No Siege Mentality, DICK

Yesterday, President Barack Obama addressed the nation on the findings behind the Christmas Day attempted attack on the US by Al Qaeda. A couple of facts still astound. First that eight years after Richard Reid used PETN, a powerful explosive, in an attempt to down a plane, we are still unable to detect PETN being concealed in the clothing of would be terrorists. While Obama indicated we would step up our efforts to detect this explosive, isn’t that too little, too late? How is it possible that we allowed eight years to pass without closing this known vulnerability?

The other astonishing element just came to light recently and was not addressed by the President. Apparently, we did not know Abdulmutallab had a visa because his name was misspelled by a State Department data entry clerk. In an age where Google can do a “fuzzy search” and even suggest alternatives to you when it thinks you’ve misspelled a search word, how can our security infrastructure be so limited?

However, the more important part of the President’s speech concerned tone, not facts. In what may or may not have been a direct response to the rabid ravings of former Vice President Dick Cheney, the President said (interjections added by me):

Here at home, we will strengthen our defenses, but we will not succumb to a siege mentality [DICK] that sacrifices the open society and liberties and values that we cherish as Americans, because great and proud nations don’t hunker down and hide behind walls of suspicion and mistrust [DICK]. That is exactly what our adversaries want. And so long as I am president, we will never hand them that victory.

We will define the character of our country, not some band of small men intent on killing innocent men, women and children [DICK].

And in this cause, every one of us — every American, every elected official — can do our part. Instead of giving in to cynicism and division, let’s move forward with the confidence and optimism and unity that defines us as a people, for now is not a time for partisanship, it’s a time for citizenship [DICK], a time to come together and work together with the seriousness of purpose that our national security demands.

That’s what it means to be strong in the face of violent extremism [DICK]. That’s how we will prevail in this fight. And that’s how we will protect our country and pass it, safer and stronger, to the next generation.

Perhaps my memory fails me but in the wake of 9/11 all I remember is a lengthy report being issued. Granted Bush declared with empathy from a bullhorn “we hear you” but he never addressed the nation about our culpability in 9/11. I’m not talking about any climate that we may have created to make parts of the world hate us. There is no justification for the horrible acts of that day. I’m talking about our security failures in protecting the country.  Wouldn’t it have been refreshing to see Bush say:

This terrible attack on America could have been averted with better security. At the very least, we should have taken more seriously a memo entitled “Osama bin Laden to attack America”. I feel a grave responsibility for this massive loss of life and I pledge to you, the American people, that we will do better.

Of course, that speech was never made. Bush was always hard pressed to find fault with any of his policies or lack thereof. He can now rely on the revisionist history being offered by the likes of brain-dead twit Dana Perino who talks about how “we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush’s term.”

Well fortunately folks there is a new sheriff in town, an adult who talks to us like adults and who takes responsibility when we mess up.

Rutherford Political Blogger Alliance

46 thoughts on “No Siege Mentality, DICK

  1. Weasel words from the impetus and attempt to cover ongoing incompetence.

    Another lefty attempt at spinning this total, massive failure of intelligence, permitting the details of this failure to pass not only as analysis, but as exculpation.

  2. Ehhh, you lost me. He said it was a massive failure. He pointed out how the failure occurred. He provided steps to prevent it in the future.

    For good measure, he added the point that we must stop Muslims from becoming “radicalized” AND he reasserted that America is not going to change because THAT is exactly what the enemy wants us to do.

  3. Rutherford,

    I know you have the blind right eye, and I have gotten used to that. Listing the failures is not tantamount to excusing the incompetence.

    The question is not will it happen again under Obama, but when. Obama miscalculated and hoodwinked rubes like you into believing his charismatic demeanor and charming approach to making nice would win the Muslim world over, never understanding to radical Islam, that is an admission of stupidity and weakness. On those accounts, they correctly judged much better than say somebody like “you.”

