians. What party is beholden to ambulance chasers, medical malpractice, and rule and perversion by judicial fiat? Graychin’s own hero, counselor and guide is a glaring example of an individual that has never held anything but a public service shill, and has not only obviously exaggerated his pedigree while letting his lackeys carry out the lie, but so ashamed of his credential, he hid it behind lock and key.

    There was a time I actually took Graychin seriously as opponent, even if I did think him wrong headed. Now he’s a laughingstock on par with Yeller Dawg, from his useless blog, to his stupid propaganda, to his mendacity.

  25. Tex – that was from FrumForum, not from me. Read more carefully before you attack me personally – your favorite tactic against this one-time “favorite opponent.”

    I just thought that y’all might like to see what sane conservatives have to say about what’s happening on your side of the spectrum. Your only defense is “Democrats are worse”?

    Not any more.

  26. when we start electing some really dangerous wack jobs it’s going to be because of this progressive agenda you folks tried to force onto everyone.

    So your party’s insanity is the fault of liberals. Oh that’s rich.

  27. This deserves its own post but I hope you conservatives and Tea Party sympathizers and Rick Santelli acolytes are proud of what your politics has wrought in Tennessee where the fire department let a man’s home burn to the ground because he didn’t pay his $75.00 fire fee.

    It’s nothing short of Lord of the Flies. Your obsession with sponges and moochers and hangers on will result in a country where we let our neighbors rot. Where no one gives a flying f*ck about anyone else.

    And your sort has the NERVE to call yourselves Christians. A bunch of f*cking self-centered hypocrites. 👿

  28. R, do you see any cause and effect in these candidates whatsoever? Seriously. Any? You think O’Donnel or McMahon are being taken seriously because the dems have done such a wonderful job?

    Quit yankin’ it to Olbermann. The laundry list of left whack-jobs ain’t short.

  29. And your simulated outrage over the fire in Tennessee?

    My father-in-law choked to death at my home almost a year ago to the day. It took 18 minutes — yes 18 fucking minutes — to be taken off hold and get an operator at 911 while I was trying to resuscitate. My wife had to run 7 blocks to the fire department to get help. He was brain dead by the time we got him to the hospital.

    Who’s politics do you think resulted in the funding problems blamed for that? Hint: I live in Atlanta.

  30. Tigre, I’m sorry about your father-in-law. It is truly horrible. Unless I misunderstood you, the EMT’s did not stand in front of your house and refuse to help your father-in-law because you neglected paying the “emergency fee” that got misplaced in your pile of mail.

    You have every right to be enraged by the inefficiency that led to your father-in-law’s death. But I am sure you would agree that he did not die due to government endorsed willful neglect.

  31. “But I am sure you would agree that he did not die due to government endorsed willful neglect.”

    You’re 100% wrong there.

  32. I dare anyone on this board to match me lib for GOPher on the crazy list. The best you can do is the dude who said Guam would capsize and Alvin Green. Otherwise, you’ve got nuthin’.

    Give it a shot … next to each name below, type the name of an equivalent lib whackjob:

    Christine O’Donnell
    Carl Paladino
    Allen West
    Dan Maes
    Rand Paul
    Sharron Angle
    Michele Bachmann (yes, she’s wacky as hell)

  33. Tigre, unacceptable hold time on 911 is passive neglect, not willful neglect. Firemen standing in front of a burning building and doing nothing is willful neglect. I’m sorry but there is a difference.

  34. Diverting municipal resources away from the tax base that funds them is willful. My property taxes are used to finance local “social programs” to degree that is breathtaking. In the last 7 years my property taxes have increased nearly 300% — (and no, the value of my home has not).

    We have towns/cities that have seceded from the county because of the redistributing. Take a guess what happened the quality of their emergency and municipal services.

    BTW, applying your passive v. active neglect distinction to your prior comment means that the conservatives and Tea Party sympathizers are guilty of “active ” neglect. That’s just too dumb (and dead wrong) to warrant meaningful discussion.

    You need to be angry about something else.

  35. Alan Grayson – Republican health care policy is “die quickly”
    Barbara Boxer – fussed at a general for calling her “Ma’am” instead of “Senator”
    Patti Murray – Consensus choice as dumbest US Senator – bin Laden is winning because he’s building schools and distributing food.
    Maurice Hinchey – frothing conspiracy theorist thinks every stupid thing democrats do a Karl Rove master plot.
    Debbie Stabenow – global warming causes volatility that she feels when flying.

    Nancy Pelosi
    Harry Reid
    Dick Durbin
    Barney Frank

    This is kind of fun. . .

  36. Pete “Government can do anything it wants” Stark

    Phil “I don’t care about the Constitution” Hare

    John “I get conjugal visits with my wife” Conyers

    And who was the Dem dimbulb who claimed the authority for the health care takeover was the “Good and Plentt clause”? I forget now…

  37. Rutherford, we should have seen this coming. Most of your regular commenters are people who consider Michelle Bachmann to be a moderate intellectual and the very essence of sane conservatism.

    I have yet to read any acknowledgment from your regulars that “New Christine” O’Donnell is anything more than an embarrassment to the Republican ticket. If I missed anything amidst the Ape’s long cut-and-paste rants, I’m sure someone will let me know.

    If any of those guys lived in Delaware, they would surely have voted for her.

  38. While we’re talking about sanity vs. batshit crazy, I want to bring up Dinesh D’Souza’s crazy article (in Forbes, no less) in which he says that Obama’s philosophies are best described as rooted in Kenyan anti-colonialism. In case you missed it, that’s code for Mau Mau. (We already knew that “Kenyan” is the new “conservative” code for the N-word.)

    Of course Newt Gingrich, that other leading Republican intellectual light picked up immediately on this creative new smear and piled on. Why is a disgraced has-been like Newt on my teevee so much? Why?

    Aren’t both of these guys batshit crazy? I guess not. It’s just me, playing the race card again – certainly not those two eminent scholars.

  39. Graychin, Yeller Dawg’s big brother…

    Tex – that was from FrumForum, not from me. Read more carefully before you attack me personally – your favorite tactic against this one-time “favorite opponent.”

    You post it, you agree with it. I’ll stick by my personal attack of you because it amuses me, since I believe you to be in the top 10 of the world’s largest identified turds, ranking somewhere between Bernie Madoff and Keith Olbermann. Your sane Conservative Frum isn’t a conservative – he’s a lib masquerading as Republican for invites to Washington dinner circles and phony as hell. No wonder you relate.

    But if you like, I’ll start using your favorite dishonest tactic and starting quoting Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson to represent liberals.

  40. Nancy Pelosi speaking about “The Word…” Maxine Water not knowing the word nationalize; Joe Biden anything; Dick Durban comparing the U.S. military to gulags. Rutherford ignoring my question about Loretta Sanchez and her racist quotes…

    But if you really want to compare the intellectualism of super majority states who practice liberalism, simply look at the balance sheets of California, Michigan, New York, and Rhode Island for starters. Then switch to big cities starting with Bongo’s stomping grounds of Chicago.

  41. G-chin, that’s because the “New Christine” O’Donnell is [nothing] more than an embarrassment to the democratic performance. I love that you and R refuse to see it for what it really is.

  42. Graychin and Rutherford are so desperate to find a smidgen of good news or material to attack, now they are really grasping for straws. It’s a bleak time for libs as there is absolutely no denying their abject failure, and with their weakness in character, this is the predictable outcome.

    Is O’Donnell a strong candidate? Heavens no. Neither was her lame opponent Castle, nor is her current opponent now. Is Joe Biden a strong candidate? ** GUFFAW ** If strength of character were the defining characteristic of a politician, there wouldn’t be a handful left. 95% of them have delusions of greatness. Only a handful are real patriots.

    What is important about a politician is how they vote and their dependability – and O’Donnell will cast the right vote a great majority of the time; Castle would not have – 44 years, and it was time to go.

    Not every candidate has to be Sir Winston Churchill or Ronald Reagan. It’s enough that they follow the conservative vote for me.

  43. While we’re talking about sanity vs. batshit crazy, I want to bring up Dinesh D’Souza’s crazy article (in Forbes, no less) in which he says that Obama’s philosophies are best described as rooted in Kenyan anti-colonialism. In case you missed it, that’s code for Mau Mau. (We already knew that “Kenyan” is the new “conservative” code for the N-word.)

    Aren’t both of these guys batshit crazy? I guess not. It’s just me, playing the race card again – certainly not those two eminent scholars.

    If you projected any harder, you’d burn your bulb out.

    Seriously, other than a modern-day leftie, I can’t think of anyone who tries harder to establish as fact the proposition that not saying something is actually saying it. And your proof? Pointing to a discussion of how race-relations in the past still colors the perceptions of one who was never a victim of it, as he recasts the world around him to react to a past that he never experienced, yet still believes himself a victim of as an example of the mythical “conservative” preoccupation with race.

    It isn’t conservatives who practice and endorse “the politics of identity”.

    It isn’t conservatives who fashion priviledge and exception into the law based on yesterday’s race relations.

    It isn’t conservatives who keep claiming that that everything their opponents say is actually a code word for or manifestation of some undying racist intent.

    It isn’t conservatives who view every criticism of their leaders as rooted in racism.

    It isn’t conservatism that is so desperate to shut off any dialogue or debate that they resort to automatically smearing their opponents with a baseless charge of “RACISM!!!!11!!!Eleventy!” that is intended to put the accused on the defensive, rather than letting an exchange of ideas occur.

    And it isn’t conservatism that pours over ever word uttered by their opponents and automatically filling in absent racist intentions to statements clearly made.


    Frankly, I’m not sure what the attraction is to see the world like a progressive/lefty. I certainly wouldn’t want to live in a world so divided by self-imposed segregation allong racial, ethnic, and gender lines. What a staid and depressing place, with every self-identified and labeled group going out of its way to make sure that they are getting what they believe they are entitled to, no matter the cost to others and society at large to ensure that they have it. I much prefer simply being an unhyphenated American.

  44. Gang, I give Graychin one thing. He is the only lib that visits this board consistently that I have yet to find a redeeming quality. I give him credit for his steadfastness to liberalism, as he never lets the guard down. He is a die hard.

    Tigre is reminded of an SNL skit. I’m reminded of a quote from one my favorite shows of all-time and the best western ever made – that would be Lonesome Dove. For those who have seen it, harken back to when Gus and Woodrow were forced to hang their friend Jake for falling in with a “bad bunch.” As old Texas Rangers, neither took pleasure in execution – ‘cept one.

    I’ll say this, Graychin; you’re the kind of man it’s a pleasure to hang. If all you can talk is guff, you can talk it to the Devil.

    ~ Robert Duvall (Gus McCrae) as he slaps the horse’s ass.

  45. 10 to 1, CHin didn’t even read the article. I guess you’re too busy getting the short version from Daily Kos.

    BiW nailed it, but I’ll echo- you’re so desperate to change the topic from the discussion to some strawman that it is beyond transparent.

    You are the epitome of a mental midget.

  46. Oh, and I’m sorry you didn’t like the long post, it just takes that much space to write down everything that is about to happen because of fuck-tards like yourself.

    I’d love to have you refute it, but we both know that’s not your style. I mean why refute the facts when you can just call me a racist…

    Fuck you…

  47. applying your passive v. active neglect distinction to your prior comment means that the conservatives and Tea Party sympathizers are guilty of “active ” neglect. That’s just too dumb (and dead wrong) to warrant meaningful discussion.

    No, that’s a leap on your part. The platform of conservatives and TPM folks have encouraged the willful neglect we saw in Tennessee.

    Let me help you with an analogy that you will easily understand. 19 men fly planes into buildings because the Koran told them to. The imam teaching the platform didn’t fly those planes but you blame him don’t you?

    Well the TPM is not directly engaged in willful neglect but their teachings encourage it.

    Tigre, answer this question: should the man’s house have been allowed to burn down?

  48. Nancy Pelosi speaking about “The Word…” Maxine Water not knowing the word nationalize …

    You guys have a hard time telling dumb from insane.

    Christine O’Donnell did not get classified info from or about China. She is either a liar or delusional.

    Paladino did not do hostage negotiation at Kent State. He is either a liar or delusional.

    Maes got fired from the Kansas police for blowing an investigation. He was never undercover. He is either a liar or delusional.

    West cannot have greater security clearance than the President of the United States. He is either a liar or delusional.

    These are CRAZY people. I’m still waiting to see crazy folks from your Dem list guys …. not folks whose policies you disagree with.

  49. “Tigre, answer this question: should the man’s house have been allowed to burn down?”


    (are you kidding)

    Answer this question: should I have been unabgle to get through on 911?

    The democrats in charge teachings encourage it.

    Honestly, cut the shit.

  50. Screwballs that are also criminals don’t rank as whack jobs? WTF??

    I guess that explains Blago’s acquittals.

