What Happens When Jerry Springer Stops the Freak Show

Let’s start with a video of what, in a decent America, had to happen eventually:

Look at how crestfallen McCain looks. After more than a week of stirring up fear and hatred among his supporters it appears that either McCain independently, or with his campaign, realized he had created a monster with whom he could no longer live.

McCain has a new problem now, one that our American hero of sleaze, Jerry Springer could have warned him about.

Imagine if in the midst of an onstage brawl, amid the cries of “JERRY, JERRY, JERRY”, Mr. Springer said, “folks, we can be better than this. I’m putting a stop to this foolishness.” Jerry’s audience would turn on him so fast he’d need his bouncers to protect him for a change.

This is what happened to John McCain as he advised a male supporter that Barack Obama would not be a President to be feared. The crowd turned on McCain with boo’s. You see, they were there for the freak show and the ringmaster was calling the show off. They wanted their money back.

It appears that after receiving a collective “You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?” from the American people, McCain had to finally step up and do the right thing. I never dreamed that I could feel sorry for this man, this week of all weeks, but the look on McCain’s face as he defended Obama betrayed the shame that he was feeling. Unlike Joseph McCarthy, McCain looked like a beaten man. If one is to believe McCain’s life story, this defeat was not a political one but a moral one. A defeat of dishonor. McCain allowed Steve Schmidt, a veteran of the Lee Atwater-Karl Rove school of smear politics, to drag his campaign down into the dirt. He allowed things to go so far that many pundits were beginning to worry not if but when some right wing nutjob would take his code-worded marching orders and do his American duty to remove the terrorist sympathizer from the American scene.

McCain is boxed in now. By putting a stop to the freak show, he is alienating the extremists in his base. He has already alienated those who wondered how he could let it get this bad. McCain now has no choice but to move back to the issues, foreign affairs — not on anyone’s hot list right now, and economics — a topic he is woefully unprepared to handle. McCain will coast to defeat, and hopefully for the sake of all he claims to hold dear, finish his Senate term and retire with honor.


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