    And then the bigger question becomes will America finally see this charlatan as a dismal failure and immediate danger, and demand his removal, thereby bringing your life to conclusion as you M.I. during one last thread from Obama opponent’s “racist” motives. 😛

  4. He said it was a massive failure.

    Obama’s predilection for the obvious is noteworthy. Useless, as any moron understands that, but noteworthy.

    He pointed out how the failure occurred.

    While still employing those who did it. I guess vacations are pretty important, especially the slopes. Who would expect be interrupted from a little downhill when national security is at risk?

    He provided steps to prevent it in the future.

    What? Hiring the programmers from Google like you insinuated?

  5. Really R, for this argument to make sense and to hold water, you must then accept, and thus hold accoun table, those conditions that lead to 9/11. But I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you will refuse to do that, because it will highlight the simple fact that the vast majority of 9/11 and al-Qaeda writ large lie squarely in the laps of Dems, specifically William Jefferson Clinton.

    And even then, the context is ever so slightly different, namely the American peoples perception and concerns of terrorism in the first year of Obama versus the same first year of Bush.

    I’m still waiting for when you might hold Clinton- either or at this point- accountable for their roles in allowing terrorism to occur against our nation.

  6. I wonder if in ’11, ’12 or even in ’13 Rutherford will still be attacking Bush during episodes of major Obama goof ups.

    The important thing is to keep our eye on the ball, not lovingly meat gazing Obama’s sack.

    If I was a political blogger, I would be tearing the Obama administration into a new ass.

    But then again, I’m a free bird not a blushing fan boy.

    I wish I had the time to intelligently add more, but I think everyone knows how bad the Executive Branch screwed the pooch. Last I checked Obama heads this branch, not DICK.

    At least Rutherford isn’t going with the latest leftist conspiracy that the under-roo bomber was a Republican plant.

  7. Is Rutherford’s hero and liberal shill Jon Stewart even turning on Big ‘O’?

    Et tu Jon?

    Rutherford, are you will to admit the travesty called Obama yet? Where’s that gutless General Chen to propagandize and spin? At least you stuck around for the ass slapping. The zipper buried his head when the going got rough.

    Oh, but Jon did get in a slap at FOX from his intense jealousy. However, his accusation of manufacturing news to bust Obama seems a little manufactured itself considering Obama’s balls have been busted so often by FOX, that he tried for a time to have them banished. 😆

  8. For good measure, he added the point that we must stop Muslims from becoming “radicalized”

    He plans to stop them from becoming muslim? Because the real issue still remains that it isn’t about radical and moderate, its about those who are serious about their faith and those who aren’t yet.

    He wants to stop them from becoming radicalized? What does he plan to do? Occupy every mosque worldwide?

    AND he reasserted that America is not going to change because THAT is exactly what the enemy wants us to do.

    America already has changed, unless those stepped up security measures for domestic flights were my imagination. And all the talk about the body scanners? What was that? Pure, unadulterated manure that he is shoveling, and will keep shoveling.

    You wanna be serious about this? Institute a crash program to fully exploit all our energy resources as soon as possible so that we can stop paying the very people who are trying to kill us. Not this green energy BS that is pie in the sky graft for FOBs like G.E., but New exploration, new drilling here, new refineries, new nuclear plants, and stop with all the beyond silly regulatory nonsense that is nothing more than institutionalized NIMBY stuff.

    Instead, it takes Captain Awesome 13 days to address this at all, he’ll finally say “war”, although he still fails at target identification, and mouths the words about it being his responsibility, but then says “systemic failure” so he can avoid having yet another body join the crowed graveyard under his bus. No character. No clue. And geniune annoyance that this hampers his agenda for us.

    If you think I don’t like him, you’re right. But someone who professes to love this country so much that he cannot wait to fundamentally change it forever is trolling for my contempt. He sucdeeded.

  9. Word on the street is that the underwear bomber has got the absolute local dream team representing him.

    I still can’t believe that we have extended American legal rights to Al Queda.