  51. Tigre, now we’re getting somewhere. You don’t think the man’s house should have been allowed to burn down. But doesn’t that make you a RINO? After all, why should all his neighbors pay their fire tax to save his sorry ass? Where is the accountability? It’s free-loaders like him that are ruining America for the rest of us. Right? 😉

  52. I much prefer simply being an unhyphenated American who lets moochers houses burn to the ground.

    I corrected it for you.

    Actually, I didn’t comment on that matter, but let me ask you a few questions.

    Is a home likely to be the most expensive item most Americans ever purchase, often requiring them to take out a loan, which will often by its terms require them to make the lender secure by purchasing insurance on that home for casualties such as…fire?

    Now granted, I live on the left coast, but my home for here is very modest. My neighbors include solders, mechanics, a few retired people, and Mom and Pop restaurant owners…millioniares none, and none, including myself meet the 2008 Obama Campaign definition of “rich”. An average homeowners insurance policy here without earthquake or volcano riders runs about $600 a year. The average property taxes in my neighborhood were about $3100 a year last year (and ours include emergency services). Hell, I pay $69 bucks a month for garbage service, and if I don’t pay the county drain fee of $56 a month, they will put a lien against my home for it that will cost me three times that to remove, as I found out one month when I misplaced the damn bill. Hell, the average person here pays more for their damn lattes in a month than $75, so when I see a story like this, my first reaction is that (1) we obviously aren’t getting the whole story; and (2) $75 is cheap to protect the biggest flipping investment you will likely make in your entire life, which makes these people either termninally stupid, or there is much more to the story than is generally reported. In doing some preliminary checking, it looks to me like a little of both.

  53. Believing that firemen shouldn’t do the job or protecting from the loss and settling up late makes me a RINO? Well, slap my ass and call me Sally.

    I would like to know where you got the nuances to the story. Is this some Olbermann crap again. There’s got to be more going on. All of these republican fireman standing around laughing at the freeloading democrats house burning down sounds a little fishy. However, democrats claiming victimization for someone else’s loss regardless of its cause sounds just about right.

    When wouldn’t the city or county just slap a lien on the non-paying homeowners? Enquiring minds want to know.

    (of course not really knowing or caring because it fits a caricature of the right makes you. . . well. . . a typical liberal).

  54. Rutherford you are wrong on the fire story. There is a clear policy in place and the guy who lost his house has nobody to blame but himself. He lives in unincorporated-ville. This rural sensation where you pay less in taxes and get to feel free from being out from under the thumb of the local political powers to be. It’s a reality Rutherford in places. The nearby municipality will for an annual fee of $75 USD provide fire services.This isn’t a case of heartless bureaucracy thumbing its nose at a citizen or tax cheat.

  55. Jim Traficant
    Marion Barry

    Nope sorry. Criminals don’t rank as whackjobs. Keep trying.

    Ah, the usual double standard in judgment. Jim Traficant should be considered a whack job for no other reason that his toupee. Is that a tribble on top of his head?

    Rutherford, admit it. You got a hard on for Conservative women – and I suspect much of the influence is simply related. You think Christine O’Donnell is the first politician to be average and ordinary? I say score one for the ladies and the little folks. Win or lose, Mike Castle types can kiss my ass, and I’d rather the Dims keep the Senate (which might be in the Republicans best interests anyway for 2012) that see one more limp dick RINO seated. They’re worse than infidels.

    Speaking of whack jobs…

    Is there a congressman on the “black caucus” not under investigation at this minute? Barney Frank is a whack job. Eliot Sptizer is whack job. Every fricking czar Obama has nominated is a jackbooted thug and whack job, which says Obama is a Kenyan tribesman and whack job. Off hand, I can’t think of but a few liberals I don’t believe are not whack jobs. You were one of the few in my book, until your party disintegrated, your man evaporated, and your posts started quickly reverting to PDS whack jobs.

  56. I see gray is still experiencing D’Souza Derangement Syndrome.

    Possibly the most accurate portrayal of the Witch Doctor for President I’ve read. Of course Graychin and Rutherford are experiencing DDS. The closer the truth hits home and exposes the Audacity of a Dope, the more gnashing of teeth you read here.

    It’s the perfect measure of how truthful and effective the commentary. I’ve gotten to where I find Rutherford such an accurate gauge of immediate damage control, I know before the media explodes just how accurately Libs have been portrayed. I come here to measure Rutherford’s response. And he never fails me. 😉

  57. Nope sorry. Criminals don’t rank as whackjobs. Keep trying.” – R

    I actually thought he was alluding to the folks who re-elected him… 😉

  58. I don’t know Gorilla. You may think it crap, but I think many of your posts here first rate. Like I said, the more Rutherford flaps his wings, the more accurate and damaging the information about his feckless party and the Voodoo President. And you seem to make Rutherford’s chicken wings flap the hardest.

    I’ve actually seen feathers float thru the room lately. 😉

  59. I really can’t believe that you guys are arguing about whether or not to stand by and let a person’s house burn down because he didn’t pay his dues to the fire department.

    Out here in the wilds of Delaware County, Oklahoma you get a big bill from the local volunteer fire department if you have a fire and aren’t a member. But they never let your house burn down, just to punish you for being a cheapskate – and to show what a bunch of hardasses they are.

    Next, I expect to hear from you that if someone doesn’t buy medical insurance and his credit card is maxed out, that doctors and hospitals should just let him die in the street. (Fuck ’em if they can’t pay!) It takes a village to raise a child (or to have any other benefits of civilization), but it takes an asshole to be that kind of “libertarian.”

    Ayn Rand would be proud of you. (That’s not intended as a compliment.)

  60. I wouldn’t have let the guy’s house burned down payment or no payment, nor would I let a man die in the streets. Even a pox on humanity like you Graychin. You come about as close as anyone for me losing my humanity, though. Add that to your trophy case that you’re so proud…

    Now, can somebody explain to me how this man’s house burning down is tied to the “Tea Party.” Have I missed something in the news, or is this some other sorry excuse for Rutherford to mislabel?

  61. (Fuck ‘em if they can’t pay!)

    Except under ObamaCare YOU have to buy insurance.Apparently the opposite doesn’t hold any sway in the warped world of leftists.
    Personal responsibility baby.

  62. Alfie,

    They would consider pointing out that niggling inconsistancy in their thinking as ill-mannered as not telling your wife that you’re sterile untill after she’d pregnant.

    And “personal responsibility” as opposed to freedom from responsibility and consequences? That’s like shoving a clove of garlic into a vampire’s mouth and forcing them to swallow.

  63. In doing some preliminary checking, it looks to me like a little of both.

    Well, poor checking on your part. So you have a county drain fee bill, which you misplaced. THAT is what happened to this poor guy except it was a fire service bill.

    There is a clear policy in place and the guy who lost his house has nobody to blame but himself.

    Alfie you should be ashamed of yourself. I don’t give a damn about the policy. The firemen showed up and then were told to back off by their superiors. The guy offered to pay the $75.00 right there and then and was told tough sh*t.

    And the Tea Party-Libertarian-far right nutjob GOP connection? You see, that is the problem with you guys. You don’t understand the consequences of your philosophy. Your insistence on self-reliance gives careless f*cks the excuse they need to let their fellow man rot.

    I don’t believe being a conservative ipso facto means you’re heartless … but that is where things are headed. And I’ll tell you something else … it’s reached a whole new level when they let a white guy’s house burn down.

    ROTFLMAO …. yeah let’s elect all these nutcases to Congress and you’ll all be begging within a year or two for compassionate Dem’s to come to your aid while the GOP lets your sorry asses hang in the wind. And I’ll be there laughing my ass off.

    Bwahahahahahahahaha!!! 😆

  64. ROTFLMAO …. yeah let’s elect all these nutcases to Congress and you’ll all be begging within a year or two for compassionate Dem’s to come to your aid while the GOP lets your sorry asses hang in the wind. And I’ll be there laughing my ass off.

    I hesitate to ever speak for the regulars on this blog, but I am reasonably sure if my buddy Rabbit shows up, he’ll come up with some very clever way to state the obvious – Rutherford has finally cracked. The bitter disappointment of never overcoming Obama Rubedom Disease is in its final stages. I expect between now and November 2nd, Rutherford to be found lying with Sandi in the fetal position. 😈

    Next, Rutherford will be blaming the flu, traffic violations, kid’s ice cream cones melting, the Challenger explosion, and Europe’s upcoming ice age on the Tea Party Bagger Express.

  65. “Now, can somebody explain to me how this man’s house burning down is tied to the “Tea Party.” Have I missed something in the news, or is this some other sorry excuse for Rutherford to mislabel?”

    R says conservatives like most here are malevolent assholes and this guys stuation is the logical extension of their philiosphy — as he views it. Of course “his take” on a conservative would be no publicly funded emergency services at all. I remember that being a central feature of the Tea Party. That chant at the Tea Party rallies keeps echoing in my head: “No more emergency services –let ’em die in the streets.”

    So my situation is the logical extension of your philosophy, Rutherford. Only so many tax dollars to missallocate. I trust you are ashamed? See what your system brought upon me and my family, you heartless mofo? And you resist the label “socialism” — the logical extension of what you advocate.

    Could we dumb this down more? Is it possible?

    Why, yes. Olberman and Maddow are on. . .

  66. I don’t believe being a conservative ipso facto means you’re heartless … but that is where things are headed. And I’ll tell you something else … it’s reached a whole new level when they let a white guy’s house burn down.” – R

    And there’s the race card. Thanks R for reinforcing every stereotype I’ve had for the left…

  67. And I’ll tell you something else … it’s reached a whole new level when they let a white guy’s house burn down.

    Rutherford, I really hope that this was tongue-in-cheek, because if you really think that “whitey gets all different kinds of courtesies when he flashes the secret hand signal, I WILL get on a plane to New England and personally deliver to you the mother of all brain dusters, because in this day and age, you have no business clinging to such an idiotic and racist notion.

  68. Lol…Rutherford made the Tea Party connection up?

    Wow. I at least figured some fire fighter was a known tea party activist or some shit.

    I’m fucking cracking up.

    I think its time we step back and leave Rutherford alone for a bit.

    I’ve seen some stretches, but this takes the cake.

    I’ve never felt sorry for him before. I do now. And I’m being serious.

    What a fragile man. Talk about straight up inventing stuff to the point of schizophrenia.

    Rutherford, are you saying that for 75 bucks the fire department will allow my house to burn down?

    Sign me up!

    We don’t need no water let the motherfucker burn!

    Its not like President Failure is going to implement anything that picks this economy up!

    This ranks up there with some legendary sensico shit.

    Hippieprof, greychin, liberals around the world. Do all you guys believe this lone fire was the Tea Party’s fault too? Or are you guys cringing over this whopper as well. LOL

    Didn’t the stoagie loving Sigmund Frued once tell his over zealous underlings that sometimes a “cigar is just a cigar” when they associated phallic symbolism to his bad habit of puffing all day. Come on hippieprof, tell Rutherford that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  69. Gorilla,

    And there’s the race card. Thanks R for reinforcing every stereotype I’ve had for the left…

    I perfectly understood El Tigre’s explanation of the Rutherford Crystal Ball, as I had assumed it was indeed a logical extension that because some rogue supervisor had watched a man’s house burn down for not paying a fee, therefore the Tea Party was to blame and even more so Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell. Once you understand the liberal mindset, it all makes sense even when it doesn’t while reading their slack jawed conclusions.

    However, since the victim was not a person of color because we have determined white is not a color, therefore we can tie this whole new level back to the Klan, therefore by definition the natural extension to The Tea Party Baggers, eventually leading again to ultimately Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell (and maybe Rush Limbaugh).

    I’m confused because somewhere in there sounds like some reverse racism, but because of Rutherford’s slick analysis, we have all concluded that only whites can be racist because they’re the only ones with power, but in this case, the white guy had no power so I guess it’s not racism but prejudice? That’s how Hippie explained it.

    Liberal math has thrown me for a loop since we determined because of a Paul Krugman article, deficits don’t matter and we have a chronic case of deficitphobia in this country led by the Tea Baggers and Sarah Palin, and anyone that thinks deficits do matter is racist, but only if they are white because they are the only ones with power, except when their house is on fire and they refused to pay a fee. 😉

  70. Lol…Rutherford made the Tea Party connection up? Wow.

    I at least figured some fire fighter was a known tea party activist or some shit.

    I’m fucking cracking up, man.

    I think its time we step back and leave Rutherford alone for a bit. I’ve seen some stretches, but this takes the cake. I’ve never felt sorry for him before. I do now. And I’m being serious. What a fragile man. Talk about straight up inventing stuff to the point of schizophrenia.

    Rutherford, are you saying that for 75 bucks the fire department will allow my house to burn down?