    It’s mind boggling, actually.

    One day historians will be laughing at us.

  10. My Sharona fame? Now there is a son I haven’t heard in a long time. Used to hear it at my favorite bar live in college from some local band who did a pretty good job of copying the sound.

    Is Geoff Feiger that kind of long-haired, hippie type that used to appear on CNN all the time?

  11. So R, we were discussing transparency earlier. I suppose it is one thing with the GOP and Conservatives lamenting it, but Dems?

    “Rep. Joe Sestak blames Democratic leaders for the plunge in public support for overhauling the health care system, saying Wednesday they failed to defend proposals that helped carry the party to victories in 2008.

    “They said it would be transparent. Why isn’t it?” said Sestak, a Delaware County Democrat, in a meeting with Tribune-Review editors and reporters. “At times, I find the caucus is a real disappointment. We aren’t transparent, not just to the public but at times to the members.”

    Here the irony here to this post, you’re challenging the premise of a “seige mentality” when it comes to national security, yet you have exactly that- a seige mentality- when it comes to domestic issues and the American people. The Troika (Obama, Reid, Pelosi) have buttressed themselves behind as many obstacles as possible when it comes to be open and honest with the American people, whether it is through Czars, or back door meetings, what have you.

    No seige mentality? Maybe you should change the name of your post to ‘Not Another Seige Mentality’

  12. Sensico and Rutherford types no longer really have a voice worth listening too.

    They merely find ways to defend Obama. End of story.

    Look at sensico, the chick immediately defended Obama over the Detroit attacks in ways that even Obama himself wouldn’t 13 days later.

    The way Rutherford tackles obvious wrongs bestowed upon the American people by the Obama administration is to compare it to wrongs by the Bush administration. Even if he has a point, which he usually doesn’t, it’s the ultimate red herring and almost as childish as my recent posts about Rutherford meat gazing the President.

    What’s really nauseating to me is Rutherford’s new “all is fair in love and war” mentality over an Obama campaign that was at it’s very essence a massive fabrication.

    Blind followers have always had a role in history, particularly in the modern age of propaganda. I’ve always wondered, are these screaming and crying fans of the Beatles or people blogging every night defending a man for the sake of the man born this way? Is it nature or nurture that makes someone a sycophant?

  13. Is it nature or nurture that makes someone a sycophant?

    With Sensico, she’s nothing but a groupie – someone she latched on to like a matinee idol (Bomba) that she sees as one of her own. Simplicity in thought and meaningless. People magazine material.

    Now with Rutherford, he is a little deeper seeded and a thousand times more mature. It would have been interesting to see if Rutherford defended Bill Clinton’s shortcomings like he does Bomba. Since I didn’t know Rutherford then, only he can tell us. Is it ideology, heritage, age, or philosophy that drives Rutherford to fight to the end for the loser of a President? Don’t know.

    I’m beginning to wonder if “R” is simply playing games with his adversaries, me being more guilty than most of throwing rocks, Rutherford realizing Bomba has been a huge disappointment in every regard. There’s a little pride of authorship going, Rutherford is a bright guy, and he ain’t going to admit he was wrong about everything, or maybe more specifically he was gullible and blind to the obvious. So he resorts to the jab, knowing there is no knockout blow he can give, as Bomba gassed in the second round.

    Rutherford, got to admit you’re one of the best sports I’ve met on the net. Like General Chen, you got a tough hide.

  14. Yeah, Rutherford is a cool dude. Outside of his rhetoric, he certainly doesn’t hide.

    I have a feeling even if we were sitting in a pub, face to face, Rutherford would hold his ground with me.

    Charged up on a few pitchers, I bet I’d want to body slam him.

    What I don’t get is how someone reasonably intelligent would choose to make himself dumb on purpose.

    Guys like me seem to find our way to dummyhood by Divine Providence yet here is this guy spending hours blogging while purposely slurring like a fool.