    Sign me up!

    We don’t need no water let the motherfucker burn!

    Its not like President Failure is going to implement anything that picks this economy up!

    This ranks up there with some legendary sensico shit.

    Hippieprof, greychin, liberals around the world. Do all you guys believe this lone fire was the Tea Party’s fault too? Or are you guys cringing over this whopper as well. LOL

    Didn’t the stoagie loving Sigmund Frued once tell his over zealous underlings that sometimes a “cigar is just a cigar” when they associated phallic symbolism to his bad habit of puffing all day.

    Come on hippieprof, tell Rutherford that
    sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  71. it’s reached a whole new level when they let a white guy’s house burn down

    I had a feeling that might rile things up a bit. I actually find that part of the story refreshing. The Rick Santelli let the lazy bums rot platform discriminates against all lower middle class and poor people, regardless of race.

    Again … I really do need to read “What’s the Matter with Kansas” because I see the phenom all the time. Middle and lower class folks rooting for the party that favors the rich and could care less about them. Wild.

  72. apparently i thought my retort was so sweet i posted it twice. i need to get back to using a regular computer and throw this blackberry out the window

  73. Again … I really do need to read “What’s the Matter with Kansas” because I see the phenom all the time. Middle and lower class folks rooting for the party that favors the rich and could care less about them. Wild.

    Note to self. Rooting for the party that wants you to have a job instead of food stamps and a block of occasional cheese is illogical – even self-defeating. Homer nods.

    Can left elitists that wouldn’t understand a damn thing about Kansas, probably can’t even name a town in Kansas but write books about Kansas, be prejudiced even if they are generally white? Or does party affiliation trump racism like race trumps gender? TBD

  74. A misplaced bill? Please provide a link to the article that gives us this nugget of information.

    I revise my statement that Cranick lost the bill. He admits he forgot to pay it. Still forgetting to pay it, and refusing to pay it are two different things, so he might as well have lost the bill.

  75. Since you’ve thrown down the gauntlet to HP and he never keeps track of when I post a new thread, I shall go bring in the reinforcements. If HP tells me I’m wrong on this one I’ll eat my hat.

    By the way, Rabbit, I feel kinda close to you at least once a week lately cos I’ve been watching “Detroit 1-8-7” a new ABC crime drama filmed on location. Damn good show. You should try it sometime!

  76. Rutherford, after reading your dummy shit on this blog entry would you post a picture of your own face up there with the rest of the Hall of Shame.

    Come on man, a little self depreciation can’t hurt. Besides, the shrunken heads at Ripply’s Believe it or Not Wax Museum have been selling tickets to rubes for 50 years at Niagara Falls. It be good for ratings! So let’s see that funky grill up there next to Kim!

  77. Holly shit, this is the funniest damn poll ever. That missing 11%, I’ll bet dollars to donuts, every single one is an independent. 27 days…

    P.S., When you eat your hat R, I’d like a picture of the main course…

    POLL: Opinions of Obama will be on voters’ minds on Election Day

    Two-thirds of voters in key battleground districts will be thinking about President Obama when they choose their next member of Congress, according to a 2010 midterm election poll from The Hill and ANGA.

    The poll surveyed likely voters in 12 competitive congressional districts held by first-term Democratic lawmakers who came into office with the president in 2008. Of the voters surveyed, 69 percent said their feelings about Obama will be an important consideration when they vote in congressional elections, while 28 percent said the president would not be a factor.

    “All politics is local, but not all voting,” said pollster Mark Penn of Penn Schoen Berland, which conducted the poll.

    “I think, without question, people view this as a national election,” Penn said. “The strongest thing working against the administration today is the number of people dissatisfied with the economy and the government and who are willing to take their votes and vote on a national basis rather than on the merits of the individual candidate.”

    One telling finding is that only 42 percent of respondents said they recalled voting for Obama in 2008 even though the president received, on average, 53 percent of the vote in those districts.

    Pollsters said that finding could indicate voter remorse, which may reflect a major drop in enthusiasm for the president. Another explanation may be that many of those who supported Obama in 2008 are unlikely to vote this year.

  78. You know the most delightful thing about that video Gorilla? Who can forget that Obama lackey Ron Howard and his sidekick and fellow Obama sycophant Sheriff Andy are still on the Obama gravy train?

    I guess Ron’s brother doesn’t buy Ron’s line of shit either? 😆

  79. R, after watching all 5 seasons of The Wire I can never watch another cop show. Do yourself a favor and rent each season.

    That show you referenced is being panned here. I actually heard its super cheesy but kind of entertaining.

    Speaking of cigars, I was puffing a Rocky Patel while driving to my softball game last night. In hindsight I was bringing a lot of attention on to myself: my music was loud, my Tiger hat backwards, my big ass cigar.

    Anyways, at the corner a group of blacks threw gang signs at me and flashed a pistol. I just looked straight a drove away.

    Motherfuckers. I fantasized throwing a grenade at them all day today.

  80. Rabbit, if you ever run out of patience with a group of bangers, always remember the Tex motto:

    Even a pistol is no match for the front end of a two ton bullet.

  81. DR, I’m a Rocky Patel fan myself, though I find it hard to compete with most of the CAO cigars. Smooth, oh so smooth…

  82. I say treat gang bangers like enemy combatants, to include sniper teams, enhanced interrogation and rendition.

    Let me get my sights on some of these motherfuckers and I guarantee, the next person to see them will be an archeologist.

  83. Woman Takes Crowbar to ‘Jesus In Sex Act’ Art Exhibit…

    LOVELAND, Colo. (AP) — A Montana woman accused of taking a crowbar to an art museum display that has spurred protests and been denounced as obscene was arrested Wednesday on a charge of criminal mischief.

    Kathleen Folden, 56, of Kalispell, Mont., was accused of damaging a print that critics say protrays Jesus Christ engaged in a sex act.

    Witnesses said the woman entered the Loveland Museum Gallery, used a crowbar to break glass over the art and ripped the print, according to the Loveland Reporter-Herald.

    Mark Michaels, an area art dealer who was at the museum, told Denver’s KUSA-TV that he saw the woman break the glass and grab the print, and that he tried to stop her.

    He said that as the woman broke the case, she screamed: “How can you desecrate my Lord?”

    Now, if this had been an image of Muhammad, well, the left would have been all over it as just yet another incident of Islamophobia and intolerance to the Muslim faith. The Muslim community would be strapping on 5lbs of C4 as we speak and you can rest assured, the museum hosting this abomination and the “artist” who painted it would be destroyed in a fortnight, with the blessings of Allah and Keith Olberman.

    BUT, since it is only a picture of Jesus, well, clearly this woman is crazy.

  84. Man – where to even begin. This thread itself is getting batshit crazy…

    For no particular reason, I will start here: Alfie said: The nearby municipality will for an annual fee of $75 USD provide fire services.This isn’t a case of heartless bureaucracy thumbing its nose at a citizen or tax cheat.

    So, what you should do is save the house without asking questions, and if you then find the guy hasn’t paid slap a lien on his property with some extra fees thrown in. Seems like a far better solution than having the place burn down.

    I envision a situation where every emergency patient must undergo a background check before receiving medical services. You owe $6.95 on a disputed bill with the insurance company? Fine – then die. Victim of a robbery? Better make sure all of your tax bills are in order before the police investigate.

    Seriously – don’t you folks see the issue here?

  85. Rutherford said: Since you’ve thrown down the gauntlet to HP and he never keeps track of when I post a new thread, I shall go bring in the reinforcements. If HP tells me I’m wrong on this one I’ll eat my hat.

    I am not sure what statement I am supposed to be supporting R. That it was batshit crazy to let the guy’s house burn down? Yeah – I would certainly agree on that.

    Rabbit asks if I believe the Tea Party is responsible for the fire. Who in their right mind would believe that? They do a lot of shit, yet I don’t think they have resorted to arson. Is anyone really suggesting that? I certainly don’t see that implication in anything Rutherford has written.

    I do think that the pathological anti-taxes and anti-government ideas espoused by Tea Partiers could well lead to a pay-as-you-go approach to even the most basic of social services – and that scares the shit out of me. Hell – I think what we need is competition in that marketplace! Maybe we can have multiple national companies bidding for your fire coverage. It can be kinda like the Verizon commercial with the maps showing where coverage can be found. Of course, some rural areas would get no coverage because it just isn’t profitable…. and perhaps the company might decide not to save your house (yet keep your premiums) because you failed to report a blown fuse back when you applied for coverage….

    Silly, yes – but it is a slippery slope. I know slippery slope arguments are weak – until we look back and realize we have been sliding down one for a long time.

  86. I want to revisit a question I asked way back at the top of the thread. I asked Gorilla:

    So, Gorilla, are you seriously under the opinion that Democratic politicians are the only liars out there?

    To which Gorilla answered in #13:

    Of course not, but lying is the only chance Dems have this cycle.

    So then, why do Republicans need to resort to lies? Palin and others are back trotting out the death panel bullshit, for example. If you are correct, they should be able to win without making crap like that up, right?

  87. Damn, if my stock predictions had been half as good as my Feckless Obama predictions, I’d be the world’s richest man by now. I haven’t missed yet from two years ago.

    Rutherford, I don’t like to say to a friend, “Told you so…” 😆

    Yeah Rabbit … keep listening to Tex as he gets you killed. A pistol can take out the tires of a two ton bullet, not to mention the head of the driver.

    Oh Rutherford, you watch way too much TV. I know the concept of inertia and momentum are foreign to you, but I can assure that a car moving at 100mph toward a group of thugs will not result is some banger standing there firing shots into the front window, lest he’s so whacked on PCP, he’s too stupid to run. Dirty Harry they are not.

    So let me give you a small physics and pistol lesson. One, shooting at a moving target with a pistol is difficult and limited in both range and scope; two – blown tires do not stop the momentum of a fast moving vehicle; it may slow it to a degree, three contrary to popular myth, there are no commercial pistols in the world able to pierce about six inches of an aluminum or cast iron block. I know, I tried once with a .44 magnum.

    So while I said my comment to Rabbit in jest, not because I didn’t think I was right, but because I don’t want my buddy in prison for the remainder of his days for treating bangers like bowling pens, your conclusion was as wrongheaded as your conclusion about the Tea Baggers burning down the house.

    Gee, and you used to be fun. 😡

  88. Hippie in #117, 🙂

    Like Rutherford’s physics, your information lacks credibility. You just used as sourcing, a periodical that was recently sold for $1.00. How’s that for success. Right up the old mustard road, hey? Newsweek gets its predictions and information from Chinese fortune cookies and Bazooka Joe comics.

    Like Rutherford’s physics lesson, here is my tutorial for you today. The days of using “CBO”, fact, anything George Soros, and especially Newsweak articles don’t work anymore. That’s so 2008, and that will be summarily rejected in 26 days.

  89. I am not sure what statement I am supposed to be supporting R.

    HP, I’ll repeat my comment that kicked off the “fire” discussion just to give you some reference:

    “This deserves its own post but I hope you conservatives and Tea Party sympathizers and Rick Santelli acolytes are proud of what your politics has wrought in Tennessee where the fire department let a man’s home burn to the ground because he didn’t pay his $75.00 fire fee.

    It’s nothing short of Lord of the Flies. Your obsession with sponges and moochers and hangers on will result in a country where we let our neighbors rot. Where no one gives a flying f*ck about anyone else.

    And your sort has the NERVE to call yourselves Christians. A bunch of f*cking self-centered hypocrites. 👿 ”


    And you’re right Hippie, I never said Tea Party activists burned the man’s house down.

  90. Speaking of Hippie’s reference to the Newsweak article in question, I turn the page and find this. 😆

    The Post Co. also agreed to cover up to $10 million of Newsweek’s existing bills. And it will hold on to certain employee pension liabilities, though it did not spell out a dollar figure in a regulatory filing Wednesday.

    No one thought Harman paid much for Newsweek, which lost almost $30 million last year amid circulation and advertising declines.

    But the magazine’s sale for less than its $5.95-per-issue price on newsstands is still a grim milestone for a brand that was once a prized asset at the Post Co., which bought Newsweek in 1961.

    The entire lib house of straw is going up in flames…a little late, but better than never. 😈

    I love you guys. Like the Rodney Dangerfield of blog info. I’m telling you libbie guys whom I like (that would exclude you Graychin) – it’s karma man. From environmental disasters that Bongo blew, to Goebbel’s propaganda machines now on fire, it’s almost supernatural.

    It’s like your Nile River just turned to blood. 🙂

  91. Tell you what, Tex. Why don’t you address the points made in the article rather that attacking where it was published. I realize that attacking the article’s source is a lot easier than considering the points it makes – but lets not go for easy. Tell me what you think of the points made within the article?

  92. I think I have a new theory. Libs are unable to sustain energy over long periods of time. This is why in the final weeks leading up to the election we will see the enthusiasm gap decline sharply and the ass whupping won’t be nearly as bad as Tex and company prophesy. You see, we can get “fired up and ready to go” it just doesn’t happen until 3 weeks pre-election.

    I can’t wait to blog on November 3 with the House and Senate still in Dem hands. 😆

  93. The folks calling the righties crazy are the crazy ones.
    The fire dept didn’t show up to torment the couple. They showed up to protect the exposure of the neighboring home,the owner of which had paid.
    As for the rest of the lefties meme here trying to attach some grand human rights thing to it shows you all to be dishonest losers.
    Rutherford give me your address and a picture of your car. I’m going to come down and fuck it up with a rental. A rental I will have absolutely zero insurance on. When you file your claim I will apply for insurance and that is the ONLY recourse you will have. How’s that sound???
    Rutherford…FUCK YOU on the Christian hypocrite comment. None of us pay taxes to,live in or vote in the TN county in question. It isn’t about us,it’s about real world. You as a liberal can’t readily wrap your head around being a grown up.

  94. Rutherford,

    Before I answer Hippie’s question, I haven’t predicted any lopsided win – I’m simply parroting what all the media tells me is predicted to happen. It looks that way from here, but I have no idea the real state of affairs. I just know that your predictions have been rotten.

    If I were to guess, you’ll lose the house and either keep or tie in the Senate. Like I have said to all of you, I’m looking beyond 2010 – if anybody Tea Party, Republicans, even Conservative Dims will put a stop to Obama, that’s good enough for me for now. I don’t want to give the lying, conniving, bullying schmuck an out and an excuse.

  95. Hippie,

    Here’s why I didn’t even attempt to refute your article you’re so proud. Every assumption contained within is based on a lie – a big lie and there is no sense even giving you the opportunity to rehash it. It’s horseshit and most of America knows it.

    First, nobody but lying dumbasses from the Left even dream that adding 31MM people to the healthcare rolls with no personal responsibility involved, letting government administrate health care when they can’t even run a post office effectively, and adding dozens of bureaucracies of unknown purpose could possibly reduce the cost of health care. That is about as complete a sell of bullshit as I’ve ever read – Baghdad Bob material and it boggles my mind that a good guy like you buys that crap. I guess it shouldn’t considering your occupation, but it does.. Here’s your problem. 70% of the country, including virtually all the people in the know (health care providers, insurance, business, and the medical community) says your comrades are lying through their teeth. I have no idea if the CBO is simply been sold a bill of goods about outrageous assumptions, or if they really are that corrupt. I don’t think there is such a thing as a “bipartisan” government agency and never have, as I think they (the CBO) are no different that private service lackeys who do the bidding of those who sign their paycheck.

    Second, Obama has already increased deficit spending over three times what George Bush ever did. Those numbers are already in – that is not disputable. 3.4 Trillion in 20 months and counting. You guys told us if we created a public slush fund, employment would never go over 8% – the real rate is twice that. Your track record of prediction sucks. That is your majority Dimocratic Congress since 2006 in action. You think millions of people became outraged for the sake of being outraged less than 20 months after electing the The Great Deceiver? And don’t give me that even more putrid bullshit of Conservatives controlling the media. Nobody honest buys that either.

    No, the onus is on you now to prove us wrong – and Newsweak periodicals from a dead magazine don’t cut it; dancing and happy Jews in concentration camps propaganda. And in about four weeks if I’m right, you’re going to find out all these bill of goods you’ve been trying to sell now for at least the last year have been called.

    Hippie, why would an educated man like you even believe for one nanosecond that you are not being outright lied to when everything nanny government does has been an epic failure. Are you so biased from higher education propaganda that you have completely lost the capacity for truth? Come on MAN! You are not this naive; you are not this gullible. You’ve got kids dammit! Think about them if you can’t let go of your social justice mantra. This sham for President, these crooks for Congress are destroying your own children’s future. You’re better than that!

  96. Gorilla and Rabbit, I knew I was in good company. Not a huge fan of Rocky, but I’ve grown to like the Edges. Great for the price. Although CAO isn’t my usual go-to, I just bought a box of the La Traviatas. Delicious and about $6 per stick. You can give me a Drew Estate No. 9 anytime.

  97. I can’t wait to blog on November 3 with the House and Senate still in Dem hands. 😆

    Rutherford, you won’t get your feelings hurt if I keep this one as reference material on November 3rd, will you? You know – like going the way of the Whigs comments? 🙂

    Though you’re great fun to gig, as both you and Hippie are generally good sports and wisely don’t take me too seriously, I don’t want to darken your mood or push you or your lovely spouses to the brink of despair and ruin your “religion.”

  98. Cigars are the only form of nicotine that I’ve found I don’t like. Good thing with these prices you guys are quoting. I thought Nicorette gum was expensive. 😮

  99. Oh, they go up from there. The No. 9s I refernced are about $15 a piece, if you can get your hands on them. Expensive, yes — but I’ll let you have the gum.

  100. I’m still thinking about yesterday’s discussion on letting someone’s house burn down because he didn’t pay his dues to the fire department.

    Tex said: “I wouldn’t have let the guy’s house burned (sic) down payment or no payment, nor would I let a man die in the streets (without medical insurance).”

    Alfie said: Except under ObamaCare YOU have to buy insurance.Apparently the opposite doesn’t hold any sway in the warped world of leftists. Personal responsibility baby.

    And BIW said: They would consider pointing out that niggling inconsistancy in their thinking as ill-mannered as not telling your wife that you’re sterile untill after she’d pregnant.
    And “personal responsibility” as opposed to freedom from responsibility and consequences? That’s like shoving a clove of garlic into a vampire’s mouth and forcing them to swallow.

    Since at least Tex (if no one else) has absorbed just enough of a Christian ethos to agree that letting a sick person die in the street without treatment, or let a house burn down through inaction of a perfectly capable fire department, just ain’t right, it’s a good opportunity to make my point.

    I support mandatory participation in medical insurance and fire protection programs. Why? Because the hard fact is that we are NOT going to let people die in the street or let their houses burn down, nor should we. Isn’t it about time that we start making EVERYONE who is presently using an emergency room has his primary care physician to pay the bills? Don’t you know who is paying for it now? You and I are paying for it, of course.

    The loud and ongoing objection to “Romneycare” style mandatory insurance (now called “Obamacare”) seems to come either from a triumph of ideology over reality (“personal responsibility, baby” – or “it’s socialism” – whatever that means) or a “not invented here” syndrome (it’s Obama’s program, so we have to oppose it. We liked it when Romney did it in Massachusetts”).

    I am probably the only person on this blog who makes voluntary payments to a fire department. The rest of you get your fire protection paid for through your taxes. “Paid at gunpoint,” to use some common inflammatory libertarian rhetoric. But I pay my fire dues in order to support what I believe is a worthwhile organization and endeavor. It’s just the right thing to do.

    This raging liberal believes in, advocates, and practices personal responsibility – “baby.” I do so for purely pragmatic reasons, not moral or ideological ones. It makes your life better if you live within your means, pay your bills, show up for work and work hard while there, do what you say you will, and pull your weight wherever you are. Irresponsible people have miserable lives. Proof? Just look around. They lose in the long run.

    But who is so stupid as to believe that you can teach personal responsibility by letting people die in the streets or letting houses burn? Face the fact – many people never think that tragedy will strike them, no matter how severe we make the consequences. There will always be a lot of medically uninsured people if health coverage isn’t mandatory or universal in some form. I want those people to help pay for their own care. I’m sick of paying for it. Why aren’t you?

    Why in the hell did Republicans insist on forbidding illegal immigrants from participating in Obamacare with their own money? I guess they want to keep paying for illegals’ ER visits. Go figure.

    I wish that my fire department could set up a district for levying taxes in its service area. It protects everyone, so support should be mandatory – just like it is for you city dwellers.

    Personal responsibility, baby!

  101. “And you’re right Hippie, I never said Tea Party activists burned the man’s house down.”

    You remind me of a roadside place along a rural highway in Missouri that drove past from time to time years ago. If memory serves me right, it was called the Elvis Cafe and had about a 30 foot cutout Elvis for a sign. Beneath was a 50s pink Cadillac convertible with a large board visible form the highway that said: “See Elvis’ Car.”

    Curiosity got the better of me one day, and I pulled in to “See Elvis’ Car” for myself. As I approached the car, I saw a small index card wedged into the driver’s side window that read: “Although this is not a car that actually belonged to Elvis, it is one that like he might have been seen driving in the day.”

    Now that Hippie’s involved in the discussion, I see you too are holding a small index card.

    R, would you just stand behind the tenor and content of what you said, despite its absurdity? You assigned fault for the house burning down. You know what was meant by everyone here in response to your lameness on this one.

    (if I knew how to make those little emoticons, you’d have that pissed-off devil guy right here).


    Editors note: I did it for you. Look here:

  102. Graychin,

    For once you posted something just unbiased enough and non-partisan, I’m willing to provide a reasonable answer without assault.

    I commend you on paying voluntary dues. I would do the same because it’s the honest and right thing to do. The people not paying are leeches, and I did not know that dues weren’t mandatory or paid through property taxes. Hard to believe that those who refuse dues aren’t required to at least sign a release of liability in our litigious society. I honestly can’t remember how my parents covered their house at Monkey Island, had never given it thought about it really, and had assumed their property taxes covered as much. The house was hit by lightning on at least two occasions that I remember, and I can’t even recall if the fire department actually was called. There was extensive damage one time.

    As far as your call for mandatory health care coverage, here is where I have a problem. It’s who is administering the coverage and the scope of who it affects. You obviously have far more faith in our government to facilitate an operation (no pun intended) than I do. Add to the fact, most people in America still believe our health care, though expensive, far and away the best in the world and are still satisfied with its administration and results. You make some valid suggestions, the most valid the one we are paying anyway for the uninsured service which is true, but your solution ignores my major complaint about many progressive solutions. As mentioned above, its the scope of your solution.

    Your solution makes substantial change for everyone involved, and most in America who are covered do not wish for their coverage to be tinkered with. In addition, I do not believe granting full medical coverage to the uninsured will be cheaper – quite the contrary. It is human nature to take advantage where offered. As it is, uninsured basically have free major medical.

    If your solution was to address only those not covered while lending to more practical solutions including medical malpractice, more choice for those already insured including national choice in coverage, I’d be with you. But your wish to throw everyone in a big pot? History shows when government intervenes with their solutions, they are incredibly inept, expensive, wrought with fraud, and a nightmare of inefficiency where no one ends up happy with the result. Choices become more limited, bureaucracy is increased, and satisfaction drops substantially.

    It’s difficult for me to comprehend how you, Hippie and Rutherford, all reasonably bright, have arrived at the conclusion that government is the cumulative answer to everything. I know that you smart enough to recognize ineptness when you see it, and I challenge you to show me a government sponsored operation that is a model of efficiency comparable to private business. A few, our military the first that comes to mind, are terrific – but it should be. We spend far for their service than any industrialize nation on earth and even it has massive waste. I know – my first job was with a defense contractor and what I witnessed was criminal. Yes, it was a private company but for all intents and purposes, it was completely dependent upon government for its revenue, and most of the executives were either retired military or government liaisons.

  103. Tigre, first I updated your 134 … enjoy.

    Second, I don’t know why it is so hard for you to distinguish between influencing a problem and outright causing it. It is the toxic influence of conservative principles I’m talking about here.

  104. Rutherford,

    Can you tell me how your solution to any societal problem of significance doesn’t require government involvement and isn’t toxic?

    You don’t like the decadent society you see? Maybe you do, I don’t know. You’re always making the ludicrous charges of the dangers of theocracy, which has to be one of your most unfounded, dumbest charges. If Christians really wanted a theocracy like Islam, I can assure you would openly be mocking them. But truthfully, whose influence is greater with respect to social mores? Conservatives or Liberals?

    And before you answer, tell me in those formative years where personal characteristics take root, what has more influence than Hollywood, TV, elementary education predominated by liberals, and the like? Now be honest. You ask me, there is no comparison in the toxic influence.

    And if you’re really honest, you might admit that is why millions of Americans, myself included, have removed their own children as much as possible from that influence. And those that have rejected the societal norms are predominately Conservative.

    If you want my opinion, what you are witnessing is the mature adults saying enough is enough. We are going to take back the country and the rest of you can either get on board, or step aside. I recognize this paints with a broad brush and there are exceptions. I’m talking in generalities. I have many problems with Graychin and I’ve be more than happy to point those out, but I’ve never thought him immature; just wrong headed.

  105. “I don’t know why it is so hard for you to distinguish between influencing a problem and outright causing it. It is the toxic influence of conservative principles I’m talking about here.”