  15. yet you have exactly that- a seige mentality- when it comes to domestic issues and the American people.

    As you can imagine, I disagree with the part about the American people. I think some of the “stealth” that is going on has to do with the Dem’s dealing with an irrationally hostile GOP that wants to make no progress on any issue. So, to get anything done now that bi-partisanship is a joke, closed door deals have to take place.

    If we had lawmakers interested in doing what’s right for the American people and not playing petty political games, things could be more transparent and more productive.

  16. The way Rutherford tackles obvious wrongs bestowed upon the American people by the Obama administration is to compare it to wrongs by the Bush administration

    No, Sir that is where you are wrong. The folks doing the comparing (and LYING) are the Republicans. I am simply here to set the record straight. When Dana Perino, Mary Matalin and Rudy Giuliani say we had no domestic terrorism under Bush, they are lying to the point of being either psychotic or retarded. Someone has to set that record straight. (We can’t even count on George Stephanopolous to do it.)

    When someone says Obama never mentions terror, when he does so repeatedly, they need to be called on it. When someone says Obama does not know we are at war, when he’s deploying more troops and uses the word “war” in his speeches, they need to be called on it.

    When the gang at Fox noise stops fabricating history, I’ll stop giving the honest comparisons.

  17. What I don’t get is how someone reasonably intelligent would choose to make himself dumb on purpose.

    I wonder that about otherwise intelligent conservatives all the time. When I look at what fools the boys and girls at Fox News make of themselves on a daily basis, and I see smart dudes taking it in, it floors me. I’m telling you, nightly doses of MSNBC are valuable not for the liberal ideology but just for the spotlight they shine on the GOP lie/hypocrisy machine.

    Perfect example, one of you guys posts about Geithner being knee deep in AIG shenanigans while at the New York Fed, and I, respecting you guys (believe it or not) buy it hook line and sinker …. only to discover you’ve been fed lies. Geithner was recused from any dealings with AIG and had NOTHING to do with it. As a result, I have to look at EVERY assertion made from the conservative side and fact check it.

    You guys get repeatedly lied to and repeat it as gospel. And the biggest lie of all, which Tex has readily admitted, is the notion that the GOP was conservative for the past eight years. Hell, you guys don’t even have anyone in Washington truly supporting your agenda. They’re a bunch of naysaying propagandists.

  18. Regarding comment 20 …. damn Rabbit, that’s one of my fav songs! And regarding the Knack, I must confess that I am trapped in a 70’s time warp. I wake up to 70’s music every morning and am one of those old farts who basically feels that music stopped altogether around 1985 (shortly after I got out of college). Exceptions would be R.E.M., Green Day and a handful of others.

  19. “As you can imagine, I disagree with the part about the American people. I think some of the “stealth” that is going on has to do with the Dem’s dealing with an irrationally hostile GOP that wants to make no progress on any issue. So, to get anything done now that bi-partisanship is a joke, closed door deals have to take place.”– R

    Any issue? Let’s look at what the Obama administration has done this year:
    — A Stimulus which has done nothing, and may actually be hurting the economy.

    — Healthcare reform, which the American people are overwhelmingly against (either House or Senate bill) and hold as not a priority right now.

    — Cap and Trade, which- again- the American people are overwhelmingly against.

    So aside from the fact that this administration is not even focused on the pressing issues that the American people want dealt with, i.e. the economy, jobs and debt/deficit reduction, let us examine on minor little detail that just dumps a ton of water on R’s little parade of woe is me:

    60 votes in the Senate.
    A huge majority in the House.
    Control of the White House.

    If you barely controlled Congress, you might have a point, but the GOP can’t do shit to stop you- period. They can maybe slow it down a bit, but ultimately there is nothing they can do to stop it, so who are you hiding from? Why can’t you use the normal channels for legislation when you control all of those channels?