    Please, please, please. . . stop. I know what you said and meant. It’s such a lame device to advance your position I can’t stand it. That’s why I gave you my personal example of emergency services that you wasted your time trying to distinguish. 🙄

    Calling your analysis a straw man is an insult to strawmen. 😥

    (thanks for the emoticon help)

  106. “you, Hippie and Rutherford, all reasonably bright, have arrived at the conclusion that government is the cumulative answer to everything.”

    We have arrived at no such conclusion.

    I only advocate government involvement where private enterprise and market forces have failed or been proven not to work. I usually believe that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” – but health care delivery is broken! Private fire companies would be another excellent example of something that market forces don’t provide.

    It would be more accurate to say that you believe that government has NO role to play in solving ANY social problems, because government can’t do anything right. Or it’s socialism. Or something.

    I don’t think that the evidence supports your ideology at all. Everyone brags on the military. It ought to be good – look how much money we throw at it! We should throw a few crumbs of that money to education and watch what happens. Many government functions work very well. When they don’t, it’s often because they are starved for resources to by misguided pols who say they want to “run government like a business.” Like Bank of America? Like General Motors?

    Speaking of B of A – have you been reading about the developments in the ongoing foreclosure mess? Banks can’t find their paperwork, so they falsify it when they can’t and present the false documents in court to back up foreclosure. They’ve been foreclosing on current mortgages and even on houses they never loaned against. is anything that the government does THAT screwed up? Really? Where?

    Concerning the post office: the “invisible hand” won’t deliver mail in rural areas for the same price that it delivers it in town, but universal mail service has long been considered vital to the nation’s well-being – especially by such noted socialists as Ben Franklin. I get excellent mail service out here from the same USPS that you revile. It’s always overnight by first class to and from Tulsa – always. That’s far better than I get from FedEx, which can’t decide whether to route our stuff through Tulsa or Joplin, which causes stuff to hang in their system for a week or more.

    Meanwhile, I spend a lot less on stamps than I used to because I keep in touch by phone or email now, and I pay almost all of my bills online or by draft. The USPS has a problem – high fixed costs and shrinking volume. it costs just as much to send the mailman to your house to deliver one envelope as it does for ten. Their business model is dying, and they need to adapt to it. But they don’t deserve your slander.

    (What IS your problem with the post office anyway? I think it’s pretty darn good. Don’t you get your mail promptly? Be specific.)

  107. The loud and ongoing objection to “Romneycare” style mandatory insurance (now called “Obamacare”) seems to come either from a triumph of ideology over reality (“personal responsibility, baby” – or “it’s socialism” – whatever that means) or a “not invented here” syndrome (it’s Obama’s program, so we have to oppose it. We liked it when Romney did it in Massachusetts”).

    No, the objection I have is that it completely ignores economic rules that even a Kindergartener can understand, that being that a finite resource delivered in equal measure to more people than it was before results in qualitatively and quantitatively less care for the new patient pool as it does for the previous one. Further, with price fixing from the government, the fees for services will become artificially depressed, removing incentive for the most talented to enter the profession, further reducing the quality and quantity of care available, and bringing the profit-driven innovation that makes it the envy of the world to a grinding halt.

    However, if the state of Taxachusetts wants to so impose a damaging mediocrity upon its citizens, and those citizens consent to it, then they are free to do so, [See Bill of Rights, Amendments IX and X], where in contrast, the federal government has no such authority to do so. [See U.S. Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 8 ].

    And as the failings of Romneycare were evident before Ganny Rictus told us we had to pass the shit sandwich to see what was in it, the feds had even less business passing something they have every indication will do none of what was promised, but then, “compassion” was simply the line used to mobilize the handwringing faithful like R, HP, and the chin; (Dawg was in the minute someone gave him a treat and patted his head.) the real aim is, and always was control, as Rep. John Dingell had the courtesy to screw up and admit when interviewed about it on WJR, the Voice of the Great Lakes™.

  108. Your experience with your former employer, the defense contractor, illustrates a related point.

    I think that the worst waste and inefficiency is found in “privatized” government functions. The problem is accountability. If it’s being done by the government, the pols hear from the voters if it isn’t being done right and they can take corrective action if they are so inclined – dealing with government employees. Once it’s in the hands of a contractor, often no one can rein in the abuses and corner-cutting. The pols can’t, and the low-bidding, corner-cutting contractors have taken the money and run.

    Defense contracting is a great example – not enough accountability. The recent Tulsa jail fiasco is another good example.

  109. Graychin,

    The more I consider you and your conclusions without knowing more about you, and considering your background that you’ve shared, for someone with your experience and knowing what I do about executive pay which you were one, there are only two possibilities – either you have little thru carelessness and are therefore dependent; or much more likely you have a great deal and are immune to the consequences of higher taxes and costs. And considering your age, and considering your field of expertise, I am betting you have both enough wealth and expertise to shelter your money. If your wife was also truly an executive, I imagine between the two of you have considerably more than most. And I suspect you are both well to do and are completely secular – intelligent enough and raised to a degree to have the knowledge to pass loosely as some quasi-Christian, but humanist.

    That was just a footnote while I was mowing my yard thinking about you and how your conclusions.

    I only advocate government involvement where private enterprise and market forces have failed or been proven not to work. I usually believe that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” – but health care delivery is broken!

    I think you’re wrong on two accounts. First health care is not broken – it’s the best in the world. The facilitation of the care is broken in places and the administration some places is a jumbled mess – both are fixable. Those employed and insured, which is a majority of America still have it well – though I will admit the escalation of the costs is out of control and is overdue to be addressed. More importantly, you’ve missed something most important. You’re asking me to fix something supposedly broken with something that is without doubt broken. You honestly think our government not broken?

    You’re right about one thing – I do think government inept and corrupt; local, state, and federal. And I can’t believe you don’t agree. For just a second, let me get specific about our locale. Look at our damn roads. I don’t want to hear anymore about our inclement weather – every adjoining state has the same inclement weather and their roads aren’t in shambles. OUr public schools are a disgrace, as they are nation wide. Somebody is providing substandard service and making a fortune doing so and 14% of Tulsa high school graduates can attend a state college and get a ‘C’ average without remedial work. Even our highways suck and they’re expensive. And you want the OTA running health care?

    Graychin, it’s not that I don’t believe government doesn’t have a role in our daily lives. I’m not against taxes as long as they are used in a productive matter. I’m willing to pay my fair share and have. But you’re either misinformed or not being truthful.

    We should throw a few crumbs of that money to education and watch what happens.

    Baloney. We have much smaller class sizes and far more allocation of resources per child now than we did forty years ago with respect to public education. My property taxes are up 30% in five years – the maximum allowable increase per year for the last five years, with more than half of the taxes allocated to the public education. Private schools generally pay far less and have larger class sizes, yet are far better overall academically. Money is not the problem – parents and administration are. That argument should be shelved because it’s based on a lie.

    So you think our post office is efficient? At one time long ago, I might have agreed. Certainly not now. The price of a stamp will have increased 460% in 35 years effective Jan 2011. You think that’s a shining testimony to efficiency? My level of service has gone down dramatically the last 10 years.

    I could go on, but you and I are never going to come to a meeting of the minds because we arrive at diametrically opposed conclusions about quality of service.

    P.S. – I’ll share a personal horror story of you beloved USPS at a later time and demonstrate just how “good” they really are. And if you think my story unique, you’re crazy.

  110. I agree with you about “privatized” government contracts, but how in the world can you say this with a straight face?

    If it’s being done by the government, the pols hear from the voters if it isn’t being done right and they can take corrective action if they are so inclined – dealing with government employees.

    Is that a joke? Do you honestly believe the average citizen has either the clout, the time, the contacts, or the expertise to address government corruption? Graychin, every city and state government is know is either broke or quickly going broke. And people have been powerless to fix it for at least the last 30 years. People are barely keeping their heads above water trying to care for their families, if they are lucky with two working parents. Your situation, and to a lesser degree my situation, is certainly not the norm. You’re retired and comfortable – I happen to marry lucky.

    Look at government pension plans? We’ve know for years they were corrupt and bribed, and how has any of that been corrected? Have you not been reading about what is being discovered in California alone?

    I honest to God do not understand how an otherwise smart man can be this incredibly blind. Graychin, if you are a CPA like I think you are, you of all people ought to recognize how pathetic the performance of these government run operations.

  111. When they don’t, it’s often because they are starved for resources to by misguided pols who say they want to “run government like a business.” Like Bank of America? Like General Motors?

    Nice straw man.

    Seriously, you pick two businesses that the government determined too big to fail, and consequently, the government got directly involved with…with our money? Sorry, that doesn’t even rate as a “nice try”.

    Conservatives (like this one) *points thumbs at self* were saying, then screaming “LET THEM FAIL!!!!” because the minute the government got involved and started to determine which businesses it was going to become a stakeholder in with our money, it completely abdicated any moral authority it had as a regulatory body because it had become a participant as well as a referee. It is injurious to competition, and the measures government put in place and the actions taken when they decided to pick winners and losers evidenced typical government efficiency….take GM from the bondholders and give a large stake to the UAW, while keeping the company tethered to the nation’s wallet? BRILLIANT! Interfere with sound banking practices, and force smaller banks out of business so that the larger ones already under gubmint oversight like BOA have to assume their assets and liabilities? GENIUS! We can’t exactly call banking and GM and Chrysler private businesses any more, but please, continue to pick the worst examples to make your case. It isn’t like we’re actually taking you seriously.

  112. Here is the headline today:

    Currency Battle Could Start Hurting Corporate Earnings

    Can you say inflation? It’s inevitable. And when it happens, all hell is going to break loose…this entire country has been living a lie and smart people already know it, but are truthfully powerless to do anything about it.

    And since I’ve never believed in this survivalist B.S., I guess I’ll bite the bullet with the rest of them. Because frankly, if the big one goes off, I’d just soon be at ground zero when it does and get it over with so I can be on my merry way.

    Here Hippie – I’m going to give you an attaboy. From Neil Young (if memory serves):

    Better to burn out than fade away… 🙂

  113. The problem is accountability. If it’s being done by the government, the pols hear from the voters if it isn’t being done right and they can take corrective action if they are so inclined – dealing with government employees.

    The same UNIONIZED government employees who’s unions donate generously to the corrupticrats, who then put hat in hand and go back to the voters and say “I know the economy is in the shitter and you are likely unemployed or underemployed, but we just can’t reopen those union contracts that have 5% wage increases for all the employees and only require them to pay 5% of their healh care coverage. We just can’t tell your employees “no”, so instead you get more taxes. But don’t worry about it. You’ll get used to taking the bus, keeping the house at 60 in the winter, and eating boxed mac and cheese 6 days a week.”

    You really do say some unforgivably stupid things at times, Chin.

  114. Tex – how is your mail service, day in and day out?

    Tex will tell me an (isolated?) horror story about the post office – sometime – but then some moron criticizes me for mentioning the collapse of GM and B of A? Yes, they got bailed out by Big Government – but that’s my point exactly. They were both icons of American Free Enterprise – and they collapsed from stupid mismanagement. GM arguably had union issues, but B of A? No way.

    Run government “like a business”? No thanks.

    THIS is the news story of the day: a court in Michigan has upheld the constitutionality of the minimum coverage provisions of Obamacare:

    There is a rational basis to conclude that, in the aggregate, decisions to forego insurance coverage in preference to attempting to pay for health care out of pocket drive up the cost of insurance. (Hence its relevance to interstate commerce.) The costs of caring for the uninsured who prove unable to pay are shifted to health care providers, to the insured population in the form of higher premiums, to governments, and to taxpayers. The decision whether to purchase insurance or to attempt to pay for health care out of pocket, is plainly economic. These decisions, viewed in the aggregate, have clear and direct impacts on health care providers, taxpayers, and the insured population who ultimately pay for the care provided to those who go without insurance. These are the economic effects addressed by Congress in enacting the Act and the minimum coverage provision.

    It’s the same point that I was trying to make earlier, only not as well.

    The way Neil Young put it was “better to burn out than it is to rust.” Rust and moths. They’re even mentioned in the bible.

  115. Plague #2 Rutherford, 😆

    Dozens fall ill at Obama Rally

    Sometime soon, I fully expect frogs, locusts and a hail storm to ascend/descend on Washington D.C.. I don’t think Pharaoh Obama has gotten the message yet. I’m not sure what the last one will be, but it might be November 2nd.

  116. I thought the Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) was better to burn out than to fade away from “Rust Never Sleeps?” It’s possible my memory is as clouded as Neil’s has been for 40 years now – mine from inactivity – his from mind numbing drugs.

    Somehow, I doubt Neil Young inspired by the Bible – more likely inspired by Obama’s Brother Stan. 😈

  117. Chin, The only way the court gets to that is to bypass the question of Congress’ authority in the first place, and no, interstate commerce doesn’t get you there either, because

    (a) in the last 90 years, there have been virtually no boundaries on the concept according to the federal courts (which at best relegates their very classification as federal as nothing more than a misnomer), at least pre-Lopez, so right now, it is nothing less than a modern day incantation uttered by the Congress whenever the silly prols dare question their authority; and

    (b) Health care companies are not allowed to offer statewide plans; the states themselves are gatekeepers who determine which companies may sell coverage in their markets and what that coverage must entail. There is nothing remotely affecting interstate commerce in the payment for health care by the insurance companies.

    And yes, I did attack your examples of business….and a news flash for you, BOA was very mismanaged, even before the housing crisis. I’m in the process olf suing them right now, for several people. No one paying attention in the last 30 years would think of GM as an example of great how-to in free enterprise…sorry. Its business model has been irretrievably f**ked up since the mid-sixties, and saying that they might have had union problems is like saying the person with multiple intestinal tapeworms has a problem with parasites. British understatement doesn’t even come close.

  118. Tex – how is your mail service, day in and day out?

    Sporadic – twice last week I delivered mail to the nice, older woman two blocks over with the same address, different block. I’ve never received anything in return from her, but have gotten a few envelopes with “Not at this Address.” However, I suppose I give it an average grade. It gets better when I give them bottled water on hot days at the mailbox.

    But the point is, it costs me 460% more than it did thirty five years ago to mail a letter. The question you ought to ask me is if my service has kept up with the cost of delivery – and clearly it has not. In fact, when cost is taken into account, the Post Office gets a big “F” and this is a very common opinion. Stood in line for 25 minutes last week to purchase a book of stamps because their fucking machine was out order again. I went three times, so it had to be out of order for at least a week.

    I didn’t tell you my USPS story because it gets a little complicated. I will tell you last month it took 11 days for my check to be received by a painter in Broken Arrow (from South Tulsa). Do you consider that efficiency?

    I could have pushed my car faster…

  119. Speaking of rust – it would be my mathematics. 😳

    Make that a 360% increase in the cost of postage since 1975. Surprised the old accountant didn’t call me on that one.

  120. So then, why do Republicans need to resort to lies? Palin and others are back trotting out the death panel bullshit, for example. If you are correct, they should be able to win without making crap like that up, right?” – HP


    The FDA advisory panel has now voted 12-1 to drop the endorsement for breast cancer treatment. The panel unusually cited “effectiveness” grounds for the decision. But it has been claimed that “cost effectiveness” was the real reason ahead of reforms in which the government will extend health insurance to the poorest.

    If the approval of the drug is revoked then US insurers would be likely to stop paying for Avastin.

  121. Biden: ‘You’re the dullest audience I’ve ever spoken to’
    By Jordan Fabian – 10/07/10 02:48 PM ET

    Vice President Joe Biden got a laugh from his audience at a Wisconsin fundraising event Thursday when he tried to rile the crowd about the economic collapse of 2008.

    “We want to reward people who manufacture things in the United States, in Wisconsin, not to take them overseas to China and to other countries!” he said to a silent room at the event for Democratic gubernatorial nominee Tom Barrett, according to a White House pool report.

    He continued, saying, “You’re the dullest audience I’ve ever spoken to,” at which point he got applause and laughs. “Do you realize how many jobs Wisconsin lost? It’s staggering!”

    Could it be that the populist rhetoric of class warfare is no longer working?

  122. I find the argument that government is better than contracting interesting.

    I’ve done both- federal employment and government contracting. Both have their advantages and draw backs, but to claim that the government can do better than contracting, well, that depends.

    Contractors do more, faster and at less cost. Government employees have greater flexibility and authority in how they pursue a problem. One of the greatest advantages to contracting is that if there is wrong-doing, it is very easy to fire the wrong-doer. Do you have any idea how hard it is to fire a government employee? It takes months, if not years, and mountains of paperwork. Contractor? 15 minutes.

  123. Tiger, CAO La Traviata? Brand new cigar uh? How are they?

    Are the Number 9’s infused?

    Man….for the money…I have to say, 5 Vegas kick ass.

    Rocky Patel Signature is awesome if your into Connecticut type cigars with some balls. Reminds me of the Man of War Virtue, if you ever had one of those.

  124. I’m a Rocky Patel Signature guy myself. I’m also a scotch guy, and when I’m drinking a blend (Green label is my prefered choice, secondly only to Blue label of course 😉 ) the Rocky hits the spot.

    The CAO America and Brazilia are awesome.

    One of my absolute favorites- La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero. It’s a chisel, so no cutting, and the blending in flavor you get is first rate. Trust me, you’ll thank me.

  125. Rabbit, Crist looked like Nolan Ryan compared to President Bongo El Bomba. Obama perfected the Eephus pitch while wearing his grandma’s jeans and not remembering one player of his “favorite” team.

    Still, that was funny as hell. 😆 WTF was that motion – side arm, underhanded? Crist should dismiss himself for that alone.

  126. By the way, I just read a hilarious article that many in Hollywood and particular author from Salon are outraged over the new movie arriving this weekend about my favorite athlete of all time – Secretariat.

    Seems it is too appealing to middle America – no curse words, based on a feel good true story, no left-wing lackeys or politics, damn good acting, and the women aren’t hard core feminists.

    I’ll go twice for that reason. 🙂

  127. Have any of you guys tried the ACIDs?

    No, but my brother-in-law swears he saw real musical notes coming out of his stereo when he tried it for the one and only time.

    Oh, not that kind of ACIDs?

  128. Lick all the stamps you want, or are you a sugar cube kind-of guy?

    I can- and do- piss in a bottle on the spot. I never have fear- never have, never will.

    I’m a liquid diet kind of guy 😉

  129. Lick all the stamps you want, or are you a sugar cube kind-of guy?

    Not me. I have a hard time keeping the faculties grounded straight up. I drank two microbrewery beers in Colorado last year back to back and tripped over a tree root chasing a frisbee. My kids laughed at me for weeks.

    I do remember a time when I was about 14 that I tried a little hash. A neighborhood kid dumped me in my own front yard afterward, taking me home in his front basket that he used to carry his newspapers.

    Undoubtedly my tolerance was not up to snuff (pun intended).

  130. I’m not sure why there’s two responses there – it kept telling me duplicate comment, then froze when I pushed the submit the first time. Feel free Mr. “R” to can one of them if you wish.

  131. Before I go to bed — I’ve got a goddam eye doctor appt tomorrow and can’t afford to go in all blurry — I can’t help but be amused by the side conversation going on in this thread about everyone’s favorite way of getting lung cancer.

    I’m sorta proud of you Tex for not pissing on the party and going all medical advisory on their ass. 🙂

  132. You’ve got an eye appointment – I’ve got a dentist appointment before mom comes home to whip me into shape. I’ll drop by to make sure your continual mental masturbation hasn’t ruined your vision. 😉

    Trust me on this one “R”. I’ve got no room to criticize anybody about nicotine – it was just 10 years ago, I was sneaking cigarettes on the side of my house like Obama.

  133. Bank of America halts foreclusures in all 50 states

    “Reports of foreclosure processors approving documents without properly reviewing them and bank agents changing locks on the doors of houses that aren’t even in foreclosure — while the residents are inside — pile ambiguity and scandal on the foreclosure system. Delays in the process further cripple the weak housing market.”

    Government screws up everything it touches. Much better to let the Free Market and good old American Private Enterprise do the job effectively for the benefit of everyone.


  134. So today begins how Tex explains to the limp-wristed, big government liberals that frequent this blog how they are boneheaded, misguided, and wrong.

    And to do so, Tex will use an adopted Rutherford Lawson technique of Fireside chats – but not the failed Obama fireside chants. A much smarter, more enlightened man to explain to liberals why they are wrong about everything without personal insult. Next week we will talk about your “elitism”.

    But a good starting point would be to rehash what we Conservatives believe and why we believe it. And Bill Whittle is my favorite choice to do so. Please take the time this week to acquaint yourself about the principles of the founding of this country.

  135. Government screws up everything it touches. Much better to let the Free Market and good old American Private Enterprise do the job effectively for the benefit of everyone.

    It’s pessimism Friday folks so I have a news flash for all of you.

    Our society is in decline. I don’t know why and I don’t know how to fix it. The same forces that make government impotent are at play in the private sector …. rank stupidity. Perhaps as a species we have reached the pinnacle of our evolutionary capability and it’s all down hill from here. It’s no wonder we see the country turning toward theocracy. We’ve reached the limits of our intellect.

    On “Morning Joe” today, Christia Freeland said that in her travels abroad she hears one consistent message: America seems incapable to unite behind any cause or effort anymore. They can’t get anything done, not high speed rail, not broadband infrastructure, nothing. Apparently if you fly from the Istanbul airport to one of ours, you feel like you’re visiting a third world country. Odds are, our children will witness more of a free fall than we are seeing. Poor bastards!

  136. “when we start electing some really dangerous wack jobs it’s going to be because of this progressive agenda you folks tried to force onto everyone.”

    “So your party’s insanity is the fault of liberals. Oh that’s rich.”

    Why not look at it with the car analogy your pal Barry likes so much?

    What is the natural tendency for people when they are out of control in a turn?

    They tend to turn hard the other direction–a move known as “over-correcting.”

    The left over-corrected after the percieved hard right turn Bush took post-9/11. And it is very possible that the right will over-correct the hard left turn we’ve taken the last couple years.

    Or we could always go with your explanation, which is….? Or did MSNBC not tell you what to think on that?

  137. From Bloomberg:

    JPMorgan, Bank of America Face `Hydra’ of Foreclosure Probes

    JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp. and Ally Financial Inc., defending allegations of fraudulent home foreclosures from customers and Congress, may face the most financial peril from investigations by state attorneys general.

    Authorities in at least seven states are probing whether lenders used false documents and signatures to justify hundreds of thousands of foreclosures, and the number of these inquiries will grow, according to state officials and legal experts.

    I guess that we could go on all day trading horror stories about waste, inefficiency, and downright fraud in government vs. private, for-profit business. But I never said that government is always better. It’s you who say that government is always worse.

    “Government never does anything right. Look at the post office.” (Which is actually a separate corporation – but never mind that.) That’s an article of revealed truth to “conservatives.” Evidence that contradicts a revealed truth is heretical, and must be ignored or mocked. Never considered.

  138. Heavy Hitters LIst of Bank of America political contributors reported for 2009-2010

    Obama, Barack Hussein (D-Ill) $421,242
    Bush, George W (R-Texas) $309,261
    Spratt, John M Jr (D-SC) $218,950
    McCain, John Keating 5 (R-Ariz) $212,450
    Clinton, Hillary Rotten (D-NY) $194,031


  139. America seems incapable to unite behind any cause or effort anymore.

    Another malaise speech of a feckless Dim, trying to unite behind some morbid “progressive cause.” High speed rail – like what I believe a perfect testament to Progressive successes – Amtrack (that which never made the “profit” promised).

    We must first purge ourselves of the decay and corruption called Progressivism – we did it once in 1980. We can do it again.

    We slipped and let it creep back into our midst. This time, it must be destroyed its agenda entirely and its proponents crushed like pop cans.

    Then all will be well…

  140. “But I never said that government is always better.”

    Which means that you admit sometimes government is not better. Or, in other words….government is worse.

    Which also means that you admit that sometimes we are correct.

    Too bad you never admit when that is.

  141. Perhaps as a species we have reached the pinnacle of our evolutionary capability and it’s all down hill from here. It’s no wonder we see the country turning toward theocracy. We’ve reached the limits of our intellect.

    There is so much FAIL! in that infantile analysis that I really wouldn’t know where to begin the well-deserved fisking that it is begging for.

  142. Notice how it is rejection of the leftist liberal agenda that is proof of our intellectual decline but not proof of why candidates who seem intellectually challenges are being nominated?

    Rutherford, how about you let us know when you make up your mind so the rest of us can play along, mmmkay?

  143. Liberalism fails, when we get away from liberalism, things get much better.

    SO the moral of the story is, just wait, it’ll get better…

  144. Donilon has served in senior roles in the State Department and is close to Vice President Joe Biden. He is known as one of the White House’s hardest working staffers and associates describe him as highly effective.

    As Obama’s new security adviser, Donilon will play a key role in the administration’s review of its strategy in Afghanistan, where the security situation continues to deteriorate despite Obama dispatching 30,000 more troops to break the momentum of a resurgent Taliban.

    In veteran U.S. journalist Bob Woodward’s new book “Obama’s Wars,” which gives an inside look at how Obama crafted his Afghan war strategy, Donilon is shown as deeply skeptical of a big troop increase in Afghanistan.