    The GOP aside, it is Dems complaining about the lack of transparency. Those hundred million dollars bribes for votes, those aren’t for GOP senators, they’re for Dems who are struggling to support the bill. Your problem is Dems, not the GOP, so get off it with this Washington is so partisan crap.

    They’re hiding because they don’t want the final aspects of the bill to be known until after it is voted on and signed, that way, those holding out against the bill- like Sstupak or Lieberman- won’t be getting called by their constitutents demanding they not support it. The more the American people have learned of the various versions of this thing over the year, the more they’ve been against it, and quite frankly, you can’t afford for the American people to know what is in this bill until after it is a done deal. And that, is dispicable, dishonest, and ultimately what is going to throw your sorry ass out of office with your successor carrying a mandate to reverse the bullshit you’ve pulled for the last year.

  20. As you can imagine, I disagree with the part about the American people. I think some of the “stealth” that is going on has to do with the Dem’s dealing with an irrationally hostile GOP that wants to make no progress on any issue. So, to get anything done now that bi-partisanship is a joke, closed door deals have to take place.

    That is quite possibly the most ignorant thing you have ever posted.

    What in the name of great honking chuthulthlu makes you think that the opposition party should want to make progress on any of the majority’s “issues”???

    This might be a hard concept for you to grasp, R., but we are a republic, and there are whole Congressional districts where the majority of voters understand that the agenda the Dhims are pursuing is dangerous, shameful, and antithetical to every principal this country was founded on. Those “irrationally hostile” representatives and senators are not irrational; they are representing the interests and belief (at least some of the time) of the people who sent them there.

    Closed-door deals are not necessary when there are more than enough members in both houses with mark of shame and stupidity after their name (D) to get this crap sandwich passed. They are behind closed doors because they know that bribes with other people’s money are shameful, and when perpetrated by anyone, illegal, and that the American people are watching them and would express their disapproval in the strongest terms and possibly prevent them from their unprecidented power grab. Let me be clear. There was not a single assertion in you comment that could be supported by fact, and in terms of its bald-faced silliness, perhaps historic.

  21. An example of what the American people would like the dimwits of the White House and Congress to focus on…

    A little perspective please…

    “Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising

    By Bob Willis and Courtney Schlisserman

    Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) — An exodus of discouraged workers from the job market kept the U.S. unemployment rate from climbing above 10 percent in December, economists said.

    Had the labor force not decreased by 661,000 last month, the jobless rate would have been 10.4 percent, according to economists including David Rosenberg at Gluskin Sheff & Associates in Toronto and Harm Bandholz at UniCredit Research in New York.”

  22. There was not a single assertion in you comment that could be supported by fact, and in terms of its bald-faced silliness, perhaps historic.

    I don’t usually like to correct my shared minded counterparts, but this one is obviously too light in content. I’m sure what you meant to say BIC is there has never been a single assertion in all of your comments that could be supported as fact.

    We must give “R” his just due.

  23. Wait until Big “R” brings “THE CASSANDRA” on for support. She’s crazier than Densico and brings the added quota of misandrist necessary to support the effeminate lefty men that occasionally pop up on the blog.


    Congressional Democrats finally get enough votes that they don’t need any GOP support in order to pass a piece of legislation or “make progress on any issue”.

    Oh wait, that isn’t news at all, is it?…..

    It’s time for Democrats to stop blaming the opposition for their own party’s failure to get its ducks in a row.

  25. I just want to point out that I have never seen Rutherford use Negro dialect at this blog.

    Fo shizzle my nizzle.

  26. You ask me, after all the earthquake equaling lies, misstatements, gaffes, and arrogant gestuers that Harry Reid has foisted on the idiot American public, those who voted to put Rube Bomba in the Whitehouse, this 1861 style comment shouldn’t even register on the Richter scale.