    Donilon was part of a circle of close aides who urged Obama to push back against the military’s request for a large U.S. troop increase.Reuters

    It is hard to imagine anything good can come from this…

  145. Gorilla said: Liberalism fails, when we get away from liberalism, things get much better.

    Except you guys have been in charge for 8 of the last 10 years – and have done everything you could over the last 2 years to block progressive change. Progressive ideas haven’t even been enacted, so you can’t very well claim they have failed.

    I agree with Rutherford that we are in decline. Others of you (Alfie and Tex, if I remember right) have been saying similar things.

    Personally, I think it is all of our faults and none of our faults.

    The trend toward sound-bite journalism and attack campaigning has nearly destroyed our ability to have a civil conversation about important issues. Politicians on both sides of the aisle seek personal political power at the expense of what is good for the country. This has always been the case. But, the media are now possessed of a technology that allows politicians to take the nastiness to incredible heights – to the point that it has nearly destroyed our confidence in our government.

    Or, so say I….

  146. Rabbit, yeah the La Traviatas are new. Rated a 93 — pretty damn impressive for a $6-7 stick. I love them. There’s been a run on them around here which is why bought a box.

    The Number 9′s are not infused. No way, now how would I smoke an infused cigar. Yuck. I know Drew had the Acid and are known for the infused. I had one given to me from one of Drew’s owners — I mistakenly put in my humidor. Big mistake. Smells like men’s cologne or something. Just disgusting. I promptly removed it and waited for the stench to wear off of all my good ones.

    The No. 9s and T-52s from Drew are the best non-Cuban I’ve had in years. Trust me. No relationship to the infused cigars. Have a look at the reviews for it. The fact that they come from Drew freaks everyone out.

    Never had a Vegas 5. I’m going out with some stogie-smokin’ muckety-mucks tonight and planned on stopping into my shop. I’ll look around. I love trying new cigars.

  147. Gorilla, yeah the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero are awesome. Can’t get them around here for the time being either. If you’re a lligero man then I know we’d be swapping some of the same smokes. Straight ligero is for real smokers.

  148. G-chin, the difference is that when private enterprise fails, it should go down. Pointing out shitty business practices is not an answer to your belief in government superiority.

  149. 8 years? YOu’ve had COngress for the last 4 years and GOP control of Congress really wasn’t solid until 2002 midterms. So, the GOP had solid control from about 2002 through 2006. The rest of the time is all you my friend…

  150. George Bush will get the last laugh over all these of these goons, who did everything in their power to damage him over eight years, while actively rooting for our troops to lose.

    And Hippie, you don’t progressive ideas have been enacted? Good Lawd man? What solar system did you wake up in today?

    BongoCare, Trillion dollar slush funds, regulations out the wazoo, anything Eric Holder has done, appointed green and communist Czars, declared war on business, union payoffs, two wars declared on Fox News, threats to nationalize banks, statism, federal suits filed against states like Arizona, war on Christianity, appeasement of America’s enemies and hand jobs for Muslims, open borders, etc etc etc…

    The last two years have been a lib’s wet dream – and America’s nightmare. The last four years we’ve had a large majority Dim Congress paralleling the downfall.

    Hard to believe an otherwise good guy and joy to shoot the bull with can be so blatantly dishonest about politics.

  151. Except you guys have been in charge for 8 of the last 10 years – and have done everything you could over the last 2 years to block progressive change.

    Ummm, try 6 years, as the 2006 midterms brought the Dims to power in the Congress (who could forget the ostentatious coronation of Queen Granny Rictus in the House?), and in the last two years, the GOP hasn’t had the votes to stop anything, as the Health Care Takeover so clearly demonstrated, as did the House votes on Cap and Tax, and the [Lack of] Financial Reform Bill did. I know you want desperately to blame the right for the failure to inflict a tyranny of mediocrity upon us all, but the fact is that the failure has been in the Dims keeping their party voting as a cohesive block.

    Progressive ideas haven’t even been enacted, so you can’t very well claim they have failed.

    Except in Cuba, the Soviet Union and its satelite states, and damn near anywhere else they have been tried.

    The trend toward sound-bite journalism and attack campaigning has nearly destroyed our ability to have a civil conversation about important issues. Politicians on both sides of the aisle seek personal political power at the expense of what is good for the country. This has always been the case. But, the media are now possessed of a technology that allows politicians to take the nastiness to incredible heights – to the point that it has nearly destroyed our confidence in our government.
    *the ref throws the bullshit flag on the play*
    “Hyperbolic Bullshit, Defense, Loss of 15 yards and Down. The Play is 4th and LONG.”

    This is not the fist time that politicians have played very nasty with each other. Pretty much from Monroe’s administration to the War of Northern Agression, the politicians had raised hypervitriolic statements to an art form, over various issues, including the war with Mexico, admission of new states, The Monroe doctrine, slavery and other issues. And the election between Jefferson and Adams? Don’t even get me started.

    It has happened before, it will happen again. It may not be pretty, but politics rarely is, and given what Congress has been up to for 2 years, I would prefer them doing nothing at all than succeeding with their “transformative” agenda.

  152. Hyperbolic Bullshit, Defense, Loss of 15 yards and Down. The Play is 4th and LONG.”

    After further review, the bullshit was not hyperbolic. The penalty is reversed and the play stands. First and goal….

    BiW – we have had this argument before. In fact, I almost included an “I know BiW will disagree” section but I was in a hurry.

    Politics has indeed always been a nasty business. However, never before has the technology been available that allows constant streaming of extremely negative information.

    I said this before – back in the times of Adams and Jefferson information moved at the speed of a good horse. In the Civil War it moved as fast as a steam locomotive. News didn’t travel quickly and you simply couldn’t blanket the system like you can know.

    So – perhaps politics is no nastier – but the effects of nasty politics are much stronger.

  153. And Hippie, you don’t progressive ideas have been enacted? Good Lawd man? What solar system did you wake up in today? The last two years have been a lib’s wet dream

    A lib’s wet dream would include single payer health insurance, cap and trade, repeal of DADT, nationwide gay marriage, and increased taxes on the wealthy accompanied by a middle class tax cut. I could go on…

    Which of these things has actually occurred?

  154. I said this before – back in the times of Adams and Jefferson information moved at the speed of a good horse. In the Civil War it moved as fast as a steam locomotive. News didn’t travel quickly and you simply couldn’t blanket the system like you can know.

    I know what you meant, and it is simply a subargument of the now infamous “The American people who do not agree with us are just dumb” meme that the Left employs when calling us racists doesn’t work to shut down the speech you dont like.

    The change brought by technology is that the three sisters of broadcasting no longer have a monopoly on televised propaganda news, and when people have a choice of the sources they use, they are chosing not cheerfully sip the brew of bullshit and lies that they have served up for decades. The same has happened with print media, where the venerated warhorses now have a smaller circulation than many websites have daily readers.

    And the reaction, predictably, has been to vilify the competitors with psuedo-intellectual analyses of how this new diversity of voices and opinions is harmful, and that the vilified voices (who just happen to disagree with those in the legacy media) are “inciting violence” and are a “danger to society” and therefore must be shut down or so tightly controlled as to be effectively silenced. The Founders would vehimently oppose such a concept, as they were firm believers in the marketplace of ideas. But then, they actually trusted the American people, too, rather than viewing them as rebellious subjects to be chastized and “corrected” by their chief executive, no less, who deigned to tell them what they should read for their information.

  155. The funny thing, BiW, is that I am making an attempt to be apolitical here. I am blaming both sides for this problem – either that or blaming nobody.

    People on both sides use smear tactics for one reason alone: They work… at least in the short term. In the long term I swear they will destroy the entire system.

    I think I have asked this before, but here goes: Suppose the GOP regains control of both houses and the presidency in 2012. Do you think the Democrats are just gonna go “aw shucks” and play nice after that? Absolutely not. We will seek revenge and do our very best to destroy the GOP in the hearts and minds of the voters. Suppose we succeed…

    Repeat ad nauseum while, as Rutherford notes, the rest of the world just passes us by….

  156. HP, my fear is not what the Dims will do if the GOP wins majorities in both houses. I fear that they will once again forget to dance with the ones what brung ’em. That is what will be the disaster, because once the electorate comes to the conclusion that they cannot trust either party, things will get very ugly indeed.

    But given the role that both parties have played in the gradual degredation of society’s integrity, perhaps, in the long run, such a result would be a good thing for the republic.

  157. A lib’s wet dream would include single payer health insurance, cap and trade, repeal of DADT, nationwide gay marriage, and increased taxes on the wealthy accompanied by a middle class tax cut. I could go on…

    Then you will join me November 2012 in voting your displeasure and disdain with the monumental failure Hussein too? Good – you’re finally seeing the light and returned to your roots.

    Now that we’ve settle that, a funny. Well, it’s kind of funny. If it’s not funny, at least you’ll get joy out of the consternation anger rage anxiety it caused your good buddy Tex.

    Two years ago, during my medical school fiasco, I caught my youngest daughter (the piece of work out of the mold of Tex – scary, hey?) removing her toe nail polish on the family room coffee table. This is not cheap furniture, and in fact the brand (Pennsylvania House) is my favorite we own. I told my daughter, “Don’t you dare get any of that acetone on that polyurethane finish. In fact, get off your ass and do that in the bathroom.” Her flippant answer? “I’ve done it a million times while you weren’t here and didn’t do anything.” I resigned trying to get the world’s most obstinate child to do otherwise.

    I come home the next evening. It’s late; I’m tired; I’ve been at school since 8:00AM, frustrated as hell with this anatomy lab of which there was zero help there to ask questions. I make myself a sandwich. I’m even more frustrated at the dirty laundry in the utility room basket (not mine) and the dirty dishes in the sink (not mine). There’s only one other person living with me. Guess? Screw it, I’m hungry.

    I turn on the TV which just happens to reflect off the sweet urethane finish of the coffee table. I do a double take, look again to make sure I am seeing what I think I see, and I think blood squirted out of my eyes. What do I see on my coffee table?

    A perfect set of toe prints smeared into the polyurethane finish.

    The only way I can describe it Hippie is if you remember back in the unfashionable 70s, just about the time the peace sign was popular, so were little bare feet you could stick onto your books. It looked like somebody had taken that pattern and taken a real fine brush and painted the toe lines perfectly all the way down to the stain.

    A few days ago, I was bored and decided to fix it after getting an estimate of $375 dollars to refinish the top. No way. So I got my orbital sander, 120 and 220 grit paper and went to work. Got it stripped beautifully. Went and bought stain and polyurethane at Home Depot. Got the “experts” to match it for me. They told me it was walnut. I said I thought it was more maple colored. “No, it’s definitely walnut.” The stain is about the color of caramel with a high gloss finish. Their argument won out.

    So I stained it and it was beautiful – but I didn’t leave the stain on but a couple of minutes. I stained it again. And again. And again. Each time the table richer – and darker. I started looking at it. I thought, “shit this isn’t the right colored stain.”

    So today, I went to a different paint store – mom and pop. They scanned the color. I said what color is it? They said,

    “It’s definitely maple.” Son of a bitch.

    So now I’m sanding the bastard down to the wood again. I got lazy and only did a half ass job, being this is the 3rd time I’ve had to do it. I splashed on the maple stain. Undoubtedly, it takes stain a hellavu lot longer than 24 hours to dry well, because now the table is maple colored, with walnut spots seeping up through the grain. It looks like something you’d put in a nursery for babies to chew on.

    I’m about to put the POS in the fireplace and set a match to it. 😡

  158. You know Tex, our entertainment center is made from Oak and is hand made by a great friend of mine. We stained it pretty dark, in fact, a lot darker than we had hoped. So, like you, we sanded it down and restained it maple. We had the same thing happen, the dark stain in the grain popped through the maple, but lucky for us, the grain was really well defined so it actually came out very nice.

    I just rebuilt a bar for my basement and tried to duplicate the entertainment center’s look. Came out pretty close so I’m pleased thus far.

    Moral of the story, don’t let the kids chew on it just yet. 😉

  159. OK, this is in Chicago, the poster child for compassionate liberal policies, which is why the murder rate is so high, but I digress. But this is what gets me, this was an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The teacher shouldn’t have been fired, they should have been PROSEXECUTED. It is this kind of stuff that makes me want to LIBERALIZE the use of corporal and capital punishment.

    CHICAGO (CBS) If your child feels unsafe at school, and you want them transferred to a new school, what do you think would happen?

    Families say officials with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) drag their heels and even prevent transfers, further endangering their kids. 2 Investigator Dave Savini found the district has been lacking a policy to deal with this safety concern.

    Since 2008-2009 school year, Edwina Meyer has been trying to get a transfer out of Scammon Elementary School, 4201 W. Henderson St. She says she feels unsafe.

    “It’s terrible,” Meyer says. “It’s like so much happened in that classroom.”

    She says she has witnessed multiple X-rated acts while in class.

    Meyer was reportedly not alone in witnessing this behavior. Laura Flores says her daughter also witnessed the sex acts.

    “My daughter was psychologically damaged by it, in the way she had nightmares, she fretted about going to school,” Flores said. “She was afraid.”

    Flores and Susan Meyer, Edwina’s mother, both say that during the past two years, they wanted their daughters transferred to different schools for safety reasons. But they say school officials fought them, even though they acknowledge the sex acts occurred and fired the teacher.

    Edwina Meyer says even after the teacher was fired, problems persisted. She says she was bit, inappropriately touched and she says denied access to the bathroom. Meyer says she wet herself and was forced to sit in her own urine.

    “I don’t have an explanation from anybody why it’s happening,” Susan Meyer said.

    She removed her daughter from Scammon and has been trying to have her placed in a new school.

    The problem is there have been no official CPS policies to help students transfer when they felt unsafe.

    Meyer wanted her daughter, who has special education needs, to go to a new school, Lorca, which opened just blocks from her home. She says CPS officials refused.

    Finally, they were told Edwina Meyer could switch, but to a school five miles away without bus transportation. That is impossible, says her mother, who has no car. That left Edwina sitting at home.

    “She doesn’t deserve this,” Susan Meyer said.

    After CBS 2 contacted Chicago Public School officials, they agreed to provide Edwina bus transportation to a new school.

    For other students, there also is help. This year, a new CPS policy allows students to transfer for safety reasons, but applying for a move does not guarantee you will get one. District-wide, 17 students have applied for safety transfers citywide this year, and five were denied.

    “The district makes every effort to accommodate all of its students and their individual needs equitably and fairly, and we will review and monitor our internal procedures,” a schools spokesman says.

  160. Was it HP or Chin who was complaining of underhanded tactics?

    Democrats: Adler campaign backed Tea Party candidate

    Congressman John Adler’s campaign and the Camden County Democratic Committee recruited “”NJ Tea Party” candidate Peter DeStefano to confuse conservative voters and hurt Adler’s Republican challenger this fall, Democratic operatives say.
    “The goal was to take 5 percent of (Republican Jon) Runyan’s vote,” said a Democrat with direct knowledge of the Adler campaign and CCDC operations.

    “Steve Ayscue designed the plan with Geoff Mackler following his lead.”

    Ayscue is a high-profile Democratic consultant who runs the CCDC. Mackler is Adler’s campaign manager.

    Several South Jersey Democratic operatives with direct knowledge of the Adler campaign and CCDC operations spoke to the Courier-Post on condition of anonymity because of what they described as ethical qualms with Adler’s campaign.
    “From the beginning, orders have flowed from Cherry Hill,” said one Democratic operative, referring to CCDC headquarters at Garden State Pavilions shopping center off Route 70.

    Adler, who is in a knife-fight with Runyan in the conservative-leaning 3rd district, is aware of the DeStefano plan, Democrats said.

    Regional Tea Party groups had never heard of DeStefano until the Adler campaign released partial results of an internal poll last summer that indicated he might be a viable third-party spoiler.

    Up until and immediately after a July 19 Courier-Post story on DeStefano’s candidacy, the Adler campaign was largely unresponsive to media queries. In early August, at a grand opening of his Marlton campaign office, Adler told the Courier-Post, “I know we weren’t part of it.”

    The Democratic operatives – one of whom helped Adler’s 2008 bid but is not on staff this time around – said there was immediate disagreement among the rank and file about the DeStefano plan.

    Democrats said Adler’s recent allegiance with conservatives on a number of issues was calculated to help him hang on to his seat, held for 25 years by Republican Jim Saxton. Which is why the DeStefano plan, announced before three dozen young party volunteers at CCDC headquarters last May, struck some as foolish.

    “Everybody thought this would be a very scrutinized race,” said a person who attended Ayscue and Mackler’s May 26 presentation.

    “A lot of people said, ‘This is not how you win.”’

  161. Until November, the Rabbit is going to pretty much use Rutherford’s blog as a medium to showcase my bravado.

    Homeruns, 350 yard drives, winning the The Midwest 30 and Over Speling Bee Championship, fulfilling the Old Lady 5 times…in a row….while reading War and Peace… slam dunks…..record size fish…..arm wrestling victories…eloquent prose in front of card board Greek Pillars….all of it on video, live and direct.

  162. Beautiful! A God-damned work of art!

    Speaking of self-advertising, I just spent a couple hours at Gallop. It amazes me at what they find that never sees the light of day.

    My thoughts and musings on the matter…

  163. Yeah Tex, I’m the Babe when the ball is 3 times bigger and slow pitched on a 9 foot arc.

    I hit the ball harder then most people but the grunt ruins it. The harder I hit the ball, the louder and more delayed the grunt. Thus, the crowd laughs at me. I’ve even been accused of poor sportsmanship. I swear I can’t help it.

  164. D.R. – good looking set of guns. 🙂 You look like the guys I used to play with on my sponsored team. Meaty, swinging from the heels, knock the ball a country mile.

    I didn’t notice a consider limp when you were heading toward first base. Knees feeling better?

  165. Lol…Rutherford, I don’t think a guy could be any farther from a blip on the Gaydar then Tex.

    I don’t know who was chuckling. My wife doesn’t even pay attention to the game enough to laugh. I think it was my sister-in-law.

  166. Rutherford,

    Did you just call me queer? 🙂 Nah, I was just reminiscing about watching the Rabbit swing for the fences and it brought back some great memories in a single life – at least before marriage. I used to play like 3 or 4 times a week and my team at one time was pretty damn good. Bunch of ex-jocks past their prime, but we could all knock the snot out of the ball. I don’t know what was more fun – playing, or sitting around drinking beer afterward and acting stupid.

    We had one big bruiser on our team that literally knocked a slow pitch, restricted flight softball out of a real baseball stadium. He’d been a former OU lineman, the about 100lbs overweight, but it was thing of beauty to watch him swing. His big, fat ass could barely make it to first base (which is what he played) but I swear he could hit a restricted flight softball damn near 400 ft.

    I haven’t picked up a softball in 20+ years and might throw like Charlie Crist now, but I sure did have some good times playing. Makes me envious of Rabbit that I’m not capable of doing that anymore.

    Enjoy it Rabbit.

  167. Due to the direction of both programs, hitherto undefeated seasons, 17th and 18th rankings, Denard Robinson’s H-trophy push, coaches having heart attacks on the sidelines and my hatred for Michigan State, this is the biggest football game of my life! Go Blue!

  168. By the way, even worse then the grunt is admiring a ball that doesn’t go out of the park. I just noticed the video isn’t even a home run.

  169. … and might throw like Charlie Crist now,

    Tex did you say your better half was coming home this weekend? Cos you’re in one helluva good mood … you resisted a swipe at Obama and went after Crist instead. You’re either elated about something or in need of medical care. 🙂

  170. Just want to throw it out there….I had no clue Linda McMahon ever got power-drived by Cain.

    That is hilarious.

    She survived an assault by a guy who beat the Undertaker in Hell in the Cell.

    I don’t think it will hurt her as it isn’t without precedent. You got Jesse the Body…he has been power-driven before.

    And of course Barney Frank got powerdriven relentlessly by the Fannie and Freddy big dog.

  171. I don’t hate Michigan State.

    There should be an alternative for those who couldn’t get into Michigan.

    😆 Cold, man. Very cold. Somethings are the same all over – unmerciful mocking of higher institutions of education.

    “R”, mom is indeed home this weekend, and I’m always in a good mood when mom is home. Plus I eat much, much better. I did miss a chance at a shot at Obama, but Crist’s pitch the more I thought about is was even funnier.

  172. Rabbit, I guess the difference between Jesse The Body Ventura and Linda McMahon is that Jesse rode his exploitation all the way to the bank. Linda on the other hand rides other guys exploitation all the way to the bank. Most wrestlers don’t achieve Ventura’s stature and only really serve to line Vince and Linda’s pockets.

    The other difference … if Minnesota wants to risk f*cking themselves by electing a wrestler for Governor (or California for that matter with Ahhhnold), that damage is limited to the state. Linda on the other hand, if she gets elected, will effect national policy. Scary.

    By the way, I liked both Jesse and Arnold. I think their true outsider status was a good thing. Sadly, it can’t be said that CA is better off after Arnold.

  173. But I imagine he’s a racist too…

    Why I am a black Tea Party patriot opposed to Barack Obama

    Several of my cousins stayed enslaved to the system and the bigotry of low expectations. Because true self-esteem comes from personal achievement, they possessed very little. They lived angry and bitter lives, consumed with serial impregnating, out-of-wedlock births and substance abuse. An outrageously high number died prematurely.

    So, when I hear politicians, such as Barack Obama, pandering to the so-called poor of America, it turns my stomach. I’ve witnessed the deterioration of the human spirit, wasted lives and suffering that happens when government becomes “daddy”.

  174. R, as the resident Conservative women hater, I’d really like you to read this article. This is from Kristen Powers, a liberal, writing at the Daily Beast.

    Defned yourself…

    A href=””>What Do Dems Have Against Women?

    The Jerry Brown campaign’s “whore” comment wasn’t the first to slur against a Republican woman. And look where the attacks are coming from—progressives and liberal women.

    Yes, sexism matters—as does gender. But whereas you never hear anyone claim that men should vote a particular way because of their gender, feminists have no trouble treating women like pre-schoolers who have to be herded into the right camp, a camp that is apparently preordained at birth. In an interview with Katie Couric last year, Gloria Steinem said that where conservative women stand “is squarely against what most women need and want. If [women] still vote for them, they are voting against themselves, which is quite tragic to me.”

    This kind of attitude should be antithetical to feminist thought because it is infantilizing to women.

  175. By the way, I liked both Jesse and Arnold. I think their true outsider status was a good thing. Sadly, it can’t be said that CA is better off after Arnold.” – R

    Is that because of, or inspite of, Arnald? The CA State Employee Union and State Legislator have done more to hurt CA than anything else- and you know it.

  176. “I guess the difference between Jesse The Body Ventura and Linda McMahon is that Jesse rode his exploitation all the way to the bank. Linda on the other hand rides other guys exploitation all the way to the bank.”


  177. (The Hill)– Financier George Soros blamed Republicans and China for holding back necessary measures to boost the struggling economy.

    Soros said Saturday that Republicans’ focus on deficits has driven the current political debate, adding that it’s “becoming eerily reminiscent to the debate of the 1930s,” when the Hoover administration pushed spending cuts to reduce the deficit instead of the stimulus spending favored by John Maynard Keynes to combat the Great Depression.

    “Instead of that we are driven to quantitative easing because the political debate has been marked — driven by Republicans, who are arguing for balancing the budget and no more stimulus,” he said. “Stimulus has become a dirty word in the political arena. And so politics are dictating the policy.”

    Wow, imagine that, politics impacting policy. Who’d a thunk it…

    But let us review for a moment, those policies of FDR and Keynes…

    Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    After scrutinizing Roosevelt’s record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

    “Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump,” said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA’s Department of Economics. “We found that a relapse isn’t likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies.”

    In an article in the August issue of the Journal of Political Economy, Ohanian and Cole blame specific anti-competition and pro-labor measures that Roosevelt promoted and signed into law June 16, 1933.

  178. Really, tone deaf doesn’t even begin to describe this…

    President Obama hit the golf course Saturday for what, by CBS News’ Mark Knoller’s calculation, was his 52nd such outing since taking office.

    According to the White House pool report, Obama went golfing Saturday with his usual partners: trip director Marvin Nicholson, press aide Ben Finkenbinder and the Department of Energy’s David Katz.

    CBS News Radio White House correspondent Knoller tweeted:

    It’s a beautiful 77° & sunny in DC and Pres Obama has gone to Andrews AFB for a round of golf. His 52nd since taking office.

    Before heading to Andrews Air Force Base for golf, Obama watched his daughter Malia’s soccer game in northwest Washington.

    Obama heads to Philadelphia with Vice President Biden on Sunday for a DNC “Moving America Forward” campaign rally with Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Joe Sestak (Pa.).

  179. Every single one of us who has a site that recieves traffic should have a button that directs folks here.

    This guy is sincerely a hero.

  180. Dick … thanks for stopping by.

    G, I think folk are using the 3 day Columbus Day weekend to decompress a bit. I know I am.

    Still, there is a new post just published for you boys to enjoy. Unfortunately, this one won’t give you much to argue about. 😉

  181. I get to spend my Columbus Day in a 4-hour seminar class discussing Marx, Hegel, and Nietzsche.

    Now you see why my attitude is for crap these days……

  182. Thanks for the offer, Alfie, but I’m afraid I just don’t have the time right now for much extra-curricular writing.

    I make time to come here and harass the libs. Plus their ineptitude makes it so easy.

What's on your mind?