    I’ve told Rutherford before (but he didn’t believe me), that the most racist people I’ve ever met are white, lefty Democrats who put on the smiley face when the black man or woman walks into the room – even pandering and coddling to blacks like they’re subhuman and in need of a handout. Retching stuff.

    One day, guys like Rutherford are going to recognize that all but a handful of blacks are being used by Harry Reid & Co. – pimped for a vote. Rutherford and I have a lot more in common than those scarf-necked, convertible driving, prissy, lilly white dolts are that he sat next to in college classes. He just hasn’t figured that out yet.

  27. I just posted a Dramamine-free antidote to Democratic spin on this silliness.

    I’ve responded at length to BiW over at his blog. Anyone interested should throw some traffic his way.

  28. Rutherford and I have a lot more in common than those scarf-necked, convertible driving, prissy, lilly white dolts are that he sat next to in college classes.

    Well if you discount our different world-views, I fully agree with you.

    P.S. The Harvard you’re referring to died back in the 50’s. You’d be surprised (perhaps) at the diversity there. If you want the Harvard of old, you go live in Eliot House from sophomore to senior year. None of the other residence halls have the snooty rep of Eliot. (For what it’s worth, for any of you folks familiar with Harvard, I lived in Mather House).

  29. As I stated on BiW’s blog (and on Twitter) the Reid – Lott equivalency argument is intellectually bankrupt. With that said, Tex, yes I did get a kick out of the lady’s final paragraph. 🙂

  30. I’ve responded at length to BiW over at his blog. Anyone interested should throw some traffic his way.

    And I’ve responded. Sometimes, you truly disappoint me, R. Not for your defense of and pass for Reid. That was as predictable as the sun rising in the East tomorrow morning. But there was some real meat in the last two paragraphs, and you acted like they simply didn’t exist. Still difficult to have an honest conversation about race, I guess.

    Oh, and BTW, I really couldn’t care less about Reid’s dimestore analysis of the viability of a black candidtate based on how dark his skin is, but as you fairly mentioned, it seems to matter an awful lot to other blacks. I know it has been mentioned before, but it bears repeating on the heels of such an admission: maybe it isn’t the middle-aged white guys like me who have such big hangups about race.

  31. Rutherford,

    When I used to travel to Boston, I used to take the time to fly in on Saturday before work started on Monday to grab a flavor of the superior intellectual walking the hallowed halls. It was actually cheaper for my company due to the outrageous airline charges of no overnight Saturday stay.

    Two things struck me as I visited bars, toured the campus, even strolled the typical crowd: (1) The campus wasn’t near as pretty as I thought it would be for some school with a $30B endowment (and MIT looks nothing like a college campus); (2) the strong perception if that was the deepest America had to offer, we were really in trouble. I had several ‘discussions’ of politic and life with many of America’s “greatest students” over drinks and this jackbooted thug of a redneck left completely unimpressed with the breadth of the so-called knowledgeable. Nice window dressing in the mansion, but without a heater.

    However, many of “the boys” did share a common heritage – unkempt, unshaven, but ironically metrosexual in dress. It was like vacationing in the twilight zone. And it was then that I realized the typical Harvard grad was no more “deep” than the so-called polished exec sitting in a boardroom. Papered, pampered, stroked, but boring as hell – and completely clueless of anything not Europe, NYC, LA or San Fran.

  32. Being a Harvard grad doesn’t make you worldly or deep. On that you have my 100% agreement. And in all honesty after four years, I was so tired of the intellectual nonsense that I loved going to work for what had to be one of the dumbest corporations on the face of the Earth (and that was back when I loved it there). Of course, I eventually tired of the intellectual void and realized there must be a balance between practical get-the-job-done attitude and some actual consideration of why we are here and what things are worth THINKING about.

  33. Of course, I eventually tired of the intellectual void and realized there must be a balance between practical get-the-job-done attitude and some actual consideration of why we are here and what things are worth THINKING about.

    If you ever get a handle on the real basis of truth, you might just become a force to be reckoned with. 😉

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